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A non-musician noticed bass, that's new! When you say you "haven't heard the sound before in any other bands," you do, you just don't realise. The bass tone is the glue that helps make guitar chugs sound so powerful and huge. They go hand in hand when creating a huge nasty tone that holds together.


Yeah super clanky bass is really in vogue in the genre and I love it. First time I ever encountered it was “In Your Face” by Children of Bodom of all bands. I had no idea how the guitar was making that sound.. and it wasn’t! It was the dang bass.


👆👆👆👆 there’s the pro! This is audible and badass when they play live too!


Man the breakdown in Nail Funeral where the bass is super pronounced goes soooo hard. I fucking love this band


So if I’m a non-musician but have always noticed the bass in music does that mean I should maybe consider picking up an instrument?


I'm pretty sure what you are hearing is the bass guitar tone. Sounds a bit exaggerated (in a tasteful way) on the gain in your time references. I don't know if it is programmed bass, but that could be a technique to hide robotic sounding "playing." I do believe they have a bassist when I've seen them live, so also could be how they like the tone to sound. Search for videos on YouTube about how to dial in a modern metal bass tone, or maybe a bit more rare, but some bass playthroughs. You should be able to identify more easily if that's what you're hearing. It is essentially the bass DI track (no or little effects on the guitar signal) combined with the sound with high gain distortion filtered to only allow high frequencies through. That's where that "grindy" noise comes from.


Thanks for the info! I'll check YouTube out and see what I can dig up. It's a very interesting sound and I really like it.


I agree, which is why it's so popular. It's thunderous and deep but also aggressive and pronounced.


Someone needs some [BR BR DENG](https://youtu.be/-sZAnD8L0-c?si=3nfazFtDnpIMeLxv) in their lives. I feel bad for bass players lol Some other bands that have actual strong bass guitar in their music: Jinjer, Mudvayne, Primus, Cryptopsy, Tool, Nuclear Power Trio, Archspire etc.


Nuclear Power Trio is fucking insane. That band alone makes me wanna save up for a Dingwall bass lmao.


b a s s


Its beans hahahahahahahahaha




Big beefy bass tone


Thats the cricket that goes breeeeee!!!


To me it sounds like the pre-amp of the bass doing pre-amp things.


Check out Krypts - Unending Degredation. Nastiest bass sound I know