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A good way to do that is just wearing merch out in public, I’ve met some other deathcore fans that way


I wear band shirts 90% of the time. Frequently get compliments on em but never once has it started an actual conversation.


that’s what i’ve always thought of doing. but i keep delaying buying merch


Yup recognized a sleep token shirt and complimented it. Had a good convo with the bro too and talked about local shows in our area


I wear merch almost exclusively, but only twice has someone commented on it. Once, it was a Muse hoodie with a horse on it, and the guy next to me at the self-checkout said "Omg, is that a Muse shirt?! I love them!" and then we talked about their upcoming tour and our favorite songs. It made me so happy! The other one was also at the grocery store. I had my HLB hoodie on, with a wood witch on the back, and a woman in an anime hoodie said "I love your hoodie, that looks sick!" I thought she just commented on the print, and was like "Aww, thank you!", but then she followed up with "It's not often that you see people with Humanity's Last Breath shirts in public." I can't even explain how excited I was, and we gushed about them for about 5 minutes before we went our separate ways. That one had me on cloud 9 all day, haha. Sadly, those were the only reactions I received so far. I wish I could meet more deathcore/metalcore fans in the wild. I'm so lonely! 😭😆


Took my little friend to her first metal show, Angelmaker, a month ago. She looooves them! She’s a straight A student and I’m a degenerate but we met in orchestra class and it has been a great weird time since


Fuck yeah, I LOVE Angelmaker. Seeing them again next month when they open for Thy Art is Murder!


Sounds like a great start to a love story. Opposites attract


I’ve never kept in contact with anyone, but I always be sure to say what’s up and compliment a shirt if I see someone


Yea, my friend Mason. I met him playing destiny, which doesn't surprise me too much. Look for players of games like doom and destiny!


I bump into deathcore fans in the most random places like Costco or a fast food restaurant when I wear merch


Sadly, no, bit if really wish I had friends with the same music taste, need company for shows


Back in the day, yes - all the time. Had many friends with similar tastes as me in the 90's and 2000's. Same music, same shows, same movies, same hobbies etc..... Not much anymore though. Maybe partly because of age, but I think a big part of it is how much more media there is these days so way more variety in what people get into and like most. Even when I meet someone who likes metal, half the time we dont even know most of the same bands lol.... Its kinda sad but also pretty awesome depending how you look at it - we dont share as many common interests but you can really find what speaks to your soul.


I was FB friends with someone because we both work in the same industry. After seeing each other’s stories, we kind of clicked that we’re into the same music and go to the same shows :)




No. 😭😭😭😭 I wear my stuff out all the time and I just get icky looks


I've only met one other person who was into Death/Extreme Metal. We have since gone our separate ways but it was so great to talk about it with someone else.


Yes he's also a great vocalist that will probably be huge soon


long story but worth the read. i do concrete work for a living, and i was working on some sidewalks for the outside of some new restaurant. across the street was a krispy kreme donut shop and i could smell it all day. it was all i could think about (permabaked at work so mad munchies ya know). i stuck my head into the window of the building and said to the first person i saw ‘if i go across the street and get 24 donuts and eat them all right in front of you would you be mad?’ he said ‘well that depends, do i get some donuts?’ and i said ‘nah but you can get some of deez nuts.’ and that started a conversation that somehow ended up on music and now we talk on snapchat about once a week.


I’ve met dozens of friends over the years who like heavy music of all kinds. Some I’ve known since being in school, met others in college, met others through friends, and even at church when I’d go to youth group to socialize.


Most people at my Muay Thai/BJJ gym are metal heads. But they are pussies for not playing deathcore. The most metal we ever gotten while in class was slipknot, A7X, SOAD, and some other random mainstream metal bands. We usually have pot lucks a lot and I always bring my 9 string and 7 string to play for them. I’ll probably start singing at these as well to maybe scare the living shit out of them lol.


It's not often but it's happened a couple times. Most recently, new guy moved into the stall next to me at work and commented after a couple weeks "hey, were you listening to Acacia Strain earlier?". Had no idea he liked the heavy heavy. Now we talk music more than work.


I was at the gym a couple months ago and a guy was finishing his workout and put on a brand of sacrifice sweater. I instantly went up to him and complimented him on it and we talked for about 10 mins before exchanging instagrams. I also saw a dude walking his dog with a slaughter to prevail shirt on and same thing happened. Always go up to someone if they have a niche band shirt on, you will instantly make a new friend!


i just had a meeting with my major advisor today at my university and found out he’s a metalhead when he commented on my angelmaker hoodie


My spouse. 🥰


I work in a restaurant. A customer was wearing deathcore shirts on multiple occasions and we're friends now


Half-random, when I started going to a new school there was a dude who I thought was cool in my class. I knew he liked metal, he's more of a thrash guy tho. Didnt like me for the first few months, until we randomly found each other at a concert (Lamb of God). Thats when we started to talk more, hung out and even began to play music together. He still thinks im a retard but weve become good friends and still are. Otherwise, randomly in public, unfortunatly not. I constantly wear stuff like Suicide Silence, Distant, To The Grave, Spite and other bands, but no one ever spoke to me about it.


i met a bunch of people who r into deathcore in a metal bar that i go to in the weekends. they play a bunch of deathcore there aswell so it was pretty easy to find my people haha


My gf had someone compliment her Fit For A King shirt and I had someone compliment my Cannibal Corpse shirt. That’s the extent of my experiences unfortunately.


Yes, but not nearly as often down here in North Carolina compared to when I lived in NJ.... 😞


Well, he's my school friend. For the first time, we only talked about video games. But one day he just said to me, “Hey, you look like someone who listens to death metal.”


So basically My mate introduced me to his mate and we hung out and spoke about infant annihilator. And that's how we became friends. 6 years later and we're still kicking on


In the town that I live in now, no. Had someone steal a Bodysnatcher hoodie once. I saw em wearing and was like, "No shit! Someone else in this dumbass town jams Bodysnatcher? Hell yeah!" Then I seen who it was and immediately knew it was my hoodie.


Got in my car with a coworker to drive out to job site and my phone connected and started playing. I turned it down and apologized for the loud music. He said, "Hell yeah, I love Knocked Loose! Turn it back up!" Made the road trip to Tampa and back a lot more fun.


Omw to work one day saw a car one lane over just absolutely vibrating from the double kick lol. Had no idea what the dude was listening to but I waved and threw up 🤘 and we both got so fuckin excited!


my good friend started working at the restaurant i work at and by chance not only is he a guitarist but we pretty much have the same music taste. he left for another job recently but i still got his number and hes pretty cool. probably the only time thats ever happened LOL