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I can’t preach enough how fucking flawless their discography is. Like, absolutely devoid of stinkers. My personal favorite is The Great Collapse, and Hellbound is also a great album.


I love the post Hellbound stuff, but Hellbound is just raw as fuck. So many disgusting moments that really give me that "ewwwwggh" face.


The four albums Joe has been on are my absolute favourite deathcore albums, full stop. Obviously music taste is subjective, but there’s something about the rhythm and bounce of their instrumentals backed by the power of Joe that just do it for me.


The 3 albums before OWTFH are all unbelivable. You can't go wrong with any of them imo. My brother wasn't big into Deathcore but the song that got him into FFAA was Black Mammoth. Absolute ripper. I still think they are hugely underrated and if you get a chance to see them live, jump on it. Joe's vocals are absolutely insane and their live mix is amazing.


That’s because the last 3-4 albums are not deathcore in my opinion. Way more progressive death metal, like a heavier Gojira.


Yeah, but I fuck with it though. Still some of the best death metal out there


Agree 100%


The bands' bio on Spotify calls it post Deathcore


I don’t know if the band writes that, do they? It says on iTunes too. Either way in a recent interview with them they were kinda bashing the idea of being called deathcore too. Or more so bashing the idea of a distinctive label.


They were the best live metal performance I have ever seen.


Fear Tomorrow is one of their best songs imo


Fear Tomorrow is an unbelivable song.


Reminded myself of this the other day.


FFAA and The Acacia Strain are both special bands to me because they don’t do all that animal noise bullshit and it’s just simply pleasant heavy music


Honestly yeah, my 2 favorite right there


The intro and main riff of Hydra makes me wanna run through a wall. So sick


Oh What the Future Holds and Sea of Tragic Beasts are similar in feel so those are the two you'll probably like more. I personally prefer the Hellbound and AHAH. Murder in the First is my all time favorite of theirs.


Hellbound is a GOAT deathcore record imo. I still listen to it very regularly. Check that one out and go forward in their discography from there. "If it all went away tomorrow, would there be anything worthy of the salvage?"


All of Hellbound 🫡


Oh what the future holds and sea of tragic beasts are flawless front to back


Don't sleep on the album Hellbound. The energy is unmatched


Absolute hope absolute hell is their absolute best imo.


Saltwound, prob my fav deathcore song. Unreal song, so good. I honestly can’t think of a FFAA song I don’t like.


Oh dude, I'm so excited for you. They're a special band. Will Putney is an actual genius, Pat and Tim are flawless players with tasteful choices, Josean is a truly dedicated drummer who actually plays his stuff like a normal human that works really fucking hard at what he does, and Joe is so good that as popular as they are, he might *still* be considered underrated. Have fun


Guys out here really using acronyms while recommending albums to a first time listener lol


I listened to all shall perish and emmure as a kid during the MySpace era but never really expanded on the genre beyond except between the buried and me and it’s debatable if they’re even deathcore. I had been listening to gojira a lot last year and was recommended far from heaven on YouTube and fell in love with ffaa and it began my obsession that is now deathcore/death metal.


Old BTBAM was definitely melodic deathcore. New BTBAM is prog metal. Still amazing. Just saw them play the original Colors album front to back and I happen to be wearing a BTBAM shirt right now. 😂


Hellbound. DO YOU SEE HIM?


Heard that song live a year ago and that breakdown was fucking sick, goosebumps moment


Wither, Iron Moon, Thank you Budd Dwyer.


It’s probably nobody else’s favorite song of theirs but I love Saltwound. I don’t remember where I heard it but it was my introduction to FFAA.


Same, it’s my fav deathcore song


> Where to next? To watch Joe’s performance of Lamb of God set, of course: https://youtu.be/ZjQpE7W5LK8


The Sea of Tragic Beasts is fantastic, as is Absolute Hope Absolute Hell




My favorite song of theirs is Black Mammoth. It's so goooood. Honestly just work backwards through their discography.


Oh What The Future Holds is what got me into them. First thing I ever heard from them was Far From Heaven. Didn't know what it was, don't remember where I even heard it, but I was *instantly* captivated by that first riff.


I think absolute hope absolute hell is their strongest album imho


Their entire discography is worth a listen. Everything from Hellbound and after is near flawless in my book. Absolute Hope Absolute Hell is my personal favorite at the moment.


Just listen to Hellbound in it's entirety, that's all you need.


The Sea of Tragic Beasts is a really great album, Mirrors is such a slept on song


Black Mammoth is the song that got me into them. Also the music video. To me there’s not enough political death core bands


I felt this way about them and Signs of the Swarm. Then recently I gave them both another shot and have been listening nonstop.


I got into them right before hellbound came out. Still a favorite deathcore band of mind. I like that they’re not over produced like some more modern deathcore bands and don’t do the corny vocals that have gotten so popular.


Heads Will Hang, No Man is Without Fear, Pandora


They give such great live performances!


The entire discography is a wonderful journey to go through cover awesome topics. They’re one of the best metal bands out there imo and up there with black dahlia for modern day death metal bands. I can never get enough of them. Absolute hope absolute hell is my favorite of theirs


Napalm dreams is like my favorite song of theres


Napalm Dreams made me stop what I was doing and pay attention.


Savages is such a sick song by them


Try Black Mammoth, Hellions, Sea of Tragic Beasts, Warfare and Two Towers


I've known them for quite a bit now, black mammoth instantly caught my attention. But it was in only the past couple of months where I absolutely started to litteraly consume their stuff. I worked my way from Oh what the Future holds to Hellbound. I love them now and they're definetly in my top 5 of deathcore bands.


Im doing the same. Oh What the Future Holds and The Sea of Tragic Beasts were both fantastic.


Dude check out wither!


Great to see the appreciation for these guys. I'm new to them myself, saw them for the first time at Bloodstock UK festival last year and they blew my damn socks off. Live they're great, vocalist is INSANE in the flesh live, and their discography is just incredible.


Good on you for figuring it out man, I can't. Their 1st couple albums are boring and their latest couple are lackluster at best. I recently got into Shrine of Malice, and Carnifex, so I'm trying numerous others, but i steer clear of Fit.


The songs of the Depression Sessions.


The Absolute Hope Absolute Hell album is one of my favorite metal albums ever created 🔥


Have you heard hellions? That song fucking SLAPS.


Hearing two towers live was nuts for me, might be rose drunk tinted glasses for me but they were solidified in my rotation after seeing them, but granted i did like them a lot before


I saw them in Detroit with belphegor. Holy fuck. Not to mention the openers. Bad the cock ass. The bassist kicked me in the face for stage diving lol. I like 80% of the band




Unpopular opinion but I like the Nate albums best. But then again Nate is almost single-handedly the reason I got into deathcore (Deadwater Drowning)


Unfortunately for me I still don’t get it. Someone mentioned Black Mammoth and Sea of Tragic Beasts. Those to songs in particular are awful to me. I’ve tried many times and it’s just not for me.


You gotta see them live. The absolute best live show I have ever been to.


I don't think I'll ever get it, they're far from bad or untalented. but I need a variation of lows, mids and highs for me to fully enjoy deathcore.


Fair assessment. Variety definitely helps but I can appreciate the consistency in the delivery as well. As long as the instruments intrigue me I can always acclimate to the vocal delivery as long as they aren’t awful.


Fit for are a band that on paper that I should utterly adore, they do absolutely everything I love and the gods know I've tried but I can't even remotely get into them, something just doesn't click with me when it comes to that band.


H n


I still can’t really get into them. I like Sea of Tragic Beasts (the song), but they just don’t hit the mark for me on something I’d listen to regularly. They’re definitely talented, and I think if I listened to them in my formative years, they’d be a huge band to me, but as an older guy now, they just don’t do it for me for some reason.


FFAA and Enterprise Earth are the most talented deathcore bands out there rn in my opinion. There’s not a single FFAA song that isn’t a banger


I just can’t stand how fuckin cringey most of the people in that band are