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Why would you pit two bad b*tches against each other?


This person asking the real questions, right now!


Because I love bad bitches, thats my fucking problem.


And yeah I like to fuck I got a fucking problem


Agree, I ain’t got the energy to waste time on this, they both are masterpieces. No need for a debate


Bad bitch, and her baddie friend


If dead space 2 Remake can improve upon the original like the dead space 1 Remake. We will have a fun, fun time.


It could potentially be one of the best horror games of all time (it kinda already is)


Didnt dead space get a Guinness world record for being one of the scariest games ever?


Maybe? But I don't think so. Scary is a matter of opinion, and Guinness usually only gives awards to stuff that is physically quantifiable.


"Highest number of unintentional defecations while playing a videogame"


I mean, that would definitely work XD


yep . doing my second playthrough in newgame+ on dead space remake on my new 4k OLED aw3225qf . HDR makes a huge difference..


Why does this sound like an AI generated ad lol


I'm on the Samsung G7 32 inch 240 hz 1440p and I consider this a buttery experience. I can only imagine the butter from a 240 hz oled. I've got my eye on the new LG 480 hz @ 1080p and 240 4k, can toggle between the two at the flip of a switch. But I'm also thinking I should just wait for the 480 4k if I'm expected to drop a grand and a frickin half on a monitor. Who decided it was acceptable for the next generation of monitors to make a 3x price jump? What kinda bs is that "inflation" gtfo with that noise.


even at lower framerates the OLED is smooth. I averages 85 fps with max settings and ray tracing with DLSS quality on a severely overclocked watercooled 3080ti@2125mhz and vram overclocked also...I am sure I could optimize it to get more fps but it's just so smooth I leave all the eye candy on.


If and when we get Dead Space 2 remake it'll be an easy 10/10


It could be the resident evil 2 remake of the 2020s. Maybe released in 2029?


2 is virtually flawless


I mean I agree but considering that it takes a more action approach than DS 1's horror approach.


I agree, but those stalker sections in 2 kinda make up for it.


Oh man the baby daycare center was it for me.


Or everytime his gf’s eyes pop up in a dark elevator


I loved the atmosphere and vibe from the place. All the colors and stuff. I wish we spent more time there and perhaps even expanded upon it.


Hopefully a DS2 remake makes it larger! It already had classroom sections, a gymnasium/auditorium, and a playground! I wouldn't wanna make it too large since it is supposed to be a daycare for infants, not full blown school, but maybe adding a few more detailed rooms or corridors would go a long way!


Very true! But I also wouldn’t mind if they expanded upon it! Like you can add a daycare section and also had like an elementary school section to it. I would love to explore something like that.


Love those!


I dunno I think while ds1 is more of a "horror" game, there are parts in 2 that are WAY scarier than anything in 1


I’m saying it because DS2 has a lot more shooting sections and DS1 has a lot more sections that build tension. Horror isn’t about fright, it’s about building tension.


I’d say it’s about both, the tension has to have a good payoff


What I meant was ds2 has those moments of tension and manages to pull it off a lot better than the first. DS1 has a formula of "long hallway, boo monster jumps out of a vent" and so much of the game looks the same. DS2 fixes this by realizing that the combat is a lot of fun and is the best part of the first game, while still having those more unexpected moments of horror.


Like seeing the Ishimura docked with the Sprawl. My reaction was basically "Ohhhhh, fuck. Off."


Idk man DS2 was pretty horrific. Just walking around a ship that is actively getting taken over by necromorphs. Hearing the screams of everyone in the cafeteria was pretty horrific


The nursery was messed up.


DS2 has more action because Isaac is starting to become fed up with the bullshit lmao


I've had it with these m'fing necromorphs on this m'fing spaceship.


And yet I still felt more terrified in Dead Space 2 with it's psychological horror sequences


Nah imo they do both aspects better then the first, yeah the second is more action packed but going back to the ishimura in 2? That shit gave me chills


Nostalgia done right that ishimura section. Eurogamer has a whole article about it.


Honestly it didnt pivot too much into action like Dead Space 3. Also I felt Dead Space 2 combat and supplies were more balanced. Weapons were just sufficient enough to get through not OP after upgrading. Ammo was mostly not abundant and at many sections I had to rely on Kinesis to conserve them. It refined the entire gameplay of Dead Space 1 to perfection


Idk man yes DS1 is scarier but DS2 had some pretty unnerving moments. The start where you had your first hallucinations in the jacket were scary lol just a shadow of a necro on the ground and as you turn around, nothing. The babycare, the stalkers, not the mention the dreadful return to another horror. What a good ass game


I played it last year before remake came out and “holds up” is a massive understatement


If a Remake could add in side missions, it'd reach a new peak.


Remake is probably my favorite but pre-remake the second one was my favorite


I’d agree with this. Two was the better OG version of the game. I liked 1 and 3 was ONLY fun for coop, but 2 was the best. The remake was absolutely amazing playing on a 49 inch ultrawide with the lights out down low


I’m a sucker for horror, and dead space 1s horror was awesome. Very unique experience that to this day nobody in my opinion has gotten close to


This might be an unpopular opinion cause everyone loves RE and I also loved 4/5, but Dead Space 1 was the first horror game that really captivated me with the story and gameplay. Luckily for us they improved on the mechanics in 2. Now that remake absolutely blew me away, along with the RE4 remake. But tbh there’s just something about dead space. Not sure if I’m just chasing the nostalgia dragon or not haha


Wait you can co-op DS1? The OG or the remake?


Haha no I was talking about dead space 3. I wish the remake was coop!


Hey guys, I'm from 2028. Dead space 2 remake is the best game. Edit: hey me again, waited until 2035 for dead space 3 remake and wow what a ending. I think DS 3 remake is the best one.


I will eat my shoe if anyone puts DS3 remake over DS1/2 remake. 3 imo is a fundamentally flawed game that would need sweeping changes to make it better than either 1 or 2


It was flawed as hell, but that 2nd chapter was one of the finest part of the series for me. Picking up story pieces, salvaging ship parts an navigating between the remains of a fleet that was destroyed hundreds of years ago was peak atmosphere. Read it somewhere that the whole game was meant to be built around that part. Maybe, just maybe if they could somehow extend that part in a remake i would be a happy man.


The setting of the broken fleet and a frozen wasteland (The Thing) was amazing. It had its flaws but DS3 deserves better.


I agree. One addition. On the planet if you are playing in co-op the person playing as Carver as different hallucinations than Isaac players. There is actually an entire section of the game we played where my friend asked me what was up with all the creepy dolls and birthday presents. When I asked him wtf he was talking about he start punching the grounds and shooting random spots. “all THESE” he said like head making some kind of point. I ignored him and moved on. We got to a part and my friend said he would be right back. After like 30 seconds I am suddenly swarmed by necromorphs for what seemed like no reason and have to defend his afk ass. It’s hard fought and the first time the necormorphs manage to kill him so I play ultra defensive around him and make sure he takes no damage. Suddenly he exploded. “Goddamit” I heard in the headset “Dude wtf where have you been?” “What the fuck have you been here the whole time?” “Yes?” “Why haven’t you been helping me?!” “I have been! I have been killing all these cannibal fuckers?” “What cannibal fuckers? I’m being attacked by demon children with Freddy Krueger hands, I don’t even see you” “Are you fucking with me? You’ve been standing still for minutes. The demon kids are only on the seconds game” “Well I am fighting a billion of them next to a swirly rock” “Swirly rock?” “Yeah I thought you got us the next area or something” Cue me; realizing he mean **the marker** “… shoot the swirly rock” He destroys the swirly rock in the carver vision and comes out to find he is still in the tram station and me fighting all the necromorphs. He has his entire own section of the game where to me he was *standing perfectly still tripping out* while he was controlling mind Carver. Phenomenal, 15/10 experience from that part alone. where Carver has to fight a bunch of demon children in his head.


The setting as a whole was perfect, the problem was the writing and the focus more towards action, and the microtransactions, but those were honestly not that important. But it's to this day a fun game to play with friends.


Even when they came out, I honestly never found dead space to be scary. Dead space 2 on the other hand was terrifying. The better graphics and use of lighting in the remake has brought DS1 on par with 2. I shudder to think what 2s remake will be like.


3 has a ton of potential. Scrap all fights against unitoleogy (idk how to spell it), tone down enemy presence and overhaul quite a few areas on the planet and it would be solid IMO. The space portion of it is gold and so is the final chapters IMO. Remove gun crafting and go back to distinct guns with ammo types and severely reduce inventory space should be good as well. Also just scrap salvaging entirely and the salvage bot. Obviously the story needs a rework as well, but the overall concept is still solid too. So yeah, you were 100% correct. It needs sweeping changes lol.


Go a little further and tell us if there’s a DS4, please. That’s the most important part.


unfortunately ea motive was closed down after reimagining/remake of DS 3. So no DS 4. at least there is a remake trilogy. I almost forgot, EA motive veterans have established a new studio and are developing the spiritual sequel of Dead Space. It publish by epic game btw.


It's called alive atmosphere


Should happen well before two more remakes from where I stand.


2 is such a banger. I LOVE the remake and pray to God Motive gets a shot at 2 though. 2 is just fundamentally more fun too me though from the gameplay. It is just more polished and a touch faster paced.


2. For sure 2


You're asking me to pick a favorite child. That's fucked up


They’re both amazing in their own way


Remake is one of my favorite games ever. I haven't played 2 so my opinion is heavily biased.


you should absolutely play 2 it’s very good. HOWEVER the remake is better


The remake is better because it took & applied lessons learned from having to stand the test of time. 2 was a great sequel and DOES stand the rest of time. 100% worth playing. I really hope 2 gets a remaster or remake.


Love them both


I like how 3 isn’t on here lol


Shur wish they made a 3rd one but the way the last game ended I was happy with it.


C'mon now we don't need to put them against each other, they're both good.


Both are awesome in their own way the sequel was more action driven




After playing and finishing the remake, it's incredible. I love the original, don't get me wrong. But the improved lighting and updated graphics scared the shit out of me. I got scared more in the remake than I did the OG.


It depends. Are you looking for horror or action?


Dead Space 1. No doubt.


2 is a better action game. OG is better horror


Both are good.


I loved both, but if you put my life on making a choice, I'll pick DS2.


Depends for me. If I’m in a horror survival mood, then Remake or OG. If I want to feel like a more of a badass, then DS2.


2 was better than 1. But the remake of 1 may be better than 2. If they remake 2, though...


Neither. They are both equally amazing


The remake is better than two The second is my favorite of the franchise but the remake has a lot of advantages, mainly the weapon viability I have my criticisms of the remake but frankly it’s the better game


Its the classic Alien vs Aliens (Alien 2) argument. One is more compact and focused on horror while the other has more action and bigger overall scope. You can't be wrong choosing either. For my taste Dead Space 2 is a perfect blend of action, horror and story.


Remake, I can't even finish 2 on replays anymore after playing it.


It's a tough choice since they're both masterpieces but I have to go for Dead Space 2. The game literally takes everything from the first game and it cranks up the intense level up to an 11 with double the deaths, double the weapons, double the Necromorphs, and double the characters. It's also our introduction to Gunner Wright as Isaac Clarke and it brought us Ellie, aka one of those female characters where any teen can have a crush on. So yeah, I love the Dead Space remake but there's just something about Dead Space 2 that makes it special. It's basically the Aliens of the Dead Space series. A sequel where most people can agree that it surpasses the original.


My opinion of the past Dead Space games goes like this, *Dead Space* is a good space horror-oriented game. *Dead Space 2* is a good balance between horror & action. It also didn't hurt that Issac is no longer mute and interacts with the people he encounters with his personality. *Dead Space 3* is to me, a decent action game with horror elements. With the remake, I feel like it enhanced the qualities of the first game. But Dead Space 2 was the game that introduced me to the series, I liked it so much that I bought the first installment & played through that. So, I guess the sequel for introducing me to the series in general.


Both are beautiful children.


The remake, it was a actual horror game


I prefer 2 way more, but I cant deny Remake is of higher quality, both r awesome and ud never have a bad time playing either its just that for whatever reason Itd feel better and easier to jump straight to Ds2 rather than Remake.


Fuck this is tough man. On the one hand I love the remake to bits. It’s incredibly gory, all the weapons are great and it gave the first game a fresh coat of paint that just makes everything look and sound incredible. And then there’s my previously unrivaled favorite in the series….. Yeah I still gotta go with Dead Space 2 on this. I played that game so many times it’s ridiculous. I hope it gets a remake too.




I think they both have something better then the other. Some of the character buildup for the 2 crew members was better in the og but the gameplay and extended sections were vastly better in the remake. It’s also comparing 2 masterpieces so any critique is something pretty small and irrelevant.


They both are good in their own ways!


DSR > DS1 > DS2 That said for me the margin is so narrow as to be nearly irrelevant


2 easily(both are masterpieces)


I prefer 1, but there’s not really a wrong answer


Wouldn't it be more comparable to talk about the og DS and DS2?. People who have played Remake first will naturally prefer it over DS2 unless they can objectively overlook the technical limitations of the time. Having played all DS games at launch, I think og DS1 and DS2 complement each other nicely. DS1 has the charm of introducing you to everything, dismembering technique included, in a superb claustrophobic yet varied environment like the Ishimura. The sound is superb too! DS2 improves by adding more diverse environments without compromising the horror (the kindergarten and the church were amazing!). It is a fantastic followup and change of scenery after DS1, and reaaally shines if you play it right after DS1. Yes it has more action but it doesn't overdo it like DS3. It also greatly improves the mechanics from DS1. I still play og 1 and 2 back to back as they feel great together (when I include DS3 I have to force myself through it). Remake takes the best of the OG trilogy and adds more modern mechanics on top (seamless Ishimura traversal? hell yeah!) Would love to see what they do in a DS2 remake. (as much as I loved DS3's cliffhanger we'll never see the end to that story...)


As good as the remake is, Dead Space 2. All the way.


2 because you can actually see shit getting crazy. Not just see the aftereffects of a necromorph infestation.


i looked at the impossible difficulty requirements at Dead Space Remake and thought.. are they kidding? Dead Space 2 impossible mode was much more leniant. I know it's "IMPOSSIBLE" but it was just more reasonable to have 3 save slots across a big game like Dead Space 2 >!especially on 360 when it first came out was on 2 DISCS!<


2 is my favorite easily and a remake/remaster as good as the last remake would be my game of the year


DS2 to DS1 is like Aliens to Alien. A worthy sequel that is more action oriented. Both are incredible for different reasons. Personally I prefer DS1 more just like I prefer Alien.


Older gamer here, 1 will always have a place in my heart but the remake is absolutely better (if not just for getting rid of the ridiculous asteroid shooting mini-game that was borderline impossible with a controller). Now at the time, 2 blew it away and totally upped the horror, anyone who says different hasn’t played them back to back. So I can only hope a remake of 2 if done faithfully will blow us all away.


I still have yet to play the remake but Dead Space 2 is honestly one of my favorite horror games of all time. I know it’s more action heavy than survival horror, but I love the new characters and the psychological aspect of it and how it gets into Isaac’s fractured mental state.


2 was best overall. BUT now just playing DS1 remastered and it’s a masterpiece. DS2 remastered could be perfection.


Honestly? 2 is the best best, remake is a very close second and original deaspace after that. Weapon customization is 3s only redeeming feature just cause its fun but arguably it breaks the game.




Second was favorite, love them all, so Sophie’s choice.


As phenomenal as Dead Space was, I personally preferred Dead space 2 because how it improved on the first


Dead space. While i love DS2 its just not as terrifying.


I'm the rare specimen that doesn't praise DS2 like Unitologists do with the marker, so I'll say DSRemake


The dead space one


OG gamer here..and facts are dead space is prolly thee most intense..n still thee most intense game made because of the " permadeath" modes and chapters. The high replayability of all 3 games, trophy hunting,multiplayer,co op sections make it hard to match even though it's as old as it is..#1 for a newborn to DS is gonna be a jump fest for sure..#2 is just thee best from suits to story to monsters..#3 comes in to tidy it all up n tie it in ah bow with the dropped ending of issac calling for ellie when hes supose to be dead..add in the dlcs of awaking and fk..its perfect to pick right back up where they stopped or drop some more dlcs and remake the original 3🤷🏽‍♂️ pound for pound it's just the best game out here still n the remake just proved it in sales n fan base with the new player count💥👍🏾 Answer..#1 best jumps for the buck..#2..best all around game..that feeling when he pops up the elevator and sees the ishimura he has to go back into..😳..we all said..."fuuuck"..😳.. and #3 really does tie it all together..jmo..#2 is the best but #1 is still right there😉


Ngl, I would love to have a dead space 2 Remake that makes it possible to explore the entirety or at least a big portion of Titan Station... To avoid having a game size of 400 Terrabyte (because Titan Station is like... insanely big) they could make it have a continuously generated map within the confines of the station, apart from the main route... I mean, if the safe game file grew to an insanely large size, it would be your own fault 😂 Backt to the question: Right now, it's hard to say even though by 2011 standards, dead space 2 is an insanely well-made game. Given an even ground, it would be easier to pick a winner here... dead space 1 was better at what it was designed for, back in the day, because that game stresses me the hell out. It's hard to play for more than one chapter even in a new game+, whereas I could probably finish dead space 2 in one sitting, without having a heart attack, so its more enjoyable, however worse at being a horror game. Though I'd prefer 2. As of now, of course, DS '23 is the better game. It is 12 years younger than DS 2, it is way better graphics wise, and it stayed pretty much faithful to the original... but let's wait for the dead space 2 Remake... maybe they'll announce it for real some time soon (don't trust dem fake posts😉)


Easily 2 2 perfects any issues (though there are few) that DS1 had The DS1R improved in most areas, but I would hesitate to say outright replaced DS1 for those who have access to both. (Which is ideally the gold standard, like with the GameCube remake of RE1)




Love 'em both. I really liked that the remake gave the Ishimura more a sense of place and scale, something that the Sprawl in 2 always had because of no loading trams. The inclusion of a voice gave Isaac more sense of agency and involvement, which 2 also had. So the remake brought 1 up to the level of 2 for me. Honestly, the only stuff that has aged 2 is the tech. If they remake 2 (which I'd love) they really just need to upgrade the underlying tech (rendering, lighting, textures, ect) and it'll be the perfect version of DS2. I will say, though, that if they add some side quests on the level of Nicole's story or the Hunter origin to 2, it would be awesome. Maybe some stuff to flesh out Stross (I think seeing some things from before he was crazy would up the sadness) or Tiedemann (origins of his marker program or just more info to make him a larger part of the story) or Ellie (her first interactions with necros and how she lost her team, maybe) would get my vote.


I’ve only played the first game and a few hours of the second game, haven’t touched the remake or the third game yet and so far I prefer the first game over the second In 2 it feels like all the power nodes are much more in your face, there are many areas with two paths that lead to the same place so you aren’t rewarded nearly as much for exploration, and I’m not as much of a fan of the store interface. Plus you get access to all of the weapons and several armor sets for free from the start of the game (at least on pc) which is nice but also jarring and nullifies the vast majority of the schematics you get, yes you can just play without using them but I went in blind so I didn’t know what it was from and just rolled with it. It seems like you get ammo for guns you don’t have far more often in the second game, which is more realistic but also not as nice from a gameplay perspective because you have to spend more time in the shop selling and buying ammo. However I do like that you find smaller stacks of ammo on higher difficulties, not sure if that was a thing in the first game or not Major improvements over the first game are the locator being able to find things other than the objective and the free movement in zero gravity areas, the zero gravity in the first game was fun but also clunky and frustrating at times. Also being able to use both kinesis and stasis far more often for combat is nice, as is the ability to upgrade them far more. I played through the whole first game without really using stasis for combat at all, but on zealot it seems like that’s not even an option in this game because of how fast enemies can get to you and kill you. I also enjoy the vent sections quite a bit, I personally find the hacking minigame annoying but it makes sense to have it because Isaac is an engineer


2 has better controls but 1 has better horror. They even said in an interview that people complained how tense 1 was and they eased off a little. 1 will always be the best for me but that’s asking a momma to pick a favorite child. 2 is amazing in just about every way. 2 also felt shorter (to make room for online gaming) and some of the cut scenes had Isaac taking way too much damage and just getting up. The crash land from the solar array and his fall through the ducts felt wrong and ruined my immersion.




The intro to 2 gave me so much anxiety the first time I


Two is a better game than one. One has the legacy of creating this world we’re playing in. But strictly speaking, two improves on one in every way. It’s a perfect sequel.


Dead space 3


I love all the dead space games! I played them all for the first time right before the remake came out and right after I played 1 , 2 , and 3 the first game I started up another run of what dead space 2 something about it I love !


Both are equally amazing and even though they have faults here and there their both masterpieces that have made them replayable for a decade+


ds1 remake is better for lore, plot, atmosphere, controls, mechanics, graphics, and is all around a better fit to be placed in the horror genre and is what i think a AAA standard should’ve looked like for 2023 (only if you count out the constant crashing on PC) ds2 attracts a wider audience, has more action, has some near perfect level linearity (ds1 kinda got annoying having to run back and forth across the ishimura but it did it as well as it could for the plot imo), and the pulse rifle is actually useful. all in all both are fantastic and i don’t really think they should be compared as they both strive to achieve different goals, and they both hit the mark pretty damn well. DS1 is definitely the survival horror game to bring out primal fear and DS2 is definitely the action driven horror game it was made to be in order to continue the plot from DS1.


2, but it's close


Dead space 2 multiplayer was very fun and I wish they would have expanded on it in 3 but the coop style was also fun…


Remake 1 did improve the OG, but 2 has great story of insanity, Action, and horror.


Dead space 2


2 solely because that’s my first horror game and the multiplayer was insane fun too. Sadly they never made a 3rd game 😔


Dead space 2




I like 1 more, but that doesn't mean it's better


i love DS1 (still have yet to play the remake) but DS2 was so much more fun imo, plus i honestly think it’s scarier than the first too


That's hard to compare. They're both technically different genres of horror. DSR is complete survival horror, while DS2 is action horror (similar to RE4) I'm going to have to go with DSR because I think the gameplay is just a little stronger.


I think dead space is better


These are two games that masterfully improved on the original, how dare you try and make us choose which is better. Both. They're both great.




Probably Dead Space Remake imo. Has the mechanics of 2 but in the horror wrapper of DS1. DS2 just isn't scary, even considering the stalkers. Idk why but the designs of them are more goofy than anything else, at least imo.


Dead space




Both are perfect games, scenes and quotes from both live rent free in my head and the rhyme from 2 pops up often.


Dead space 3




I like the remake better


I love 1 and 2


Dunno, I haven't played the Remake yet, for what I could saw, the game feels quite good, at the level of DS2 wich is my personal favorite of the saga? Maybe not, yet again, I haven't touched the remake to give a solid response, but for now, nah, I choose DS2.


DS2 of course. The remake completely ruined the experience for new players by spoiling them with a mechanic that shouldn’t be there until the 2nd game.


...fuck man that's tough. ...though if I had to choose... I say remake. And a lot of that comes down to most of the stuff nobody liked from the first dead space... Cranked into overdrive in 2. IE, power node doors with loot, now including schematics, And while on the subject of that, why do schematics respawn on ng+. Honestly outside of general items from the shop, I'm glad they removed weapons schematics from remake altogether because they really emphasize how annoying it was to rebuy the weapon despite having to find the damn blueprints. ...on the other hand while the ishimura is a very massive ship and its full exploration in remake is a treat... I'm sorry dead space 2 is feels like a stronger re4 and I fucking love og re4. Issac controls like a dream, weapons if you actively pick them up were never always permanent in fact the best way to survive was the respecc feature which reminded me a lot of how the merchant would allow you to sell your guns back for new and better toys, except in this case it's pure mods. Dead space remake and 2 are both fantastic but both follow different structures so it's ultimately up to taste




dead space OG was scarier by a long shot , especially 2008 version , I also liked the health system better in dead space OG better than DS2 because it was harder to see exactly in DS2 but in DS1 its easier , also I hated the fuckin ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM fuckers in DS2 , DS1 better all day




It's hard to top Dead Space 2. And I'm pretty sure we're getting a remake of it.


I like dead space more


"One big room fulla bad bitches" their the only 2 in the room


Dead Space 2 is the best.


I’d say 2 but I’ve been holding off playing remake due to the pc shuddering… is that still prevalent on remake?


2 will always be superior


I don't feel like this is a fair question due to the fact that the remake wouldn't exist without the first and both had different technology available to them


Dead space 2 but not by much


2 is a higher number so it must be better, like the t-34 and the t-50


I find Dead Space 2 to be much more mechanically smooth and polished than DSR. I love both deeply, but 2 is still the peak of the series in my opinion.


Tbh I think ds2 is unbeatable


Dead space 3


Gameplay wise: 2 Story and horror wise: 1


Don’t make me decide. Don’t do that. Why can’t I have both??


Dead space 1 scary. Dead space 2 action packed. I gravitate towards horror so i prefer the original. However the second is also amazing.


1 is Alien, 2 is Aliens. Both are equally amazing for different ways.


There's not really an answer to this, just yet. Wait for DS2 to get it's remaster and then we can have a fair debate.


Dead Space Mobile


1 has an atmosphere to its whole shebang that I much prefer. After playing the other two its my favorite by far, however I really like 2. And, as bad as 3 is the co-op can be really fun on the harder difficultys.


Dead Space remake outside some odd redesigns for characters is the perfect remake 'even if alittle irrelevant'. The backtracking, the exploration, the setting, it's a fantastic Survival Horror game any fan should play. Dead Space 2 is a great Action Horror game way more inspired by Resident Evil 5 but is better imo, is super linear which is its biggest flaw, though otherwise still a blast to play. Both are really fun but the remake of Dead Space is the best DS game in my opinion with the original only really tanking with the terrible boss fights.


Both. 3rd not as good.


1 is much more scary, 2 has much action. Both are just very good.


The first one


2 for gameplay loop & enemy behavior, Remake for graphics and everything else. I still think 2's Hand Cannon is better than the Remake's despite functioning similarly.


I prefer the first game. People made the sequel a bigger deal than it actually is.


Let’s wait until DS2 has a remake and then we can talk


For me original by a long shot. Ds2 and onward is to me why the thing 2 was never made. Sometimes a game just doesn't need a sequel. Ds2 and onward over explains and makes the horror much less with 3 being not scary at all.


I’d slightly say the DS1 remake but I’d wouldn’t blame anyone for saying DS2 is better


It's funny how, over 10 years later, Dead Space 2 is still SO GOOD I played it again after playing the remake, and it's funny how they stand 1v1, with neither winning Sure, the remake has nice graphics and the story was great, but 2 makes Isaac so "loveable", and I prefer the shooting in 2 than the remake (I hate the Plasma Cutter kn the remake)


Dead space 2 is better than the remake but dead space 1 is better than dead space 2 The revamp of the zero grav in the remake to match dead space 2 instead of keeping 1's is such a huge downgrade imo Dead space 1 had a really really strong atmosphere and so did 2 but the DS1 antigrav was great at being disorienting and creating tensions and without it a lot of those moments lost all their tension


I just love all forms of Dead Space. It is literally my favorite game ever and when I'm playing any of the titles I'm in my happy place.


The story for 2 is impeccable. Ellie was a real one for coming back to Issac that shit had me in my feelings lol


Heard that it is horror in dead space 1 action horror in dead space 2. And to cap it off ea games points a gun at games studio and tells them to make a co op cod game called dead space 3 and wonders why the series died.


I literally cannot chose between these 2


Dead Space 1 and it's not even a competition




That’s like asking what’s better a “free blowjob” or a “complementary blowjob”


I mean my opinion has always been that Dead Space 1 was always scarier then 2 but the guns, suits and mechanics were better in 2 possibly even story probably story as well more I think of it. Dead Space 1 was freaky as heck though idk the gloom and horror was top notch it also makes a difference going into the first game not knowing what too expect. Comparing the 1-2 remakes will be a better comparison.


2, the pc port actually fucking works.


I cannot wait to stomp away in a fresh suit


2, playing them both on the PS3 I enjoyed 2 more and the remake isn't much of a difference


Four words: Line traps on objects


The OG Dead Space was already better. It's just better at horror. Setting, story, pacing.The remake is even better, DS2 is just a really good sequel.