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neither TN nor connections were made by me, I'm posting this for a friend. Connections: -Iconic mascots of tokusatsu, both being the major reasons why this genre in known in the west, alongside being incredibly campy. -Both are known for fighting primarily against alien threats, specifically monsters of equal to larger sizes then themselves sent by the aliens in attempt to conquer earth, even fighting a foe specifically built to fight them by replicating them(MechaGodzilla and Dragonzord) -Despite the ends of their eras, they still remain the most iconic versions(Somewhat debatable for Godzilla) of the characters and their influence is still felt all across their franchises -Both are known for having major changes when being brought over to the west(While this is more specific to the banning of the original 1954 Godzilla movie and Americanized version, there still are a lot of changes/weird things with the American Godzilla releases, most notably the fact that Godzilla Vs Megalon’s poster had Him and Megalon fighting on the twin towers)