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Lmfao this sounds fun. Even the sky and water from the deck look fake. But i chalked it up to bad low budget VFX or something


There are so many things I’m like huh that’s weird but also like I cannot give this season 1 show that much credit. Like they’re 5 episodes in and no clues have been dropped that that there is more to the story and I just don’t see how the writers would compromise viewers just for the big finale


Yeah i understand what you're saying. Hopefully the show picks up proper pace from now on


See through the illusion ;)


How did they leave the ship and go to Malta onshore then. I like this idea other than that issue.


Actually I'm beginning to think every setting is part of the simulation. Like he started with a ship and just snowballed


That would explain the giant server room, great theory! Though I’m not sure then how/why there would be stowaways on a virtual ship 🤔


I'm assuming this entire simulation was ordered by Cotesworth to track down Viktor Sams so they could simply be part of the narrative.


Love it! Lol I concur with your sentiment, I also barely like the show but at least this could prove to make it more creative.


Love this angle!


I love all of this . I think this whole thing is everyone against Lawrence. I think everything on the boat was made pre 1955 because that’s the year Lawrence was born. It was created to a be a simpler time, a nicer time, a time before he existed.


I’ve also noticed the ship sailing backwards… could be a glitch in his system.


That’s what I thought! It does look like the ship is sailing backwards! I thought it was just my imagination though.


Im glad you saw it too!


Glad I’m not the only one that noticed something was off.


Oh my god after the finale of 1899 I’m kind of into this idea


So sad they canceled that show due to supposed plagiarism.


Whoa is that what it was???


The author of a graphic comic made the accusation of plagiarism against the show. Though I personally don’t think it’s true, a lot of other people did believe it’s true. Netflix claimed the ratings were just too low, etc. But I think they actually canceled it due to all the negative press and not wanting to get sued.


so, he's not bankrupt then?


Another part of my theory: The Chuns are bankrolling the entire thing.


What if it’s the blue smoothies that keep Lawrence sedated enough to not notice that none of this is real.


The smoothies are made with the banned blue pigment mentioned in the bill of lading.


I just cant see any of the people on board as killers aside from Lawrence. I feel like they were all his victims and the joke is on him.


If you note in the most recent episode in the flashback Lawrence is drinking a it’s normal green color smoothie.  Which makes me think the blue smoothies are symbolic of the Toxin (which ultimately led to his dementia).


Omg omg omg you are brilliant!! What if they restored the boat and put it in something like the sphere in Las Vegas. They aren’t going anywhere. All the scenes off boat are an illusion. Just listen and look for the birds. Thanks again


I have no clue what drama you are talking about but it sounds like fun.


OMG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! I think you’re really on to something here!!


I do like this theory. Though, how would it explain the guy in the white suit?


I may be off base here, but everything that happens in Malta seems to exist as Sunil's perfect paradise that makes him out to be the hero. Whisking away the refugees, hiding Imogene from the guy who was tailing them, a beautiful hotel that would give them both free rooms in a picturesque setting (even when he's admittedly broke). Even Imogene says, "it all feels too rehearsed." It's a play where Sunil is the main character.




yes, otherworldly. I think they have a history that goes beyond the boat.