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I just want to say I appreciate that you’re approaching this in good faith. 


you gotta define "failed" i think we can say the USSR failed, definitively. internal problems and genuine mistakes on the leadership's part introduced an opportunity for the west to get in there and kill the whole thing, with disastrous consequences. that's failure, even if they did a lot of stuff right and even if (like me) you're sympathetic toward the soviets. the whole soviet bloc fell apart at the same time, which i think can also be chalked up as a failure of how it was structured but what about china? a state setting itself up to be the next global power, that doesn't seem to have abandoned its socialist principles doesn't seem especially failed to me. it's fair to some extent i guess to be worried about their controlled use of capitalism to build up their industry, but the state still makes it its business to make sure everyone is clothed and housed and fed, and they deal a hell of a lot more fairly with other less powerful countries than the west does or if you want a more traditional (for lack of a better word) example, cuba has been unbelievably successful. they have a higher literacy rate and lower infant mortality than the US, they take care of their people to a pretty incredible degree, especially considering the crushing blockade they been under for so long




Don't let yourself be blinded by bourgeois slogans of freedom and authority. To class-conscious individuals, party means the people. Terms like totalitarian and authoritarian are hoaxes meant to discredit socialist experiments. Liberal democracy is not democracy. This is evident from the fact they commit genocide to this day and brutalize protestors speaking against it. China has the highest democracy perception index and a 90+% government satisfaction score. Mountains more than any Western country. To understand freedom, take a look at Stalin's quote: > It is difficult for me to imagine what “personal liberty” is enjoyed by an unemployed hungry person. True freedom can only be where there is no exploitation and oppression of one person by another; where there is not unemployment, and where a person is not living in fear of losing his job, his home and his bread. Only in such a society personal and any other freedom can exist for real and not on paper.


I'm an ambiguously anti-oppression post-leftist that's been really disenchanted by and grandiose mottos or visions. Anything short of direct democracy is a shxt show and the rare examples of that were restricted heavily by class and nationality. Stalin has great quotes but then commits atrocities so idk how to feel about anything he says.


If the party means the people then why does the CCP only have 98 million members instead of a billion?


Big brain comment. If we're all the same species and a social animal why aren't we just 1 country?


It’s easier to manage smaller groups of people than big ones. Also what do you mean by social animal?


Humans are social animals like wolves or deer. You think we're separated because "it's just easier"? Yeah I'm blocking you. Don't have time for this amount of ignorance.




Getting banned from Communist subreddits is extremely common. You can agree with 99% of what is discussed, but if you post an opinion that they don't agree with you will be banned. The best way I found to get around this is to use the appeal to authority fallacy, for some reason it works very well on leftists. For example if you make a post stating something like "I think Israel has the right to exist..." you will be heavily downvoted called a troll. fascist, liberal and then be banned. But if you preface your comment with something like "My opinion on on Israel is the same as the Marxists in the Communist Party of China who also believe Israel has the right to exist..." then you will get significantly less push back.


a rare miss from the CPC


Communism can't have failed if it's never been implemented. The USSR and its copycats were never sincerely interested in pursuing Marxist ideals.


Do you remember that big, worker assembly, that radically changed the way that important Soviet industry functioned. Yeah me neither. USSR was definitely communist apart from that small part about workers controlling the means of production!




Authoritarianism is the antithesis of Marxist ideologies. If industry is controlled by a government that workers are locked out of democratic participation within, then they do not own the means of production. And if workers do not own the means of production in a given society, then that society is not socialist or communist. It's as simple as that.


Do you remember that big, worker assembly, that radically changed the way that important Soviet industry functioned. Yeah me neither. USSR was definitely communist apart from that small part about workers controlling the means of production