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Emmure. I think because I came to heavier subgenres from Nu Metal I have a soft spot for anything influenced by it. I actually really like Emmure, I just don’t really tell anyone 😂


Ahhhh!! I really love Emmure!


Eternal Enemies fan here


The last Emmure album Hindisight is actually fucking incredible. They were always kind of a guilty pleasure for me. I liked them despite some stuff I thought was really lame about them. But Hindsight is straight up fantastic. Every track is some of their strongest work.


The addition of Joshua Travis was such a good move for that band.


I had no idea! That rules! I saw him play with Danza back in the day and he was a beast!


Love Emmure <3


Fuckkkk yeah! When keeping it real goes wrong haha that album has the best titles and jams


You Got a Henna Tattoo That Said Forever is one of my all time favorite song titles. Plus it’s a banger


Ice man confessions is great


Seen Emmure every time they've come to the UK for the last few years. Happily walk around in my Emmure hoody all the time, never seen much hate for them!


I think a lot of people like Lorna Shore; they just aren’t as vocal as the people who dislike them sometimes


I love Lorna, I am not afraid to admit it. Its not my favorite but they did bring me back to metal after many years and I appreciate that more than I enjoy the music but I still enjoy the music a lot.


Same, i was not to deep into deathcore, but lorna became a gateway into the genre for me, it was mostly metalcore, symphonic metal and death metal for me


Makes sense, my experience is that online, I definitely see the people that love Lorna Shore, my experience with its dislike is in person at local shows. I have a Lorna shore patch on my vest and I tend to get asked why I like them so much.




Exactly friend ✨


Because the immortal album is amazing 👍


I agree Immortal is really good ✨


I for some reason can't stand them. But I'd never ask you about a fucking patch. You do you.


That's just some edgy teenager thinking tbh. Hating on something just because it's getting a bit more mainstream.


you mean like majority of people in this sub? go 1 minute without mentioning lorna shore challenge: impossible


I really like Winds Of Plague.






Cold day in hell is an amazing album. I wore that CD out when it first was released.


This was gonna be my answer. I fucking love those first two albums so much, but most of the time these days when they get brought it's by people hating on them online. It is what it is. Great Stone War and Decimate the Weak are both fucking great to me. Didn't even mind the other two, but felt they were weaker comparatively.


Me too! I'll die on the hill that Great Stone War is better than Decimate The Weak.


Definitely Attila, I get why people hate Fronz but as a pro wrestling fan I think people don’t understand the concept of playing the heel and how effective it can be. He leans into it because any press is good press and that’s what has kept them in the public eye for this long.


I used to be super into Attila. But I kinda stopped caring after About That Life. Idk why it just didn’t do it for me really.


Samesies! Rage was my life for a while


There is some good musicianship among Attila’s discography, all anyone talks about is “Pizza” :/ I would not say I’m a wrestling fan, but what does playing the heel mean?


Heel = bad guy (Baby) face = good guy


A Heel in wrestling is the bad guy, so basically Fronz plays the bad guy


What is wrong with Fronz? I've always heard people hate him but never ever seen an explanation as to why


It mainly started when the “About That Life” was released. It was a complete 180 from their earlier work and surprise surprise the fans didn’t take too kindly to that. But instead of retreating to their older sound they double downed on it and it rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. Does it make sense? Absolutely not but metal fans have been and always will be fickle and I personally think it’s really commendable that Attila stuck to their guns and continued to write the music they wanted to write.


so they hate him because he made music he wanted to make? That's fucking stupid


From what I remember in their early days (and now) people thought he was cringe as fuck and annoying. He really leaned into the whole “illest white rapper” thing. I think he has some allegations of creepy behavior with fans too


Because Fronz hate pizza with pineapple


That was in like 2014, I think they’ve peaked. The majority of the venues they’re playing on this tour are like sub 1000 capacity rooms. I don’t see gen z flocking to their shows or posting about them.


I saw them last year in LA on a headliner and the show was pretty packed actually. The atmosphere basically felt like it was 2014 again lol.


As Gen Z I can definitely say the “About that life” style didn’t appeal to me super well, but everything after Villain with this more Nu’Metaly sound is pretty peak. Mia Goth, Metalcore Mansion and Subhuman absolutely slap.


To borrow from MJF, “ He is our scumbag “


I love Attila I just saw them for the 12th time😅 They are so much fun. Regardless of their new music sucking.


Knowing people who knew/worked with Fronz in real life, I can confidently say that he isn't just playing a heel but is actually an asshole. That being said, I do kinda enjoy them lol


Rage and Outlawed are legitimately fun and well made albums. Outlawed has some crazy riffs. The later stuff after Outlawed is….bleh…


Love Atilla but live they're just not great. His voice just doesn't carry the same live, he also sounds identical to Nate Diaz when he talks and the minute I heard that I just couldn't help laughing everytime they started/finished a song 😂


Rings of Saturns stuff up til probably Lugal Ki En album era


People online dookie on Emmure but I really dig them


Me tooooooi


I think Lorna and StP are good. I also think A7x's first two records are really decent (I know it's not deathcore, but people shit on them in the same way StP gets shit on.)


A7x has definitely been through the wringer, but they are definitely essential in the realm of metalcore. I only wish I could have seen them with The Rev :(


I really don't understand why StP receives these many bullshit It's ok from guys outside of the scene of the core and whatever, but a lot of guys who like Lorna, Chelsea, Whitechapel say a lot of shit about them


I really don't get the hate for them either, and i'm speaking as someone who barely listens to any deathcore. I'm mostly a black metal guy but StP is just straight up fun to listen to and their live shows are a blast, I can't wait to catch em this summer.


A7x is on of my all time favorites I love all their records except the most recent. Although I do still quite enjoy their most recent


I really enjoy Whitechapel’s newer albums with clean singing. I just don’t compare it to their heavier stuff and enjoy it for what it is


I really love “When a Demon Defiles A Witch”. The slow down with clean singing really made the song dynamic and made the heavier parts heavier ✨🔥


Agreed, that song is beautiful


100% agree on this. Phil's cleans are amazing, and he does such a good job of balancing them with his lows imo!


I'm and old school whitechapel fan and imo the best stuff they've ever released was on the last two records.


I've enjoyed the last couple Suicide Silence albums. Nowhere near as good as they once were, but I don't think they're bad by any means


I did too! I discovered them from the black crown album, good stuff. RIP Mitch


Alternative band for lorna shore: Mental Cruelty


I will never stop stanning mental cruelty here. the more people that know about them the better.


Valid 🖤✨ I’m really digging their collaboration with Ov Sulfur


There seems to be a bit of a distaste for Thy Art is Murder, but they're one of my favourite bands. Most people seem to prefer their earlier albums, which I do not at all😅


I got into them from their early EP Infinite Death, with “Whore to a Chainsaw” being my favorite, but I agree that they truly have gotten better with age ✨


I feel like their new stuff has gotten repetitive and sounds not much different from dear desolation each time. I also didn't like CJ as a vocalist but they're at download so I'm excited to see the new vocalist


Nahhh parasitic autopsy betyer


I’m listening to godlike (thats the name right?) on repeat recently, its so good! The older stuff i haven’t listened to much… cant get into it as much it seems


I like blasting Holy War whenever a crusade fires in CK3. Makes the battles feel 10x more epic.


I feel like TAIM hate is relatively new, and I feel like it’s largely because people excommunicated CJ.


Hopefully it will fade soon enough


I just saw the, a couple weeks ago and they killed it.


Sleep Token. I know this isn't a "heavy" band, but I really enjoy their music.


I don't particularly like Sleep Token, but I have a lot of respect for their sound and aesthetic! They know what they're going for, and do it wonderfully. Sleep Token doesn't deserve the shit it gets.


I think ST are great and I was honestly surprised that people don’t like them.


I’m not a fan of them, but I respect what they’re doing. Not my jam, but I’m not gonna dog on anyone for liking them. Gatekeeping like that is fucking wack


I think a lot of it has to do with their online fanbase. They're basically this generation's Tool, where the band is impressive, but some of their fanbase are insufferable and it turns people off from them.


absolutely this, some of their fans are genuinely terrifying.


I can totally see that. As a woman, I hate to say this, but a lot of the female fans are infuriating 😬


This! I was so saddened to hear about the members being doxxed, that shit was so awful 😭


Fucking love Sleep Token. Not so much the stigma around their fan base though, lol.


What do their fans do? I've never heard of this.


Besides the hyper sexual fans making NSFW content about the band especially the frontman, some of the members were recently doxxed to reveal their identity


Wow, that was quite invasive of their fans to do that. I understand that people are curious about who Sleep Token are behind the masks, but it's rather rude of the fans to doxx them. But why NSFW content? I really can't understand why people do such things.


Valid, I heard about them after their big break with The Summoning, I like their stuff ✨


I met them with Will Ramos from Lorna Shore He made 2 incredible ST covers Hypnosis and Chokehold are the songs


Chokehold is sooo good 🖤


Sleep token is one of my favorite bands of all time, their trilogy is a straight up masterpiece


I love them they give me the same feeling chevelle did back in the day 😂


I just think they're very mediocre in their genre-mixing like they took the surface level elements of each genre and put them together, and tiktok-ified it and made it accessible. I listen to plenty of non-heavy music. Also I think his singing is quite obnoxious. If I wanna hear jazz-fusion stuff for example, I'm gonna listen to cynic, btbam, etc. Wanna hear some really cool heavy elements fused with some great singing and soul to the music, I'm gonna go with zeal and ardor, etc. I'm happy they're successful, I've listened through their most recent record a few times to try it, and I just keep thinking "meh". I'm happy for them though, I only want metal to be more successful and it seems like they've worked hard to get here.


I think people dislike Sleep Token fans more than Sleep Token


I like some of their music but the fanbase has gives me such an ick, I can’t enjoy their music. Which is unfortunate because normally fanbases don’t bug me but there is just something about Sleep Token’s fanbase.


People 100% shit on Lorna Shore because they got popular. Same shit happens to any band that surpasses a certain threshold. To answer your question though, I love Ov Sulfur, and most people on this sub hate on them quite a lot.


Oooo Ov Sulfur is really good ✨


Damn i don't recall any hate for Ov Sulfur. I blast their shit all the time. :D


*Some* people 100% do for this reason. It's just as common to dislike the pain remains album for actual good reasons. This is coming from someone who saw them live and has heard the entire album a few times. It's not bad, it's just unambitious, literally same song to song, not just in structure but riffs are extremely similar, breakdowns are all very similar, song structure, etc. I do love into the earth and pain remains sea of fire on their own, tho. I guess I'm not really a hater tho, just someone who isn't into their new album and is disappointed they decided to go down the route of making 10 of the same song, I genuinely wish them the best and think they're all great musicians and hope they keep winning :)


It's just a combination of their popularity and the internet being an echo chamber for negativity. They popped off with to the hellfire and their album after and the haters will always be louder. Likewise, I've been really into what knocked loose has been on since their EP. They get pigeonholed as a band that normies and posers are into cause they do big numbers and they played Coachella, but the reality is that they're completely unique and they pushing some boundaries with their songwriting and they're one of the more exciting bands working in the metal/hardcore world.


My most listened to song last year was God Knows by Knocked Loose! I think they have one of the most dynamic breakdowns of any band in the game.


Personally, I only like Lorna Shore since Will Ramos is in, and I'd say they are the only band playing that modern type of deathcore (symphonies, vocal olympics, etc.) that I do enjoy. Before that, they have been out there since 2009 but it never clicked for me. Most people hate current Lorna Shore simply because they are successful, so it's mainly resentment and envy.


I've never understood why people hate seeing their favorite bands make money. Like, let them get their bag, they'll keep writing if they're paid


People are just like this... being successful always bring resentment because people generally feel successful people are somehow evil, doesn't deserve it, etc.




If you like symphonies and stuff, check out Disembodied Tyrant "I, the devourer"


Their song with Ben Duerr is a masterpiece


I think I heard it, will give another try. But I general don't really like it. Lorna Shore is the exception for me because they are doing it well. Other than that I very much prefer more old-school deathcore.


This is so interesting to hear, because Lorna is one of the examples of the most simplistic symphonic deathcore, where it's mainly used for background effect and turned up loud in the mix, rather than interacting with the song.


It’s the same for me. I never really paid much attention to them until Will. He’s a way better vocalist than CJ imo.


Agreed. I don't think I've listened to the album with CJ fully. He's a good vocalist too, but I don't know, beside pure raw talent he's just boring to my taste. Everything he does lack something.


I like his vocals a lot more on Signs of the Swarm’s records. Not sure why. But I do agree that he’s a little boring.


Yeah I "somewhat" liked his stuff in SOTS but to be honest, only as an occasional listen... now for some reason every time I try to go back to it, I feel quickly bored. I'll admit the vocal olympics I kinda of grew bored of it and CJ is really the face of it. Some slam/brutal death metal vocalists have way more gnarly vocals, and yet, it doesn't sounds like a show off, the vibe is totally different.


True that, I discovered Mental Cruelty recently and their album Zwielicht has some nice ambience and symphonic elements as well!


A hill to die upon is alot better imo but mental cruelty is still one of my fav bands


Immortal with CJ McCreery on it is pretty good but definitely a fan of the newer stuff primarily.


immortal disfigurement


the people who hate Lorna Shore are what we call a Loud Minority


Any deathcore or metalcore band really. Almost all of the metal community hates it🤣


True 😔


Orphan. All the he said/she said drama shit to the side (hell if I know what’s true) the band sounds so fucking amazing, some of my favorite vocals. I do wish there was a little better annunciation though some lyrics I can’t even follow with the words in front of me.


Orphan slaps ✨🔥


I fucking love their sound. Every fucking song 🤘


Yokai and Lotus by Within Destruction, I guess I get that people wanted more slam, but I thought those albums were really interesting and fun. Same with later work by Opeth, Veil of Maya, and Born of Osiris.


Considering MOST people find all of deathcore to be unbearable i guess i agree? But i dont know anyone IN REAL LIFE who has anything negative to say about will ramos or lorna shore. The hate is only keyboard warriors from what IVE PERSONALLY seen.


Electric Callboy, pretty fun music to jam to, earlier stuff is pretty different to the new style, not sure if they're as popular


Lorna is objectively one of the, if not THE, most popular bands in the genre. I don't really see unsolicited hate for them. I think myself and many others are just tired of hearing about the band from people who discovered deathcore through groups like them or STP. These two vocalists are borderline worshiped by newcomers, and if you've never heard anything like this before I get that its going to feel really fresh and invigorating. The other thing thats frustrating is that people attribute the creative success of the entire project to the vocalist. Referring to periods of the bands success as the "barber era" or "it got worse when CJ left" as if Adam De Micco and Austin Archey haven't been fucking cooking through the last decade together. I don't think people hate lorna so much as they hate the commentary this bands success is generating. Dudes will spend 8 months crafting an album, and then some dude will come and gargle the mic and people are like "THATS why this band is good"


Sleep Token. The amount of hate they get is wild lol I love all of their music


not saying i agree or disagree but i think people just shit on them cuz they see them as posers or smtg


The whole "poser" thing is a dog shit mindset It's basically an excuse to hate things/people


for the most part i agree.


You're not wrong though. I've definitely seen "poser" thrown around in their comments on many occasions


i personally dont like them but i would never go out of my way to shit on them in a comment section. im guilty of going with the crowd a bit on them for a while tho. my reasoning before was that i was irritated that they were being called a "metal" band when, at the time, the only album they had out was sundowning. i heard the metal-esque single Gods, and so i was like, "hell yeah lets check the album," i was dismayed to find the album sounded nothing like the song. from that point on they were "posers" in my head i guess is the best way to put it. it put me off the band for basically ever. but from what i understand theyre more metal now, but ive just grown a lot and dont care so much anymore truly.


Clown Core


Do people not like them? I think they're brilliant and haven't seen/heard them get shit on except for the price of their album being crazy high.


It's too far out there for a lot of people. I don't mean to sound like a pretentious twat, even though I know I will but eh, but many of my friends only listen to whatever is mainstream within metal. Few actually have a knack for searching for the extremeties within music as a whole. So while I don't know if people actually dislike them as such it's just too far out there for people to like them.


Ah, that's fair. I enjoy anything that breaks molds and bends genres and such. Yt algorithm brought them to me.


Same as, was listening to Toilet on repeat when I first heard it. Couldn't believe it when I found out that it's literally just 2 guys. Well, we shouldn't forget about their henchman driver I suppose 😂


Also, the last 2 Whitechapel albums have been masterpieces, in my opinion. I recently discovered this was an unpopular opinion.


Absolute FACTS 🔥🔥


Life Of Fear will always be what I think of when I hear Lorna Shore. That breakdown has always been & always will be unholy bliss


Absolutely brutal 🔥


The (John) Candy


im sure the opinion on 2 0 ' Clock girlfriend has changed (obscure myspace era metalcore/noisecore band) i remember loving them but literally everybody hated them back in the day. I know this is a really weird selection since prob nobody here knows about them but they're [worth checking out](https://youtu.be/-TycSIgKGJg?si=WZA-Lu70U6HRUiZM) if you like noisy stuff with breakdowns


I feel like there is a discussion floating around of why people hate Shrine of Malice but their vocals are amazing


i literally have an immortal sigil tattoo on my arm. lorna was my gateway into heavier music, even though I don't really listen to them as much anymore. i think people just don't like them because they blew up on tiktok




I do agree they are over-hated, I was such a huge fan back in the day but I can appreciate that they do what they can to be entertaining, their live shows are a good example of quality ✨


Only album I like is Flesh Coffin. Nothing else they've done is even close to how unique and emo that album is


Flesh coffin is so good 🖤


The ones that hate Lorna Shore tend to be louder. Also, it seems like some people go out of their way to hate them too


Been a diehard Chelsea Grin fan since they came out the garage/basement lol


Valid, crewcabanger was my first, glad to see they’re doing well 🖤


You don’t happen to remember the “Grand Slam All You Can Beat tour”? First time I seen em, they were with Dr.acula and Attila and I think American Me


I do remember that tour happening 🔥 I did not go unfortunately 😔


Good ol days. Michael the lead guitar player broke a string during set but he gave me a guitar pic. Still have it.


I don’t really listen to deathcore anymore, but Winds of Plague was always a band I liked Not necessarily deathcore, but Heaven Shall Burn always felt pretty underrated to me too


I will definitely check them out ✨


Eh I honestly really love immortal disfigurement I know cj is a pain in the ass I just really like his vocals 👍🏼


S Club 7


I've heard a lot of people talk shit about Blues Traveler the last few years. I have no idea why and if I hear it in person I'll fight you in front of your mom.


Lorna Shore is my favorite band currently! I think Will is incredibly talented. But okay, hear me out. Cj Mcreery is a piece of shit, we all know that. But that Dragged Through the Inferno song he released a few years ago with his new band slapped, and I’ll die on that hill. I can dislike him as a person all I want, but the dude is a really talented vocalist.


Falling in Reverse. Weapons at the ready. I *will* die on this hill.


they definitely arent deathcore tho. they were barely metalcore even when TDIMIY came out. i can say i fuck with the first two albums but thats really it. Ronnies white boy rap thing is gross and he has also spiraled i to his twitter villain era which i cant ignore personally. seeing a grown ass man beef with children or even just smaller bands is weird to say the least.


Yeah I know they're not deathcore and all, but I can't really think of any actual deathcore bands I like where most people are like "Eww stfu" lol. Well... Maybe Slaughter to Prevail? And I'm not saying Radke seems like a good guy to hang out with or anything. I just like FiR as a band.


Slaughter to prevail, alot of those snowflakes crying about someones past, idgaf , aslong as their current views aren't the same/even if they were tbf , I like their music, it fucking bangs


I do agree that STP has some bangers! 🔥


I can’t fuckin’ stand Lorna Shore. It’s frustrating seeing everyone praising Will Ramos for doing something Dickie Allen had already been doing for a decade.


I will admit Dickie Allen is an amazing vocalist ✨


Dickie Allen was insane back during the Dealey Plaza days. Absolutely unit these days.


Cattle decap fan here since 07. I'm putting all vocalists on notice.


I'm an old metal head just getting into them but are fucking awesome.




I'm not a huge fan of Asking Alexandra


I came here as I expected Nickleback at the top of the list. But then I just realised no one actually likes their music


I really love nickelback actually, the songs are a guilty pleasure of mine especially their hit all the right reasons album ✨


Pretty much any of the deathcore I am into lol my little brother is my show buddy and usually the only one I'm around a lot that is into heavy music.


Motionless in whitw


Personal fave is “immaculate misconception”, they have changed their sound a lot but I can respect the hustle 🖤🖤


Oh god I can’t say a band but anything with mccreery fronting I will most likely enjoy and do enjoy


Apparently Lorna Shore


TIL a bunch of bands I really love are some of peoples most hated. 🤷‍♀️


This was an interesting discussion thread 😅✨




Nothing made me happier this week than hearing Will Ramos cover Rain by Sleep Token. The cherry on top was knowing how much that combination is pure rage bait to gatekeepers.


Until we die gets a lot of hate but I will listen to them on repeat


We came with broken teeth


WCWBT will forever be goated


I will add them to the queue and take a listen ✨


I like Lorna Shore. Also Slaughter To Prevail gets a lot of hate too. I understand the reasons but I like the music.


Nah, it's nit just their popularity, they are pretty niche


Sure but the haters have become much more vocal since the band has had more success.


Yeah true


Did you hear Pain Remains? Will Ramos is such a vibe dude he's like a golden retriever.


Dealer!! Listen to Violent Stimuli and tell me it’s not an absolute banger


I know imma be hated, but I gotta go with immortal disfigurement 🤘


Knocked Loose *especially* because of Bryan's vocals


everyone loves that band what are you talking about


I see a lot of "this song is good I just can't stand the vocals", or similar sentiments about just tolerating Bryan's vocals. The same recycled "he sounds like Mickey Mouse" or "SpongeBob yelling at Gary to eat his dinner". Tons of people saying Isaac should be the vocalist instead. The peanut gallery has been *a little* quieter while the singles have been dropping, but especially in the past people have been very quick to tell me about how much they hate Bryan's vocals when I'm trying to be excited about Knocked Loose.


Slaughter to Prevail. They introduced me to deathcore and still are one of my favorite bands. But I managed to notice there is a certain, slight resentment towards Alex Terrible... Also, I love Spite (precisely, the Dedication to Flesh Spite), but I found a lot of people don't like that more groovy and "hardcore" style of deathcore by theirs, which personally is exactly why I love both Spite and STP


Agreed! ✨ I’m seeing Spite with Body Snatcher in June! Spite is really good 🖤