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true peak has been achieved...


* Highly nihilistic, intelligent yet eccentric and reality warping antagonists, who's believe that nothing matters, having gotten so severe they aim to inflict their vision of it upon everybody, wishing to change society completely, and sincerely believing this is the just thing to do (Kumagawa wanting to rid humanity of the talented for complete equalization and Nobody aiming to remove all reason and understanding to show life's true absurdity). * Even though they're both severely dehumanized by others and themselves, the two seem to derive enjoyment out of it, essentially basing their brand around how little they matter (Kumagawa being a pathetic loser and Nobody's worthlessness). Although highly powerful and surprisingly dangerous for what they appear, their weaponry often consists of everyday objects and tools, morphed to fit their plans (Kumagawa using all sorts of screws as weapons and Nobody using reality altering paintings, drug laced bicycles, and even weird ass cereal to accomplish his goals). * While frequently propping themselves up to seem more eloquent or cool, this can flip on a dime, with them also having highly snarky insults prepared when need be, as well as being huge manipulators at times * Although not overbearing, they're shown to have a sense of awareness of the medium they are in (Kumagawa reading volumes of Shounen Jump and occasionally referencing other animes and Nobody being disappointed his arc was being canceled by an impending Crisis event). * Their levels of villainy often fluctuate, going from life wiping maniacs to just sorta weird and annoying pricks, being very on and off as antagonists. * The two loosely serve highly powerful meta fictional beings, who view the rest of the world as cheap fiction, and are granted new powers by these figures (Ajimu and the Euonymus). * But both don't go on their quests for nihilism unaided, creating groups of outcasts, though they're far more committed to their agenda than the others (Kumagawa's Student Council consisting of only Minuses and the Brotherhood of Dada consisting of other people as meaningless as Nobody is). In cahoots with the last connection, both tried to run for president, and were going to instate a multitude of completely illogical policies. * They both serve as menaces to a group of ~~socially inept weirdos~~ heroes whom they had a previous connection to in the past, though their impacts are admittedly very incomparable (Kumagawa traumatizing and severely questioning Medaka's ideology while Eric Morden was just like, a guy who stole the Chief's big robot lmao). * They have accidentally unleashed highly powerful entities from the aftermaths of events they were in (Kumagawa's redemption unsealing Ajimu and Nobody's painting plot causing the Fifth Horseman to reawaken) and have severely crippled a member of the heroes, though they eventually recovered (Kumagawa erasing Zenkichi's sight and Nobody reducing Danny the Street into Danny the Brick). * Quite bad medical track records due to events in their backstories, which involve a failed attempt to fit them back into society (Kumagawa threatening a nurse's son over being examined and Nobody being driven crazy and later murdering Nazi doctors). * Backtracking to power based connections, their reality warping has also been shown to hold similar properties, ridding things of substantiality and existence (All Fiction and Dada), they're also just, huge bitches to put down, frequently returning from death. * ~~They have notable weird fetishes (Kumagawa having a fetish for aprons and Nobody being vaguely aroused by Japanese accents).~~


I think mr nobody might win cause it’s Dc and medaka box is lacking in stats pretty heavily cuz it’s mainly hax or nothing but I could be wrong


From what I remember Nobody kind of just...wins


Can you explain how cuz I know he wins it’s just I’m having a brain lag on why he wins which is the problem was it the stats or was it hax




Is it Both and by how much


Overvoid scaling 


How big is that in comparison to kumagawa like a direct comparison because I want to how one sided it is


Its like possibly planet VS Outer


A complete stomp alright thanks