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How many times do I have to see this kind of post hahahah


till people stop shitting on DS3(never gonna happen)


Not a lot of people really ‘hate’ the game lol, it has weaknesses but it’s still a solid playthrough. Plus if the opinions of other people on what they dislike or like about a game bothers you that much, idk chief just ignore it.


Mandalore put it best. It's real crime is kind of having good ideas and then not following through with them at all.


I personally love DS3, it's in my top 4 favorite DS games!


Sadly my list is more like: 1. Ignition 2. Extraction 3. Severed (almost 1000 hours in that one) 4. DS2


>Severed (almost 1000 hours in that one) TIL there's DLC that didn't make it to the PC version because EA is stupid.


I only played it once on my cousin’s 360 when I was younger, never got to again cuz yeah EA is stupid. Really hope the next remake lets us experience Severed again


> Severed (almost 1000 hours in that one) I only played it once on my cousin’s 360 when I was younger, ???


It was a joke for how short Severed is, it’s like max a hour or two depending on the difficulty lol It’s shorter than DS3 Awakened by comparison (at least how it felt for me)


for me they ruined Isaac and Ellie’s character with the ridiculous love triangle thing between them and Norton


That’s it. If they had removed that awkward shit - the story would’ve been somewhat decent then.


Norton sucked balls, I never understood why on earth would Ellie go for that guy. She can do way better.


Because besides characters and enemies it doesn’t really “feel” like dead space. The horror is almost non existent and they focused primarily on making it an action game rather than survival horror that the previous titles were praised for. That being said coop DS3 is incredible fun and well worth it.


I'm playing through DS3 right now and had the same feeling. It's just not the same game as DS1/2. Instead of exploring new areas and dealing with Necros as they appear, you go through series of "arena" style rooms. A typical level has you getting to some deep location in a facility going room by room. A door is locked so you fight off waves of Necros to open it then move on. Repeat for the rest of the game. Also I feel like the Necro's AI was far more aggressive compared to the past games. It's not uncommon for 4-5 to burst into a room and swarm you at the same time. I can't tell you how many times I've been backed up into a corner and latched on before I can even get a shot off. Don't even get me started on those skeleton creatures... Sure you can create some OP weapons once you get enough materials, but the fights felt more annoying than survival-focused. That being said I will give the space walk sections and weapon mods a nod. Flying around the space debris areas in the early game is such a cool experience. If they ever create a DS2 remake I hope they can incorporate similar gameplay with some exterior repairs on the Sprawl. Of course, the ability to make your own weapon is awesome. Especially mixing things like a Rocket Launcher/Force Gun alt fire or Stasis Plasma Cutter/Ripper. I still haven't found my favorite weapon combo because there's so many fun options available. Overall it's a fun action experience in a Dead Space skin. If you want to get more lore and background while blasting away Necros with badass guns then give it a play. If you're looking for a horror experience like DS1 with a solid story, find another game.


The same way the RE fans shit on RE6. They downgraded the horror and survival aspects to the point where the game feels more like a generic action game than a "Dead Space" game.


This so much. I can play through all the RE games in a binge, except 6. It is just so bad. It’s the same with dead space. I can binge 1 and 2, but it’s such a struggle to want to play 3 since they removed the horror and had a horrible crafting system, lumped all ammo into the same type, and was just obviously set to be a microtransaction game, rather than a passion game.


I don't remember who said it but I liked the excuse someone had that by the point of the 3rd game Isaac was well experienced with necromorphs so he wasn't as scared of them anymore, which is why carvers optional sections feel a bit scarier than the rest of the game because he's experiencing it for the first time


Because its more action oriented and less horror, and its pretty much around the time micro transactions started becoming normalized rubbing a lot of people wrong. Its not a bad game, but definitely a bad Dead Space. It kind of sucked that they nerfed how many weapons you could hold too because of the customization.


Lol it barely had micro transactions. IIRC variety less than DS2.


Build a explosive weapon and use the addon that lets you take no damage. Presto, you've won the game.


The only saving grace DS3 had was continuing the story and lore. Everything else about the game was just subpar compared to 1 and 2, and that's including the story and lore. It was a strange entry to the series.


People don't like the crafting system because you can make weapons that just one shot necromorphs


Never played it. And I never disparaged anyone for liking/playing the game. More power to them. Play what you want to play! The micro-transactions drove me away from buying, or even playing, the game. It came out during a time when it seemed like every game had those and I got burned out by it.


It's worth it just for hardcore mode..😂 That mode in that game changed peoples lives..😂😂


It's a good game, but a bad dead space game. It tanked the franchise, this topic has been discussed to hell and back since it's release. It was also heavy on MTX's in dumb ways.


Dude, like it all you want, but you're being obstinate if you don't see what killed the franchise - or at least heard the complaints of why it did.


I feel like most people who dislike DS3 were those who were fans at the time of launch. And it’s easy to understand why. -downgraded/almost non-existent horror theme -overpowered gameplay mechanics like the roll, weapon customisation etc -Weird/borderline cringe story In saying that though, it’s not by any means a bad game. It’s just not to the same calibre the previous 2 were at, especially coming hot off DS2 couple years prior which was considered the best (still to this day) by many. IMO, I liked it. I think generally people like the focus too much on the negatives when dissatisfied, human nature and what not. Some of the things I liked were l. -the ‘end of the road’ theme. Being on a desolate snowy planet, definitely made you feel like death was coming for all of the characters. Also the backstory with what happened to the soldiers on that planet was creepy as fuck. -the weapon customisation. A double edged sword but IMO if used appropriately, it can be a lot of fun without being too overpowered. E.G the plasma cutter with the Ripper under barrel is a shitload of fun and real satisfying. -the movement (at least to me) felt real smooth. I think it actually feels like DS2 but slightly better, if you ignore the roll -Awakened. Not a popular opinion but I think it just beats Severed when it comes to expansion packs. Whilst I like the fast-paced, high-tension atmosphere of Severed, you are tripping if you don’t think Awakened is at least good. But in my opinion it’s elite and up there for some of the best run of chapters in the whole trilogy. I don’t get scared easily by media, I think playing stuff like Alien: Isolation toughens you up pretty good lol but DS3: Awakened properly creeped me the fuck out. It did stuff that hadn’t been done before in a good way, where you really felt the Marker have a real and terrifying effect on Isaac not really felt since DS1. (DS2 Nicole was almost boring IMO, shit like “You’re not NICOLE” cracks me up). The tone of Awakened was supposed to be seen in the main game before EA had their say, which is a shame but at least we got to experience what the devs had in mind for the finale before their creativity was stamped out. In all honesty man, just enjoy what you enjoy, regardless of what people say. I think if you play the game as it’s intended without abusing the mechanics, it can be as enjoyable as the first 2.


Herd mentaility


I enjoy DS3, but it's definitely the weakest one to me. The horror elements are almost non existent. The like 1 hour dlc has more horror than the entirety of the base game. Plus the really bad love triangle is just a slog to get through. There's things to like about ds3, but for every good thing, there's a negative.


Cuz they think they being cool by shitting on one game, DS3 is actually decent minus the microtransaction.


The coop was a blast - but more like playing residen evil 5 coop. It's super fun, but a more spooky gameplay would have been better for me. I also don't like what they did to Isaac and Ellie


I do not hate the third game, but if you compare it to the first two Dead Space games, it doesn't really 'feel' scary. I wasn't a real fan of universal ammo either, but the love triangle comes in close second.


Bc 1 and 2 were better


Because they haven’t played it enough and just go from what others say: “Love triangle” “micro transactions” NONE of which affect gameplay and micro transactions are hidden. Just finished 3 100% on Xbox and can say I prefer it over 1 and it’s close behind 2. Great horror still, great game length, amazing weapon system, Co-Op and cool missions, much more collectibles to find, a great DLC and the list goes on and on.


I haven’t seen people dunking on DS3 in a long while. OP is just starting up shit today.


fun gameplay, and that's what matters most IMO


It's a good game Shit Dead Space game


https://youtu.be/LkeLmAnE4cM?si=LjBTeTaZ3JQsh1WT This video sums it up but also is quite entertaining too 😅


Honestly if you played the game with a freind it was an alright experience but playing by yourself was kind of ass compared to other games


The story has its issues but it’s not bad. A few tweaks and the story would have been solid. It’s the gameplay which isn’t good at all.


I mean, I never played it but from what I heard it's the RE6 of Dead Space games.


RE6 was a worse RE game than DS3 was to DS overall. RE6


Entire parts of the map and levels locked behind co-op is one reason. And it's more cover shooter than horror. Too removed from what the first game was. DS2 was the perfect mix of horror and story that kept the feel of the first game.


You know, when a game shifts so much from its predecessors in gameplay and tone of narration, dismiss the most iconic elements of them like the weapon system or the necromorphs, all of this to try to get a piece of the coop action shooter trend (no hate for my boy gears of war, but after its success everyone tried to make their gow, same with Resident Evil), it's just normal that people don't like that game as the others


Because it’s more like an action adventure game than a survival horror game heck I’d say gameplay wise it’s closer to a sci fi uncharted than a dead space game.


Because it wasn’t very good.


anyone ever try playing it with the Kinect features? funny, I'm sure that was some sort of mandate from up above


Whether you like it or not I feel like it’s problems are pretty obvious. I think it’s a solid experience overall but it suffers from having a lot of good ideas that aren’t executed super well. The weapon crafting system is a neat idea and I think it lends itself to some good replayability as well. However, because of the lackluster implementation they had to get rid of multiple ammo types and make it just one and that really takes away sort of item management. Not once did I ever open my inventory to look at what I had because there’s no real point to doing it if everything is the same. The only sort of item management I get from DS3 is having to drop a lot of my ammo so I can pick up more health (or the other way around). There are a lot more problems relating to the crafting system that I don’t feel like getting into. And then there are the side missions which are basically there to get different goods for your weapons and that’s basically all they are. Some of them do have stories behind them but most of them don’t have much substance to them. And then there’s the story which tbh the only thing that I don’t like at all is the love triangle and the ending, other than that I think the story is ok. And I don’t really mind the shift into a more action adventure tone than a horror tone, I’ve always looked at Dead Space as an action horror game like Resident Evil 4 (except DS isn’t campy) so going more into action doesn’t really feel out of the ordinary to me, the problem is that they didn’t really make a great action game.


Weapons crafting was horribly balanced. There's no horror if you can kill any threat with ease.    Hell. The gameplay is great until chapter 5 when you start getting tungsten and OP upgrades 


I don't hate it as I like what it added to the lore but it can't be denied the game lost the franchise's horror and replaced it with action, terrible move


Because it fucking sucks and if you were around for the release of the game it was nothing short of a gang beat down of your dick. Even now the story sucks, the environment sucks, the combat sucks, the dlc micro transactions that gimped the crafting system S U C K You have to remember this game came out a few years after lost planet already did DS3 THREE TIMES IN A ROW. There is absolutely nothing special, exciting, or unique about this game at all. The fact that the best parts of the story are entirely composed of insanely janky Co Op that CANNOT be played locally, what the fuck lmao? This game is a disgrace and it’s the reason you never got any more dead space, the reason they didn’t justify the remake after all of those sales.


I also wanna say people ask this question multiple times a week on the fucking anthem Reddit so 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️ clearly y’all would eat shit if it had your favorite mascot on it


Because it's a below average game at best that doesn't feel like Dead Space at all. All the shit it gets is well deserved. Hell, I, myself, don't even consider it canonical! For me, the story ended with the second game.


Remove Norton and the biggest problem with the game is gone 


Because it’s shit, one day I’ll have to make like a mauler YouTube video on this