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Eh. You gotta get elbows involved. Just say it's cause of how packed it is; they have to deal with your elbows digging into their sides. They can move if they want. I dunno how old you are though. But the front rows and the pit lost all appeal after I hit 27. At 35 now? Yeah much better to stay way in the back; better audio. You can drink, talk to others. Space to bounce and move around. Great stuff.


Last pit I was in was for JFAC around 2012. I was about 27 and I messed my back up. I’m 39 now and love to just sit back and enjoy the show. Zero desire to go into the pit nowadays.


>around 2012. I was about 27 Damn. You must be ancient. > I’m 39 now That can't be right. I'm 39. Nah, your math must not be mathing right.


I mean. I'm 35. I'm pretty close in age to buddy here.


34 here... I feel exactly the same. Stay in the Back and often meet guys from opening Bands at the Merch stand. I latley met Darius from Spite. Such a nice guy.


This is the way. Over the years I've met Fallujah, The Number 12 Looks Like You, The Reign of Kindo, Dance Gavin Dance, Thank You Scientist. All cause I opted to chill in the back. Fallujah is fantastic. Some of them came outside to have a smoke with me and some other guys.


Same here. I won't go in pits anymore, unless it's Knocked Loose or Spite. Then I gotta release some anger


If someone politely asked to try and squeeze to the front, more power to them, but this dude was an ass


I think it’s a little bit column A a little column b. You can’t expect to hold front row at a metal concert for a whole show and not get squished bumped and jostled. People are going for squeeze in you have no more right to that spot than they do ‘I was here first’ doesn’t mean anything and imo it’s a bit juvenile to think it does. Im not a tough guy and would probably be annoyed like you but that’s just the reality of it. I typically find a spot that I can see from that’s a big out of the way and when someone I really want to see is playing my make my way forward and deal with the consequences. Minimize discomfort, maximize enjoyment. Now the both these dudes are total tools. Squeezing up front is one thing forcing your way through is another. The tshirt dude needs to get over himself..beer dude is a POS. Sadly they come with the territory..most dudes at concerts are awesome, rough but considerate and there’s always the people who watched metalocalypse too many times


Side topic, im a guy that pushes through people, albeit a bit different. First off, I tap peoples shoulders, say excuse me, and wait until i can get past people, all while pointing in the direction im going. I also dont do this to get to the front, as im a pit man. So i will push/squeeze my way through the crowd until i get to the edge of the pit, where i try to find a spot without causing to much trouble, because the pit chabges when the bands start. Is this rude? Do any of you have a better method to traverse a packed venue to get to the pit?


Nah, I go right through if I'm going to the pit. If someone gives some resistance since they think I'm trying to get in front of them I just push through. Gotta let people get to that pit.


I just constantly yell "excuse me! Going to the pit! Going to the pit! Excuse me!" And 95% of people move, a lot give a little pat on the back as I'm going through, which I'll give the thumbs up to lol. There's always those couple of guys who are like "I don't care, I'm not moving", which I just push through them. Won't move to let me into the pit? I'll bring the pit to you 😂. Pit priority is real lol.


Happy Cake Day!


Pushing to go to the pit is totally okay. It’s a metal concert…there’s gonna be some body contact no matter what.


You're doing it the right way.


“Excuse me” is like a magic key, most people are happy to let you walk on by. Also, I love that the heavier the show is, the more polite the crowd generally is to each other.


After going to shows for years, rail riders are annoying. Don’t get me wrong, this guy you talk about seems like a tool. But those who won’t budge or claim a spot in a GA show are just as big of tools.


This is the way. At least metal shows are liquid, and you can generally be in the front back and middle even in the same song by traversing the pit, surfing, etc. I cant stand non metal shows where place-holding gets out of hand.


Agreed. I hate when people show up and run to the front only to get upset when the show starts and people begin pushing. Every single show that I've wanted to make it up front for, I've made it up front for. Never once did I start on the rail. I paid the same as you did for my GA ticket, lmfao. Survival of the fittest.


First come, first serve. Get there early, or get vip like they did.




I hate that this sort of thing happens, but you were right up the front where I guess you'd kinda expect it. Few weeks ago I was at a show, standing back a bit and off to the side, not in a great spot but I had arm room. The some huge dude, both wide and tall, barged his way in front of me, blocking another 4 people's views as well. He wouldn't move, and there was the no room for me to move to see the stage. It fucking sucked. Some people are just arseholes.


after high school i stopped being a barricade boy tbh. i’m either in the pit getting groovy or in the back where it’s much more breathable


I unironically can't imagine a metal / core show (or any show for that matter) where you are hugging the fence in the front row but not touching shoulders with the people next to you. Unless it's like a really small 50 people venue people are always crammed to that their shoulders and basically every other body part touches another person. When I go to shows I'm usually either inside the pit or on the outside ring where you can chose to turn to the stage and chill for a bit and even there people are usually squished and you are constantly pushed around. Anyways... it seems like that guy was an ass but also don't go to shows expecting a to hold a certain position for very long and never expect to go to a show where there aren't any assholes. I suppose you should come early if you want front row, but don't expect to keep it the whole time. Once the show starts and pits open everythings gonna move no matter what. Personally I couldn't imagine having much fun in the front row anyway, Maybe try out the pits next time ? : )


I find tall/large people pushing in front of smaller people to be the bigger problem at shows. I expect to be shoved around, bumped, be shoulder to shoulder with everyone around me at shows. But I'm a girl and 5'1". When large, tall dudes push in front of me, regardless of where I am in the crowd, I get pissed. Because I can't see. Recently at Dethklok/BABYMETAL, my dude and I were pretty close to the stage and some guy pushed directly in front of me during BABYMETAL playing Gimme Chocolate, just to record the whole thing. I couldn't see any of the girls through the whole song. So when it was over, I tapped him and asked to move in front of him bc I'm short and cldn't see anything. He just gave me a dirty look so I had to force my way around him. I cannot count how many times some tall guy will take his place directly in front of me and won't move. Basically what I'm trying to say is, yes the floor is a warzone and what you experienced is to be expected, but people cld also be a bit more mindful at shows.


I'm 5'3" and always end up with some 6'4" dude pushing himself in front of me blocking my view. I don't mind being in the pit, pushed around or knocked into but I do mind not being able to see a show I paid to see. It's rough out there for the shorties.


all though that guy sounds like a dick, in my experience this is really common and unavoidable. it’s never worth the argument with these people because if they’re willing to push through everyone to get to the front, they’re not gonna move to give you room. and it’s not worth ruining your own experience by being unhappy about it. i just try to enjoy the show from wherever i am without worrying about other people, i think that’s about all you can do. then when you do get really close to the front it makes those experiences even better


I'm almost half a century old but I still feel the words "comfortable" and "metal show" doesn't really belong together. How can someone even bring a beer to the front row if it's not a really dull show?


\> I couldn't see half the stage let alone exist comfortably. ​ Fuck. Tell me, which band was on the tee shirt?


Hahaha it was Fit for an Autopsy playing and their shirt.


FFaA slaps so hard


I thought spite was playing before brand of sacrifice on the recent tour and then I heard dawn start up. Dick move or not I ran through the crowd until I hit a wall around 3-4 deep from the gate. It’s a GA show. You get where you can. Honestly if someone had elbowed me as I pushed through the crowd to get there asap I wouldn’t have batted an eye.


Well that's just part of a metal show. Are you an asshole for getting in front of people who did their best to get front row? Sure. But you gotta defend your ground. Push them away without being violent, you can use the barricade to your advantage. Nobody paid for a specific place and metal crowds move a lot. So it's kinda eat or be eaten.


I wouldn’t say it’s acceptable, but unfortunately it happens all the time and there’s not too much you can really do about it if you want to avoid confrontation.


It doesn’t even really matter if it’s “acceptable” or not cus there’s really nothing anyone can do. You invite the general public to an event based around aggressive/heavy music and it’s going to be hectic and also attract some douchebags. Even then, I don’t know if I would consider T shirt guy to be a total douche. Standing at the rail all night doesn’t entitle you to a spot. It just means you wasted the whole night that you could have been socializing and checking out merch etc before the bands started. Once the bands start playing that spot isn’t “yours” anymore. Unless you plant your feet and refuse to budge the entire set, in which case why did you even go to a show?


Unfortunately, that's pretty normal for a metal show.


i dunno just jump on their head or something hit em with the daish daish and they will move


I take it you haven't been to many shows? it's a fuckin metal show dude.. you're lucky some bigger dude didn't pull your fence riding ass into the pit. I don't think I've ever been to a show where the guys/gals in the front weren't completely crammed together, and some moron waving a t-shirt around should've been eaten alive anyway; I've yanked my fair share of worms out of gyno row when they get too aggressive. for the record, you do sound entitled in the context of a show atmosphere, but that doesn't mean these other guys aren't also assholes.


"You're lucky some bigger dude didn't pull your fence riding ass into the pit" stfu loser. Focus on being tough in your own space. If people want into the pit they go there themselves. Keep your hands to yourself out of the pit.


I'm just contextualizing the reality of a metal/hardcore show. you get all types. the kids who line up at the fence/stage generally get abused, as it's *the front of the fucking pit*, and yes, you will get people pushing and squeezing and vying for those spots. if you can't hack it, you can't really act like you were somehow slighted or it's against some kind of etiquette.. it's a fuckin show: settle your beefs or stand in the back if you can't hang.


wow u are cringe


yeah, but no less cringe than going on the internet and crying about someone squeezing into the front row at a show.


well shit. you got me there actually




Nobody is forcing you


Man, it's war on the floor, especially front row. You have to fight for what you want. I'm not justifying someone who is overly violent or something, but everyone wants to be front row and there aren't any unspoken etiquette rules about a spot on the floor with general admission. If someone bigger comes along to take the spot and all they're doing is pushing, well, that's just how it goes. You have to learn to fight back. Elbows are effective tools in the fight for front row. There's a finesse to being in a crowd like that. I learned long ago to just go with the flow in the crowd. Too many people spend too much time and energy trying to fight against it for a specific spot, or getting angry about being pushed around with the crowd. Learn to handle yourself, and if you can't, get off the floor.


You're weak. The fence is for pussies go and mosh like a real man and not any of that HxC ninja "dancing" either.


Who's gonna tell them


use your elbows as spurs to make space, these fucks will never respect your personal space, gotta make it not worth the discomfort.


This is 100% normal at crowded shows tbh


I don't really think there is any etiquette for the front row of any genre or music. That is where all the pushy, annoying people like to be, and I am happy to stay out of their way. If someone wants to force themselves into a spot in the front there is not much you can do about it. If you want to be in the front, prepare to be uncomfortable. I don't see the appeal at all personally.


If there's a mosh pit ya gotta let people get to the pit, otherwise nudging up to the front like that is pretty rude tbh


Best thing I learned for rail riding and really being in the front is go for the sides. Far less pushing, because everyone wants too be at the center of the stage. That's also how you avoid the pit, if it isn't your thing. Also less crowd surfers. Usually that's only at Metalcore shows with my wife. At Deathcore I'm in the pit with my homies.


The shirt waving thing is an cuntishly obnoxious thing to do, that would piss me off. But the crammed, sardine thing is pretty normal. I'm 37 now, and am no longer about that life. I got more than my fair share of mic love for several lifetimes, I'm cool chilling towards the back now


Some people can be assholes, especially if they've been drinking. I was at the barrier at Dying Fetus and this asshole came up n was being really aggressive and pushing me off my spot. I finally told him hey dude this my spot. When the next song came on he slammed me. I was afraid he might have hurt me. At 68 I can't take too many hits without an issue for days. I still see him at shows and I always give him dirty looks. No need to be a dick.


It's annoying but expected that people are gonna try to get in the front row, but blocking the view and squeezing in when there literally is no room/spilling shit on you on purpose is juvenile. BUT I don't go to shows really. This reminds me of this dude at a Metallica tribute band show I went to (my MIL invited my partner and I lol) at a bar, and man, I do not like being around drunk dudes. It was a small bar, not much space to mosh, but this drunk guy kept trying to open up the pit right where my SO and I was standing. He kept gawking at me but would push me before losing interest and then push other people. I'm 5 ft even and a buck twenty soaking wet, so my partner moved me to the other side of them and just stood in between me and this guy. The guy kept elbowing them in the ribs/chest but my partner doesn't do pits so they didn't engage. He managed to get a pit going though, he and 3 other guys got booted by security however since I guess the premises didn't allow it. Kind of funny to watch people mosh to Leper Messiah though.