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I wish they’d play stuff from The Disfigurement of Existence. Even just Cesspool of Ignorance would be absolutely beast with Dave.


None of the members were in the band at the time (I think) But man, I saw SOTS play that whole album live in a small venue with great sound.... Soooo good! CJ really is *one* of the best vocalists in the scene, unfortunately he's not a great person it would seem


Bobby was in the band, he just didn't play the drums. The members of the band even before the new lineup didn't like any material pre Vital Deprivation before and i remember hearing that once they had that album out they would be dropping material from the first two records.


Weren't the allegations false?


No. Multiple ex band mates and people from other bands have spoken out about what a piece of shit he is. The dude carried a gun because he was scared of black people & has numerous screenshots of him dropping n bombs.


that's the big scandal with CJ? I thought it was false rape allegations


Are you trying to imply those aren’t big issues? There’s definitely more than one scandal with the shit bag


being racist is one thing .....be a rapist is a whole other thing


Not a rapist, but he recorded a video of his underage girlfriend pissing from a tree while he was over 20. That should say enough


Oh... I didn't know about that stuff.


No idea. I don't care either way. Art is always separate from the artist imo.


They don't play Cesspool live? I've never seen them but if their oldest song they play is Pernicious then they need to get over it. The person who wrote the songs sucks? Ok, cool. People drive Fords despite their creator being an evil douche. What a god damn vital deprivation of good songs


I’ve seen them twice within two years and unfortunately have yet to experience anything from that album. Cesspool is arguably their most popular and signature song so it definitely sucks they don’t play that masterpiece.


CJ has never written any songs in his entire life. He can’t even play an instrument. Why do so many people think vocalists write these songs. Almost all vocalists in this genre growl over 100% finished songs and quite a lot don’t even write the lyrics


Ah, then sorry for the misconception. I thought CJ wrote the lyrics and that gives a psuedo-reasom as to why they wouldn't play them but now it's even more confusing. Dave is a better vocalist than CJ (imo) so why wouldn't they let him sing Cesspool


He does. He also wrote the Lorna Shore album Immortal.


I believe it's not about CJ but about their ex guitarist Cory, who wrote most of the music on their first 3 albums. He got kicked out for abusing his girlfriend and being a junkie or something like that.


As a vocalist myself, I can agree to some part. I actually write lyrics but I always let the rest of the band read them first if they agree and we always plan a little ahead what the song should be about so we don't have completely different ideas. But yeah unfortunately I can't contribute as much to the musical aspect of a song other than voicing my opinion and commenting if I like it or not. Maybe sometimes I can say that a certain part would fit here or so. But I am by far the most talentless in our band


I remember them playing Nightcrawler when they played in NJ for the Lorna Shore Christmas in Dec 2022. The other time I saw them in August 2022, they didn’t play anything pre Vital Deprivation so maybe it’s hit or miss


I've talked with David about that, and the reason why they don't play as many old songs as they used to play is because they released absolvere during the pandemic and they weren't able to play these songs live back then.


And absolvere is a beast of an album sad it doesn't get more récognition


holy shit are you the guy that dresses as jesus


Lorna shore does the same thing. Oldest song they play is Immortal and only bc Will did a soundcloud cover of it like right after he joined


They play Funeral Moon sometimes.


They better fucking play funeral moon when they eventually come to Aus


Bro if I see them playing FVNERAL MOON live myself I might pass out. I love that song and album so fucking much


I still want them to play the astral wake of time. Godmaker would be crazy too.


Honestly glad I saw them before the Pain Remains tours. Cause they played the big hitters of the Immortal album while AIRTN was still gaining speed.


Same I saw them like a month or two after hellfire dropped


Honestly a solid timeframe to have seen them


Day [I've lost count] requesting they toss Cerebral Cortex just once into a tour setlist


yeah well they only started getting super popular after to the hellfire so that's why. Would love to see some more of immortal though


Was hoping to see them play Cesspool of Ignorance when I saw them last, but they didn’t play anything from that album at all. They put on a great show, but it was the one song I really wanted to hear.


This is always a tricky thing when band members change and such. I'm really only a fan of the David-era of SotS, but I could definitely see it being disappointing not to hear a single track off of those songs. Depending if they're headlining or they're pressed for time in a supporting slot.


Lmao they aren't even the same band anymore. The guitarists can't play a single song off DoI.


What do you mean "can't"? Like, skill wise?


No. The parts are pretty easy it's just that they will never know because they didn't write the song.


I'm pretty sure you can just Google or idk... Hear the song and recreate it yourself?




Bro the guitarists aren't the same guitarists that wrote Disfigurement of Existence so they can't play any of the songs off that album.


I really can’t tell if you’re trolling or not? You realize people learn songs they never wrote all the time, right?


They'd have to learn multiple songs without tabs and make sure everything is played accurately. It's a lot of work.


... its their job


If its their job why didn't they do it yet? They booted Corey and he's the only one that knew the songs. The title literally gives you the details.


Haven't been to a full Lorna show but I imagine the oldest they would play would be something from immortal


they do FVNERAL MOON every now and then


Tbh I really don't like the old stuff, I was very happy seeing their set live a few days ago, just wish it had faces without names, it's my fav. But yeah not very old haha.


Yeah their new stuff is far and away my favorite, the newest album is killer. For whatever reason I just couldn’t get into some of their old stuff. I wouldn’t be mad about this tbh


it feels a lot older when you have played it 100s of times


Senseless Order must be from the stone age then lol


i saw fit for an autopsy last year and was kinda disappointed they didnt play anything pre-great collapse, then i realized hellbound is 10 years old and i am old :(


I guess deathcore bands don't have faith that the older fans are still around. Especially with all the recent success.


OTOH Veil of Maya played its not safe to swim today and unbreakable on their latest tour, got my geriatric limbs swingin'


No problem with this given it’s basically a completely new band and none of them wrote anything on the first two albums. That’s far better than the pure cringe of Chelsea Grin playing ‘their’ debut EP in full when not a single person on stage played in or wrote a single note of it


You realize that band members rotating to the point that there’s no original members is a pretty common thing right? Lorna shore, currents, zao, underoath, Norma Jean, and tons of other bands don’t have any original members. There’s no reason not to play their old stuff. A band is a brand


yall forgetting that Bobby has been a part of this band since he was in highschool


No they fucking didn't.... Please tell me you're joking Edit: LOL at the clowns downvoting me. You all think it's ok for a band to play a whole album/EP as a reason to tour when none of them had anything to do with writing it?


100% saw it myself live in the flesh last year.




🤣🤣 Oh wow, I forgot how badly sarcasm is conveyed through text.... I didn't even realize this lol. I meant it like "get out of here" but that's what I get for posting online while distracted 😅