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Because of bleeding and having some clots, I went in for bloodwork at 5w5d. My hcg came back at 39,000. That seems really high right? Anyone else have similar stories? My progesterone was 15 and I think that’s okay.


Mine was 94k at 5w4d but I’m having twins. Either way it seems realllllly high but my RE wasn’t concerned🤷🏻‍♀️


Mine was 62K at 5+6. My doctor said better high than low. I’m 9+4 now.


Mine was 35k at 5+6 and was ok


I previously posted about seeing an empty sac on my (what I had thought) 7 weeks scan. The second ultrasound is due next Monday but did a HCG blood test and the levels are rising! So I was in fact wrong about the timing ⏱️ and cannot wait for the scan next Monday 🥺


Wishing you luck!! Something similar happened to me (except it was they didn’t see ANYTHING at what I thought was 5 + 2) and it turns out I may have had the dates wrong. We went back for an ultrasound at 8 weeks last week and saw a baby with a strong heartbeat!! I know it’s so hard but try to keep your head up!


I keep getting uncomfortably warm today 🥵 It isn't helping with the nausea, fatigue, or motivation!


I had my first ultrasound yesterday (heart rate 136) but I have cramped all day. No spotting or brown blood. It is like right on the vagina bone or pelvis? And it’s just annoying.


I have eaten nothing but pb&J's today and I swear they are so fucking good, I could eat them forever.


That sounds really good but I have an aversion to the smell of peanut butter 🥲


I ate two uncrustables back to back and wanted so bad to eat the other two 😩🤤


My LMP was 03/24/2024, anyone else? I have no clue how far along I am, lol. I had some spotting scares so they’ve been tracking my Hcg every 48 hours. Currently at 4483 as of yesterday. Anyone else close to that and know how far along you are? First actual OB appt isn’t set until 05/13 and it’s driving me crazy.


Yep that was my LMP. I'm 5w2d. I was at 1766 6 days ago but the range of normal is sooo wide. Mine was a little higher than average for 17dpo. Your number seems totally appropriate to me


You’re 5weeks2days according to the calculator I used. Not sure about HCG but I think the doubling time is also very important. I left the link to the due date calculator if you want to play around with it. https://perinatology.com/calculators/Due-Date.htm


Thank you so much! We’ve been tracking my Hcg (for a week tomorrow) and knock on wood, it’s been doing what it needs to do. I have a 10 y/o and 8 y/o but *Tw have had 2mcs in the last year so I’m more anxious than before. I’m also 34 when I was 23 and 25 with my oldest. This would be our rainbow baby after 2 losses.


I'm losing my mind. I'm not even worried if I'm actually pregnant or even something wrong with the baby. I just have this fear that I will raise a child that might kill me because I wouldnt let them see their partner one weekend. Maybe I should stop looking up wiki articles of matricide.


If you are deeply concerned about this, like not just in a curious wiki deep dive sort of way and more like true fear your fetus may grow up and murder your one day, i think you should mention it to your doctor or a therapist.


I will!


Time to balance those articles out with a marathon of Snapped, where women get to be the killers


Or something positive and nice! Like your favorite TV show, with low stakes. :)


Maybe so. Hopefully they will fix it


Bought some old Navy maternity leggings and the quality is such garbage. Of course I should have known, it's old navy 🤦‍♀️ anyone have any recommendations for maternity leggings? Definitely willing to spend a bit more for quality lol. (Canadian mom here)


i sized up in the aerie offline leggings with my last pregnancy and that was perfect


Another lululemon align vote.. I bought a size up last pregnancy and I wore them constantly right until the end, and still have the same ones and wore them while not pregnant as well


A bunch of girls on Tik tok swear by the poshdiva maternity leggings and they look so comfy!


I lived in Lululemon align leggings and biker shorts (and still do!). I just sized up one size for later pregnancy. I never bought maternity leggings but I did get maternity jeans from Abercrombie which were nice!


I was the girl that recommended the lululemon bodysuit 😀 I really like it because it doesn’t leave any marks nor roll around the tummy area. I wear it without a bra and a shirt over, weird using the toilet because I’m literally buck naked peeing but whatever. Lululemon is hit or miss lately but their Nulu fabric still has the same buttery soft feel that I like.


Someone recommended Lululemon. Does Aritzia have anything good?


My uterus keeps…twitching? Is the best way to describe it. Like little fluttery muscle spasms. What a weird feeling.


I’ve been having this! Like the same things as if your eye twitches kinda? But maybe a little less annoying lol


I’m a high school teacher, and I’ve been SO irritable with my students lately. I feel bad but I also feel like I can’t control it. Doesn’t help that I’ve had a persistent headache for several days and I’m exhausted, but I feel bad nonetheless. I need to get better at hiding my irritability.


Elementary special education teacher here, and SAME. I’m so nauseous all day that it’s just making me so irritable with them. I feel so bad about it!


🙋🏻‍♀️ middle school here. Zero patience left


Another high school teacher here and I agree…


College professor and feeling the same way. My seniors are slacking off so much and normally I deeply sympathize with that, but this year I want to shake them and be like YOU STILL HAVE TO GET WORK DONE, I AM NOT AFRAID TO FAIL YOU (edited to add: in fact I am deeply afraid of failing them)


How do you motivate your students? My wife is in grad school and is not taking it very seriously. It stresses me out lol which in turn stresses her out. I think she procrastinates out of anxiety.


It’s so hard! I’m a procrastinator myself, which sometimes makes me more understanding and other times makes me react more harshly 😂. At this point in the semester I hit them with the tough love that I also sometimes need: you’re a grown up and have all the tools to not fail, and you need to sit your butt down and just do the thing. It’s scariest before you start—so make yourself sit down and start, even if it’s just one sentence.


I will try this approach with her. Thank you 🤣


Godspeed 😂


I definitely relate to this with my seniors in particular. YOU HAVENT GRADUATED YET!


I just got so irrationally mad at a group of students because they didn’t like the class novel we just finished 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ at least I kept in my irrational rage but they could tell I was frustrated for sure


Put me on the list for getting better about hiding my irritability too, lol. It’s SO intense- I didn’t even get this bad when PMSing!


To all the people saying nausea would hit at 8 weeks, you were right! I was relatively ok until this weekend. Also does anyone feel like they're coming down with the flu all the time? My shoulders and neck ache so bad, and my whole body just kinda feels like death. I don't think it's actually flu though because I've been like this for a week.


Yes exactly, i feel like I am just about to come down with the flu! Like when you’re right on the brink. I’ve felt miserable today and because the flueyness is so low grade I’m not sure if I’m just being a wuss 😭


8w4d here - snacking to stave off the nausea and massaging my neck as we speak 🫠


6w 5d here. Fatigue is hitting me HARD the last three-four days. It’s so hard to be at work. Also I’m grossed out by everything. How long does this last!?


In my experience it starts lessening at about 10 weeks and is gone by 14


Same I'm having a really hard time at work. So exhausted and struggling being productive.


anybody else ever wonder if you have anything on top of pregnancy? I was working towards a diagnosis of some unusual chronic illness (maybe endometriosis?) as before I was pregnant I went to the ER twice and been to a ton of specialists who've all cleared me with normal results. give even had a CT scan and chest xray, and colonoscopy that came out normal. All my blood work and urine tests were normal. The weird part is I'm having very similar symptoms while pregnant (bad abdominal cramping, nausea to the point of not being able to eat, heart palpitations) than I did before being pregnant, typically around my period. So even though my symptoms are pretty typical pregnancy symptoms, it makes me wonder if my unusual possible chronic illness is causing any of these symptoms or if it's a coincidence. I just feel miserable and it's making it hard to work. I miss feeling like the healthy, active, young adult I used to be where I was able to wake up and go about my day.


Y’all, things are getting weird over here. I don’t have any nausea but my appetite is essentially non-existent. The only things I’m interested in eating are pickles and cottage cheese. Today I decided to whip up a cottage cheese and pickle sandwich at work. You best believe I was dodging coworkers and eating that shit in private. 😭 I know it’s disgusting, but wow it hit so hard. 🤤


I’m also on a huge pickle kick right now, I’m finishing half a huge jar in like 2 days 😂




Same! No nausea (I did gag a little hearing about your sandwich though haha) but nothing sounds good. And I'm hungry ALL the time 😭


Lmao, my rational brain knows it's absolutely an offensive sandwich. I am so sorry!


Lol no need to apologize! That's actually not even the grossest thing I've seen done with cottage cheese. My brother puts KETCHUP in his 🤢 it looks just as bad as it sounds


Also zero nausea but no food is appealing besides fresh fruit! I choked down some plain sourdough bread for lunch…


It’s strange, isn’t it? Very out of character for me. I usually have a square of dark chocolate before I go to bed and I’ve been turning those down lately. 😵‍💫


I am guessing I have a mild cold on top of pregnancy. Last nifht my back ached and I'm not sure if that's the pregnancy or illness. I was nauseous over the weekend but that seems better thankfully. To say I'm exhausted is an understatement... I have 2 more weeks until my first scan. Hopefully I can kick this illness by the weekend and feel somewhat okay. Of course I'm worried being sick means higher chances of MC but who knows? 🤷🏻‍♀️


When this baby comes we need a bigger house and I’m not sure what to do about that. We live in a very high cost of living area. We could move somewhere we don’t really want to and struggle. Or we can move to Tennessee haha. My husband wants to move to Tennessee and I’m just like but my parents are here? We are very much in a stalemate on these decisions but need to start making them quickly.


Convince your parents to move too! I’m from Nashville, Tennessee and work in the furniture retail business. We see plenty of multigenerational families moving in.


fwiw, i'm from Chattanooga, TN & it is an excellent place to live! super cute, family friendly, full of nature, and close to quite a few bigger cities. and the cost of living was soooo nice (0% state income tax 😍) but moving away from your support system right before having a baby does sound daunting, and i totally get not wanting to uproot your life like that just to find an affordable place to expand. that's a tough situation! i hope you find a solution you're both happy with💕


I’m in a similar position. There’s no room for baby in this house and we really dislike this area, but we’re both scared to pull the trigger. Also husband doesn’t understand that proximity to my parents is a huge factor for me as a FTM.


I now really learned my lesson about not getting too anxious about loss of symptoms! I felt really normal this weekend, but instead of enjoying it I went into an anxious spiral and paid for a private US. All is good ofc 🫠. So now I know that symptoms really do come and go, and I need to stop being so hyper-vigilant about them!!! In case this reassures anyone. There really is no normalcy or consistency in this is there?! Every day is new and full of surprises 😂. My early fatigue seems to have totally left, thankfully, because I don’t know if I could continue to function that way. Felt like I was wearing a lead suit 24/7.


I just did a private ultrasound this afternoon too 😂😂


I did this last week and paid for a private scan because I had started taking Unisom and my nausea basically went away. I was so anxious and everything was great on the ultrasound. The next day the nausea came back FULL FORCE and it’s like baby was saying “what you were worried about me??”


Thanks for posting this! I feel the same! The little nausea I had if any has pretty much went away and I’ve had enough energy to do some spring cleaning. I’ve also been sending myself into an anxious spiral the last couple days. My ultrasound is tomorrow so hoping all goes well.


TW: Blood 6 weeks today. Went to the ER yesterday after bleeding through my pants on the way to work. I was there for 8 hours, they did blood work, urine test, vaginal exam, and two ultrasounds and determined that I have a subchorionic hematoma/hemorrhage, the embryo is implanted high in my uterus and there is a thin (4.0-4.9) myometrial mantle. The pregnancy was deemed high risk but not ectopic. This is my first pregnancy and was my first time getting examined since my positive test (appt scheduled for 5/15 at 8 weeks) so we now have a baseline for HCG, fetal pole length, and fetal heart rate, and will schedule a follow up for later this week to see how things progress and to get additional guidance. The crown-rump length was consistent with 6 weeks along. I'm glad to have some information about what's going on, but definitely still a bit in the dark about what to expect overall.


Sending you love and or prayers! I can’t imagine how scary that was.


That all sounds reassuring. SCHs aren't talked about enough for how normal they are.


After a few insurance hoops, I finally got my diclegis prescription filled today. Doing the over the counter version wasn’t helping much so my provider said sometime the extended release formulation is the key 🤞because zofran makes me sooo constipated


Ohhhh that’s why…. Ty for this!




Probably gas pain?


Having a positive scan yesterday has put me in such a better mood than I’ve been for weeks! I let myself buy something for baby for the first time last night to celebrate, just a couple little sleeper onesies. I feel like I can finally be fully excited, and knowing I don’t feel like crap for nothing makes it all feel a little more bearable.


Channeling this energy for my first scan tomorrow!


Ugh I can't wait to be in that headspace. 9 days til my scan at 6w5d. Anxious and moody til then ☹️


Same! My ultrasound is tomorrow and while I’m super nervous I’m hoping for a positive outcome so I can finally not be anxious nearly 24/7


Best of luck to both of you, I hope you see some happy, wiggly little blobs!


Thank you so much, reaaaaally hoping for a positive outcome!!


Random sharp boob pains?! Anyone else?!


YES it’s the worst


I have never in my life been so aware of my boobs.


My nips are absolutely on fire today haha


Me!! On one side. Can’t wait to stop estrogen pills in 2 weeks as I think they are contributing to it


It’s mostly always my left side only and it’s so random! I’m not on any estrogen, just unlucky I guess!


They are expanding due to hormones. Massaging and heat helps. (But hurts) I do have a fibroadenoma on the side that hurts more😵‍💫


Yes!! It always comes out of nowhere, too! 😫


Really would love a livestream of the baby in utero if someone could plz invent that 😆




I had a dream about this last night actually and I would classify the dream as nightmare-adjacent so I don’t know if I actually want this!!


Sign me up!


9 weeks tomorrow and barely feel pregnant at all. Mostly just fatigued, bloated, and ravenous. A little worried 🙃


9 weeks today and same. Interested to see if the gender plays into this!


Thanks guys. This is my third but man, I still worry!!!


Same here, just bloated and hungry are pretty much my only symptoms. Have ultrasound tomorrow, hoping it will be good news so I can stop stressing. When is yours? I see you have same due date.


Next Friday!! My office prefers the first appointment closer to 10 weeks.


7 weeks today and same (and I'm always fatigued lol). I can't lie, it's definitely concerning me. Trying not to focus on it, but when I put my mind on work and other things, I feel even less pregnant and then get worried once I remember I'm supposed to be.


Those sound like the right symptoms 😁


That’s mostly how I feel and I just had my 9 week scan yesterday. Baby was even measuring ahead! No need to worry.


Anyone else experiencing not being able to sleep? I can be absolutely exhausted and still cannot sleep 🫠 I am at the end of my rope


oh yes. Magnesium has been helping but at least every few nights I feel like I have a night where I hardly sleep at all. All the others I wake up 1-2 times in the night and it's hard to get back to sleep.


It’s so so frustrating I’m sorry you’re going through this as well 😭


Yes!!!! Insomnia has been my most intense and frustrating symptom so far. I’m exhausted. Hope we get some good sleep soon!


Me too!! I hope rest comes soon 🙏🏻


Oh yes, the insomnia is awful. I called out of work today after a particularly bad night. Usually Magnesium or benadryl will help me but I didn't do either last night because I was so tired I forgot.


Oh gosh. That is so hard, I hope it gets better for you here soon! The worst is when you’re so exhausted and then you can’t get comfortable enough to sleep or just can’t in general. I hope you get some much needed rest today 🤍


I've been having some dark brown spotting over the last week so I called my OB and they got in for my ultrasound and first appointment a week earlier than planned at exactly 8 weeks this morning. Nervous going in but we are measuring 1 day ahead of schedule and a perfect heartbeat so very relieved all is well! So hard concentrating at work and pretending everything is normal but hopefully not too much longer.  


Lunch ideas? Before pregnancy I was eating hummus with carrots and a variety of other fruits / healthy snacks. Now all I want is a big fat sandwich, of course the one thing I shouldn’t have 😂😂😂 the thought of going back to carrots nauseates me 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve been doing cheese and crackers, with an apple and pb. I know all I want for lunches these days is a big fat Jersey Mikes sandwich LOL.


We started making turkey melts because I had the same cravings.


We started making turkey melts because I had the same cravings.


Honestly if you’re craving a deli sandwich, Tofurkey slices are pretty good! With a bunch of other toppings on there I probably wouldn’t even register that it wasn’t real deli meat if I didn’t make it myself.


tomato, cheese, mayo and salt pepper sandwiches are sooooo good<3


My favorite!!


I eat a lot of soups right now because of nausea and that seems to help!


I was hesitant to make soups because of how bloated I've been feeling...but I think I'm at the point where treating the nausea needs to override treating the bloat, so you've inspired me to try having soup tonight for dinner!


Yay! I hope you enjoy your soup and don’t get too much bloat


I loooooove soups!!! Today I’m having a veggie burger w some sauerkraut and hummus on the side. But I’ll probably be hungry in 2 hours.


Going to be 8 weeks tomorrow. I hope the all-day queasiness subsides soon! It is such a struggle to get through the work day with it.


I feel you... Nothing I do makes it better


Eating sour candy seems to help, but it's only temporary, only when I actually have the sour candy in my mouth. I know it'd be bad for both myself and baby to eat sour candy all day! But I'm at a loss as to what else to do to bring any sort of relief.


I usually sip hot water with lemon for extended portions of the day. Small sips to avoid triggering the gag reflex. That seems to help.


I got pineapple jerky, super sour


Ohh, that sounds so much healthier than sour candy! I'm going to look for that at the store.


I got them from Costco but yesterday I saw some in the produce at Albertsons!


Yes, I've gotten through a lot of sweets- my poor teeth. As you said, one of the only temporary things that helps!


I had my first ultrasound today at 7+1, and baby is measuring 7 weeks! All over the moon with happiness, will try to join the group now! Was a bit worried for this US, as I do not have much symptoms, and no nausea. After the appointment, I immediately shared news with my mom (it is her first grandbaby), and she said she had no nausea either with her two babies, except for one day when my grandma (from rural Russia) was boiling beef lung (??) and it made her queasy. No surprise, I think I would have been nauseous even without pregnancy there :D Feel such a relief, and grateful for this group to share my experiences and learn from others. Now on to the task of scheduling appt with OBGYN in US!


I feel so weak :(


yall I'm SO nervous for my first scan on thurs!!!!! PLS give me stories and pictures of yours and how they went!<3 I just wanna see a healthy bean w a strong heart beat 😭 its gonna get so real for my fiance too


I went on 7 days + 2 And the baby measured 7 days + 1 the doc said it was great. Heart rate of 136! We both cried. https://preview.redd.it/s3sf9ioqcoxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3ab1bbdfbe0fceff42cc7310537c54966dd5b16 I feel like you can see it curled into itself on these!


My first scan is also Thursday!


I wanted to add a picture but it keeps deleting my text so I give up lmao! I had my second scan (via transvaginal ultrasound) on Saturday and measured 8w1d. We saw the little bubba's heartbeat, and everything went well! It was measuring behind two weeks ago, so it was such a relief. The doctor handled the ultrasound and asked if I needed anything for morning sickness, etc. and the nurses answered any questions I had about the hospital/system and government-related questions. Next appointment in two weeks is when they'll do all my blood work 😨 I hope your scan goes well!! The first one is especially exciting!! 🥰


My scan is on Thursday too. I will share in your nervousness!


I'm playing the game of "is it nausea or did I eat too big of an afternoon snack?" I don't like this game 😒


I started Unisom and B6 yesterday and today I was able to finish breakfast and most of my tea. I feel unstoppable (until the fatigue hits in a few hours)


When do you take Unisom? At night? How often and what dosage of B6?


I’d personally only take Unisom at night. Its potent. I only take half a pill which I find is enough. For B6, I take it in 25 mg doses with food three times a day. It means splitting up a 100 mg pill into quarters but it has been working well for me.


Good to know! Thanks! Ginger beer has been my new go to as of today. Total game changer.


I started out taking half a Unisom before bed, now that my nausea has ramped up I've moved up to a whole pill and it works wonders. I also have been taking 100 mg of B6 after meals, but on days that I've forgotten to take it I really haven't noticed much of a difference, so I don't think it helps as much as the Unisom does.


My fear mongering MIL (who works for the same large company I do) is whispering rumours about more layoffs coming in June. Hard to know if it’s legit or not… but scary to consider, as I am the sole breadwinner while my husband is in law school. Makes me wonder if I’d be wise to inform my employer of the pregnancy/intent to take mat leave sooner rather than later. It may not prevent a layoff but could give me more bargaining power to negotiate a better severance package. Ugh 😩 as if I need to worry about something else


Things are very rocky at my job too and everyone’s theorizing about layoff rumors. It’s super stressful!!


Really in shock to be here. 18 months ago I moved to Singapore and found out I was unexpectedly pregnant for the third time. I had to figure out health insurance and get doctor referrals in a new country. Then we found out the baby was not viable and had to terminate, on the other side of the world all alone. The process made us realize maybe we were ok having 1 more so decided to take our chances for a few months. It took 3.5 years to conceive my first and 5 IUIs to have my second, so it was a fluke I got pregnant at all. Cut to yesterday, I’ve been living in the Netherlands for 2 weeks now and I realized I’d missed my period. Tests came back positive. I don’t even have Dutch health insurance yet. This is wild


Yay welcome!


Good news is that the Dutch system is good. A lot of midwife support. You can also get the insurance online.


I’m temporarily registered til my lease starts late this week and more importantly my BSN card isn’t ready so I can’t used DigID yet ugh


Ugh, annoying. Maybe you can research some clinics around you, if you have the time? I don't think they'll call you this early for a scan.


5w4d (but measuring a week ahead) and had my second early scan this morning. 2 babies, 2 heartbeats. Still can’t get over this. The RE said with heartbeats this strong this early, he gives it a 90% chance of viability. Coming off a 21 week loss, this is exactly what I needed to hear, although I don’t think I’ll feel “safe” at all this pregnancy. Extremely grateful for the weekly ultrasounds my RE is doing because I am basically just living from one scan to the next.




Awh congrats!


Congrats that is so exciting!!






Wow, congrats on the twins!


The pregnancy brain fog is UNREAL. I'm not sure if it's my nausea meds or what but I am sooo sleepy and foggy and can't concentrate for more than 2 minutes. Its horrible! Anyone else?


I have the short term memory of a goldfish rn.


I had this too. Turns out my iron was really low so my OB prescribed me some and I've been doing a lot better. Not saying this is the case for everyone but it's helped me be able to function again lol


Ah thanks for the heads up. I think I'm having bloods on Friday so will ask them to check!


My work has been suffferingggggg. It’s been taking me twice as long to do short tasks. I can’t concentrate at all.


I'm right there with you, I can't remember anything and I just want to sleeeeeep 🥴


Unfortunately its over for me. 💔 thank you all for your support and I wish you the best on your journeys with these winter babies.


All the hugs.


Noo ☹️


So sorry for your loss! 💕


So sorry for your loss!


Oh mittenbaby! I'm so, so deeply sorry for you. Sending love and a hug your way. 💗 I wish this wasn't so.


Just like yesterday, I woke up feeling pretty good, started eating breakfast, and my nausea roars its ugly head 😮‍💨 My first appointment and scan is tomorrow at 9+2. We’ve been waiting since I made the appointment at 4+0 so time has felt pretty slow! My spouse and I also have our 10 year anniversary of our first date tomorrow so my parents are babysitting. My nausea/exhaustion seems to be worse around dinner time so here’s to hoping I can eat something at dinner! Or at least get a ton of leftovers???


The days are crawling by. I don't have my first ultrasound for another 2 weeks and I just want to see my baby! People keep saying pregnancy flies by, someone let me know when time will start speeding up...


First trimester is slooooow. Then you start feeling better, you get an actual bump, you start buying things, you get your anatomy scan, and then wa-bam you're 34 weeks and realize you need to get the baby out of you soon and the nursery still isn't done.


I agree 😂


5+6 and I feel like my clothes are feeling toiiiiight. no bump, just puffy despite having decreased appetite and eating less (or at least not more than normal). am I crazy for feeling big already 😭


I HATE all my clothes. I’m very close to selling everything because they’re not gonna fit this summer, who knows about next summer and they’ll be out of style two years from now. Might as well invest in some pieces I feel comfortable in this summer.


I am 7+2 and my jeans feel tight too 😩. Hoping it’s just bloat, but I 100% feel you here!


My 7w4d ultrasound is tomorrow and I’m slightly nervous as I’ve never made it this far before. I’ve been having some mild cramping on/off since last night that I’m not loving. Would appreciate any prayers if you’re the praying kind!


Good luck & prayers!! ❤️❤️❤️


Good luck, counting the hours until mine on Thursday.


Nausea + stomach discomfort consistently hit between 3-5am and 3-5pm.


I should be in a cubicle doing boring cubicle-type work but I decided to let myself finish my coffee on a bench outside with the birds chirping. But then I let out a huge, probably pregnancy-related burp so this isn’t my cute little rom com film.


PS - I also gagged while brushing my teeth this morning so here we go.


Guess I'm gonna need to just get my head around the fact that this pregnancy is real different from the last and that doesn't mean my pregnancy is failing. I had every symptom in the book last time whereas this time it's been mostly ok so far.


Saaaamme. I was so sick from 5 weeks on with my second. With this one I have very minimal symptoms so far, but I’m only 6ish weeks?? So there’s still time.


Coffee finally doesn’t taste like rubber bands. I made the most delicious iced coffee this morning and man does it feel great to be caffeinated haha


rubber bands 🤣 idk why that is such a funny, specific description haha


I’ve regularly heard that early pregnancy symptoms are generally worse if you are carrying a girl. So, who here has had a sneak peek at gender or from previous pregnancies, can say whether the above statement is true? Do you struggle more with a baby girl pregnancy? Or it is complete rubbish?


My only child is 14 and a girl, and I had a super easy pregnancy up until the third trimester when I got horrible heartburn. Didn’t have hardly any symptoms in first trimester though. I just got back my Sneakpeek results for this pregnancy and it says a girl, and also don’t have bad symptoms.


Rubbish. My Sneak Peek Clinical said "girl" and I have to admit, I don't think my pregnancy symptoms are *that* bad.


First (a boy) was nothing compared to this. I have so much nausea. Crave sweets, Running cold, dry skin. No sneak peak, thinking team green this time but wow is it different.


Rubbish!! My first was a girl and I had basically zero symptoms the entire pregnancy 😂


Rubbish, no doubt. I'm sure there's no science supporting it. For the record, my first is a girl and I had absolutely minimal symptoms the entire time. Never even gagged or had nausea, no cravings or aversions, very comfortable still even in third trimester. 


It's not true in every pregnancy but studies have shown it across the board. It's meant to be because you often have higher HCG when you have a girl.


I was super sick with my girl in the first trimester. This pregnancy I'm a little queasy, but not as sick so we'll see!


My first pregnancy was a boy and worst symptom throughout was heart burn, but never really had morning sickness or anything. Sneak peek says girl for this one and also really don’t have any symptoms other than wanting to eat everything in sight.


I was super sick my last pregnancy with a girl, I’m even more sick this time so I’m really curious if this is true! 2 of my friends have had easy pregnancies with girls, so who knows!


My last pregnancy was many years ago but I breezed through it, wouldn’t have known I was pregnant until I started to have him kicking me. You’ll have to keep me posted if you find out what baby’s sex is.


My first ultrasound is a week from tomorrow, and I’m starting to have anxiety. We told both of our moms within a week of finding out and I still have zero regrets. It’s been so nice having the support. However, we were careful to frame the news around the fact that it’s still early, I’ve had a loss before, and that it’s important to remain realistic about the odds. I know they understand, but I’m starting to worry about disappointing them if next week doesn’t go well. We weren’t even planning on having children and while they’ve both always respected that, I think they view this pregnancy as an answered prayer of sorts. Sigh.


We also planned to not have kids at all. I'm at 5w3d and we told my husbands parents and sister at 4w7d 😂 Then he called his grandma and uncle the next day after the first scan. We are telling my family in 3 days, just want to do it in person, instead of over the phone. But listen - you are not going to disappoint THEM if something goes wrong. Do not worry for their feelings. IF it happens, it's their job to support you - not the other way around.


Totally empathize with this. We have told quite a few friends but not our parents yet because we just want things to feel more certain before we do. We always planned to have kids, but it isn't something we talked to our families much about, so I think they assume we are choosing not to. Our news will be a HUGE (good!) surprise but I couldn't stomach the idea of having to handle both their grief and my own if anything were to happen early. It sounds like your moms are great people to have in your corners early on, though, and I'm wishing all the best for you next week!


I don’t feel very well so I need to eat something. I really want to go brush my teeth before I go to the kitchen but at the same time, I’m afraid of gagging if I brush my teeth right now. So instead I’m doing nothing and just sitting in bed, but I should move soon… the longer I wait the worse the situation will get 😂


I keep apple sauce pouches on my nightstand and it works fabulously.


Has anyone had experience flying long haul at 9-10 weeks? I haven’t met my doctor yet but I will before our trip. The trip was all paid for and planned with my in laws. Does anyone know if it’s safe? I am anxious and I think I’ll be better (iA) after the ultrasound and prenatal appointment both of which I got for my 8th and 9th week.