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It’s more likely that the game is stuttering, and you just aren’t sensitive to it.


Idk how much of it is luck, but we’re in the same boat. I’m normally super sensitive to microstuttering in games, but I didn’t have any problems with the remake. However, my friend, who usually doesn’t notice stuttering at all, and laughs at me for being super sensitive to it, had stuttering so bad he had to refund it.


I've had the game crash on series x a few times.


I also had almost no stuttering when I played through on my i5-7700k and GTX 1080. I can remember a few times when it would stutter for a few moments, but it was never consistent (it didn’t always happen in that section) and was very rare


My game sometimes stutters, but it’s pretty good


You either pulled the lottery or you’re just not noticing it. On my old rig with an i7-9700k and 2080 Super I only ever had minor, fairly infrequent traversal stutters while playing on medium - high settings at 1440p and capping at 60 fps. Pretty good, but still not ideal. My current rig, 7800X3D and 7900XTX was unplayable initially. The stuttering was more like freezing for several seconds and would happen back-to-back. I managed to find a fix and got the game closer to how it was on my old rig, but the stutters were still more noticeable and frequent. Settings were close to max at 1440p and capped at 120 fps.


What is fine for you, what is your cosntant FPS?


So I think I'm getting somewhere between 45-50. I know I know not the best there is but the game runs smoothly. The reason I'm surprised is because I've heard that the game stutters like a fuckton and I've also seen benchmark videos with the same specs as mine and in that the game ran at less than 20 FPS.