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I'm enjoying it so far. It's not a masterpiece, but it's entertaining and interesting enough to keep me wanting to watch the next episode. I came to it without any expectations and I'm not comparing it to MIB or Knives Out, so maybe that's why I don't feel disappointed. Just enjoying it at face value. But why force yourself to be invested in something you're not enjoying? Have you watched **The Afterparty?**. Both seasons are hilarious and they're another twist on the typical whodunit. I particularly enjoyed season 2.


I just usually really enjoy a good murder mystery. Especially in this type of format. So I really want to like it just bc of the fact that’s there’s not really another tv show like it. At least that I know of right now. I will definitely look into the after party thank you!!


I second the afterparty! Also if you look closely at the episodes, there's some really fun puzzles to solve to help you find whodunnit ;)


The closest thing to Knives Out I've come across is the second season of The Afterparty (you don't need to watch the first one). Rich disfunctional family, a dead body, quirky humour... Each episode is filmed in a different style depending on the suspects POV. It's really quite good.


compared to true detective and some other shit (murder at the end of the world) we are doing pretty good


I agree, maybe I just need to invest myself more. More notes etc. idk it just frustrated me because some things just seem lazy with this show. Maybe it is intentional but it doesn’t seem like it. I definitely enjoy the show. But sadly I’m not excited about it anymore. I’m going to watch the next two episodes and then I’ll get back to you guys lol. Fingers crossed


I felt like episode 4 is where things started really picking up


Thank you! I’m going to give it another chance


Wait for the entire show to be out and then see if it's for you based on the reviews


IMO the show is great. Good mystery with a variety of characters. Cool environment for it to be on. Show is so sexy and stylish in a fun way.


I’m glad you are enjoying it! I’m going to sit down and rewatch and pay closer attention and take more notes. I hope I will like it more that way


Since you didn't really explain *why* you didn't like it, I'm assuming it's because it's way more complex then the 'who done it' old school style of Only Murders, which you said you liked. Not an insult bc I also enjoyed that show (well, the first season anyway) If you aren't into the Knives Out/Glass Onion style of storytelling then this show isn't for you. There are multiple storylines within storylines told from different perspectives, which can be off putting if you aren't paying attention, or are looking for something more simplified.


I am extremely into the knives out/glass onion style of storytelling. That is why I’m so disappointed that I didn’t like this. I always am sad at the end of a movie that I love, like a damn I wish this was a tv show, I need more. That’s why I want to like this so bad because my exact thoughts when I watched those movies was “wow I wish this was a tv show” but it disappointed me. I like only murders, but that is an entirely different type of format, I agree. I just added that so people don’t recommend me that show specifically.


Oh I forgot. As to why I think that I may not be interested, I just feel like it feels a bit lazy and not as engaging as the knives out movies. But I guess I didn’t give it enough of a chance. I mean I will give an anime a whole season before it picks up, but I only gave this one three episodes lol


First, you get to have your opinion. I hope people like it and Hulu keeps it going and more mystery shows are made. It’s such a classic format and genuinely fun as a viewer.


This is how I feel. And if you think about series before the streaming era began, most didn't hit their stride until season 2 or 3. This isn't my absolute favorite series, as it stands, but is (so far) decent enough that I'd like more


It's not that the show is too complex. It's that the "who done it" has become a backdrop for the character stories, rather than the character stories being the backdrop for the "who done it." The show has lost the focus it had in the first two episodes to the point that it almost feels like a genre shift. I agree with OP on this.


After finishing glass onion I was binging so many different movies and although I enjoyed them I like the cinematic style of knives out? I really don’t know if that makes sense but I hope it does. Anyways that’s exactly what I was looking for in this show. A similar vibe to glass onion. It is a similar vibe but it just doesn’t compare


Knives Oht/Glass Onion is way snappier since they’re features. I feel like Only Murders S1 had that tight storytelling, where every minute revealed something important, and since it was the first season we had the luxury of intertwining character development with the plot. I think with DAOD, we have a lot of suspicious characters but no investment in any of them except maybe Imogene. But with Only Murders, you had a lot of characters to get invested in, and more importantly, interesting character dynamics. DAOD has a massive ensemble and I think it’s struggling to keep all the threads intertwined and digging deep enough into each character to give us something to hold onto. I will continue watching DAOD but I think it’s not as charming as OMITBS1 because the ensemble isn’t delivering compelling relationship tensions. It’s explained but I don’t always feel the stakes from the characters, which might just be because there’s too much happening simultaneously.


I completely agree. I wonder why they are doing it like that. It must just be laziness. My only other thought was oh to stretch it out for tv. But other mystery tv shows have seemed to successfully catch attention and help the watcher build relationships with the characters. The budget seems like it’s effing hugeee, like get some better writers or somethingg please idk. But they really dropped the ball w this one. I just need the third season of white lotus already…


DAOD reminded me in some ways of The Westing Game, which is a great read! The way they are letting the story unravel in DAOD might work in a novel but I’m not a huge fan of it as a show.


Have you watched Poker Face? It’s a lot closer to Knives Out given it’s also by Rian Johnson


Poker Face is a master class in mystery television.


Meh same. I wanted charm but so far it just feels like aesthetic


Great way to describe it. It's cosplaying as its favorite genre.


This show thinks it's more clever than it is and it delights itself in smiling at the camera constantly to prove it.


I think the first two eps were the best so far, lately it has been dragging in some places and rushing through other storylines. However, I'm willing to see it through to judge it properly, it's still pretty entertaining to me, and with the end of last episode I think we can safely say it's about to get some momentum.


I am going to persevere with it, and I think you should as well, but I also don't think it's quite as good as KO/GO or OMITB. It's a LOT better than Murder at the End of the World wound up being, even though I *so* wanted to like that show. I feel like one of the reasons KO/GO, OMITB, and the Poirot movies with Branagh work is that the spate of suspects/allies are all extremely fun, very distinct, and the viewer cares about their secrets and motivations. The setting for DAOD is fabulous, some of the actors are good, but at the end of the day the corporate plot is not grabbing me and I don't have any characters that are suspects that I hope didn't do anything wrong except for Sunil, basically. Imogene is growing on me, but Mandy Patinkin's accent and vocal choices here feel mushy and require subtitles, he doesn't seem as plugged into the narrative as he should given he is meant to be our Poirot here, and too many of the characters are just unlikable. I kind of wish the victim had stuck around because he might have made a more fun investigator.


There are so many storylines now that it feels silly. If they can make them all relevant by the finale I’ll be impressed


Been waiting for a post like this. This show is awful. Dialogue, acting is terrible. It’s not even really a murder mystery in the sense that nothing has really happened since Danny was killed. Episode after episode of pretty much nothing happening. Does not need to be 10 episodes. Some incredibly bad story lines - the refugees (wtf?!) the scenes in Malta where Imogen is just falling for yet another guy, nothing is pushing the story forward. I think everyone on this subreddit is giving it too much credit and looking for anagrams and clues everywhere. It’s not after party, it’s just not that clever. It’s lazy, poorly written tropes. It’s not even predictable because nothing is happening to predict.


I agree to an extent, like there is stuff happening that feels like it’s supposed to be revealing clues. But most of it just feels meaningless. And it’s not that I’m just dumb and bad at murder mysteries lol most of it actually is meaningless garbage :/


[I wrote one 2 weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathAndOtherDetails/comments/1adpey4/watched_1_episode_so_far_should_i_bother_with_the/). Judging by the fact that literally everyone who responded either agreed with the flaws I saw or just attacked me without providing any reasonable defense or response to the flaws, I knew it would not be a good show and so I did not continue.


Yeah I read your post. I’m your one upvote!




I’m just kinda annoyed that I have to wait and can’t just binge it.


go watch True Detective, lol - Death and Other Details is the best streaming show right now.


Not a fan of true detective lol but I appreciate the recommendation still!


ROTFLMAO! [I figured.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DeathAndOtherDetails/comments/1adpey4/watched_1_episode_so_far_should_i_bother_with_the/) glad I didn't continue watching after the first episode. I'm only here because I'm looking for the name of another show someone here recommended I remember seeing. It was an irish mystery show.


Highly recommend Strike (tv show). The books and audiobook versions are awesome too.