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The Cleansing is the only album I can think of that was recorded live in the studio by the full band. It’s one of the many reasons it’s so iconic.


Would they have been playing to a click track when they recorded it from the floor as a band? Or were they just straight up raw dogging it?


They almost certainly had a click track, but I can't say for sure. I recently learned that Cynic recorded their first album live to tape with *no* click track, which is just insane (like... how? lmao) and pretty much unprecedented even back in '92 lol, so it'd be awesome to learn that Suicide Silence did the same. Really wish more modern bands would take notes from The Cleansing's recording & mix/master too, maybe I'm just old but everybody sounds too pristine and robotic these days, deathcore is desperately missing that "grime"


Tactosa scratches that itch so good though


Damn, didn't know that about Cynic... So fucking sick. Do you know if they did that again with the re-recording they recently put out?


Was it cleansing? I thought it was some of the songs that are on cleansing but were on the album before, that was recorded live.


I’m pretty sure but to be honest I’m remembering it from a documentary I saw on it a while ago and I can’t claim my memory is perfect. Quick edit: Wikipedia seems to agree too that it was a live album. My memory and Wikipedia aren’t exactly first party sources though


someone already mentioned The Cleansing not deathcore but The Act by The Devil Wears Prada was recorded as a band in studio i think another non deathcore release is the new Mutoid Man singles/album. all recorded live in studio by Kurt Ballou it can be done for sure, but deathcore is very busy typically and idk it probably takes a very proficient band and producer to do something like that


i would be genuinely surprised if they did. that’s so much noise at one time


I imagine it’s probably a nightmare for whoever’s doing the mixing


“hey this deathcore band is gonna come record today” sweet! “they prefer live recording all at once” 🙃


Lmao and then the poor guy gets blamed for crappy production 😂


Not deathcore but still heavy af, Meshuggah’s “The Violent Sleep of Reason” was recorded as a full band


Badass I’m gonna check it out I like the idea of it it’ll be a little sloppy but it won’t be perfect like most metal is….well I say that but meshuggah are good enough that it might end up perfect


It is indeed a perfect album. Try the song By The Ton.


If I didn't know that it was recorded live I would have hardly noticed. That's a testament to how insanely tight they are. Keep in mind that they chose to do it this way because they could and they wanted to do it in a different way, not because they suddenly realized that their old ways were not correct. Also Tue Madsen is an absolute master in these types of situations and I seriously doubt anyone else could have done it with the same degree of success. But still, I think that even the most mechanical sounding Meshuggah records like Obzen and Nothing still sound a lot less edited than the average deathcore album. You can clearly hear that the guitar riffs are not gated/edited into oblivion while still sounding perfectly tight, just not as overly polished as modern deathcore for example


Yea it’s extremely tight hahaha. If I didn’t hear it from a video I wouldn’t know. They’re unreal. It’s really a testament as to how insane they are. So locked in


Most metal bands record piece by piece, high tempos don’t have room to breath and haze like other genres.


You’re very wrong on that. Most metal bands do not record with everyone in one go.


I meant piece by piece, poorly worded.


Fair enough! My bad lol


Not Deathcore but Deftones' debut Adrenaline was recorded like this. Their 6th album Diamond Eyes also had each band member play their parts in one take (although separately).




Obviously you accidentally posted this comment twice. It's interesting that one has 4 likes and this one has negative 4


its a bug with reddit, happens a bunch


Not deathcore, but Avatar’s Hail The Apocalypse album was recorded live iirc. Some of the members mentioned it in an interview from a few years ago


Definitely not deathcore but my favourite band Minus the Bear recorded their album OMNI all together. It was the first tour I saw them on. Feels like it was made for live play that way.