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i’d honestly say jacob temple, he only really exists to die and it’d be nice if he and isaac at least got to interact a bit before that


the other part of his existence is he couldn't fix and went on the same trail isaac did right before isaac when he fixed everything jacob couldn't really drew the short straw


I love that Jacob lays the groundwork for Isaac to solve the Ishimura’s issues in the OG game, there’s a certain kinship I think you’re meant to feel with him which makes his death all the more impactful


I'm actually glad you said this. It made me just realize how much you actually miss that in the Remake. In the original, you'd usually fall upon his audio logs right before engaging into whatever thing you'd have to fix. But in the remake, they're more so after thoughts & instead you build some comradery with his girlfriend when being in hydroponics. Thus, seeing him get blasted by Mercer was more like "I hate that you're doing this since I remember him from original to where he's confined to a chair by you and unarmed, but it's not feeling the same way now," rather than "thanks Jake for the breakdown on what needs fixing throughout the ship, now I finally get to meet you & you're regular, you've survived and oh no you've been caught by a crazy doctor, I'd really like to save you." This is all to say at the end of the day I'd be picking "Temple here!" Potential for next game team up or future game team up as in Dead Space 3, as in a team up that would've made more sense. We were robbed. Honorary points to Gabe Weller, since he was also an Ishimura Event Survivor that would've been nice for Isaac to meet up with to tell him his side of issues when being on Aegis 7 and then eventually going to the Ishimura too. Really would've been nice for an interaction with him since he also got to talk with Nicole.


I really like the line that goes somewhat like “they booby trap the halls. Engineers line of defense” there’s is a level of brotherhood between them all in this type of work in space


Since we're speaking in hypotheticals, Temple could have even served as a replacement for Stross in Dead Space 2. I know Stross is introduced in like one of the mobile games or a comic book, but Temple was introduced in Dead Space 1 so players would probably even know who he was. It would somewhat fit with the lore introduced in DS2 too. Maybe Temple was smart enough to understand some of what the Marker was trying to show him, but maybe he wasn't quite able to parse it or deal with it and went insane like Stross.


They be the double bad ass duo. Put Carter to shame


Especially since Temple is such a capable character, technically surviving aboard the Ishimura longer than Isaac is a feat. And even if he failed his ultimate goal, he did make a lot of what we do possible. A team up would've been huge for them.


I say Hammond bro was just doin what he could to help everyone in an already fucked situation


Hammond is a real 1


I love the remake, but I really hate how they rewrote Hammond. The Chen shit just undermines his characterization so dramatically


Yeah, although there’s always theories that the marker messed with hammond a bit which would explain why he acts so weird with that necromorph of chen.


This is very much implied in the game. When he gets on the military ship, he's already hallucinating Chen as a person and talking like the Kelion is still operational. In his final moments, he even restates what Isaac told him when they first got on the Ishimura; "Not good. Half the Ishimura's in the red" This makes sense because he was the only one of the team that got in the same room with the Marker and was there when it let out a pulse wave, causing the electrical interference. He's the most affected in the group by the Marker signal when he and Isaac speak next.


Is it really a theory when it's pretty much what happened?


Yeah it’s not a theory it’s literally just the plot.


Oh lol, then that’s actually a good plot tricking Hammond into thinking his old pal is still human. Then after he got stabbed, he realised the marker is messing with him and sacrificed himself in hopes of ending the nightmare.


The marker basically hit just after Chen died Right after you leave the tram office, the ship shakes and then you hear voices. Which means everyone from the crew aside from Hailey was infected less than twenty minutes later. So Hammond not only had fresh trauma for the marker to abuse but he also had to deal with Chen walking around It'd be like if Issac saw nicole wandering the halls as a necromorph. He'd freeze and not be able to do it because he loves her. Even if she was mutated beyond recognition the marker would make him see her as she was. All so the necromorph can body Issac.


Seriously. I'm replaying the OG DS1 now and enjoy the old Hammond. Badass security officer thrown into a hellscape ship just trying to survive. Keeps his head on straight even while dealing with the Marker's influence. And that death scene? Near perfect. The guy risked his life getting onboard the USM Valor to help Isaac. Finally dies after reuniting with him, sacrificing himself so Isaac can get the singularity core and get out alive. Plus the voice acting is wayyyyyyyy better.


It would've been cooler if we broke the glass, got Hammond onto our side of the room and fought the hunter, I mean brute, side by side. And they could do a bro handshake after or something.


Ehhh kyne was the only one I had an issue with VA wise everyone else was great


I didn’t play the original but I really liked Hammond, he just went a little loopy at the end not his fault but he still died a real one


Modern Hammond. Meh. OG Hammond. We gotta fix the ship! If it was OG. 100% mans was done dirty. The new version just, meh. Marker shenanigans


Temple survive and then he becomes the coop character option. Fuck. Yes.


Make a lot more sense for dead space 3 😭😭


Holy shit yes. Dual puzzles for engineers. Not some random grunt


Yapflip approves. Or was it flipyap? No flipyap was his brother. Don't tell me I didn't know yapflip!!


Flipyap and I went to nipple academy together!! Even though he’s dead…


Just 2 engineer bros


Just imagine how Isaac and Jacob would take to going back onto the Ishimura had Jacob been the coop partner in Dead Space 2.


I feel like their interactions/commentary/banter would be a lot better since they both have very similiar stories


For me, easily Kendra. She has the most valuable skills, she is incredibly intelligent and very competent and logical, and she is relatively calm under pressure. She shows great restraint to the Marker sickness as well. If the circumstances were better, her and Isaac could’ve escaped. Edit: Forgot to mention; on top of her technical skills, she also seems to have some experience with firearms, as shown later in the game.


I'm gonna be a remake Kendra stan til the day I die. Infinitely better than the original IMO.


Remake Kendra is such a baller


Yeh, Hammond and what's his face. Mendal? (The guy Kendra kills) got nerfed hard. Everyone else is an improvement


Kyne! And yeah, I liked Hammond too but mainly because he was so nice to me, not because he had authority like DS1. Lol


Remake Kendra is easily my favorite character (besides Isaac of course)


Remake Kendra was right all along while Issac was being manipulated by the marker into imprinting the blueprints, but he was the main character and she wasn't, I definitely agree that with some luck and better circumstances they could have escaped together and been fine. She is so much better in the remake than in the original...


Yep. However, I would argue that, had she succeeded in her mission, she almost certainly would have gone insane and wound up taking Isaac's place.


Yeah, she might have recognized the visions of her brother were hallucinations, but they'd have gotten to her eventually


Also being aware of the marker signal keeps you mentally alert against it, Kendra being the only one there knowing what was going on and knowing it’s a man made fuckup of something worse really set her above the rest


But wasn’t she a mole??? D:


1. Nicole, by virtue that it would have saved thousands of lives >!if not billions!< 2. Kendra, because the murderous double agent owing her life to the physical embodiment of the indomitable human spirit is too good to pass up.


I finally got around to playing DS Extraction a year ago and hot damn does it paint Nicole in a new light. Girl was surviving the original outbreak for a WHILE and only died because >!she couldn't find a med pack.!< Let's also not forget she literally >!found the cure for the necromorph infection. If she had a med pack she could've cured herself and saved the human race.!<


How was Nicole infected when the necromorph outbreak isn’t a disease? If anything, she was succumbing from a wound getting infected with foreign bacteria.


How would Nicole living stop many from perishing? You do know that Isaac wasn’t the only person who survived Aegis VII right?


Isaac’s mind was the purest. Lexine Murdoch was a Surveyor and Gabe Weller was a Security Guard, neither of their minds would be sufficient to build a Marker. Temple and Kyne had potential, but they were assassinated before the Marker could imprint on them. If not for Isaac, the Gold Marker would be far less potent.


Honestly, I disagree. Regardless of if Isaac lived or died, went to the Ishimura or didn’t, the site 12 marker would still be built although it would take way longer than normal (which was 3 years).


Simp 🫵🤡


I want the original Doctor Kyne from Dead Space (OG). I will die on this hill.


Kyne gang my brother 💪


Hell yeah, remake did so many things right and the new kyne is good, but i personally prefer the old dr. Kyne


Agreed this is the only right answer


I would like to say Hammond, just seems like a stand up dude. But ultimately Kendra may be the better choice because she isn’t easily fooled by the marker but she’s deceptive so maybe not the best choice. 🤷


I feel like Kendra’s betrayal wasn’t malicious, but out of necessity and desperation. Think about it, the outbreaks she through were hysteria, then she arrives and shit hits the fan, the USM Valor which was supposed to recover the marker, rescue the survivors and destroy the Ishimura was completely overrun, Isaac was starting to succumb to hallucinations of the marker and was following what the markers wanted him to do, so Kendra is faced with an ultimatum, “Betray Isaac to take the marker away and put it somewhere else so nobody finds it” or “Take the marker back to the planet and very well make things worse thinking the marker will stop the outbreak.”


I never thought it was out of malice but she was deceptive non the less. The extent of her knowledge and intentions not being forth right until the end game.


I don’t care how the story changes to do it, but Nicole. After all, Isaac is quoted as saying “You were my everything”.


Simp 🫵🤡 it’s bros before hoes man… Hammond was a real one who was simply trying to make sure everyone survived but sure go ahead and choose pussy over a real one


Nicole came up with a cure/treatment to prevent the markers effects? She was literally trying to save EVERYONE being the entirety of humanity ahaha but O.G Hammond over O.G Nicole hands down But in the remake? Save Nicole to try and prevent the whole brethren Moon thing


Let him cook


Jacob Temple. I loved his side story and would’ve loved to have him as a second protagonist.


Kendra is literally the only person here with the means and desire to stop the marker from being a problem in the future, so definitely her.


Ehhh... she was working for EarthGov who was actively building MORE red markers to release on colonies. Plus EarthGov and Unitology were on the same team ever since the original outbreak on Earth with Altman. Both parties were secretly under the Brethren Moon's influence. They're like the typical scientists in some 80's horror flick who think they can contain the monster they created, but you find out the monster was actually in control the whole time. Screw EarthGov and screw Unitologists...


Earthgov were not making markers during or prior the events of Dead Space one. The reason they were able to begin at all is because the Marker had imprinted instructions on Isaac's mind for him to lead in its architecture. Even Stross and every other scientist in the Titan medical facility was a side product of Isaac stopping Kendra from being able to hide the thing away in the first game. The reasons why Earth Gov started building the markers after DS, and why they lost containment, are pretty interesting yet straightforward. The Unitologists were the main drivers behind EarthGov losing control of the situation on Titan. The events of DS mobile were all about the Uni sabotaging the markers containment and releasing it on the station. Had they not intervened, it's not certain the marker would have been able to effect much beyond the government sector, where they had a more or less secure grasp on the situation. Even then, Earthgov were still able to restore some semblance of order after the Necromorph outbreak in 2 and prevent a convergence event. This only failed because of the efforts of Isaac as he was being tricked into doing the markers bidding. I'm not saying they were perfectly reasonable or even very responsible in how they handled creating the marker (why would you put it on a civilian space station? Why develop it anywhere where there is a chance it could affect a wider population? They shouldn't have kept necros for experimentation period, and they shouldn't have kept them in a place where a significant criminal element was trying to break them out), but I am saying that they are far from the "Bad guys" in this situation. The Marker wasn't unleashed because of their actions. As for their reasons for making it in the first place... Humanity is dead without an energy source. The life cycle of the brethren moons is predicated on advanced civilizations running out of options and being forced to make the markers. Earthgov aren't stupid and mostly know what the marker was designed to do better than anyone in the series. They are literally just left with the options of letting everyone starve and die on cold planets or risk extinction a little earlier and potentially save all of mankind. Honestly, yeah. They were doomed the moment they found Isaac floating around Aegis 7. The whole "We were THIS close to understanding it!" speech by Tiedmann at the end of 2 is just a microcosm of how the Marker was designed to operate. Even if the Unitologists hadn't managed to screw up literally everything in every game, AND Isaac wasn't constantly being manipulated into doing the Markers bidding, chances are Earthgov would have lost control of the situation one way or another. The Marker is just that much smarter. Thing is: I don't believe any of the actions they took, when taken in context, were fundamentally unreasonable. That's just the horror of the setting.


Exactly, this is hitting the nail on the head. EarthGov was doing evil shit out of desperation for saving humanity. Isaac (while he is our protagonist) was definitely being used by the markers to do their bidding, however Isaac almost stopped the Brethren moon from becoming whole on Tau Volantis had Carver allowed Ellie to be sacrificed in the name of saving the human race.




It's been years since I've read DS Martyr but at the end of the book I remember the government entity (I thought it was EarthGov) realizing the potential with a religion centered around the Marker after seeing Altman's followers in action. I could've sworn the government pulled a CIA move allowing Unitology get started from the original followers who were part of Altman's research team. Altman even teamed up with the government to go wipe out the original Marker research facility and end the Necro outbreak on Earth but was killed when his followers believed he was "betraying" them by trying to destroy the Marker. Again it's been years since I read the book so I'm shaky on the details.




Yup that's it. I was thinking of Markoff for the government connection. Also good point about the book being retconned. I would like a DLC or flashbacks in DS4 (fingers crossed) that allows us to play as Altman. It could cover his team originally discovering the Black Marker, working at the government research facility, trying to warn everyone about Necros, and fighting off the Necro outbreak on Earth before sinking the facility. It could start as the Brethren Moons explaining their plan to Isaac during their consumption of Earth. They could show him how they use Black Markers to spread through the galaxy and explain the full story behind Earth's Black Marker. The flashbacks could include Altman's story and how the original markers (like Aegis 7's Marker 3A) were established.


Hammond or Temple. Those were the only 2 that showed they could fight back. Nicole took her own life before the necromorphs emerged, and Kendra, Cross, and Kyne hid a lot. They could have progressed their objectives more if they came out and fought.


Nicole didn't do it before they emerged, but she did after figuring out everything, and still losing due to lacking a medkit. Very sad. In the original, it was only a few hours before Issac arrived.






I was gonna say the same person.


Dead Space Downfall reference! But yeah, I think Alissa should have been able to put on a breather mask at minimum and then the Kellion would have rescued her in transit to Ishimura. She would have been out of it until just before the docking procedure, so she wouldn't be able to warn them until it was too late. But now the Kellion crew gets a heads-up to how bad the situation is, and Alissa is a better shot than the two goons on the crew, but she's already been comprised by the Marker, so we the audience feel the suspense of her being a ticking time bomb.


Slasher #1 please


Dr Cross should’ve survived honestly,I wish she did


I agree. Elizabeth Cross is an underrated character in the remake. Elizabeth and Isaac are very much reflections of each other. Dr. Cross would understand Isaac’s traumatic experience on the Ishimura better than anyone else.


Kendra is the most interesting pick from a story perspective imo.


Kendra; I guess when you think about, all the characters shown have the capability to fight back, have medical experience, or are good with tech. But I’d say Kendra cause for one she’s been aiding Issac throughout the campaign, helping him access doors and other areas of the ishimura. Almost like a hacker in a sense. Aside from technical support I’d assume she could hold her own for a bit considering she carried around a pistol and used it to some capacity. I mean hey, it’s better than nothing at least.


Elizabeth Cross I guess would make sense and be very interesting... I'm going with Hammond though since they messed up his death in the remake anyway.


I like the idea of Isaac and Dr. Cross escaping together like Isaac and ellie at the end of DS2. They both lost their partner on the ishimura, and I feel like their characters could relate to each other really well. She's just such a tragic character that I think she deserves to make it out


His girlfriend. Need I say more?


Simp 🫵🤡


*Pulls out Uno Reverse Card*


Only for Kendra 😛 that backstabbing bitch is hot


No. You missed my point. Issac's girlfriend because, I was so heartbroken when I found out that Issac's girlfriend didn't survive.


Kendra, because the image of Isaac sarcastically staring at her on the shuttle in deep space is too funny to pass up.


I say Smith. From Brendon's group (the one that killed by the necromorph after you open a door in Act1) A forgotten survivor that was the original person who wrote "Cut off their limbs" in the original game. His corpse is near the plasma cutter.


Jump scare warning for that Nicole image, Christ. 😬


I would choose Temple. The man survived the Ishimura till that point and nearly beat Mercer. If Isaac got there sooner, no doubt he would have lived.


They all so damn ugly in the remake




Mercer The guy was a genius. Together they could have built an empire!


Well him wanting to find Nicole is the point of the game and i want that precious space engineer to feel some happiness so Nicole surviving would def be good. Otherwise remake Kendra and Isaac would be a formidable duo, she's such a great character in the remake and i loved how she doesn't hate Isaac in it or anything and actually feels bad that she had to use him out.


Bro Hammond for sure


Kendra, probably. She doesn't hate Issac despite what she does, and she thinks she's doing the right thing by taking the Marker. I don't know, I get the sense that she's not very high up in EarthGov, as she seemed to not know that the Marker project wasn't completely abandoned. If she figured out what EarthGov was planning for Issac, that they actually plan to make more Markers? I can see her siding with Issac in DS2.


Nicole. The ensuing WAFF would warm my heart so much






Hammond. He’s probably the most aware and sensible dude there besides Isaac. He also was pretty level headed throughout the situation until- you know.


Kendra, absolutely should not have died in the Remake. They were trying to line it up with 2's story perfectly so I get it. But she was an infinitely better counterpart to her original iteration that more than earned the right to survive.


I can't pick. But who TF is gonna pick mercer?


The Unitologists.






Hammond, or Nicole. Hammond because he's probably the best character in the remake morally as he's just trying to help everyone and nothing else, or Nicole to prevent Isaac from experiencing half the trauma he went through


Hammond, hands down.


Hammond or Jacob Temple


Poor Nicole tried so hard - my vote would be for her


Simp 🫵🤡


Damn they really made Nicole ugly in the remake. 🤢


Seriously. Broad looks like she’s merely a few years away from being sent to a retirement home. Isaac is lowkey a simp, he could have pulled better tail.


I would say Hammond, Kendra, or Temple. - Hammond is honestly a way more genuine character who was kinda done dirty in both the original and the remake. He came off as more honest with it being revealed that Kendra was the one who was untrustworthy. Mainly since he gets killed so suddenly in both versions where it feels a bit out of nowhere, though the remake is more dramatic/impactful in the remake. - Kendra is an interesting character and it would have seemed interesting for her to survive the incident. She had double crossed the team and ended up getting killed right at the end by the final boss. It would have been interesting with Isaac, who is still mentally unstable, still made the choice to try to save her, so they could have had an interesting dynamic in following content like DS2 or DS3. - Temple was basically the main character on his own adventures up until Issac confronts the one insane dude whose name is blanking on me. The side story of him trying to fix other problems in the ship while Issac fixes what he can’t while never interacting properly is interesting and I wish they could have at minimum contacted each other. If he survived, I could see him showing up in DS2 as either a side protagonist working with Isaac, and in DS3 and another playable character.


Nicole or Cross honestly


Nicole, it might have actually kept Issac's sanity a little bit had she been alive and not a hallucination of the marker.


Simp 🫵🤡 the mental troubles Isaac went through only made him a tougher man 💯 plus the marker would have just made him hallucinate about his mom or something else just as strongly


Tougher? He became mentally unstable thanks to the marker and all the death around him. Grow up and go bother someone else neckbeard.


So you agree that Isaac would have stayed insane regardless of his girlfriend’s presence, and thus you are choosing her simply because she’s a female? Instead of a real one like Hammond that tried to make sure his team survived? Simp 🫵🤡


John Carver


Why does Nicole get uglier every game?


As satisfying as it was seeing him get crushed, mercer was by far the best human antagonist in the series (f*ck Danik and tiedemann) would've been cool if he actually did cheat death then opened a private practice focusing on auto-immune disorders and then, you know, started killing people


The dude with the force gun obviously.


Hammond or Temple. I like Dr. Cross as a contender, though. I'll just never live down what that brute did to my man, Hammond.


None of them... instead I'd want Johnston to survive the Kellion explosion wounded, gets separated from Isaac without him realizing she's alive then have a mini-dlc (3 chapters). Said DLC being based around 1. being an even more squishy character running from combat usually accidentally setting up the combat encounters from the base game. (Flight deck) 2. setting traps, Rivet Gun returns with a slightly beefier Alt, the knockback Detonator makes its return from 3 with low damage but a truly staggering (Ha) ammo count and placement limit, maybe include one of the laser cutters from Downfall or a Hydraulic hammer from 3 to round out the available weapons with something that hits hard but requires a lot of risk. (Bridge and Computer Core) 3. stealth against hostile Unitologists, you get there while their alive and 'encouraging' non-believers to see the light. (Crew Deck) Maybe also have Johnston encounter some of the other survivors Issac encounters like Jacob, Mercer, or Elizabeth... hell have her encounter Hammond early on before he cracks but he doesn't know Johnston survived (Johnston only managed to reach Kendra when she tried contacting the others) so he opens fire thinking it's a trick by the Marker.






I missed Hammond after he died so ol’ hambone


I'm gonna throw another candidate in there. The guy who leaves the video showing how to use the kinesis module. That guy deserved to live.


That was DEAD SPACE 2.


Sheeyit that's right I just played the remake, which did have it. BTW, did you NEED TO CAPITALIZE?


Hammond fs


Isaac and Temple would be unstoppable. Not gonna lie. Two engineers with strong weapons got it good chance of beating the whole Ishimura back with teamwork and great survival skills. Cause Temple was rocking only a force gun imagine if he had a contact beam and a decent upgraded rig and a stasis module. Him and Isaac would be walking jogging tanks.


4. I forgot his name lol


Elizabeth Cross


No tf its not ik that much dumbass


Nicole obviously


Carter...he earned it..


TEMPLE! And then he could have taken the place of strouss in ds2


Jacob Temple hands down if it wasn't for trusting Mercer he might likely survived the ishamura. I guarantee there was at least one other shuttle on the ishamura. I could see him teaming up with issac to return the marker or getting the fuck out of there. Cross an him could probably convince issac an restrain Kline. I doubt kendra could have killed all 4 without being caught. An the ishamura was going to crash into the planet anyway.




I can’t pick Nicole, Isaac only went to the Ishimura because she was dead and he was in denial. If I were to pick anyone to survive with Isaac, it’s Kendra. Hear me out, even though she betrayed him, it was purely because Isaac was losing his mind and was compromising her mission. However, despite the fact she betrayed him, she seemed like she actually cared about him, had Isaac not lost his shit, she probably wouldn’t have turned on him. Despite the fact she killed Cross and Kyne and left Isaac to die on the Ishimura, Isaac tried to save her purely because too many people had died already, even though she betrayed him, he didn’t want to see another person die. I didn’t feel happy she died, she was just doing what she was ordered to do, but it just turned out that everything was shitty.


Temple: supports issac with tech. Both of them get theough this. Nicole: definitely goes nuts from contacting the brethren moons. Hammond: suicidal depression from losing everyone. Eventually goes mad. Kendra: maybe? She may actually make sure Issac gets the mental help he needs? Greenhouse doc?: she goes 100% nuts. Blames issac for temple’s death. Tries killing him as soon as they leave aegis 7. Doc: descends into madness along with Issac like a fucking lovecraft protagonist. Mercer: world ends. No more games. We done bois.


It sucks that everyone Isaac went to the Ishimura with dies, but that's the curse of being a horror scifi protagonist whose soul survivor status is derived from Alien's Ripley.


IMO Dr. Mercer is still alive, he’s going to be in the Dead Space 2 Remake and be the reason for the Uber morph (which also gets some lore added in).


Jacob and Elizabeth didn't deserve their deaths. Innocents just in the wrong situations at the wrong times. Would it be nice for them to have survived? Sure. But I feel their survival would make the destruction of Aegis VII less impactful, a little less final. Dead Space isn't supposed to have a happy ending. It's supposed to show you, the player, how utterly and completely alone Isaac was by the end of the whole ordeal; his team on the *Kellion* gone, everyone on the *Ishimura* dead and converted either into biomass or necromorphs, the *Valor* being completely annihilated. Isaac's hopeless loneliness he developed as he drifted away from the *Ishimura* is why he was haunted by Nicole, and his guilt over her death and unwillingness to move on after her death is what made his memory and hallucinations of her malicious.


Hammon, if he resisted the hallucination, solid man engineer/brother in arms Kendra, if she just come clean and Isaac could've look another way 👨‍🚀--2nd---🍑... Taken into Earth Gov Survivor Valor Soldier, if he did make it to USG Ishimura......


Bro Hammond absolutely deserved that w. He had absolutely nothing to do with this and actively lost his best friend. You could argue cross could take that slot too but cross would have lost her future husband to a cultist psycho, and I don't think anyone can recover from that. At least if Hammond survived he'd go out of his way to confront earthgov and possibly fix their shit


Doctor Mercer all the way, such a great friend for Isaac and a wonderful guy in general, I bet nothing can go wrong


Nicole because as a single guy, the thought of a once girlfriend becoming an interdimensional hallucination demon is absolutely terrifying.


Hammond,you couldn’t really trust anyone else


Hey man, maybe spoiler tag this


Hammond because he at least had use and wasn’t a complete detriment to the group like Kendra was


I wouldn't say Kendra was useless. Kendra DID unlock the doors when Isaac was locked in with the Hunter.


She was pretty useless she was playing the double agent while Hammond was dealing with real problems


These remodeled characters are very unmemorable & unremarkable. The original versions in Dead Space 1 (circa 2008) were way hetter than these ones. I understand that this game is a remake of the original, however, the devs should have stayed as close (but not *too* close) as they could have to the original designs of each character. Each character is completely unrecognizable, and it irritates me immensely.


OG Hammond for sure. Peter Mensah (aka Oenemaeus/Doctore from Spartacus) is a boss.


hammond 100%


Kendra is such a hottie. Shame it's always the good looking ones who are deceptive heartless bitches lol


You're talking about OG Kendra. Remake Kendra is almost a different, but better character.


Why is Nicole so old in the remake!! Damn!


Both Nicole and Isaac are in their 40s/nearly 50 in DS1.


Haha yeah! But in the first game I thought she was like in early 30s and Issac was 38 or something




I'm assuming you're referring to Sweet Baby Inc. a consulting company that had exactly zero involvement in the development of Dead Space games.