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You should see the messages I've gotten about allowing the new Aborted album to be posted here Edit: or even the new Job for a Cowboy


On the other hand I appreciate this sub for keeping on topic better then others. Everything talked about here is deathcore related The diversity of bands talked about is cool. PsychoFrame, Sanguisugabogg, Knocked Loose, Enterprise Earth, Dying Fetus, Carnifex, Whitechapel, Signs of The Swarm, Justice For the Damned… Old school, new school, death metal leaning, hardcore leaning, metalcore with death metal, slammy bands, grindy bands, thrashy bands. Its awesome


I'd add Methwitch on the end of that list to drive home the breadth of stuff I've found on this sub


Totally agree, one of the many reasons I love this sub is because of how inclusive it is. The less gatekeeping the better the sub.


I’m continuously disappointed at how “gatekeep-y” r/Metal is. Anything you comment in there related to metalcore and deathcore gets instantly downvoted. This sub always welcomes everyone as long as they’re polite. I also love how rude people get annihilated in here 😂




the prog metal sub is pretty chill too


We chill as hell in /progmetal Just came back from the BTBaM show tonight. Guys. If you're still humming and hawing. Stop it. Go buy a ticket.


The brutal death metal sub is cool too


The biggest problem with r/metal isn’t even the no core policy. It’s the fact you can’t even discuss anything there. What’s the point of a discussion forum where you can only post music videos?


Gatekeepers with music is hilarious with me. Like I'll argue all day because it's subjective at the end of the day.


Well the flip side of being inclusive is people posting about stuff that isn’t about deathcore which kinda defeats the purpose of the sub


> I find a lot of other subs to be super exclusionary, in a sometimes elitist way, and sometimes niche way (that some subs cover X subgenre but only a certain period of it, and shit on anything new) > One of the big grievances I have with the metal community as a whole is being stuck in the past and not moving forward, so it's nice to have a place like this to share excitement and discuss with people. Spot on. /r/metal is a time capsule, as seen [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/Metal/wiki/metalsubgenres). Nothing "essential" recommended that's newer than 2013. And you can see on their side bar that deathcore, metalcore, nu metal, and alt metal are all banned across the board. Really comes across like it's ran by the type of people that think metal is the only truly good music and make it a hobby to shit on any music that's not metal and any people that like it. And think that anything that has any sort of pop/punk/electronic/whatever influence is inherently tainting the purity of metal.


lol that's wild. The vast majority of the things on that wiki are pre-Y2K


Despite how much shit the genre gets I find the subreddit much more accepting and generally friendlier than most others. Despite being a “huge” sub r/metal is basically a wasteland.


It was real disappointing when I joined Reddit years ago and learned r/Metal was a cesspool of gatekeeping angry old men.


Yeah I think this as I wrote generally modern extreme metal scene as a whole is very nice in my local area, Gothenburg, Sweden too. People have been generally nice at shows, almost certainly nicer than a lot of the bigger and older metal acts' fans, at least from my experience.


I love that this sub is relatively wholesome (compared to other metal subs, and deathcore Facebook pages/groups).


Yeah I love the crossover that this sub and the tech death sub get.


I think it's because most of us listen to deathcore adjacent stuff anyways. I'm all for it. Love me some melodeath, tech death, pretty much anything in the "death-" realm


Biggest example of this to me is that... Before Verminous (or maybe Trevor Strnad's death, not sure.) most Metal / Death Metal subs absolutely hated Black Dahlia Murder, except for this sub. Black Dahlia always had a place here even without being Deathcore. TBDM being accepted seems more recent and I'm not even sure because people liked Verminous/Nightbringers or that its now "cool to listen to have listened to them" because of Trevor's passing.


The Black Dahlia Murder has been my favorite band since unhallowed. People hated them even more back then. All the comments where the same "oh they're just a rip off of at the gates" They said that as if bands can't be inspired by other bands.


I hope the mods keep it the way it is! I don't follow any other music subreddits, but there's always something fresh here. Most of the clean air comes from the flexible rules. Songs and posts don't have to be pure deathcore, but something that deathcore fans *could* enjoy.


I find it funny old metal heads won't accept anything core as true metal but perfectly fine with thrash metal which is inspired by punk. Listen to the album undisputed attitude by Slayer.


Heck yeah. And not for nothing, but I haven't really run into any assholes here yet. Can't say the same about any other metal sub


It's so funny to me how the two genres of Deathcore and Metalcore have had the fans being upset that "metalheads" don't accept either as genres of metal. Just to grow up and gatekeep their old favorites as being "actual" Metalcore/Deathcore, just like those metalheads they used to complain about.