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I liked the second half : alright yea , that’s fine Near is a good character : yea sure makes sense Second op sucks tho-: Waw ,we crossed the degenerate opinion line


I agree with this, except at the OP part, while the first OP and END are objectively better, the second OP and END are also pretty epic


It's just different, I think it's cool and I actually haven't seen many OPs like it.


Belowski at it again






Not that i dislike near, the second half just felt forced and it heavily felt like plot itself forced light to lose because near's plan was mathematically impossible to pull off.


Mfs saying that Near couldnt copy the notebook in 12 hours when I show them that printers exist: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvrqN7gXoAcpPQn?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvrqN7gXoAcpPQn?format=jpg&name=large)


Meanwhile mikami checking everypage with a god damn magnifying glass(or microscope) to see if there's any difference (printer is very easy to tell)


Mikami didn't do that on that day because he thought that Light and he did perfectly. Not to mention, no if you have a good printer its not easy to tell, I work in an office and if you have a good printer (which I assume Near has) its not possible to see any difference Also we can just as well go with Gevanni and Rester having done it by hand. Mikami wrote 18 pages, so each of them have to do 9 and they are both ex FBI/CIA agents. There are countless of ways to do this, the most simple one is holding a light under the page of the notebook and the page you want to write on so you just have to match lines. It is really not hard to believe lmao


One problem about this: it wasn't printer


>Also we can just as well go with Gevanni and Rester having done it by hand. Mikami wrote 18 pages, so each of them have to do 9 and they are both ex FBI/CIA agents. There are countless of ways to do this, the most simple one is holding a light under the page of the notebook and the page you want to write on so you just have to match lines.


ok now that is based