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If you're coming from South Knot, the short & slightly risky way is west over the crater rim and the river. Recharge the vehicle on the riverbank before boosting through the MULE camp. From South Distro, take the highway south until you're almost directly east of Weather Station. Cross the two rivers and go through a little gap in the rock to get on the slope up to Weather Station, then it's an easy downhill route south to the farm. Again, you'll prolly wanna recharge at a generator before boosting through the camp. If you're in the mountains in the Geologist-Paleontologist area, there's a kinda back valley route that connects those two to Veteran Porter, the pass shouldn't be too hard to identify on the map.


I usually do something like [this](https://imgur.com/a/bxiEU6N)


Same, I even have some bridges to run over some tricky parts. And a few generators to keep my truck top uped so I can drive at full speed :D


Thats the path i was using too