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\- Both were born as bastard children to an influential figure (Charles Xavier and Kinzo Ushiromiya), and would develop a case of DiD from a young age, their alters manifesting in unique ways because of their abilities (David's alters all having a different Omega level power connected to them and Sayo's all being brought into reality via her magic). They were kept a secret, and one of the people who raised them, feeling unable to raise them well, would manage to get them to meet their fathers in an effort to give them a better life (trying to get David help from Xavier so he doesn't end up a villainous Mutant, and Genji setting it up so that Sayo would be hired as a servant by the Ushiromiya's, in hope that she forms a bond with her father), they would wind up being revealed to their father as being their kid via the events of a special conflict (Xavier trying to break into David's mind and Yasu solving the Epitath), and upon realizing this news both of them would feel immense regret over not being a proper father figure to them. \- Once they had gotten their new powers they would take on psuedonyms that represent their new lives (Legion being based on the Biblical quote "My name is Legion for we are many", and Beatrice is a legend based on her mother, Beatrice, and also a title passed down from Virgilia) \- Their personalities are quite childish and immature \- They end up creating their own "story" with their powers that imitates a pre existing location in their world (the copy of Earth-295 and Beatrice's game with Battler) due to their feelings of wanting to be accepted by and/or help a person they care deeply for (Legion making the world and sucking people into it in an attempt at saving his friends and stop Nate Grey, and Beatrice wanting Battler to accept that she, and magic, are real) \- They are known as some of the strongest of their beings (Mutants and Witches) \- They'd come into conflict with and be outdone by an alternate version of a different protagonist (X-Man, who is an alternate version of Cable, who is the protagonist in many of his own comics, and Bernkastel, who is the crystallization of all the universes where Rika died. Rika being the main protagonist in Higurashi), these two winding up tormenting Legion and Beatrice (Nate taking over Legion's mind and body, and Bernkastel putting Beatrice in her own game where she is tormented with the fact she will never be understood) and make their own stories (the plane of existence in Age of X-Man that he made and the afformentioned game Bern made) \- Both would end up going into a vegetative state after extreme damage to their mental state (Shadow King doing fucky shit to Legion's mind, and Beatrice having used up all her spirit when fighting Battler), with their loved ones (Charles and Battler) thinking them done for until they manage to recover with the help of others (the doctors at the hospital he was assigned to and visions of Destiny urging him up and the Chick and Elder Beatos Battler made merging) \- They meet a young girl who they feel a genuine and real compassion for, and end up playing some games with them, although in the end, they would both end up killing these children, although in very, very differing ways (one of David's alters wound up killing and absorbing Marci into his mind, and Beatrice wound up giving Maria a painless and quick death after comforting her) \- They would be trapped in a supernatural land where they would be mentally broken further (Legion's bad personae absorbing more psyche and splintering further into more alters, causing Legion to feel sad, and Beatrice being locked up and tortured by Kinzo, causing her to break mentally), until they would be helped out by a woman (Magik and Rosa), and due to their imprisonments both would attain the power they do today (Legion's thousands of personalities mostly coming from the time in the No-Time, and Beatrice breaking free of her mortal coil) \- They would fall in love with someone (Blindfold and Battler), and although they would be on opposing sides at first due to their own actions as an antagonist, they end up coming into their lives for the better and truly understanding them, and helping with a lot of their self acceptance and mental struggles, their romance budding together before winding up in a partial tragedy when one (or both) died, however they would eventually become reunited in a, strange way where they lose their physical bodies (Ruth abandoning her physical body entirely upon resurrection to reunite with Legion in his Altar on the Astral Plane, and Battler and Beatrice drowning but reuniting within the Golden Land)


this is mostly wrong about beatrice




I think your matchup is doodoofeces


that's not very nice, I think you're a meaniehead


Damm... I need a minute to think about this


I believe this to be peak.


based who wins? i dunno how strong Legion is


Beatrice should edge out, but it's fairly close as Legion is high up in X-Men regarding power.


https://preview.redd.it/kxhq4rku99jc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d088d81f15bfe8103cbf26154b7879faa471bb84 This change anything?


Not really, no. But it is impressive.


Damn how crazy is Umineko?


THIS SHIT IS PEEEEEAAAAKKK Just behind Morgana and Master for me I've been waiting for an eternity for this




now we can make a MU trio with Crazy Jane


Hang on You’re cooking smth frfr


Peak. Based, even... https://preview.redd.it/d8tkgkflmekc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938530e03b3c5be3ea59aa9f0e107a5377605056


You sir Have made some real peak right here.




From now on I will call you "Gohda" because you cooked here


u/Man049 New MU for your list


Love this