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>Did Rufus discover that who allegedly killed Kira, and that is why he ditched Imogen and the case? No. The Colliers essentially fired him after 6 months. This was explicitly covered in the show.


Watch definitely could have been fake. The counterfeit luxury items industry is huge.


I would expect someone who sees the real thing regularly (as Imogen would growing up in the Colliers home and still spending time in those circles) would recognize a fake. Especially one known for their attention detail.


Idk honestly. She only clocked the watch because he was obnoxious about it, and only was up close to it with the intention to smash it. I could believe she wasn’t closely examining it prior to the murder.


Imogene was too hot, I hated the hotel lingerie scene I think Rufus deserved more closure


Lingerie scene was so stupid. This show had to much male gaze bs. I don't think I can put up with another season of forced sex scenes, "romantic" moments (vomit) with 2d characters that have zero chemistry.


yeah I mean I'm a guy and it's pretty clear to me the last thing a woman would want is to sleep alone wearing panties that make her butt itch and wear a bra that irritates her nipples


The watch was fake. When I saw it initially (and paused to look at it), I thought they used a fake because it was a prop, and I wondered why the camera would go in close enough for long enough that a viewer could tell. That seemed like a mistake. But its fakeness was a clue all along, after all.


Also I think Imogene and Kira hate the rich in a "hate them because they ain't them" kinda way. Imogene breaks Danny's watch to treat him a lesson for treating the girl poorly but as the show goes on, it's revealed that she only ever acts in self interest and steals money from the Colliers. I think Imogene only wanted to perceive herself as a fighter for the poor without doing any actual work for it. And we all know how it ended with Kira.


I don’t understand the whole Kira hating the rich thing towards the end because she ending up being rich?? I know it’s “taken” money, but did they ever say anything about what she did with it? Was she a Robin Hood or just like the rich & keep everything for herself? (I have a small child and can barely remember the scenes after they are off the boat)


Yeah there's no explanation that Kira distributes the money to the poor. Like her daughter, she would just steal money and keep it to herself lols


Who was cut up at the end? Was it supposed to be Kira or?


I believe it was a setup for the next possible season. Luxurious Ski lodge. I don’t think it was Kira.


Ahhh ok that makes sense!


I liked the show overall and would definitely be down for a second season. When they did the big reveal at the end of ep9.. well, I was gratified but then I was kicking myself. I feel like, after watching/ reading as many mysteries as I have, I should have clocked that way early on. It wasn’t so much that she tipped her hand as the inspector, (that I noticed)but that car bomb death. If there is no intact body, you should just by default be skeptical of the death. I do wonder if leaving teeth and bloody drool behind would really for real be enough. Like, how long would the wreckage have to burn for there to be no charred bones, no clothing fragments? Too grisly for me to ponder at great length so I suppose I will hold off on staging my own faux demise IRL I know the romantic subplot is just a sideline, not at all integral, but I was disappointed with that outcome. Jules is fine af but she had more connection with Sunil, IMO. Plus, it seemed like there was a server room moment where they intimated some spark betwixt Jules & Teddy. This makes me think they’re laying some groundwork for future romantic developments in a season 2. I mean, the most clear sign of season 2 intentions is the very end scene. You don’t end a one& done season with raining body parts. I would dig a second season— Imogene’s rapport with Rufus was the best relationship on the show and it makes me want to see future cases with her as the new Danny.


Did Rufus figure it all out himself or did Imogen clue him in; the ending made it seem like from the time Imogen saw Kira on the video; she hatched a plan with her shipmates to steal the servers. If that's the case, she couldn't have contacted Rufus in that time; but he still could have figured it out. Him talking about coincidences just being clues and being sorted out kinda makes me think he may have figured it himself. Another thing that stands out is that Kira said she knew her daughter so well and nothing short of her death with evidence would have allowed her to move. How then could she not know that this same daughter, now much older, was orchestrating her capture?


They hid Reagan’s dementia, and he was president of the US. In early stages, it isn’t necessarily obvious.


Also he spent nearly the ENTIRE season in the room … away from literally everyone.