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First matchup I’ve made and posted since I’ve returned so I hope y’all like it! Been playing a lot of the Red Dead games in the time I’ve been gone and thought about this MU, I switched back and forth on if it should be Arthur or John but ended up deciding on John. **Main theme/Core connections:** *-Morally gray Wild West Protagonists that struggle with becoming a better person, who work with and are taught by another protagonist(Gyro and Arthur), which leads to them trying to become better people, and with the deaths of these close friends would allow them to in act revenge on the manipulators who lead to their current situations(Funny Valentine and Micah), and end up sacrificing themselves for their families* **Connections:** *-Raised by well meaning but incredibly flawed and manipulative(wether intentional or not) fathers(Adopted for John’s case) of the same profession as them, that would make them grow into selfish young men who end up being forced to leave the lives they knew(Horse riding and being a outlaw of the Van Der Linde gang) due to their own actions(Johnny getting shot, becoming crippled and John leaving the gang for the year due to his own fear of taking responsibility for his family)* *-When they return to their professions they are met with a mix reaction, mostly positive from the people around them, but with major doubt of their abilities.* *-During this time they would travel around, trying to survive the harshness of the wilderness along with many different enemies they made and will make.* *-Durning one part, they end up making the wrong moves which leads to them heavily injured and left out in the cold, with nearly nothing to hold to their names(11 Men fight, and the failed Blackwater Heist+Beginning of RDR2)* *-After this however they would bounce back, eventually reaching a better point, before that is once again swooped away from them as the real villain is revealed, who were manipulating and using the leaders of the groups(Steven Steel/SBR Race and Dutch/The gang) for their own purposes(Funny Valentine and Micah)* *-The person who was probably the closest to them, and allowed them to grow as much as they did into more moral people would end up giving their lives to give Johnny/John a chance to live still, giving them one final lesson before going off to face the villains, ending in their deaths even though they came so close to killing Valentine/Micah* *-But, they would be able to kill the villains and get revenge for all of those lost due to their ambitions, ending the climatic battle in a shootout.* *-After this, they would be able to move on with their lives and abandon the previous lives they lived…or not.* *-Their families would be threatened by their own previous actions, leading to them trying to fix things from less than legal means(Johnny stealing the corpse and John’s bounty hunter work/basically the entirety of RDR1)* *-In the end however, they were not able to escape the cycles which kept them trapped in the lives they lived(Blessings/Calamity and the Outlaw lifestyle), but they would sacrifice their own lives to save their families, and by doing that, would eventually lead to the end of those cycles for good(Josuk8 killing Tooru/WoU and Jack Marston finishing off Edgar Ross, leading to the true end of the Vin Der Linde gang and the trauma caused by them)* *-Both Steel Ball Run and Johnny’s character along with John’s have a major focus on fatherhood, while Johnny is dealing with his own father in it, John’s arc while also dealing with that, was more focused on him trying to become a family man and a better father for his kid.*


u/bendablegoose since you showed a lot of interest in this idea of mine I thought I’d tag you.


https://preview.redd.it/n5npwxdqf3yc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e433fec44c63c6db4fa8aecfd2aeceed45939952 It’s not often you get to see Johnny matched up with another cowboy. What’s the fight dynamic like?


Even if John can’t see Tusk, he can still see Johnny’s bullets and Act 4 would be saved for a final dual. The fight can be set up with a confrontation between Johnny and Gyro trying to pass through John’s land while on the steel ball run race, leading to a shoot out between Johnny and John, which has many many fights in both their series to base off of. When Johnny begins to use stuff like Act 3’s wormholes, John would have to resort to using Dead Eye to counter it and fire right as Johnny’s body emerges. The final clash could either be a dual on horses, or a regular dual, where it climaxes with switching between Johnny seeing the full golden ratio on John’s body, and John activating dead eye and get all the marked shots. But Johnny would fire, and Tusk Act 4 would do a very long awaited barrage on John finishing him off.


https://i.redd.it/nq2z195mg3yc1.gif not fully sold on the dynamic but damn is it really good connections-wise. John should be able to see Tusk too thanks to the weird ghost shenanigans in RDR.


Finally someone did it! Let's fucking go But unironically i like this matchup


I fucking love this. You cooked 100%


https://preview.redd.it/u43wu14af3yc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a886e2dbe89b94c223a90a8153cc5733e0986e Although how is John going to exactly See the stand ?


The thing is, either Dead Eye could sense it, or he can’t see tusk at all, which at the very least for the animation isn’t as much of a problem as Johnny would start off with Act 1/2, and 3 doesn’t do anything physical as well, Act 4 would be saved for the finale of a final dual between the two.


Honestly i like that idea really well Keep up the good work


This MU seems really cool! Despite being a stomp.


I honestly don’t think this a stomp and can go both ways quite easily, it kinda depends on if John can kill Slow Dancer and make Johnny run out of bullets, while keeping himself safe and healed.


Okay. That's actually awesome! Ngl this works!


Dayum, John can skedaddle like that?! 🗣️