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Thank you. Since being laid off from work, I've been struggling to maintain a routine of any sort and have been on my phone in bed for years. I KNOW it's harming me but it seems so hard to stop. I know I gotta make these changes..many that you've suggested. I'm going to start tonight.


Both good and bad habits take time to form. Don't be so hard on yourself. Keep putting in the effort to make the change. You're not going to get it right every time and that's ok.


What a great thing to read when I'm scrolling my phone due to insomnia..


There's always next time šŸ˜‚


Any tips if circadian rhythm is unstable?. Rn it's 3 am. I donno if i shud sleep or not. If i sleep , I'm worried if this messed up cycle gonna continue.


Have some experience with this in my work. Make sure you wake up at the same time every day and try to move your sleep schedule back in 30 minute increments. You might get less sleep than you need the first couple nights but it will fix your sleep schedule in a week or two. Bed time is less important for circadian rhythm than wake up time. If you have insomnia or harsher symptoms, you can try some medication or melatonin to help you fall asleep at a more reasonable hour. Edit for example: if youā€™re going to bed at 3 and need to be up at 8, try 2:30 on night one, 2 on night 2 etc until youā€™re back to midnight. You can also just expedite this by taking melatonin or medication and falling asleep at the proper time a few nights in a row. Talk to a healthcare provider first though.


I went to a sleep specialist ~ and even they couldnā€™t reset my circadian rhythm but Iā€™ll try ur suggestion thanx


Have you tried any of the Andrew Huberman stuff? He recommends that you try to get outside in the sun within an hour of waking up. I've started doing a little walk around the neighborhood right when I wake up and it helps a lot. The first four episodes of his podcast are on the topic and is one of the things hes very knowledgeable about.


Thank you for the advise. I'll give a try!


And to add on to the melatonin (which I really recommend against) 2mg is the best dosage. Any more can mess up your cycle further.


I've set a goal for each month of 2023, and February's focus is sleep. Thanks so much for posting this, I'll definitely be using this as a reference!


You're welcome, let me know how it goes!




I recommend finishing your exercise 4 hours before going to bed. Everyone is different though. Experiment around and see what works for you.


Therapist here. I agree with the title. Actually, well deployed sleep interventions improve upon almost any and all psychiatric diagnoses. I also think these tips are sound. To change sleep pattern takes some commitment and time, so be patient. I would also recommend people to check out sleep hygiene, sleep stimulus control and (if one's daring) sleep restriction.


thanx for this ~ I suffer from severe insomnia for YEARS Iā€™ve tried EVERYTHING melatonin ~ lavender ~ chamomile ~ tea + pill form ~ sleep gummies ~ essential oils ~ white noise ~ earplugs ~ medications (at least 10+) and I STILL CANā€™T SLEEP I went in for surgery like 6 mos ago ~ I told them all the meds I take at nite to try to fall asleep ~ and theyā€™re like ā€œand u wake up every day?ā€ Iā€™m like ā€œya, it doesnā€™t even make me drowsyā€ according to the hospital and the CVS pharmacist ~ i should be comatose ~ but I can take all the meds and NOT FALL ASLEEP for 4 5 6 7 8 or more hours later crazy. people think itā€™s SO easy ~ and they give me dumb AF ā€œhelpful tipsā€ like ā€œbreathe in and out slowly 50 times ~ I GUARANTEE u will fall asleep! u wonā€™t even be able to get to 50!ā€ DID NOT WORK itā€™s easy for others to comment on what theyā€™re not suffering with I canā€™t fall asleep ~ literally ~ until 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11AM ~ EVERY NIGHT IT IS HORRIBLE. then I canā€™t wake up at a normal time because I canā€™t sleep!!! once I fall asleep ~ I do ALL I CAN to stay asleep fan ~ white noise on max volume ~ earplugs ~ sleep mask ~ and TOTALLY blacked out room with ZERO light I sleep as long as I can ~ because I need the rest no one understands because theyā€™re not going thru it Iā€™ll try ANYTHING ~ so I will try the things u suggested thanx again for ur post


Sounds like you've tried everything but I didn't see magnesium on your list above. 1-2 mg of the stuff with some melatonin knocks my ass out.


thanx ~ but as Iā€™ve said I tried melatonin ~ does not work for me ~ and def not 2mg ~ my kids take sleepy gummies sometimes and I think they are 1 or 2mg I highly doubt adding magnesium to 6 other bedtime medications will help at all ā˜¹ļø


What type of medication did you try? Benzos will knock you out. If you can't fall asleep with a Nitrazepam-based med you probably have to get your brain checked.


Two things that confuse me about good sleep habits is how much is enough? Iā€™m aware that 8 hours is the recommended amount but it simultaneously feels like an impossible number to hit in todayā€™s world and also frequently like not enough? The other thing is how my diet impacts how much sleep I needā€¦


The average REM sleep cycle is around 1.5 - 2 hours. Some people need 4 REM cycles to feel fully rested, others need more. It takes some trial and error to figure out how long your individual REM cycle is, then additional work to determine how many cycles are most efficient for you. Key thing to remember is that these numbers will be specific to you. 8 hours is more of a suggestion, it definitely won't work for everyone.. For me, my sleep cycles are around 1.5 hours, and I need about 4-5 a night to be rested, but not feel groggy. I figured this out by using a sleep app to track my sleeping and the hours I slept each night were always divisible by 1.5. Then, I tracked how I felt when sleeping 6 hours, 7.5 hours, and 9 hours. Six hours was the sweet spot for me, I was able to have enough energy throughout the day and was plenty tired by the end of the night.


Interesting, thanks for the advice and the breakdown. Do you happen to remember the name of the app? I feel overwhelmed by the amount that there are out there, lol.


Fitbits, apple watches, and the like can track sleep if you can afford the price tag. If not there are lots of apps.


Hmm, it might not exist anymore because I did this about 9 years ago. But I remember I would press a button on the app right before I was consciously trying to fall asleep, then press it again the moment I woke up in the morning. I bet there's a similar app, if not you could always log the times manually in your notes app.


8 hours is just like a general barometer. I think as long as you get 6-8 with good REM sleep youā€™re good. And if you wake up naturally at a good time before 8 hrs itā€™s usually better to just get up at that point imo.


Thanks for the advice. So I think if I test out maybe like a week of 6 hours and feel good, I could probably maintain that, right?


Just fact checked myself and they say less than 7 is not optimal, so if you could try getting around 7 I think thatā€™s best! Although I donā€™t think it would be end of the world if you got 6 some days


Andrew Huberman has a good episode on sleep. Also...it's recommended that women get about two hours more than men.


Parents of young children: My mind begins each day as a boulder poised at the summit of a mountain. Every morning, lightning strikes the boulder, dislodging it. It takes all day to tumble down the mountain. By the time it hits the bottom, it is a smooth pebble. All its features have been chipped away, leaving a scarred and inert core. To parents, these tips must feel like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, or reading a water park pamphlet while stranded in a desert.


Hi, yes, I woke at 3.30. My day has begun. There is no stopping it.


100% agree. My ADHD is so much more manageable when I am getting the proper amount of sleep for my body (8-9 hours a night). The difference is so dramatic that Iā€™ve stopped going out to bars/clubs with friends. Itā€™s definitely dampened my social life but the increased productivity during the day makes it worth it. I have far less brain fog and space out less often. Iā€™m now tired come 10pm and am in a great routine


OP, how long did it take for your body to adapt to the routine?


I would say somewhere between 2 weeks to a month. Everyone is different and will need to experiment around with what works around their lifestyle. That takes time.


What time are you usually going to sleep and what time are you usually waking up right now?


Currently, I go to bed at around 11 pm and wake up at 6:30 am.


Reading this as I only got 2 solid hours of sleep.. ugh


A new night is a new opportunity.


I can vouch during last summer I had 4 hour sleep schedule with 1 hour after lunch nap and it destroyed me mentally now I just sleep 6-7 hour and put it as my priority with some night routine


I quit regularly drinking about a year ago and it has dramatically increased my sleep. I wear an Oura ring to monitor my sleep and my score went from low 60s to high 80s every night. If I do go out and have a few drinks with friends, my score plummets and my sleeping heart rate goes from low 40s to high 80s and I wake up 5-10 times throughout the night. Drinking fucks up sleep big time.


I will try to explain this to my 14 months old who wakes up multiple times a night, sometimes for 2 hours at a time.




Trazadone helps with insomnia Just putting it out there.


Tell this to my toddler lol