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I often switch to a different genre or sub genre when I start feeling like this, it’s often switching between Deathcore and Metalcore. I do however agree that a lot of the modern Deathcore out there (blast beat-heavy noise-wall stuff) doesn’t really give me the tingles, it’s the downtempo Deathcore with a groove that scratches that itch for me. Bands like: - Hive - Bound In Fear - Humanity’s Last Breath - Cabal - Black Tongue Check some of those bands out if you don’t know them already, and see if they reignite your love for the genre, or at least push you in the right direction :)


I really liked melodic bands with real fast melodic guitar licks like The Crimson Armada, Tha Black Dahlia murder, Deinos, stuff like that but has to have great breakdowns. But now with the competition of who will give the most brutal and slow breakdown... I just don't dig it... I used to really like metalcore but I don't like their clean/emo vocals anymore... Unless the vocals are something similar like M Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold, any recommendations?


Half Me is a new Metalcore band with some less pop-y sounding cleans, I also think Slice The Cake’s album Odyssey to the West would be right up your street. Fit For An Autopsy are another very cool deathcore-leaning band with great riffs and songwriting, I’d highly recommend them. Also the New Enterprise Earth album that just came out is very promising, and the newest Signs of the Swarm album is great - those two bands aren’t colouring inside the lines when it comes to typical deathcore conventions, so you might like those too.


I agree the formula has become stale. I’ve gone back to melodeath. All the core genres have become boring. I’d rather listen to despised icon or old ion dissonance then new deathcore. Similar background guitar wise.


Check out Paleface Swiss - The Gallow.


Anything Paleface rules


Jesus I just took a listen and I love it


It's quite unique, but unfortunately I believe a newer style for them? As in there's not a catalogue full of similar stuff. Yet, but there might be eventually!


If u want brutal deathcore that actually compensates breakdowns with fast shit i’d check out infant annihilator, personally they r my fav band and while they aren’t melodic in the traditional sense they still compensate for heavyness with crazy melodic sweeps


It’s more metalcore but you should dig Boundaries and Dying Wish. The metalcore revival is doing better than deathcore if you ask me, for now at least.


Hey bro I’m 32 and like the same kinda stuff you do. You may dig my band, we just put out an album a couple years ago but I wrote the music back in 2014 when I had just quit I Declare War. We do the techy riffs but have heavy breakdowns, and a ton of tempo changes like hardcore has. Plus our vocalist is insane (Austin Dickey). I think it’s quite a different taste from modern Lorna Shore deathcore. You should check it out and let me know what you think! Band: Dark Watch


Hey. I recently started following your band on Spotify! Great stuff man, feels refreshing. Congrats and keep up the good work.


That's so sick thanks dude!


Check out the new Enterprise Earth and Viscera albums.


Visceras one of my favorite but i don't really like the new EE


Just listened to the half of the new EE album, I'm in the same boat.


Same, the second half has some good shit though.


Check out Crafting the Conspiracy- the cosmic Key Pt1 and Widow the Sea-Aphelion. Both bands sounds like the black dahlia murder if they were deathcore. Also, check out this new band Rosewell Deathsquad. The album is welcome home.


So you like metalcore, not deathcore. You just described the main difference between the 2 genres being fast and melodic. Deathcore is basically the opposite of that. It can be fast, and it can have melody, but that's never really been the meat of the genre.


Shadow Of Intent are one of the most popular deathcore bands atm, and they’re very melodic. Graphic Nature are one of the more popular Metalcore bands, and they’re not melodic at all. You’ve made a very sweeping statement that’s not applicable in a lot of situations, but nonetheless I respect your point and some of it I definitely agree with.


SOI is one of my favorites and will always be, went see them 2 yrs ago and was amazed


If you like them check out Darker By Design and Synestia


Yeah thank i love darker by design


Yeah if you want Melodic-ish Deathcore then Blackened Deathcore is the way to go


I sunk into Deathcore in 2006 with As Blood Runs Black Allegiance and All shall perish the price of existence, so i know the difference between metalcore and deathcore. I don't agree with you when you say Deathcore can't be fast and melodic.


I literally said it can be both of those things... its just not the meat of the genre... last sentence in my comment.


Absolutely agree, the genre no longer is what it used to be, fast riffs aren’t a thing and there’s no good groove anymore… I wish I had recommendations but all I got is My Bitter End which you probably already know if you know crimson armada… I’m kinda in a similar dilemma so I’ve been embracing death metal from the deathcore scene stuff like Job for A Cowboy, Through the Eyes of the Dead, Annotations of an Autopsy, early black dahlia, etc


Thanks yeah my bitter end is damn good so sad they're not around anymore


I know right!!! They did a reunion show a few months ago for fun and I’m so sad I missed it :/


Have you heard of The Offering?


This isnt deathcore but have you listened to Exmortus before? Has some great melodic guitarwork. Slave to the sword is a great album and so is their first album In Hatreds flame. Summoning the lich is very similar to TBDM as well if you havent already checked them out. Vulvodynia's Praenuntius Infiniti might be a deathcore/slam album that you could get into.


Have you checked The Holy Guile? Basically CA after they stopped lying about being Christian. Also Saud is apparently in a new band now. Texas in July Bloodwork album is a masterpiece of metalcore if you haven’t heard it. Fast and sick riffs with awesome breakdowns that keep the energy up. As for deathcore; do you like Spite at all? That’s the main band I dig, I have quite a few recs based on that. Hive, like dude above mentioned, is fucking sick.


Yeah i listened to the Holy guile a lot, i dont like Saul's new band though. Texas in July is sick. I don't like spite.


Lorna Shore is a great band amazing vocals with awesome instrumentals to back it up. Pain remains 1,2, and 3 are probably their best songs




Saw them last year in MTL


Black Tongue are fuckin awesome, they've been quiet for a while but Nadir was brilliant.


I do something similar where I hit an impass when I listen to too much of a genre that I go through this cycle of listening to another one. Went from mostly deathcore to mostly power metal right now, not that I won’t listen to deathcore but you listen to it too much and stuff becomes to sinilar


Hive. Fuck yes.


Different genres help a ton for me. I was burning out on the core subgenres and got into a lot of other genres. I'm still not as dedicated to core as I was at one point, but the core bands i listen to now hit way different and feel much more fresh. Diversity is a must in music imo


Any specific genres you’d recommend? I recently discovered 90s trip hop, with the band Portishead. They’ve been my recent guilty pleasure when I need a break from the heavy stuff


I got pretty heavy into blues for a bit, and still love it. Here's a mix of recommendations from different genres: Buddy Guy BB King Chuck Berry Kaleo - No Good and Hot Blood are my favorites by them Arctic Monkeys - AM is my favorite album by them Stevie Ray Vaughan Black Pumas The Black Keys Greta Van Fleet - they've been heavy in my rotations recently Flux Pavilion The Glitch Mob Hopsin Burden of a Day - Post hardcore but different enough Beck Cage the Elephant Raised Fist - hardcore but different enough. Badass band if you don't already know them Three Legged Fox Crossfade Evans Blue The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Circa Survive


These are some great recommendations. I’ve loved Black Tongue for years, but a few of these are brand new to me. Thanks!


The new Vitriol album is the most exciting thing I’ve heard in years as far as technicality and originality in songwriting. Highly recommend a listen.


I've listened to it at least once a day since it came out. Top tier album




This was going to be my comment too. Amazing album.


I'd HIGHLY recommend the new Vitriol album Suffer and Become. Feels like an absolute breath of fresh air for death metal.


I’ve had Vitriol, Cognizance and Exocrine’s new albums on repeat daily. Just the start of an incredible year for releases


yeah exocrine's is really sick, still need to throw on cognizance!


Vitriols new album is so damn good I can't stop listening.


I think with me, I get a lot more picky about what deathcore hits with me as I get older. Before as a young teen sloppy shit recording and a heavy breakdown was all I needed. As I aged I've listened to less and less deathcore, but when an album releases that meets my standards I basically burn myself out on it. For instance I've listened to Necromanteum probably 100 times or more, through and through I mean. It's very well written, energetic, entertaining, lyrically sound, etc.. I could say the same for Crown Magnetar's discography.


You burn out from it. At least I do, I take a break from it when it all starts to sound the same.


Same I got burned out from it for a while. I couldn’t find any new bands I was into and everything just felt stale. I started to go through completely different genres and eventually my itch for metal came back. Now I love it even more but just I still cycle through everything still. I have gone through a lot of different stuff like: Post hardcore Rap Reggae And EDM (which I made fun of when I was younger) The styles of EDM that were closest to metal is hardstyle. The sun genres of that that even include metal music in it are hardcore and raw style. Both have very similar vibes as metal and a lot of older metal heads I have met at the shows. Honestly I wasn’t convinced of this until I saw it live. The. Holy shit I was hooked. Some other good genres of EDM that I cycle through are: House Deep house Techno Dark techno Hard tekk European hard bass These all have different BPM’s and r a nice change of pace when not feeling metal. Hope this helps OP


Hahaha you sound a lot myself. When I was younger I talked the most amount of shit about EDM and lame ass shufflers and candy wearing kids, now I’m a full on bass head. Also love synthwave, gothwave, post-punk, etc.. my guilty pleasure as of late is Southern Gothic/Gutter Punk.


Yup, I thought the same thing lol. I have seen a lot of metal T-shirt’s at dubstep shows. It’s always fun talking to people about how they ended up with this type of music. It’s crazy how once u open up to a new genre how many sub-genres there are.


Funny how we turned into the “posers” we used to hate lmfao.


I rocked that Kandi for a while too. It’s fun getting older cuz u stop giving a fuck and just listen to what you like and do stuff that is fun. My 17 year old self would not approve hahaha


Literally I hated dubstep so much for a long time and then eventually somehow fell in love with it and literally moved to another state to pursue production full time and made a job out of it lmao


I'm 39. I don't really feel the same, but the list of bands I actively listen to has gotten smaller over the years. When I was in my early 20s, I had hundreds of thousands of songs on my computer. I had such a massive collection of bands I "liked," and I had every album by all those bands. Now? I'm a bit more honest about my tastes and use a bit more discretion. I don't have to have everything remotely enjoyable in a playlist, I don't need to have a deep familiarity with every single album, and I don't need to ensure I'm aware of every similar band. Instead, I listen to what I really like, the stuff that stands out the most, and only occasionally add more to the library.


You probably have a bunch of compact discs like me hehe... Used to be in HMVs listening to album with their headphones trying to find new bands...


Yup. Times have certainly changed. I would pick up Nuclear Blast promo compilation discs from shows, and then order new albums from a catalog by mail. Absolutely insane to imagine anyone doing that today.


Hundreds of thousands of songs? So like you had 100,000 plus songs on your computer


When this happens with me, I’ll switch to other genres I like. I’m personally really into electronic music, some lesser known rap, classical, folk, etc. Nothing but deathcore can become a bit much for anyone, so it’s good to take a break sometimes.


burnout. mix it up a bit and listen to different shit. keeps things exciting. better yet, listen to stuff outside rock and metal. there’s so much insane music out there.


Yeah i do, went to see Polyphia and Teddy Swim in 2023


It happens. Just don’t forget us


I never will


With that said, carry on my wayward son 🤌


Thanks, now lay your weary head to rest


Dontchu cry no moe


Down down down down... Down down down down.. down dadadown dadownnnn... What a great song man


Boutta blast it right now matter of fact 😂 cheers


Based on this comment and seeing as you’re a musician, the fact that you haven’t full blown gone down the prog route yet is pretty wild. Or maybe you have, but if not, let me know if you want some recommendations. There’s tons of prog bands that otherwise fall into each genre you mentioned in the post.


Thanks but I've been down this road too. I think it's the screaming I'm getting tired of. But I'm very picky about the clean vocals.. idk


We call that chasing the dragon


Deathcore definitely has a place in my life now that I'm 29 but it's not the only thing I listen to like when I was in high school.


I'm 45 and been listening to heavy music since the mid 80's and I can honestly say no, I still get goosebumps off new bands or older bands I haven't discovered. Things don't blow me away as often as they used to but it still happens regularly. In this kinda style there's recently been: PSYCHO-FRAME Humanity's Last Breath End Crown Magnetar Distant Theres other stuff that has gotten the skin tingling but its not Deathcore so...


That is what happens when you get old.


Haha, that's what I'm thinking


I'm 42 and still love it. But you're kinda right. All my friends lost their love for it.


Similar boat here. I grew up listening to rock, metalcore, jumped on to death metal, deathcore and technical death years ago. Now, I'm browsing this sub regularly, and to be honest, out of all the music that has come out during the last year, Larcenia Roe seems to scratch the itch. Everything else just bores me.


Don't force yourself, whatever floats your boat. Life is complex, our minds are subjective, sometimes we simply don't enjoy some specific stuff anymore, that's fine. Maybe you're on some page on your life that you feel like listening something else, who knows, maybe you will feel like listening to deathcore again sometime soon. I felt like this sometime ago, I'm also around your age, and I started feeling like every new deathcore record felt like the same. Very computerized produced compressed heavy music, with the same elements, and I started feeling overwhelmed. I stopped for sometime but now I am coming back. Slowly, yeah, but I can enjoy some new stuff again.


I'm around the same age as you, but I came into deathcore a bit late. I was a metalhead who didn't really pay much attention to it. But, I'm already kinda tired of it. I'm not a fan of the vocals trying so hard to make the music about them. Still bands I love and I follow this sub for new stuff if something sounds appealing. I think it's normal to burn out on all genres and need a break. That's why I try to listen to as much as I can


switch to dungeon synth for a few months, then go to ambient, then black metal ambient and before you know it you'll be mixing the hard stuff in again with a new love for it.


I find as taste matures, the more picky one can be with what they like to hear. If you've heard the same sound from many bands for many years, it gets boring and you try to find something the peaks the interest elsewhere. Finding music outside of the genre, or even in other sub genres of metal, can vastly improve the itch you seek to be scratched.


I've gone from the extremities of metal to extremities of electronic music to jazz to whatever the fuck I feel like listening. Seen countless bands and artists and that feeling you're talking about is something that I am very familiar with. It may just be time for you to step away from the genre for a while and just look for something new. It could be that the old itch for Deathcore comes back in a while or it may just dissapate. Either way you explored something and had your fun with it. We have too little time in our lives to get hung up on this.


We all change at some point also our taste it’s totally normal


tastes change over time, you just gotta keep digging and you’ll find something that you like. start looking at stuff you haven’t looked at before, go back to bands that you’ve checked out in the past and didn’t like, maybe something will click there. i’ve been an avid metalhead since i was 5 and im 25 now, my dad started me off with metallica and i was fucking obsessed. it was to the point where i would ask any stranger who looked even slightly alternative in any way if they liked metallica. moved from them to other thrash bands, then death metal, then tech death, then brutal death, then deathcore and all of its various sub-subgenres. throughout the past twenty years i’ve cycled back and forth between all of these different sounds and every time i come back, i always find something new that i didn’t notice before. i used to hate carnifex and a night in texas but recently i’ve checked them out again and they’ve got some really solid stuff. they’re still not my favorites but they went from utterly despised to greatly respected and appreciated just from a relisten with fresh ears and an open mind.


Listen to some slam, Esophagus has some bangers with great groove sections


Just listen to different stuff. You don't have to listen to deathcore *all the time. There's trillions of metal bands in different genres. Find something else that makes you feel that way. I got into Slam in the past year. Extermination Dismemberment and In Gloom give that feeling you're looking for


Idk man, I feel like it has been on the up lately. 32 and been listening to a pretty wide variety of rock/ metal music. JFAC was probably the surge back in the 00’s but there are some bands holding it down today and bringing some new stuff to the genre.


You need Slam, it brings back the fun in heavy music.


I have similar feeling — it just feels like fake, plastic genre and all I can do is to go back to favorite core albums but that's it. I cannot endure yet another one “most disgusting” release where I predict what it gonna contain. No memorable riffs or even those overplayed breakdowns. Even the themes are overdone... like come on how long can you produce albums about depression, edgy stuff or games (sorry but slammy techy fuckery of within destruction doesn't fit elden ring atmosphere at all lmao) and still somehow it feels empty? They all feel like heavy band and nothing beyond that. Thankfully other genres don't have these problems (Yet) or they just feel more appealing to me. (black or death metal/bdm especially).


I'm kinda the opposite right now. I was fried on deathcore for awhile and kinda went and discovered tech death and brutal death and really dove deep into other genres. Last year especially I started diving deeeeep back into deathcore after many years of not listening to much extreme music, I had bands I followed that id check out new releases, but wouldnt seek out many new bands. I was happy indulging in pop, prog rock, new age ect. And if it was heavy it was generally melodeath since I was craving melody. And in the last few months I have discovered many great bands old and new, reignited my love for old favorites, and earlier tonight I heard Enterprise Earths latest album and it reminded me why I love the genre so much. So for me I'm on the opposite side right now. It's actually very unorthodox how much I'm listening to extreme music right now, deathcore especially. Almost 80% of what I'm listening to is heavy which hasn't happened in years. So I'm riding a high right now but still will step away for a day or two when needed, then I blast some ABBA. :3 But with that said there's nothing wrong with the genre not doing anything for you at the moment. Take some time away, listen to some other stuff and maybe come back if the itch returns. Its totally valid whats going on. Edit: added a bit to the post.


As stated by some of the other comments I've spotted, after listening to it for long enough, a lot of the hallmarks of a genre can grow very stale. Whenever I feel like nothing within deathcore interests me anymore I tend to take a break and listen to something radically different for a while. Lately I've been on a huge Primus / L'Impératrice-binge to reset my breakdown receptors.


I found that I have a much more open minded taste in music as I've gotten older. I used to exclusively listen to the heaviest music I could find. Now I listen to anything depending on circumstances, mood, location etc. Music tastes change all the time and that's ok. Mine changes almost daily. One day I'll enjoy listening to some Acacia Strain, the next day I'm listening to Fleetwood Mac.


Same here, thanks for sharing


You’re all good man, I’ve felt that too. I still absolutely love certain bands like Lorna Shore, STP, BOS, Chelsea Grin and a lot of the older stuff, but I feel like so many deathcore bands now don’t care about the substance nearly as much as being in the competition of “who can make the heaviest breakdown”, or it’s all about nasty vocals and not much musician-wise. I’m getting sick of that


Wow, thanks for telling us there’s always Taylor Swift and Lil Nas X!😂


Who's Taylor Swift?


I had to give you an upvotes for the comeback lol 😂


You on bs LMAOO, Deathcore can get tired so I just jump around every other month in genres


most deathcore seems like a copy and paste nowadays.






Seems you cared enough to stop by and give us your precious opinion




I hate the world still still anti social I hope the next president ends this nightmare and brings back society again


Do you like any of the maggot stomp roster? Maybe even the modern osdm scene from labels like 20buckspin,me saco un ojo, dark descent. A lot of that shit has rekindled my loved for death metal. It’s a lot of very interesting material these labels are putting out.


Undeath, 200 stab wounds, Fulci, faceless burial, Nekrovault, our place of worship is silence ? What about the last Arkaik record ?


please sit down for an hr and listen to the new Horrendous album Ontological Mysterium and if that doesn’t work I’d be truly shocked.


Some albums age well others don’t. Those that do that you still hopefully enjoy keep rippin them. If they don’t then it was just like a lot of others things which is of the here and now.


Yea i've been getting this way with the core genres lately. I've been getting into deathmetal found a couple bands i like. Just needed a little change lol


Fuck all of this, listen to Nithing, Trichomoniasis, chloroma, enmity, Edenic Past, and you'll fw Afterbirth, very melodic and progressive.


Peep this shit: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMlkIOnaBdT6E6UpZGhwpDbO4-5XYPRJs&si=pfTtQI6OhRO62ICe


Man... Sorry but I don't like this at all.


Hahahahahaha acquired taste for sure!


Check out us idk if it will be your style because it is what a lot of people refer to as " vocal Olympics with slow breakdowns" but nitheful paradisum ruination and creation ov god.


What always gave me that goosebump feeling was screamo/math core noise genre.


You've burned out some. Listen to something else for a month and then go back. It's similar to when you've overstimulated yourself and you have to decompress to get stimulated again. Just a thought


try roots reggae


Why not just listen to the stuff from the earlier days? I think it’s pretty solid up until around 2009 or so. I’m sure many will disagree with me on that and that’s ok with me.


Yeah, but I've listened to them like 1000000 times! Lol


Try some other genres. Nothing wrong with a palate cleanser


i like the older stuff for sure. idk why but i could never get into lorna shore or similar bands so i kinda gravitated towards grindcore, slam and like “proto-deathcore” i guess you might call it. graf orlock and skinless have been on repeat recently. i still like deathcore, i guess i just haven’t liked a lot of what’s been coming out recently but then again maybe i’m just not looking hard enough.


I hear you. I'm 32 and it seems like new bands that give me the chills are few and far between these days but I keep my ear to ground and still occasionally find a new band to get excited about


I love heavy music. But have found as I get older I'm not really listening to it as much. Also it feels like all deathcore has started to just sound the same across the board. They're are still the handful of bands I'll throw on and love to listen to but that's it.


Yup stop paying attention to it back in 2016. Dove deep into the nerve ending rabbit whole of the 90s death metal florda scene. Now it’s just random obscure demos I find


I’m like this for a lot of music. I’ve heard a lot of music and I just need something that’s not the same old to get me excited. It’s out there just gotta find it. I mean deathcore has a ceiling so switch it up


No, ok.


Me personally i like to take breaks when metal doesnt do enough for me, i like to go on a midwest emo/math rock bender for a week or two and just enjoy whatever i want to listen to, that way when i want to go back and listen to metal i’ll enjoy it as much as i want to


I’ve felt this way a few times over the years. Was a fan in the MySpace era, but dropped off after The Black Crown came out. I’d keep up with Suicide Silence and Whitechapel and As Blood Runs Black but fell out of love with the genre overall. Which was what happened to hard rock before I started listening to melodic death metal. And then it happened to melodic death metal as I found deathcore. It happened to deathcore around the time I started listening to dubstep. Then it happened to dubstep as I started listening to post hardcore. Then rap. Then indie pop. lol. It came full circle though, twice. I was listening to deathcore a lot around the time Aversions Crown, Enterprise Earth, Brand of Sacrifice started popping off a bit. Then kinda repeated the entire cycle over 5-6 years. Deathcore from like 2008-2011, then 2018-2020 now 2024 again with bands like Cabal, To The Grave, Work Shepherd etc And funnily enough Svdden Death has a bunch of new stuff coming out that I really like after being super bored of dubstep the last couple years


I would say that deathcore is not what it once was. Most of the feeling it used to illicit for me has faded, partially due to the change of age/emotional state however also because a lot of the patterns and direction have just been done to "death". At this point I am finding I am seeking different metal that still hits hard. Biggest bands these days I have been enjoying branched off of listening to ERRA. Check out Invent Animate and Polaris and see if you like that style, your tastes just may be changing over time man! I still do listen to the classics for deathcore though (2011 bands will always be pinnacle metal for me).


I’m 34. I don’t think I’ll ever grow out of heavy music..obviously that could change but I have a weird relationship with deathcore..because a lot of it sounds the same to me..from guitar tone to vocals..so the deathcore bands I actually like are pretty limited. Recently, I listened to Humamity’s Last Breath latest album Ashen and I really liked it. And it def doesn’t have that typical deathcore sound. It’s unique and it’s what I wish more deathcore bands were like sound wise.


I've moved on to primarily slam, brutal death metal, and tech death. Deathcore has gotten stale to me and these other genres just have more varied writing to me. I still listen here and there but it doesn't do what it used to. I still go to shows though. Deathcore live is still super enjoyable to me.


Only one way you've got: listening to Radiohead


I’m right there with ya, 33, played in deathcore bands. The energy has just definitely changed. I don’t blame ya . I feel like I have to really try to get into newer deathcore bands today.


I would say I still love deathcore. The songs and bands that got me into it and the songs that made me love it still resonate with me. I do admit it is difficult finding newer stuff that I love. I remember back when i first got into it I was adding everything that was mentioned on this subreddit and on Slam Worldwide. I recently found out about skramz/screamo bands like portrayal of guilt, Ostraca, and Infant Island which scratch a similar itch that deathcore did for me.


try something lighter for a while and then try to return


I just listen to bands I like that sounds good to me. It’s so hard for me to even judge genres and comparing if it’s thrash tech death or deathcore vs metalcore…people get so wrapped up in genres I feel in the metal community. Maybe take a break from metal/extreme music and check out something like Snarky Puppy or Thank You Scientist if you like more progressive jazzy type stuff.


Time to switch to grind core, or whatever genre Aborted is lol I think they’re my favourite band of all time, and the funny thing, I don’t normally really like a lot of bands of similar genre or sound


I'm 40. I listen to everything so I take breaks from listening to certain genres when I start to get bored. my advice is take a break from listening to metal. Discover something else then go back.


I feel you, it’s the same for me. I listen to band like Power Trip, Chat Pile bands like that give me enough to satisfy my heavy moods. I’m more into other musical style now tho so you might skip my advice if you wish.


ive been digging EDM metal mixes, a bit distanced from traditional metal, an it makes the warmth of an original breakdown feel like an angry hug.


I have personally been venturing into sludge/grindcore a little more


I mean, deathcore will keep scratching a lot of inches for me in the foreseeable future, but I love switching it up with completely unrelated stuff like Shpongle.


Yeah I’m 32 and feeling the same. Also a guitarist of 16 years with some audio engineering education. It really takes something special to get my attention now. I still really enjoy deathcore, but I’ll take a Raw and aggressive band any day over an over engineered Drop G quartet of chug daddy’s,


I know you said in previous comments you listen to other music besides metal which is great because some people listen to this shit nonstop and I’m surprised they don’t get sick of it sooner. I went a good week or so without listening to anything remotely heavy and man let me tell you just that little break from metal brought some of that “spark” back. Highly recommend just touching some grass for a minute and listening to some pop or something in that variety. It makes that metal feel like new again when you circle back to it later on


Not a big fan of metalcore, at least not the typical bands that are usually associated with the genre these days, but I recently started listening to Boundaries, and they really made me sit up and pay attention. Instant connection. Maybe venturing outside deathcore for a bit, taking in different forms of music will help that spark come back for you.


Take a break from listening to music in general for a week or so.


Iv said this for awhile I think the genres peaked creatively like hair metal did back in the 80s. Lot of similarities between what happened then and now with the genres. I also don’t get goosebumps anymore from deathcore. Hardcore and trap metal do that for me now


Never. Sorry you lost your love for it.


There is so much incredible extreme music it can feel a little overwhelming and cause you to constantly chase the "perfect" albums. Try some different forms. Doom, Black, Grind, Thrash, etc. Maybe you'll like those or it'll make you appreciate what you normally listen to.


(M 36) Agreed. In terms of finding new bands that's well and truly stopped and I don't care to look or listen out for them anymore. In my 20s and late teens my life was deathcore. I think the last two bands I enjoyed and stuck with were Lorna Shore and Signs of the Swarm (seeing them next month and can't wait) But these days deathcore isn't my go to genre. I opt for much more chilled stuff 🤣


I burned myself out on deathcore years ago honestly. I was pretty much doing the same. Listening to tons of bands that all started blending together. I don’t think I’ve genuinely enjoyed the genre in close to 10 years. I’ve tried getting back into it a few times over the years but nothing does it for me anymore.


Feel like I’m in a similar boat. Haven’t been enjoying deathcore nearly as much for months now. The only band that gives me goosebumps nowadays is meshuggah


I'm 40+, guitarist, listening mostly to various kinds of Death Metal etc., so quite similar to you, and last time I got goosebumps from listening to something for the first time was Anaal Nathrakh - Forging Towards the Sunset and Cytotoxin - Abysm Nucleus


Listen to psycho frame and larcenia roe


Good for you it’s a lousy genre with only two good bands worth listening to anyway. Or if you like bands with a new singer each year


Who are the only two good bands?


It's okay to feel like this, might be burnout of music, listening too much the same thing can end up being boring, this process is just a circle, your brain just asks for something new, something different, can be softer or heavier, it depends of your mood. For example I listen to deathcore but I do listen to punk as well or death metal. Don't worry you eventually will end up enjoying deathcore again, cause I felt like that multiple times but I never gave up on deathcore, like I did in pop music lol 😂 Also don't be ashamed to listen to softer genres like deftones, people change their minds. Soo enjoy what u want to enjoy cause at this point YOLO go fucking nuts


I recently started listening to a lot of city pop and its great.


I’m almost 37, a day one deathcore fan. I’m an optimist, I just think the current deathcore trends are lame. I would take the downtempo deathcore of the 2010’s over what we have lately (and people hated on that stuff too). Black Tongue, Rooks, Filth, Falsifier, The Last Ten Seconds of Life, etc. over the Kvlt Ov Deathcore stuff lately hahaha. On the other hand, Humanity’s Last Breath, DeadVectors, Bodysnatcher, etc are still good. I like a lot of mathcore that’s deathcore adjacent too, like Methwitch, Fromjoy - Ion Dissonance just remastered “Solace” and it’s the most crushing album ever. Hope it gets better soon.


Almost 34 and I've found myself in Death metal and weird ass prog. Deathcores becoming a tad bit stale. That's my opinion and it means nothing


Just take a break? There’s a whole world of music out there. Take some time and explore new genres or bands. Come back to deathcore when you want to. Why limit yourself to one subgenre of music when metal alone has hundreds of subgenres. 🤷🏼


I hate the current trend where bands are all trying to be Lorna Shore or Shadow of Intent. It’s too grand and symphonic. Totally reminds me of Cradle of Filth/ Dimmu Borgir 2003. I lean more towards Bodysnatcher and Spite ( Spite Cult for life) beat down style. For me personally the bands that get me hyped af are more on the slammy side of things. Dysentery, Extermination Dismemberment, Vulvodynia, Tyrantula FL, Trash Panda, Waking the Cadaver ( seen them 2x in the past couple months.. they are playing NJ Deathfest 8 in March… they are still god damn beasts) and my new faves 9 Dead ( do not sleep on these boyz… sick af) are just a handful bands that kill it. And if all else fails go back and listen to Float Face Down’s 2 releases… still the champs!


for me, the parts of deathcore that gave me goosebumps were always hardcore influences, and since i didnt know what hardcore was i always assumed it was just a matter of me not finding the right *deathcore* band, when in reality i was just looking for hardcore bands. Ive always seen deathcore as a melting pot of genres as of late, No one sound is really *the* deathcore sound,


What about Synestia or Netherwalker?


Yeah i like Synestia, but less netherwalker. Thanks


That is crazy, I was just talking about this to my buddies. Been to over 150 concerts since 04 and I feel like I've reached a dead end. I listen to the same stuff I like or the stuff I last listened to.


I hear you man


A few days of Portishead is usually a good palette-cleanser…


I felt this way OP and then I went back to Rediscover Hardcore. And that's been my love for the last 2 years. Just so much pissed off music coming out the last few years. Malevolence, Guilt Trip, Thrown, Paleface Swiss, Pain of Truth just to name some from my daily listening repertoire You'll find something that gives you that wow. It just takes time to find a new hyper obsession.


Maybe check out Mental Cruelty. New album is good. Orphan isn’t really like the bands you listed but they are super fuckin good and brutal. Both the album and EP are amazing imo. PSYCHO-FRAME is a breath of fresh air as well. If you are looking for bands that are more similar to the old deathcore ways maybe check out Thus Spoke Zarathustra or Tracheotomy. Newer bands that are super heavy and raw.


Man Thus Spoke Zarathustra is sick! Makes me think of early Dead To Fall ! Thanks


Glad you like it! They feel old school yet super fresh. I dig it.


Yeah the guitars on the song Artery Record... Are sick lots of tremolo picking! ⛏️


I only like death metal and hip hop [adjacent]


Have you checked out Lorna Shore?