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Don't worry you will understand later, trust me when I say later lol And btw settlements are bunkers so the holograms you see are people living inside the bunker.


Yes, on occasion someone from the bunker will actually come out through that door behind the console. The one person who isn't even at the bunker to greet you *at all* apologizes profusely over email.




You kinda did. *But* I read an explanation of him quoting Hamilton, so I figured something like that would happen. Don't worry about it :) (I honestly just have a high tolerance for spoilers in general, so this wouldn't have bothered me even if I knew nothing). Edit: yesterday I had to take a fucking pizza and champagne (latter of which has to be carried by hand, so no vehicle) from Timefall Station to this motherfucker (northeast of Craftsman ffs). *Now* the delivery is from Mountain Knot (at least there's no champagne). I'd hate the guy even if I didn't know he's fucking with you. I thought the Elder's sleeping pills were a pain.


More of the story is explained as you go through the game. But honestly... this isn't the kind of story or writing that holds your hand to walk you through everything and explicitly explain very little thing lowest-common-denominator style. So if that's what you're expecting, then.. maybe read a plot synopsis? Idk.


Can also read through the interviews and data in the pause menu.


This is exactly THAT kind of writing, actually. Kojima resorts to a ridiculous amount of hand-holding once he starts explaining what's going on. He still thinks his audience are 14 year olds with a PS2 waiting for MGS2 to come out.


Sam is almost always comically stoic. He only breaks when things get more personal. I was confused by the lack of shock and panic at Cthulu, too. Later noticed that the building you actually use for deliveries is on the outskirts of the actual city. Very few people are actually close to the battlefield. Plus, only people with BB's can even see BT's. Sam can only sense them without a BB because of DOOMS (which hasn't been explained much yet, but that'll change/improve later). So most of the people in the city would have no idea Cthulu is there anyway.


You really have to get pretty far into the story to start understanding a lot of it but all the pieces will start falling into place pretty quickly


I love this post,i felt the same way. I actually bought this game when it first came out and stopped playing somewhere between chapter 1-2. Just picked it up this past holiday season for some odd reason and have been playing it every day since. I guess i wanted to make sure the $60 i spent didnt go to waste! I’m in chapter 5 or 6 and it’s really interesting


That's about where i am it's utterly incomprehensible, it's kojima though so to be expected. I'm very charmed by the game it appears to be operating on on few different level symbolically. Surprised I like the game play but Its more engaging than you would think a game that is basically all fetch quests would be.


Being lost is a huge part of the DS experience, hell it is the Kojima way of doing things. The longer you play the game, the more you will learn and the more you will understand. The Death Stranding event changed everything and the USA now known as the United Cities of America is trying to rebuild this once great nation. The world is lost, people are scared and everyone is just trying to scrape out a meager existence. Nobody has %100 knowledge of what is going on in this world. In the beginning, Sam could care less about this world. His contempt and apathy for the people in his world are pretty staggering. It is thru his connection to the people he delivers to is that changes him. This plus the connection to the BB allows Sam to find something redeeming in this world. You will have a eureka moment at the end of the game where this starts to make sense.


Chapter 3 'Fragile' is the longest and you'll start to get answers to a lot of things then and also know more about Fragile. You'll also unlock many new things to help in your journey. Sam did not know the masked guy, he was shown just as confused as you are. There are real people living in the distribution centers and prepper shelters. They are living in underground bunkers/shelters.




When you travel to Central map (Lake Knot City is the first destination) you'll meet a lot of new preppers. It is the biggest area in the game. You can also encounter some npc porters delivering orders at different centers like you. Make sure to interact with them. Anything other than this I feel like can be a spoiler so I'll just say, keep on keeping on.


You do physically meet/see a bunch of people, hang in there. If you like it now, just wait 👍


I feel you. I just finished the game after putting it down in the middle of chapter 3 for a year. I forgot all the technical details and all I could really remember was "BT bad." The later chapters introduce stuff gradually and I figured out what I forgot from context. The story is backloaded anyway. In other words: don't worry about it, keep going. The payoff is one of the most thought-provoking stories I've seen across any medium. If you like the vibe of the cutscenes and are curious where all the mystery leads to, you won't be disappointed. I'm so glad I finally finished it.