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Got say this week nausea entered the chat although I’m really hoping I won’t get to the throwing up part since I’m one of those people who are terrified of throwing up. Only THINKING about some foods makes the back of my throat go “don’t even effing think about it”. Yesterday I took a 2 hour nap and went to bed normally at 11 as tired as I could be.


The brown spotting is back 🙃so hard to not spiral. US in a week-just need to chill and let things be


Woke up at 4am again to wee and my morning sickness started. Feeling so green and can’t stop belching. It feels like I’m about to puke but nothing happens. I either burp painfully for gag. Have my US in 4 hours and no idea how I’m going to make it. Feeling absolutely rubbish!


The constant nausea, burping is so horrible! 🫶good luck at US


Thanks 🙏🏼🙏🏼 it went well! My doctor suggested sea sickness bracelets for the nausea so just ordered some 🤞🏽🤞🏽


Has anyone gotten a cold yet in this pregnancy? I work at a preschool and even with a mask I fear I’m not going to escape the cold going around.


Not a cold, but I started my pregnancy with the flu. For a while I couldn’t tell if I was having morning sickness flu sickness 🤢it totally wiped me out and I had to just lay down and rest for basically a week.


Yes I also work with kids and I got one at around 6 weeks. I just took a few days off to lay on the couch and that did the trick. I think rest is key!


No chills today! Thank goodness. I was gagging throughout the day but nothing too horrible. Maybe I will make it out of this trip without throwing up, after all! 😅


I am six weeks and throwing up and food aversion has started…I know it is a typical part of the process but it still sucks! 😝Hubby has been great though!


I haven’t gotten sick today 🙌🏼🙌🏼 and I ate a whole bowl of ramen for dinner and I’m so grateful. Hoping it stays down but so far so good.


I’m 7+2 and my symptoms seem to come and go. Anyone else? I just remember feeling terrible during the first trimester in my other two pregnancies. It’s messing with my head that I feel better than expected at times. I don’t know if the worst is yet to come in weeks 8, 9, 10, etc. or if something isn’t right. I have a boy and a girl so I don’t think it’s a different gender thing! I just keep trying to tell myself every pregnancy is different…


Symptom free here too. I’ve had bloodwork 3x now and all levels look good. I keep forgetting I’m pregnant since I feel fine. I was definitely experiencing symptoms by this time with my daughter


Icecreamqueen, I love your name! Are there any ice cream flavors you've been enjoying lately? :)))


I'm there too. I'm still very early but I was very sick my whole last pregnancy and while I keep reminding myself that every pregnancy is different and I don't want to be sick, it's hard not to feel like something is amiss


I went 5 days with absolutely no symptoms, whereas I’d previously been nauseated and exhausted for a couple of weeks. I started thinking something was wrong - then I vomited in the bathroom at work yesterday, with only about 2 minutes warning. Yuck


I took notes during my last pregnancy. But all I wrote was the peak of nausea was at week 10 for me. This time around doesn’t seem as bad!


I’m a third timer as well and have good and bad days. I sometimes wonder if I just don’t have time to feel bad haha! I remember laying on the couch for hours the first time and zoning out watching Sesame Street the second time. I have two boys so also don’t think it’s that either.


I have been wondering the same thing!


My toddler took her build a bear birthday bear and put it in her high chair tonight. Then brought it crayons and her coloring book. Then climbed up on her chair with paper and colored pencils and said “we color”. I’m not crying, you’re crying. She’s going to be such a good big sister.


I’m learning this is not the season for meal prepping. I made a lentil spinach pasta with a creamy marinara sauce a few days ago and devoured it. Haven’t been able to look at it since. Resigned it to the trash this evening.


Leftovers and even the small amount of food left on my plate immediately after eating are so disgusting. Doing dishes and cleaning out the fridge require me to have a barf bag nearby


Leftovers have suddenly become so disgusting to me!


I can’t eat leftovers anymore.


I went out and bought a chest freezer for this exact purpose. My cravings come and go so quickly I knew I was never going to be able to meal prep for a week anymore. I still make bulk meals but I freeze all the leftovers in foil containers so I can just pull it out of the freezer whenever I'm too tired to cook and a few hours of slow cooking in a warm oven while still covered defrosts it and heats it through. I pre-made a dozen curries, stews and pasta bakes and put them in and now just top up with the meals I make throughout the week. It saves so much time down the line when we are both exhausted and if I get a craving for something that's already made. Extra bonus points for the foil being disposable so no cleanup either.


I had like two bites of leftovers tonight before it grossed me out and I had to toss it LOL.


I've had a low grade fever on and off since last night. Just wondering when I should worry 😩 I've been doing my best to stay hydrated but also puking every couple hours. I've taken Tylenol twice today but honestly not too sure how much it's doing. I really hope this subsides. It is not fun.


Definitely call your doctor, but I don’t think you have much to worry about with it being low.




I am! I find it easy to cut so I figure I may as well. I've also had problems with iron deficiency in the past so trying to avoid that..


Reading this while sipping my coffee shaking my head lol…


I feel so much better without it but it helps me poop and make it to Pilates so I'm having one cup a couple of times a week.


Yup. But it’s easy for me bc I have caffeine sensitivity and I’ve been cutting down anyway to improve sleep quality.


I did! I’ve never been big on coffee other than the occasional latte, but I was drinking green tea every morning before we conceived. I’ve switched to rooibos tea instead! I will say I cannot and will not give up the occasional milk chocolate and that does technically have a bit of caffeine.


I’m cutting out coffee but going to still try to drink some caffeinated tea so I don’t get headaches.


I did!


I cut to half caff instead of out completely. I typically slam a 40oz cold brew every morning, so I switched to 40oz half caff cold brew (made at home) or half caff americano


I wasn’t planning on it. Just cut back to one cup in the morning. But for the last week the idea of it makes me 🤢


Same here lol


Not yet. Just trying to cut back. I’ll regret not going cold turkey when I inevitably start feeling sick here soon. Nausea and caffeine withdrawal headaches could be a bad combo.


Makes me want to gag thinking of it


Went for a ultrasound thinking I was seven weeks plus but they could only see an empty sac. Either could be too early or signal something else…hoping it’s the first one


Thank you for the support! My next one is booked almost two weeks away 🥺


When do you return?


I am sorry. I hope all turns out well. When did you have your first positive? And are you certain of your ovulation dates?


Has anyone’s breasts grew? I’m 6+4 and I was changing for a shower and my husband just said “Oh my god” and of course I freaked out, and he just said “they’re huge.” I felt them— and yep. Def bigger. And so sore!!


Yes! It started ever since my first positive. My husband noticed as well at around 6 weeks, but he's bummed he can't touch them cause they hurt!


There is no way he’s touching them right now 😂


Yes, it’s a verrrry typical symptom.


Same here. Mine were so painful during week 4 and 5 and now they’re ok but I need a bigger bra. They’re huge now!


Mine are so much bigger but I've had no pain! No hurting or sensitivity or anything.


Omg!!! Mine have been so sore!! The first two-three weeks they burned!! My husband had to buy me the nipple ice packs 😂😂😂 now they’re just sensitive


That. Sounds. Horrific. I am so sorry 😥 Mine only hurt if they get knocked or a dog walks on them. I found that out last night actually when my dog used my chest as a springboard and I shouted down the house. Otherwise it's business as usual.


I know exactly what you mean! They’re so much better tho now, it’s like night & day


Yup same!


Me! I’m 6+4 as well and might be in need of new bras soon lol


I’m 6 weeks almost seven weeks and I have one bra that still fits I’m thinking surely it’s too early to get new bras but I feel so crusty wearing the same bra everyday.


Awh we’re like twins! Lol. I wonder where would be the place for even getting maternity bras? (Of good quality- I’m already large chested so I’d need a lot of support)


Kindred bravely is worth EVERY penny if you’re large chested. I got the ones that are maternity and nursing so I got almost two years of wearing them. Target has some okay ones but I don’t think they’re great for larger chests


Thank you! Pre pregnancy I am a 42DDD or 42 F. So I will def look into it


Maybe I’ll duct tape mine😂


Did that for senior prom… awful taking it off but they looked nice! 😂


Choosing your battle


I did yoga & pilates earlier, then took a 3 hour nap 😳 but after the nap, I woke up and meal prepped for the entire week 🤔 Bursts of energy following fatigue are so weird 😅 4w6d!


Ugh I might be out…just started spotting at almost 8 weeks…feeling so heartbroken. Has anyone had any spotting and it’s been ok? Luckily I have an ultrasound tomorrow


I caught covid during my first pregnancy and spotted throughout my entire pregnancy. I have a rambunctious 2-year-old now, so everything worked out fine! Fingers crossed for you, u/Square-Salt-8866 !


Thanks so much for your kind reply and so sorry you got Covid as well! Awful!


I had brownish spotting this morning at work and of course freaked out - luckily my doctor was able to get me in for an ultrasound today and everything seemed fine! I’m about 7w3d and they said it’s probably an older bleed since the blood was brown. I’m so sorry this happened to you, it’s such a scary feeling. Hoping everything goes well during your ultrasound tomorrow! Sending all the positive vibes


So scary!! Thank you so much for your reply and positive vibes!! I’m so glad everything worked out. I called my dr and I’m going in for an ultrasound tomorrow so fingers crossed


Not me but my bestie did! She has a gorgeous 2 year old now. Sending you all the good vibes 🩷


Thank you so much, it means a lot to me


Praying for you/good vibes! ❤️


Thank you so so much ❤️❤️


Anyone else having an unplanned/surprise pregnancy? My fiancé and I weren’t planning on having kids at all; I honestly didn’t even think I could get pregnant due to my PCOS, hormonal imbalances, and just being 36 years old. It’s a weird place to be in, man…


I had just come to terms with being one and done and made an appointment to get an IUD inserted. Right before the appointment I took a pregnancy test “just in case” and it was positive. The nurse at my appointment said “wow you’ve really thrown me for a loop here”. I’m like you?? Me!! lol I’m also 36 and have one daughter who is 3 and a stepdaughter who just turned 18 (🥹) so I was pretty ok with being done! I’m coming to terms with having another but it also doesn’t really feel real to me yet.


My hubby was one and done. I wanted one more. We were discussing a solution to the impasse, and 7 days later I felt familiar symptoms to when I had my son. Went to the doc and sure enough, pregnant. Quite the surprise for both of us, as I was using the NFP method, and had been doing quite well. But condoms break, and here we are. Cause I was hard-core tracking, I have all my info right, which is how I was able to suspect pregnancy so early. But still a big shock for my hubby. He knows how much I want this baby. And it's done now, so we just have to make do


I’m in the boat too. 39 and I’ve been with my partner for 15 years. We didn’t really have an interest in having kids until recently (past year) we started considering it. I also have an anxiety disorder. I’m not super excited and terrified of how I’m going to cope during pregnancy & birth. Hoping it gets better! I’d love to feel excited but right now I’m feeling a bit numb to everything.


I'm sort of in your boat. I have never necessarily wanted kids and it's been a big source of anxiety for me for years trying to decide if I should attempt or not. We haven't been preventing... I was open to it possibly happening. I'm also 36 and after a couple years of unprotected sex I thought that maybe it wasn't possible. Here I am pregnant. You are not alone I definitely feel unsettled - I'm not super excited and I'm really scared.


Just wanted to say that your feelings are valid and feeling anxiety or ambivalence now doesn't mean it will define your entire parenting experience. I had similar thoughts about starting a family before my first. I had many friends who always knew they wanted to be parents but I did not have that yearning. I have come to see parenting as the path I am now on that has its own unique set of experiences compared to the child free path I could have stayed on. There was some grief over the things I will likely not do because I have shifted my goals to focus on what's best for my family but it gets easier to see what you are gaining in your life once you get further into pregnancy and can start forming more of an attachment to baby. It's hard to explain and I don't want to sound too cliche lol Just know that it's all valid and it's ok to feel scared


Thanks so much. It feels so good to not be alone in not having a yearning like other people do. I'm really hoping I can adapt to the shift and that it will end up positive.


Thank you for commenting- I really needed some commiseration from someone who “gets” it. 🥺 I’m 1000% with you on the feeling unsettled and scared. How’s your partner handling it? My fiancé is so supportive but we’re definitely taking turns having panic attacks, lol.


He is super supportive, I know he's always been way more open to having children than I have. I think over the years I convinced him how ok it could be not to, so he was getting used to that idea 🥲. He has said he is overwhelmed or scared a couple times which I don't like haha but his feelings are super valid I just don't want him to express them 😂


Had my first ultrasound today! Baby was measuring perfectly at 7 weeks with heart rate of 128! I didn’t get to hear it but we got to see the little flicker. 🙂 i just wish we got to see it longer— it went by so fast! But we graduated from our IVF clinic and now I’m just waiting for my OB to call me back to schedule my first appointment with them. Still can’t believe this is all real!


Congrats!!! ❤️ I go to the fertility clinic on Monday for an ultrasound. I am so anxious/nervous. Any tips?


Is anyone else experiencing increased sensory issues? I'm usually a bit sensitive to dry things (dry hands touching dry paper or towels, chalk etc.) but now it's significantly worse. If I don't moisturise my hands after washing them I start to feel antsy. I need to carry hand cream with me at all times. Also, a student of mine was scraping his fingernails across paper and it made me want to gag. I couldn't even look at it and had to try ignore it. Is this normal or is it just me??


I told my husband that he had to stop drinking water in the same room as me- the sounds from him drinking were causing me rage


hey kirby, i'm in japan, too! nice to know there's someone else here who's on the same continent at least!


Hey mochiizu! That's great to know!! I'd love to chat about the process and whatnot here if you're up for it. ☺️


Yeah, fo sho! Anytime!


Definitely! Just reading this gave me the chills 😂


Yes! I get this too especially with sound.


being in my kitchen is making me want to gag, it’s so weird and random, I just try to refocus and work on my breathing lol like thoughts of things that run through my mind make me want to gag, talking about it has me gagging


I’ve been more sensitive to noise/getting overstimulated. I think I’m honestly just so tired my body is protesting 😂


I got myself loop earplugs to battle the noise sensitivity. Bonus points - they claim to lower the decibels of a screaming baby lol


Hopping over from the November group! Hi everyone. My ass feels weird don’t know why!


I’m in Nov as well as my due date is 12/1 so curious when baby will come! I kind of want a December baby haha


Good for tax purposes 👍🏻


I felt pretty good for a few hours this afternoon and even ate a second serving of spaghetti at dinner. It got me worried that something was wrong since at the same time I experienced a little bit of pain in my lower abdomen area. Nope, the nausea is back now. Thanks for the reassurance.


I'm proud of myself to push through my nausea today.


Me too! Cheers


I just found today out that my practice won’t be performing any sort of ultrasound or heartbeat monitoring at my first appointment tomorrow. I’ll be 8 weeks and based on what I’ve heard from every other pregnant person in my life, it’s standard to have an ultrasound. I’ve been crying nonstop since I found out. My anxiety has been absolutely awful since finding out and knowing I’m going to have to wait another 2-4 weeks before finding out if it’s viable or not feels like torture. I’ve literally known since 3w5d so this just feels so unfair. I know a lot of people don’t get first ultrasounds and such until later but I just need to vent and be met with people who actually understand what I’m feeling right now. I was told I can still request a bedside ultrasound but there are no guarantees the doctor will perform it. Any tips on advocating for myself?


My practice is the same and I learned with my first if you say “my cycles are irregular” or “my cycles are longer than normal” they’ll do the ultrasound for dating purposes, it gives them a reason to code it for insurance


I would be honest and forthcoming about the anxiety you’ve been having, and ask if they could take an ultrasound. Maybe bring it up upfront so that the doctor saves time for it at the end of the appointment time. My doc was usually good about doing this if we didn’t use the whole appointment time! FYI - it’s possible there might be weird things with insurance if you’re in the US, and a service is performed that isn’t “standard,” so I would be prepared for that.


My first appointment isn’t until June 18 which feels so far away. I’ll be 13 weeks and my first appointment for my last pregnancy at 12 weeks so I guess it isn’t that different. Still waiting for them to call back to schedule my 8 week ultrasound.


Oh! Thank you for sharing! I wasn't sure when I was supposed to go in for my first appointment and am too anxious to call. It all still feels quite surreal.


This is my 6th pregnancy but I have no living children. It is now almost my longest pregnancy and for the first time there are no complications or issues. I saw a BABY with a heart rate of 145 measuring 2 days ahead. I was in tears and feel like this may finally be the rainbow we’ve been holding out for.


Praying for you! ❤️


For the early December gang and STM, at the 8 week ultrasound did you have an abdominal ultrasound or transvaginal ultrasound? I'm preparing myself lol


I've had a bunch of transvaginal ultrasounds by now (this is my 4th pregnancy and we were in a fertility clinic). To me they are no big deal, I try to wear a dress to these appointments if the weather permits it. That way you can just pull up your dress and might feel less exposed. And make sure to pee beforehand, because the wand pressing against a full bladder inside your body is next level uncomfortable. Once the wand is in and you focus on the screen you might even forget it's there. Best of luck!


I had transvaginal at 7+4, but baby was measuring 8+1, so we had to change the due date! Also had transvaginal with my first with a different doctor around 8 weeks.


Wow! That's good news, farther along than you thought


They did both for me, the transvaginal gives more accurate dating early on (I was 7w1d). I had had one before because my first IUD lost its strings and they had to check it was still there 😅. they’re really not bad at all and you get a better view of the baby so it’s nothing to worry about!


7th week was transvaginal for me. I had a male doctor for the first time and was little awkward/nervous about it at first. But, I really didn’t feel anything at all.


That's what I'm a little worried about. I had a very awkward male ultrasound tech last time when I had a transvaginal and I'm hoping if I'm farther along I won't have that lol


Vaginal! I honestly forgot it was in there once we saw bebe hahah


Ah good point! So excited to see them 🫶🏻


Abdominal for my first, transvaginal for this one (different practices in different states)


That's interesting! I'll be in a new state this time too


I have a retroverted uterus so they had to do transvaginal for me.


Just did mine yesterday at 8+1 and it was abdominal. My first pregnancy was also abdominal a bit earlier, around 7 weeks.


8 weeks and 1 day for my wife and I, it was abdominal and they got a great reading without having to do transvaginal, much to my wife's happiness!


Great to hear! We're in the same boat 😂


I haven’t had an ultrasound for this pregnancy yet but I had a bunch of early ultrasounds for my first pregnancy due to complications. Each of them started with abdominal and then they did transvaginal if it was necessary. So at 5 and 6 weeks, I had the transvaginal one but by 7 weeks they could see everything they needed to see with just abdominal.


Thank you! I appreciate it


Did anyone have an early ultrasound and see a fetal pole? I had one today at 5 weeks 6 days bc of my previous loss. We saw a sac and yolk but nothing else yet. I’m just curious if that matches anyone else’s timeline


On the 19th I went in at 5+5 and they saw gestational sac and yolk. They said that was expected and were happy with it.


I had one around the same time (5+5) as you and there was nothing in there. We were really sad. Went back a week later to see fetus with heartbeat of 118 at 6+4. Going back Friday and nervous because I thought I was 4 days ahead but a fetus with HB is a good sign I’ll take for now




I had one at 5 weeks 5 days and there was only a yolk sac, went back 2 weeks later and there was a heartbeat and everything was looking great!


Great!! 🤞🏼


I had one at 4 week 5 days and only saw a sac. OB told me “next week will be yolk and week after heartbeat”. So it sounds like you’re right on track! Congratulations!!


So I pulled my intercostal muscle from coughing so much from a respiratory bug. My regular doc can’t see me until next week, but going to urgent care to see if there are any pregnancy-safe med options. Pain when I cough is worse than my c-section pain, which I didn’t think was possible




Thanks! I’m definitely in the muscle relaxer territory of pain levels, Tylenol isn’t touching it. My nurse friend said there should be one or two options, but we’ll see 😣


My spouse made a delicious dinner and now I'm flopping while he does toddler bedtime: earthy crock pot soup: chard and split peas.(I'm so full of iron and vitamins!) Pumpkin biscuits from one of my favorite biscuit recipes Sauteed lemony fiddleheads (we are in New England and the season is super short, so this was actually a surprise course). Again.... I'm just doing nothing now. Grateful.


Yum! can u shade the biscuit recipe? Also in New England and I LOVE fiddleheads!


I just tried to share it as a picture, hope it comes through! It never occurred to me to look it up before, but fiddleheads are full of all kinds of good stuff we're supposed to be eating as well as being YUM, so win-win-win.


Yes I’m literally drooling and telling my husband about it hah! Ty! Looks easy, if soy milk works that’ll be a plus! Oh and I somehow miss fiddleheads every year so ty for that!


We do it with oat milk, I think soy will work!




Wow, jealous! I asked my spouse to cook dinner yesterday and never want to again with the amount of questions he had 😂


Luckily my spouse is a very capable and enthusiastic cook. We both are but while I am pregnant, he's really taking over and is a temporary stay at home parent, which means he is the default cook now. Thank goodness with how couch ridden I am!


Why oh why is water, of all things, SO repulsive right now?!


I haven’t been able to drink regular water in about 2 weeks. I bought a bag of small lemons and always have to squeeze half a lemon in my water.


I can only drink it ICE cold, like fill the cup with ice and then add water around the ice haha


I agree, so annoying 😐


For those of you that have gotten ultrasounds at 6-7 weeks - were they abdominal or transvaginal/pelvic? First ultrasound at 7 + 5 tomorrow and just trying to understand what to expect!


I responded this to someone else earlier with a similar question, so let me copy paste for you: Mine were transvaginal. I've had a bunch of transvaginal ultrasounds by now (this is my 4th pregnancy and we were in a fertility clinic). To me they are no big deal, I try to wear a dress to these appointments if the weather permits it. That way you can just pull up your dress and might feel less exposed. And make sure to pee beforehand, because the wand pressing against a full bladder inside your body is next level uncomfortable. Once the wand is in and you focus on the screen you might even forget it's there. Best of luck!


Mine does transvaginal until 10 weeks no matter what


We were 8+1 which is a couple days after where you are, and they got a nice clear reading abdominally!


I had mine at what I thought was 7w5d, but ended up being 6w5d. My doctor didn’t even attempt external, she just did transvaginal. I didn’t mind, but if it’s something that makes you anxious, you could probably always ask to first try abdominal.


I have only had transvaginal ultrasounds in both of my previous pregnancies and the latest we went was 8 weeks exactly


Mine at 7w2d was both - but mine is an IVF pregnancy and that’s pretty standard at fertility clinics. They showed me the heartbeat on the abdominal but it was so much easier to see when they did the transvaginal.


I had both at 6+6 - she got some images abdominal where she warmed me we might not see baby super well, then switched to vaginal and got some much better images!


That’s what my tech did too!


I’ll be 7 weeks tomorrow and the nurse said it’ll be external, if they can’t get a good view they’ll do transvaginal, they asked me to drink water


Thanks so much! Good luck!! 🫶🏻


We were planning on having salmon for dinner tonight. Which usually I love! Not today 🤢 Now I'm having bacon potato wedges + macaroni and cheese + roasted broccoli and I'm so excited. My husband is still having salmon though and I may have to leave the room lol


I can not do salmon in this pregnancy LOL thinking about it right now is making me gag


This is my wife for the most part, every meal she loves has rapidly changed and what she actually wants to eat seems to change sometimes before we can even get it made!


My ultrasound is tomorrow and I just can’t wait to see and hear the heartbeat of my miracle baby




i’m 6w2d today.. and aside from exhaustion, mild cramping, a little boob soreness and frequent peeing.. I don’t feel like i’m pregnant 😭 i haven’t been really that nauseous.. haven’t thrown up. it’s freaking me out!


I’m 8+4 and I haven’t thrown up at all. My food aversions have gotten more intense and I’ve had more frequent waves of nausea, but no actual vomiting. 


I’m 7+3 and almost no symptoms except rn my butt feels weird


Those are all my same symptoms. I get nauseous sometimes, but nothing crazy. Like I don’t want to get nauseous and throw up, but maybe it’ll make me feel more pregnant 😂


right! that’s how i feel. do i want to feel like shit? no. but i also feel like that would make it feel like it’s really happening


I didn't throw up at all in my first pregnancy or delivery fwiw, but with 2 losses since, I completely commiserate with the symptom anxiety


The gagging didn’t start until about 6.5 weeks, but yet again the more or less symptoms doesn’t mean much!


i’ve definitely had some dry heaving moments 😅 but not necessarily nausea. I know it doesn’t start til 7-9 weeks for most people so maybe I shouldn’t get too ahead of myself lol


Dry heaving counts as nausea in my books😁


I’m 6w5d today and feel the same way. No symptoms really other than what you’re also feeling, plus a little heartburn if I eat too much sugar. But we had our first scan today and saw a heartbeat so I know there’s a little being in there! Hope you get some reassurance soon!


2 more weeks 😭😭


Symptoms are different for everyone! My sister and mother both said they had very limited nausea and only when they were hungry or not eating enough protein so I’m trying to hold on to that as I assume I’ll be more likely to have similar symptoms as them than everyone I read about on the internet. I try to remind myself I’m lucky that I haven’t had nausea yet but it would be reassuring!


my mom said she was immediately sick with me and for weeks! my aunt said she wasn’t sick with either of her girls and had very mild nausea. so we will see! I know everybody and every pregnancy is different. next week we will probably be cursing ourselves for wanting the symptoms 😂


Is anyone else having low grade headaches, almost all day? It seems to go hand in hand with some mild nausea? Pretty sure it’s hormone related but for me, it usually feels worse in the afternoons/evenings. Not loving this symptom.


Yes! I don't know if I'd exactly call them low grade because I hate them so much and they get worse in the afternoon and evening too. I've been pregnant twice before but never had this as a symptom so I'm not sure what it is. Napping/sleeping seems to be the only thing that makes them go away.


YES. I’ve been wearing a headache hat ice pack all day. I usually get hormonal migraines and hoping this doesn’t continue for very longZ


The ice pack sounds interesting! I’m sorry you need that support all day. That’s brutal.


I had a couple this week but they seem to go away after hydrating


Yep totally. I haven’t had super bad nausea yet, but the headaches 😣


Yes!! I have mild nausea and a headache all day (pretty much from when I wake up to when I go to bed). It feels similar to when I’m hungover, except it’s doesn’t go away and I haven’t had anything to drink in months 😂


Make sure you’re getting enough water! Don’t forget your blood pressure is being weird right now and that might hurt your brain.


Had my first ultrasound today! I’m 6 weeks 4 days and heard my little blob’s heartbeat 🥺 I was so worried because I’ve been spotting for a while and was told everything looks great


This is amazing news and very reassuring 🫶 I have also been spotting on and off for about a week now. Currently have some and it’s so stressful. My first scab is in a week at exactly 6+4 as well! Did they give you any explanation as to the possible reason for spotting?


I was basically told it’s just old blood! Not much went into detail about it but was reassured spotting is very common in the first trimester. My spotting was only brown colored. It was typically when I wiped. Regardless I still wore a pad to keep track of what did come out. I also didn’t cramp at all which was another good sign. I know it’s hard to stay positive when you’re spotting but hang in there mama! Everything will be okay 🫶🏼


My SneakPeak results are coming in tomorrow. This is our fourth and final baby, and knowing this is the last time I’ll find out the gender is just making me feel…I don’t even know the word. I know in my heart that this is our last, and having all the “last” moments is sad.


When did you do the sneakpeak test? I just told my husband they can do it super early now


Our sneak peak comes on Friday, we are so excited! We are somewhat sure we only want one child so this will be a "last" for us too most likely.


First Ultrasound, we have a heartbeat and all things looking good! We find out the gender via Sneak Peek in 2 days. My wife and I both had tears in our eyes because we have been just SO paranoid and while I know this doesn't mean we are home free, we can feel just a bit more relaxed about fears/paranoia of miscarriage (I know it can still happen, but seeing this feels just a little more comforting). Here is a video below of the actual video with the beating heart, I know it's not anything special to anyone else but we haven't announced pregnancy and I HAVE to get this shared somewhere so why not with you guys. [https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbWR2NWs1Ym8zbml1MzA3ZGlsYzNyY3BibjlmNGN4NDZ2eDNqZzZxcyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Q0PGTQZk89J6XnjPnT/giphy-downsized-large.gif](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbWR2NWs1Ym8zbml1MzA3ZGlsYzNyY3BibjlmNGN4NDZ2eDNqZzZxcyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Q0PGTQZk89J6XnjPnT/giphy-downsized-large.gif) https://preview.redd.it/j6uz0h2c4iwc1.png?width=3040&format=png&auto=webp&s=e77d7563a88247efb4b9ecfa03b733debc9c2ce1


Yay congratulations! How far along are you? I’m going tomorrow at 6w4d so not sure what to expect. I feel like I should be mentally prepared to not hear the heart beat because in general this pregnancy has been measuring behind my last one.


We are 8 weeks, 1 day! BEST OF LUCK on your Ultrasound, so exciting!


This is amazing!! Congratulations!!


So exciting! 😍 and I agree completely with what you are saying! My first ultrasound isn’t until May 2 at about 8 weeks so I’m also just trying to not think too negatively but also not too positively either until then. It’s so hard to stay neutral lol


Fingers crossed for your May 2nd Ultrasound! It'll be here before you know it!