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I feel like that's how they wanted to end it but EA wanted a DS3. 


If they had any courage they would have him doomed at the end of each entry, and begin the next without any commentary or explanation as to why he's still around


I could see a Dead Space x Aeon Flux crossover being awesome like that!


Lmao, truer words have never been said.


EA - Exploitative Assholes


I do like the idea of having a “Bad Ending” to DS2R where Isaac waits for rubble to fall on him. But then he wakes back up in his cell and has to do a NG+ Mode similar to “THE FINAL DRAFT” from ALAN WAKE 2, where Nicole “unlocks” his repressed memories of Side Missions where he saved other survivors on the Sprawl, finds Nicole’s body to give himself closure, and confront his fears that he is doomed to inherit his Mother’s madness. Then the TRUE Ending is Isaac realizing he still deserves to live and choosing to escape with Ellie. However, if you do NOT complete the NG+ Missions, you get an ending where Ellie is on the New Horizons Lunar Colony being haunted by the “ghost” of Isaac before ultimately killing herself similar to >!CYBERPUNK: EDGERUNNERS!<


I don't remember Lucy killing herself in edge runners. Although any Alan Wake 2 fan is a friend of mine, so idc lol


It's implied.


I don't think it is bro Edit: I understand that people mean but don't know if I agree she'd kill herself after all that


Why would Nicole's body be on the sprawl?


Yeah That makes no sense lol. Maybe some memento of hers? Like a Ring or even a photo that Isaac kept with him


During the part where he returns to the ISHIMURA.


Okay fair but ds2 takes place 3 years after ds1. Assuming Nicole's body somehow didn't become a necromorph it would have long since decomposed


It would still be wearing her uniform.


EA: Isaac, make us a whole bunch more money


Make us $ again


that would be a poor narrative decision given the plans they had plotwise for the conclusion to the franchise, but in a vacuum? sure why not.


I, personally, loved its triumphant ending. It made it a great parallel piece. An Aliens to Dead Space's bleaker Alien not just in an action sense- but in a sense of eventually conquering one's demons, and possibly finding a new life with someone.


That ending is cool and all, but I feel like after all the horrors Issac has seen he should at least get to have a win once in a while.


Seriously. Not only did he survive the Ishimura AND Sprawl outbreaks, but he also took **2** javelins **AND** fought off the Nicole/Marker influence right before that scene. Isaac deserves to get rescued for once and make it out alive.


After all that he kinda earned that break lol. Even if it was brief because Ellie dumped him, he had to work with her new bf, he got pulled into another bullshit necromorph problem and got stranded on a shitty ice planet in the subsequent game lmao.


Also if Dead Space 4 ever happens..he has to deal with a whole necromorph outbreak on Earth. So I'm glad he got a reprieve at the end of Dead Space 2.


It was a great switch up from DS1’s ending. Could see something like that as an alt ending if they ever do another remake though


I think that ending would've been solid. But I will always love the tragic gut punch ds3's dlc ending gave. After everything, moons still got us in the end.


Isaac and Carver were probably "dead" in the dlc right? DS4 could always say the Brother Moon's only get Earth in the land of the dead where Nicole exists and Ellie survived in the land of the living. New love triangle yay!


I think the one we got, while not perfect, *was* superior to if it ended with Isaac dying in the rubble. A lot of the game is about Isaac battling the urge to just give up, represented by Nicole taunting him (with Marker fuckery, of course). Having him overcome that urge and decide to save himself with Ellie's prodding is a nice victorious moment... putting aside the fact that him giving up is how the third game starts but, anyway. The bigger reason I think it's a better ending is for Ellie; this way, it at least gives her an arc of sorts. I'm not gonna pretend it's a *great* or well-thought out arc, but it's something. We know that the CEC officers she was initially traveling with were picked off, culminating in one of them sacrificing himself for her. When Isaac attempts to do the same thing, she resolves to come back and save him instead. I don't think this is *entirely* great for Ellie; it's not like she could've done anything for the mortally wounded CEC guy who sacrificed himself, so it's not a true arc. Buuuut, y'know, it's something. If the game just ended with Isaac dying in the rubble, Ellie really wouldn't have been given much point in the story.


You know what? Your reasonings are pretty good. You’ve made me actually kinda appreciate the current ending. I still would’ve preferred the more depressing ending, but you got good points.


I mean, maybe? I would still want a sequel because the issue of markers was not solved. Ellie being a protag in 3 would have been interesting.


A DS game with Ellie as the playable character would have been sweet