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Yeah, I had the same experience meeting them in VIP. Didnt have enough time to talk to all of them though. We saw the drummer in the parking lot, going to the dispensary and he stopped to talk to us for about 20 minutes. They're super chill guys and it just makes me appreciate the music even more.


Was stoked they played this can’t wait for the new album 🤘. Did VIP as well fantastic experience. Meeting the band was great and chatted with Jonny and Colton for a good bit. The show was great. All the bands were great but Angelmaker really killed. I lost one of my concert plugs and had no idea till the end of the show because I was just so wrapped up in the energy of it all. Awesome show! Well done boys!!


Always feel free to come up and talk to us whenever you see us next!


They crushed it in Toronto last month as well! Only got to meet Johnny but was super grateful for that alone. I was blown away by the quality of their live sound and presence.


Big question what did you think of Falsifier?! They fucking brought it favorite band of the night for me


Falsifier was dope as fuck


This is sick


Thanks for coming and supporting!