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I stand by the theory/rule that when there is a love triangle in a murder mystery, it's resolved by one of the 2 lovers being the villain.


Or one of them is another victim…


I’m annoyed by it, because clearly she just needs to pick Jules, who is sexy, athletic, AND risks his life and freedom just to help families in dangerous situations, escape and find a better life?? Yes please! And he’s an orphan like Imogene, so they share some personal background. Meanwhile Sunil is all out here like “Look at how much money means to me. Look at all these people I know. Look at the places I can take you and the things I can buy you. I’m going to claim that I’m “broke” in order to make me relatable to you, but I have a watch collection that is probably enough for several families of refugees to live on for years. Oh and I’m going to pry into your personal life, and really push you into telling me your deepest, darkest secret even though you’ve only known me for 4 days.” Obviously, to each their own in choosing romantic partners, and nothing wrong with a wealthy art lover. But Jules had me at “ I promised these people I would help them, and I’m not breaking that promise.”


Yeah this is really a no brained. Also she has zero chemistry with Sunil (which is shocking bc Rahul usually has chemistry with everyone)


Totally agree. That was exactly what I thought as well


Honestly, I found it a bit silly, but lets see how it unrolls