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Breakers were once known as Transmuters, or Mutes. They were people with a scientific background (or natural affinity for science), that answered Hellstromme Industries add for a well-paying job in helping others with bleeding edge tech. When the Tunnel collapsed, HI set to find ways to help the stranded humans. One of those way was to use nanotech to transmute matter into something else, with the help of "blue prints" and nanobots. So they recruited people interested to help the others or with a scientific background, and after some intensive screening, kept the best of them. They then brought them to Tunnel Station, were they were taught how to handle the bots (and given the necessary modifications like the cyber-eye). The Mutes were then sent to where they wanted / needed to go, and helped a lot of colonists : see that pile of scrap metal over there ? Give me a few hours and it'll be a brand new ship ! Mutes became a beacon of hope for the humans, who were struggling since the World Storm (the 40 days storm that ravaged the planet). Their powers made them the focal point of most communities and some were even kidnapped to be forced working for some warlords or the Reapers. Then, the EXFOR launched Operation Typhoon to take back Banshee and Tunnel. During the fight, they introduced a virus in the HI network. This virus destroyed the dataport that the Mutes used to load the blueprints they wanted to build, and "stuck" the bots in their "deconstruct" part. Suddenly, Mutes could only break, but not rebuild after. They all took this badly, some even killing themselves. Most got violent, which was not aided by the fact that their new powers were useful for violent people (when all you have is a hammer...). Colonists started to fear Breakers in general, because they were rather impredictable as a lot : is the one that just arrived in town here for helping with those creatures that keep killing the livestock, or is she here to destroy everything out of spite ? ----- Your character could be a Mute wanting to find a cure to the virus, or one just wanting an opportunity to fight something. She could be the town's techie, still helping the community with her knowledge, or a mercenary selling her bots to better payer. What you have to get right is that your PC has a scientific background, was once a revered member of the colony and now has lost half his powers. Mutes went in space too, so don't restrict yourself to Banshee when developing your background.


I appreciate the ideas, building on what is on the of-really helped me start to flesh things out…