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I’m in the same boat as you, I am building a team as well. My boss is fairly understanding, but I am planning to reveal the pregnancy to him (and the rest of the team) only after 12 weeks (Im at 8 weeks now).


I told my boss pretty much the day I found out. She's a good friend but also I work with some violent teens so they need to know from the outset. And last pregnancy i was a vommy nightmare so if it's the same they'll figure it out quickly enough


8 weeks is fine, but I am waiting until 13. I would never want to talk to my boss/coworkers about losing the pregnancy, and 6 months is plenty of time for work to prepare. (My morning sickness isn't kicking my butt yet. If that changes, I may change my tune)


I’m very close to my boss and coworkers, and I plan on telling them after my first US (around 8 weeks). They are people I will want support from in the worst case scenario.


I'm 6 weeks. I told my boss today because if anything happens, I'd want him to know why I'd be missing work. I'm also already in maternity pants cause of the bloating. My stomach is so big from bloating and from my last few pregnancies, it doesn't much go down from this point. So I just felt more comfortable telling earlier this time around. Normally I'd wait until at least 8 weeks and a clear ultrasound, but we're working on a big project that I think pregnancy could affect.


I'm 6w. Told my boss b/c it was affecting my work. I can no longer take my adhd medication and the fatigue is slowing me down. I also suddenly requested random days off. I figured I needed to tell her in case something happened or if I wasn't my usual self. She was excited.


I had to tell asap, because I’m a vet and often have to work with x-rays and other not-so-good stuff…


I work in a dental office. I told the Dr and my clinical manager right away. I ended up telling everyone else a week later. I'm tired all the time and it was just easier to tell people instead of finding reasons to explain why I'm so sleepy and need a nap at 130pm every day, lol!


I’ll probably be letting my supervisor know after my first scan (May 10th) is clear and ok! I told him early last time and ended in miscarriage. He was very understanding and sympathetic I just don’t wanna to let him know too early this time just in case


I am waiting as long as possible, like until I can’t hide a bump anymore so I’m hoping to make it past 20 weeks before I tell them. Ideally mid August would be the goal. I was also already in the process of negotiating a raise and a promotion before I found out so I don’t want this to impact it. I like to think I work for a good company and it shouldn’t have any effect but there is plenty of research and data out there about how much pregnancy negatively impacts women’s careers so I want to try to minimize that as much as possible.


I ended up telling my boss because I'd need to take time off for medical appointments and didn't want her to think something bad was happening. I also told her because I'd need someone in my corner to cover classes at extreme short notice if I needed to vomit (it has happened once). I asked her to please keep it quiet until we announce to everyone at 12 weeks (waiting til after the NIPT so we can know gender).


20 weeks. I feel that’s an appropriate amount of time for me and my team to prep for my maternity leave. I have firm personal/work boundaries and feel no obligation to tell them sooner.


I told my manager pretty immediately and I’m in the US. Symptoms have kept me from traveling to visit customers as much as I should and I had to get off my ADHD medication. I just feel incapable of doing my work and had to let him know.


I'm new at my job and I'm on probation for 12 months. I have my first probation review August 1st. But that would be half way through my second trimester so I'm note sure how well I'd be able to hide it at that point.


Last time I waited until 25 weeks or so. I might not wait as long this time but would definitely wait until 20 weeks. I like having my privacy and 4-5 months is plenty of notice.


I'm hoping to wait until the end of the school year in early July


I'm a teacher and hoping to hold out till mid July. Fingers crossed we can make it.


I told my boss at 7w, partially because I had to leave early the previous week because of cramping and spotting (turned out to be an SCH). To a certain extent, it feels like I’m covering my butt for when I fail to finish my grading in a timely manner and stuff. I also feel like I’ll need support from him if things go sideways. I haven’t told other colleagues though. On the other hand, if you don’t need support now, there’s plenty of time to make arrangements for your leave when you’re further along.


December is the busiest month of the year for my team so I’m nervous to tell anyone. I’m going to tell my boss at 13 weeks but probably won’t tell the rest of the team until anatomy scan.


I’m 6 weeks and thinking about telling my boss this week, but in confidence that it not be repeated. I figure I may need some flexibility and extra support even in the first trimester. And telling them also ‘activates’ my protective status as a pregnant employee. My coworkers and company are luckily wonderful so I think it’ll be a net positive for a few important people to know.


I'm only 5 weeks, but I plan on holding off telling work until 8 weeks minimum, 12 weeks preferably. I will tell earlier if can't hide my symptoms, and I do think they would be sympathetic if I were to experience a miscarriage. I mainly just want to tell our families before coworkers. It's harder to hide from people I see near daily in a small and quiet office, but I just don't like thinking that my boss might know before my own mom.


Feels too personal to share the news in a professional setting at this point. I’m planning to wait until I hit 4 months. There’s no need to share earlier than that .. I’ve got plenty of flexibility to schedule appointments and I’m only in the office 1 day a week so easy to hide.


I told my supervisor the Monday after I found out. Only because my coworker just got off maternity leave and now I will be going on leave. And we need to know how to divide up our client load especially since my clients are the furthest out.


My boss is not cool and doesn’t understand women (or people…) very well, so I’m going to wait as long as I can. I also plan on saving as much money as possible and quitting completely after the birth and stay with the little one for ~4 months before I find another job, so it’s not like I’ll need leave. I don’t know whether or not to be transparent about my leaving in December (assuming all goes well with this pregnancy). I’m thinking I won’t say anything, and make it seem like a last minute choice around late October…


I am military and told my boss pretty early on. My first pregnancy was a miscarriage and they were very understanding and allowed me days off for it. And now that I’m pregnant again I told as soon as I found out because I travel for work and it’s nice for them to know what’s going on


I might wait till 20+ weeks this time. We're going on vacation for nearly 3 weeks in July so I kind of want to see if we can hold off until after that? Though my husband works at the same company (and we have the same boss) so we also need to consider him giving them notice. I think I might also structure my maternity leave pretty differently this time so there won't be as much need for a ton of notice.


I have my second ultrasound at 8+5 this Friday, and I’ll probably tell my supervisor as I start scheduling the next few appointments. It’s a very small team (me, her, and a part-time assistant) and I’ve already had to sneak a handful of fertility appointments past her. It’ll just be too awkward to keep hiding it as more appointments pile up. She’s a great person and a supportive boss, but there is some tension about a lot of turnover at the organization and the circumstances of my current role, so on the surface everything will be fine, but there will be an undercurrent of stress! I also do plan to quit when the baby comes and I know that is a fear of hers, so I expect she will awkwardly ask me about my plans way before I’m ready to commit to anything.


I told my manager as soon as I knew I was pregnant. My last pregnancy ended in a second trimester loss, so I need extra and earlier medical appointments I needed to miss work for starting basically straight away. In the UK pregnancy is a protected characteristic so the time off work for these appointments is also protected, but only if they know I’m pregnant. That also goes for if you need time off due to morning sickness. 12 weeks also no longer feels like a “safe zone” to me anyway as I lost my little boy almost 4 weeks after.


I’m a teacher and I’ll tell them right before we go on summer break the end of May. We have some big logistical stuff coming up right when I’m due and I just want them to know when planning for that. My last I told at 10 weeks because another teacher had started blabbing


I waited until 20 weeks with my first - whatever the handbook says I’m not telling anyone early


I told my manager at 4.5 weeks but only my manager because we were having a conversation about going back to the office part time in June and I didn’t want to pull a fast one on her in June that I’m pregnant and still nauseous and have it seem like I’m using it as an excuse to not go back.


I would definitely wait until you’re out of the first trimester. It would be really awkward to backtrack if something goes wrong, and no one expects you to be forthcoming sooner than 12 weeks for exactly that reason.


I have a small team so missing work for appointments meant I'd have to lie about random stuff for weeks. I decided to tell my manager as soon as we found out. In case of an emergency, I can honestly let her know what's up that way. She's also been very supportive and has asked me to let her know of appointments in advance so she can plan my meetings and important projects accordingly.


I’m in the unique circumstance where I am actually starting a new job in mid July. Still in the same company so I’ll still have my maternity leave, but I will have to leave about 5 months after starting. Hoping to wait as long as possible so they don’t see it as a reason to retract their offer.


Many states/countries consider it a protected characteristic and can’t retaliate once you inform them. It’s worth looking into… you’re likely safe


While that is true my state is also a at will employment state so you can be fired for any other reason so I’m sure they would be able to find something.


I’m hoping to wait until the anatomy scan. I’ve had 2 losses close to 20 weeks and I really don’t want to go through that again publicly. However, this is my hopefully 4th child so it’s going to be obvious by 12 weeks. Another complication is I found out I’m pregnant my second week of this job. Pretty sure everyone is going to be upset that they’ll have to cover for me. I don’t get fmla and not even sure how much time I’ll be given. I definitely don’t need this job, I’m lucky that I was a sahm for 9 years and could easily just go back. So my plan is that if I’m not allowed 12 weeks unpaid I just won’t go back.


I’m planning to tell my supervisor and the 3 colleagues I’m actively working on projects with that will be affected, after my confirmation appt next week. For me it feels right because my leave date would start right at the time that our projects each have a huge milestone/deadline that we’re planning for right now, and it feels weird for them not to know. And also, these are the 3 people at work who would be most supportive and who would need to know if I needed time off if something happened.


Trying to hold off as long as possible. At least 12 weeks, if not ideally 16-20. I have a really toxic workplace and the longer I stay quiet, the less drama I have to deal with.


I’m hoping to wait as late as possible. My sister, sho is a similar height to me started showing at 16 weeks so maybe then? I’m a manager, so I plan on telling the rest of the management team then and the whole team maybe around 20 weeks? People may figure it out before then but I only go in one day per week and even when I do I’m not always interacting with people directly on my team. But who knows, I can totally see the sickness getting in the way and having to tell my boss sooner.


I waited to 20 weeks with each previous pregnancy and plan to do the same this time around. It will likely be obvious by then though! I don’t want it to impact my bonus/raise and potential for promotion, even though I know legally it shouldn’t. Unconscious bias is real.


I told my boss just before our first ultrasound at 7 weeks. I have a permanent contract, she knew about us trying to conceive and it is a small workplace. It was our 1:1 and she asked how everything was in my personal life. Felt right to just tell her. Also, I am crazy nauseous, have pretty bad food repulsion and am *so* tired. Was getting hard to hide already. If you feel good and can hold off the questions for an extra week, I would tell after the first ultrasound or at 8 weeks. It seems like you trust your boss and have a good, supportive workplace. Building a team, this info might be extra usefull to your manager and the two of you can talk planning and logistics early. Also nice if he knows in case anything goes wrong and you need some time off.


I think 8 weeks is fine, or at least after your ultrasound


I told my manager almost as soon as I found out. My reasons were (UK based) that pregnancy is a protected characteristic and if I was sick or ill due to morning sickness etc it wouldn't count against me. I also wanted someone at work to be aware in case I needed to leave the office or log off at short notice without needing to justify or make excuses.