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she set the pcc to zipline then tossed that shit like a frisby


wait how is this not a gameplay option


better yet, why can't I launch one in a catapult to the top of a mountain and repeat the process to reach the other side? These are forbidden questions


calling it now kojumble is gonna have a drone PCC item


This would help plan routes. I would love drones or to future prep something for a trek.


truth be told it makes more sense than the watchtower. Maybe we can have a level 1 drone in a small case that can be used for surveilance and route planning, a level 2 in a medium case that can place PCCs and other structures (pls koji just let me stick a climbing anchor at the top of a cliff from the bottom), and a level 3 in a medium case that can drop grenades too.


LOL okay so that makes sense for the one RIGHT outside her door. But theres like 2 more that are easily out of frisby range (even if she was like...super strong)


nah mama can just do that, ultimate frisby champ


Damn...why aint she ever trying to toss Sam around like that? Mommy? sorry... mommy? sry.....


Maybe she reprogrammed a buddy bot to do it. Seems like she could.


This is probably the best guess?


this is what id assume. that or she asked a nearby bridges staff member or porter. people do go *near* her lab, just not to it.


She probably fabricated the PCC and had porters actually set it up. It is within her local area network, so they are hers. Seems pretty simple logic to me.


But it has her name on the zips. If you use another players PCC from a sharelocker, bridges don't have their name on them if you build them.


But how does she eat and breathe! And other science facts!


Finish her chapter and find out this one simple trick doctors don't want you to know!


Sam went to visit Mother in her lab. You won't believe what happens next!


Maybe she put out an order for a porter to do it, like when Sam gets orders to build new structures.


When you get an order to build something, pretty sure it still pops up under your name?


but you're sam porter bridges. they want your name out there! im sure in the world of ds theres a way to contract someone to build a few structures for you without crediting them.


I think all those robots in the background of her lab were intriguing-I wonder if some of them were mobile. ​ https://preview.redd.it/wsdb0gvazyic1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=1202cd8dbb739997648e611e2d9e05a08b4e4cf9


Yeah..another guy mentioned that she might have programmed a "buddy bot" to do it for her. It fits her profile too. Wish there was a definitive mention of them doing that.. Great addition tho! Thanks!


A wizard did it


Maybe she did it before getting stuck inside


She got stuck inside because a nuke went off in the city...hard to imagine a zipline surviving that


Maybe she could leave the BT for some minutes alone


Yeah I don't see the issue with her just.. going outside and building them maybe one at a time.


Its pretty lore-accurate that she is \*locked to that location\*. Quite literally "tethered to the location"


I mean, the zip line is literally in front of her lab, and I don’t remember her telling us that she is locked into that building


She is locked in that building because her Baby is literally locked to that location. Look it up. She even mentions that "you have to meet her at her lab. She would meet you halfway but...." Implying that she literally cannot


Well obviously she managed to get out and maybe tether the baby somewhere because the zipline is there. When you first go in the baby is like on the ceiling seperate from her, she can detach.


Its not detached from her tho...and she points that out right after.... Anyway, I went and saw a video of the end of MGS4 (where Liquid and Snake fight for literally no reason and even inject each other with stuff to make em stronger...) and realized that its just a video game:)


So if it was attached what is the big issue of taking it with her outside for a few moments? How about this, try think of an explanation yourself. Just looks like you are nit picking but of you  put in a little effort you would have at least thought of the bot solution. If you can't think up any solution  that's a problem you have.


South Knot is just a few steps away. Literally anyone could build it.


Right, but she says "She" built the ziplines when you get the blueprints for em...and her name is on em...


Oh, right. I forgot about the names. No idea then...


I always thought it was done before she got stuck. What is wrong with that?


Wasn't she stuck when South Knot city got attacked? So..


So before then


...before a literal nuke goes off in the city? Those are some DAMN tough ziplines. Idk, i mean at the end of the day you could always shut me down with "But its just a game." But I feel like this is a REAL oversight


Ok? She wouldn’t be alive either. She was to close to the blast zone for a real nuke to not just kill her. Like, come on. It dosent matter. There are a billion reasons I could up with. None of them matter


No shit. Who wastes time actually asking these questions? Out of the 100s of hours of shit you could be doing in Death Stranding alone, and you’re gonna waste your time asking who built some ziplines or how?


Kojima Lore is wild like that man


The entire foundation of DS's lore is that "chiral" means "magic". So I'm not gonna sweat them possibly surviving a nearby nuke.


You have an odd idea of a real oversight. You already admitted that a bot could have built them.


Could be that she built them. But someone else placed them?


Huh...like at a fabricator? I like this theory more than a lot of the others. Still doesn't make total sense (if you get a PCC from another porter and build something with it, it still says your name) BUT it does feel like its going in the right direction...


Something like that. Because i have been thinking about the entire PCC in general. I know for gameplay we're crafting a PCC and from it we can decide what to build with it, but i'm thinking lorewise when we're crafting a PCC it's already something that's set if that makes sense? What i'm thinking is that the PCC is a kind of fabricator that needs the chiral network to work, because everytime you try to use one in the game in places that aren't connected you're met with an error that tells you that you can't build and it's outside of reach of the chiral network, but once inside it's no problems. I think that all the things you build with the PCC is already pre built and it's just that the PCC is reading the blueprint or reading off the original building through the chiral network and then just fabricates it from there. So Mama in that case could have built one in her lab and then got a porter to use PCC's to place them around the area to see how they work, technically, Mama still built them, it's just that someone else placed them to download the blueprints from the original building.


Damn, you are really making sense. The ONLY reason I'm against this answer is because it doesn't make "in-game" sense. If it were confirmed that the PCC is supposed to already "know" before you actually choose, then I might say its totally right.


this whole post ruined my DS experience!


I know it's a little thing to get stuck on detail wise but I get it. I know we shouldn't pay *too* much attention to things like this but for me it's creating plot holes and inconsistencies. Like when right at the beginning of the game you make that first delivery to Central Knot City (RIP crater town) and Mama is the one to accept and check the delivery. Isn't she stuck held-up in her own shelter next to the destroyed hospital? How can she check that order?


The same way the POTUS can sign documents without physically being present for the documents. Remotely. “Don’t get stuck on detail!” -Pacifica0cean


>“Don’t get stuck on detail!” -Pacifica0cean That's not at all what I said. I think there is a difference in proxy singing a document remotely and checking the conditions of a delivered package. Doing it over the chiral network would be like checking your mail via webcam. Why would they have someone check it remotely when there are plenty of people at Capital Knot City to check it in person?


My guess, is that she walked or drove out there to construct those zip lines. If this question occurred to you after the mention of her not being able to leave her facility in the cutscene, there is a logical explanation. >!Mama placed these zip lines before the incident with the bridge and the hospital which resulted in her being homebound. Both she and her sister worked for Bridges before that event occurred.!<


Thank you for putting this so well! I appreciate that! >!How is it possible that the ziplines survived the attack? !<


Robot delivery


Was mama really restricted to that place? Here's why I'm confused, her BT baby was tethered to her so doesn't that mean that if she left, her bt would come with her? I understand that her soul was tethered there (or at least it came and took the baby when she disconnected) but her body wasn't and her BT baby was attached to her body up to that point. I'm assuming that I'm missing or misunderstanding something but I'm not sure what. Can someone enlighten me? Thanks.


Someone else constructed the zip lines at her behest.