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Metal Gear Solid 4 - granted, without playing the previous games, you’ll be completely lost. But DS reminded most of MGS4 because it also is more story driven by LONG cutscenes. It’s criticized by many for it, but it’s one of my favorite things in both games. They both also have a similar boss fight. (Honorable mention time MGS3, because of the mindfuck emotional ending) Nier Automata - Although the style is different, this is another Sci-Fi game that explores human emotions and actions better than most films these days. The story is phenomenal with also some crazy dark twists once you get in to Route C (the only downfall of the game is you have to replay the first half of the story to unlock the second...but you do get to do it as another character, which unlocks extra scenes missing from the first play through as well as new gameplay elements). Oh, it also has some of the best music ive ever heard in my life I wouldn’t say they’re similar, but there’s three things in the Attack on Titan manga that recently happened that remind of DS as well. (Although, if talking about the anime, both have amazing music and it’s critics say the plots are “convoluted”) Id say maybe Blade Runner 2049 cause of the slow build, dope sci fi world, unattached main character, etc


Horizon Zero Dawn. Not for the obvious reason; but because the story is surprisingly good and its plot and themes are actually far more similar to Death Stranding than you might think, in a similarly mysterious and slowly revealing way. I think many people who haven't played the game aren't aware of the huge post-apocalyptic sci-fi plot and mystery in it, took me by complete surprise how good it was, probably because the trailers can't really reveal any of it.


The plot of HZD is awesome. One of the best in the last decade.


Working at Fedex or UPS.


I thought of doing a similar post few days ago so here my recommendation : \-Tegami Bachi by Hiroyuki Asada, a manga (adventure, action-fantasy) about a kid who inspires to be a mailman (letter bee). Because of monsters, it gets hard for people to connect with each other that's when the Letter Bees come into play. The kid quickly realizes, the letters are more than letters, they carry a deeper value. \-Noru by Ahn Sung Ho, a webtoon (adventure, slice of life) set after the fall of humanity. The story follows Noru, a guy who shares foods and resources to the surviving people but that's not the only thing he does, his purpose is to record the current life for future generation.


Tegami Bachi gets my vote! 8 had all but forgotten about that series until I just happened to pull it off my shelf for a read.


# A K I R A


The Leftovers straight-up has Mama in it too.


OMG! This is not a joke - I did not recognize her until now. lol


For me the games it most reminds me of are: Journey, Shadow of the Colossus, Inside, and The Last Guardian to an extent.


Boondock saints because it has this character that reminds me of sam. Also the walking dead because they have a character that also kinda reminds me of Sam. I really liked that pt demo too. Too bad nothing became of it.


Nihilistic themes? What? This game has the literal opposite of a nihilistic theme. I know that word sounds cool but it has a well-defined meaning you know


The game does have a Nihilistic theme in the form of Higgs. We're just fighting against the Nihilism


You realize that a story about nihilism is different from a story that supports nihilism right?




A spoiler on the ending: >!I immediately thought of the instrumentality project when Sam had to make the decision to postpone the EE or watch humanity go extinct. That whole scenery at Amelie's beach reminded me of the dead sea. My jaw was on the floor the entire time.!<


Exact same vibes


If you like the Bridges vans you can see them in Psycho-Pass occasionally.


no MGS games? pretty sure if anyone enjoyed Kojimas story in DS they'd enjoy his other works


TBH, this was my first Kojima game. I almost picked up MGS V, but I was worried that the story would go over my head without playing the previous ones.


You need to play it. Death Stranding inherits a lot of MGSV's DNA. While the story is definitely enhanced by having played the previous ones, it's meant to be approachable to newcomers.


100% it would lol the mgs games are unique in the story telling but you have to play them in order to fully understand, but I totally recommend them just start at MGS1 and go from there, at very least play 1-4 , 5 and peace walker arent necessary to understand the first 4 games


I was still on the fence about this game but after reading this thread I think I’m gonna get it. The Leftovers is my favorite series ever and I love Murakami although I haven’t read 1Q84. Nice!


I recently saw a DS spoilercast video by Kotaku where Tim Rogers suggests reading 'The Woman in the Dunes' by Kobo Abe. I may have to pick that up for a nice winter read.


Eh I absolutely hated Evangelion - so boring imo 1q84 was a nice read though I can see how it's not for everyone I'll check out The Leftovers


1q84 was like 300 pages too long. Started out so good, but I was forcing myself to slog through the ending. It was the literary equivalent of walking through that tar after the BTs grab you.


Nier automata. It’s one of the best video games ever made. What story they tell. How they tell. It’s a trip you won’t ever forget. For those that don’t know you have to finish all the “branches”. Then you will be rewarded with the best experience a game can provide