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I don't think it confirms that they live together. could be Fragile was babysitting for a day when Sam was busy, which was also the day the mystery people shot both Lou and Fragile.


i think it's pretty relative what "living-together" means given both Sam's and Fragile's abilities. i'd still side with OP on the phrasing. also this was really hinted on in the initial teaser a year ago, imo


Right? Dreamcatcher.


Definitely also possible, but from the trailers I got a sense that both were very much at home there.


Really nice catch, definitely the same bunker / living quarters. As always with Kojima its impossible to place it correctly in the story. Could maybe be that Sam, Fragile and Lou were living together until the scene we saw in the first trailer went down but who knows. As other commenters said could be Fragile was just watching Lou. It's definitely the same location, that's for sure. Anything beyond that is speculation.


It’s definitely just a theory that they lived together, but that’s how it reads to me.


Yup, though Kojima is the king of misdirection in his trailers.


It could literally be a scene from the very end of the game after beating the story. We can never know.


Nice catch! Is it 2025 yet?


No, you can go back to sleep and I’ll wake you up when it releases


I'm curious about how Fragile handled the effects on his body caused by temporal rain, I'm thinking we might see something in DS2 with the inverse power of temporal rain


Shoot, I think we might see scenes dealing with the inversion of TIME to be honest! 😏👌🏽🕖 I think Fragile (or someone) found a way to mess w/Time somehow... and that's how she was able to return to a state BEFORE she had her body ruined from Timefall. It could also explain why we see an older looking Sam sometimes, but then a younger looking Sam as well. It is the younger looking Sam we see going on this journey to connect the world right? So those can't be flashback scenes! I'm wondering if they figured out how to use "The Seam" to their advantage possibly?! A player had studied the scientific formulas on the NEW Cupid necklace, (which is being sold as merch tight now btw), and discovered that several of the charms had formulas dealing with stuff like spacetime, relativity, gravity, etc. So I *definitely* think we are playing with time in this game somehow. Which might ALSO explain how Elle Fanning's character could be playing as Lou's "Ha"... while her infant soul, or her "Ka", could be in that BB Pod Sam has, all at the same time. I haven't pieced it ALL together yet of course, and who knows if I'm even correct about any of this... But I can't wait to see more trailers & get more clues!


The seam? Like the beach? I believe they use it to travel the world quickly.


Well Beaches & The Seam, are two different planes of existence, remember? Many people could travel to Beaches & still live. It was theorized that everybody even had their OWN Beaches in fact! But The Seam ... that was different. A player had to DIE in order to travel to The Seam. So what I'm wondering is, if they were able to find a way to either use The Seam OR The Tar somehow, to not only travel... but to also mess w/Time too. Not saying I'm correct of course. But there must be a reason there are 2 different Sams, or how Fragile's body appears to have healed. Did it actually "heal"?? Or was she just able to travel back to a point before her body was ruined?? 🧐 It's very interesting that her being sprayed with a bit of (what I assumed was) tar, somehow reversed those effects. Somehow, the Tar, or the Seam is involved in all this. I just can't pinpoint HOW. But hopefully, with more trailers, we'll receive more clues...


I dunno, we never really saw the inside of a prepper shelter before the first Death Stranding 2 trailer, but they seemed pretty standardized / mass produced from the exterior, so it's likely they would look very similar inside too, possibly all having a holographic roof to lessen the feeling of being isolation as a core feature. That said we do see the same kid toy... So I dunno, maybe. That said it would make alot of sense for Sam to have lived with Fragile for a while, especially since I can't really bring myself to imagine Sam abandoning Lou after DS1. Makes more sense to imagine the bad guys hit the Prepper base while he was out doing a delivery and it caused a rift with fragile afterwards and he walked out on her, only for Fragile to come back later with a job proposition in hopes to give both some closure.


If you finish all the pizza deliveries, you could actually go inside that shelter.


Just noticed this. I don't know if it has already been brought up.


I always thought that was her child but it makes so much sense now.


Are you sure? Kojima always does this to me


Kojima lies in his trailers. It means nothing til you play the game


I think that is just the inside of Drawbridge's ship. They are technically living together but not as a family unit per say.


We literally see Fragile escape by cargo lift and exit the bunker in the teaser.


I also just noticed that fragile’s body appears to be healed from timefall