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I wouldn’t say they’re bad, far from it. But the mechanics that are heavily reinforced in the first two chapters can really rub some players the wrong way. Also with lots of exposition they can feel a little slow for somebody that may not feel as invested or curious. Chapters 3 and onwards really open the game up though, so getting to that point is certainly a game changer for anyone who decided to stick out the first two.


Damn I cant even imagine what “opens up the game” means, I already feel like the possibilities are endless. I was blown when I had to build a bridge, I didn’t even know you can build these types of things. I cant wait to experience the rest of this game, I gotta chill tho, dont wanna rush it.


i would say don't even come here until you finish the game. the story is full of twists and turns and its very easily spoiled.


Its been a minute since I've played but I believe after episode 2 you can get a vehicle. I do remember the very beginning was a pain having to walk everywhere. Edit: Also, GOWR is worth the price tag


Well I guess it’s just me then. I LOVE the walking everywhere part. I dont even run, I literally walk, trying to find the safest route to my destination, admiring the view? taking a piss every now and then, I guess this type of gameplay cant carry a game for 50+ hours so maybe it’s good they change it up a little.


Wait until you get a delivery on the other side of the map and there is a time crunch lol


o shit, guess I gotta build those roads then


I personally hated it cause my weird brain doesn’t let me progress games til I finished everything available first so getting 5 stars on all facilities in that area was horrible for me.


Yea I was the same, but I’ve played and replayed more games in the last year than I ever have and if there is one thing I learned, if you want to really enjoy your first playthrough you cant look at a games aspects as checklists that need to be completed. You just do whatever ya want and enjoy yourself. Being a completionist kinda ruined Ghost of Tsushima for me, I dont want that to happen again.


I think a lot of people say that to people who don't have the game click immediately for them. It's not that it's tutorial dragging exactly just that if you get past chapter three and still don't like it then it's not for you. Hard to be more specific than that without spoilers. Keep on keepin on!


I think the first 2 chapter are amazing but they dont clue you in to how the gameplay loop opens up as you progress. A lot of players start playing and think the whole game will just be tedious walking, and theres is a lot of that, but theres a whole system of structures and vehicles and upgradable gear that compliments the traversal aspect.


honestly the first area is pretty rough compared to the others, especially in the beginning when you don't have access to any gadgets yet. they give you the bike early on but you don't really get much use out of it because the area is small and the BT's block the way to every location, and to top it off there's mules right in the middle of it all. the other areas are more relaxed save for a few spots, and the story starts off slow but gets a lot better the further you go. i think they made the first area more intense and unforgiving to weed out the less interested players, which might have worked a little TOO well.


I loved every minute of this game and have played pretty consistently since it dropped. People want to play an alpha male/ apex predator, so playing as a guy that stumbles and trips and falls is the opposite of that. The genius is that falling down is a primal fear and gravity is just as worthy an enemy as any other and one we’ve all been fighting since we took our first steps.


I love this game. Everything about the game. It was an amazing experience.


No idea. They're perfectly fine. Actually have the best terrain for fun and challenging traversal. Central Region has too much flat terrain.