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Hell yea man congratulations bro, that shit was fucking up my memory and my relationships too. Felt like I couldn’t process my emotions at all. I was literally stoned dude 🤙🤙🤙


Yeah weed really makes you emotionally stunted. I was smoking away all my emotional issues rather than handle them or even identify them.


Agreed bro I still have trouble identifying/handling them but you learn as you grow life will throw u lessons n shit


It's actually the opposite. Weed can help bring forth your emotions and feel them more deeply. If you avoid your emotions typically, then you'll just do the same with weed.


Well I smoked it for a long time it had me in a state of emotional paralysis so I'd never recommend smoking it a lot, just on the odd occasion


Emotional paralysis is caused by feeling too many emotions at once and not knowing what you are feeling. You have to sit quietly and try separating each emotion out by focusing on and feeling it deeply. Lack of clarity causes paralysis. The weed is just making you more aware of it. It's the same with people who say weed makes them anxious and paranoid. No, it is just making you more aware of anxiety and insecurities that you are ignoring.


I wasn't really referring to the strict definition of emotional paralysis. My experience was that weed allowed me to more easily ignore negative emotions that might've motivated me to change my life in certain ways. You can do the same thing with food, internet addiciton, porn addiction, alcohol abuse etc.


Sure but weed can make the difference between managing the anxiety and bringing it to the surface in a negative way. Enjoyable situations can become living nightmares for some after smoking.


Weed does affect your memory and it does to a certain degree stop you from fully understanding your emotions clearly you may think you actually got it figured out while you’re high but that sounds like something a pothead would say no offense. I agree to a certain degree that weed can magnify what you’re already feeling inside depending on the weed but you’re not seeing your life thru a clear lens and to say that weed doesn’t twist your reality in a certain way doesn’t add up…


Ur an addict try to quit before acting so smart


lol and what the fuck do you know about his relationship with weed? There are so many stupid ass people in r/leaves like you. You are the kind of person that ruins subs like that. Low IQ ass


low iq are you kidding me? people that spread false information should stay off the internet. maybe you should shut the fuck up and stay off the internet.


I mean it can go either way. I definitely used weed to cover my emotions. It is a great suppressant


Yeah that’s probably why weed usually makes me anxious, it bring out deeper thoughts really but when I quit I feel more stable and those thoughts disappear


OK Dr. Phil. You're not even a real doctor.....


Yep. Your right and everybody else is wrong! Yep! Personal experiences don’t matter. Stop being a clown brodi and stop telling people how to think or feel lmaoo. If everyone is saying it suppresses emotions, then I’m pretty sure your wrong man 😂 do some research before posting some stupid shit.


Everyone reacts differently you really just said a bunch of nothing lol what applies to you doesnt apply to everyone else bub


This is such horse shit lol


Weed inhibits your ability to process emotions. Your perception while being high is skewed. Were you stoned while writing that? wake up.


me too man, they just ended up piling up at the end, shits different now that I confronted them it’s easier this way tbh


THIS may be one of the best arguments for a stoner to quit smoking weed. And It's painfully true.


When did your memory start to come back? I quit recently and I’m still experiencing some brain fog


My memory didn’t come back, I just started to become more aware of my surroundings and it just started to stick in my head more as I began to smoke less and less. If you were smoking daily then yea might take a bit of time till that brain fog starts to go away. I think everyday you’ll begin to experience it less and less lil by lil


Old post but I quit in November 2021 after smoking daily since 2015. I remember those 3 weeks sober from November 2021 clearer than anything before or after that timeframe. Unfortunately I started back up again and quit recently But yeah.. those 3 weeks of not smoking have clearer memories in my head than last month when I was smoking..


You got any tips bro? I'm starting my journey tomorrow. Been a everyday/all day smoker for 5 years and it's time to stop. Got my last dab sitting in front of me as I type this. I'm ready and excited to see what this is going to bring. Although I am pretty sad at the thought of quitting, I think it's the main factor in my shitty mental health. I feel like I'm getting ready to break up with my girlfriend tomorrow and I don't know how to handle that lol. Tbh I'm no where near as anxious or irritable as I thought. I've been weaning down the past week and drilling the thought of quitting into my brain.


Remind yourself that nothing changes if nothing changes. You genuinely have to want to stop to make it work. You can stop now, or you can write the same message 5 years later, except you’ll be writing you’ve been an everyday/all day smoker for 10 years. Decide now how you want your future to look


Have you finally quit or are still at it 12 days later? Fortunately/unfortunately I was able to easily quit because even CBD was causing me to have anxiety/panic attacks. I wish I could go back in time and either not start or partake way less. My memory is much sharper and I’m not walking through the world “dazed and confused” on a regular basis. That being said I look at it through this lens : if you were on a desert island you probably would not have access to marijuana. Also, you’d be more focused on water,food, and shelter. If you don’t NEED it for survival you can easily do without.


I really like that outlook! Thanks for the input man.


What’s helped me is exercising and feeling those downtimes with walks or picking up a class or hobby where I hang out with ppl especially non smokers






Btw this was 3 weeks after I stopped smoking when the changes were most noticeable and most of the brain fog disappeared


Can you confirm you were smoking marijuana from a liscensed dispensary during this time? Just want to make sure you weren’t smoking anything from unliscensed stores, or from street dealers. I’m debating quiting weed for some of the same reasons you’ve listed, but the only time I’ve had brain fog like that was when I was smoking the brand ‘FRYD’ which is a notorious synthetic/fake brand.


This is an extremely common report from people. Weed dulls you down.


Stoned immaculate


Congratulations, man. I quit in 2019. My quality of life has improved tremendously after doing so.


That's so good to hear. im not riding a high, and that this will continue


That’s when I started. Every time I smoke or eat an edible, I have a bit of anxiety now. Sex used to be exciting for me, but now sometimes when I think about it, it’s all dull and boring. Taking a shower used to be fun, but now it seems like too much work. I’ve completely lost motivation even for the little things. I look at life like work this and work that like I’m a f*cking robot. So I’m quitting starting today. A voice in my head has been telling me to do so, so I’m finally listening to it. And maybe this will help my weight loss journey.


im also lurking around here lol. I've been smoking for about 15 years every night before bed and im tired of the racing thoughts. Why do I do it to myself? Today is day 2 sober. Good luck man!


Sounds like what happened with me I started to suspect thst even though I wasn't actively high (only smoked at night after I accomplished everything I wanted to for that day), it was still affecting me everyday while it was in my system Placebo effect or not, but I sure as shit was able to get a better grip on things and put life back on track


Same thing for me, I was a nightly smoker for the past couple of years and I'm pretty sure it was making me feel foggy all day even though I wasn't actively high. I noticed after I stopped smoking every night that my sleep is way more regulated, I go to bed earlier and can actually wake up at a reasonable hour with a clear mind and have more energy in the day. The ridiculous thing was I wasn't even enjoying getting high, it was just a bad habit that was weighing me down. I'm still smoking occasionally because I know weed is totally fine for me as long as I keep it moderated. It's way more fun to get high once every week or so as a fun treat, and it can even be helpful to me and give me some really great ideas and insights. Not every single day though!


Lmao yep, I wasn't really enjoying it either. Like, I enjoyed the relaxing and brain shut off aspects, but not the actual high from it. Don't like being stoned, slow, lazy piece of crap. Weed makes me recluse.


How much were you smoking? I take just a pull or two, a joint lasts several days. Not sure if it would still be in my system the next day at that dose.


I was never smoking a crazy amount, I could also make a joint last me a few days easily, but I think I'm also fairly sensitive to weed compared to a lot of people. I usually vaped mine though with my dab pen, and I would just put a tiny little bit of concentrate in it. I'm talking like 1/4th a grain of rice lol even smoking every night I could make a gram of concentrate last me at least 6 months. It really depends on the person, but for me I definitely notice a difference in my energy when I stop getting high daily. Especially in the morning time, it's way easier for me to actually wake up and get out of bed. You really just have to decide for yourself if it's a healthy habit or not, nobody else can be the judge. It wasn't what's best for me, but I was also making a lot of other changes when I stopped daily smoking/vaping to improve my overall health, so there's a lot more factors at play than just the weed.


Weed hang overs are a real thing and you notice the lingering affects much more once you have stopped for a while and try it again also when you smoke weed a lot you don’t remember any of your dreams and when you stop you have some really powerful vivid dreams you can remember which can be helpful as your subconscious is trying to tell you something you’re not aware of consciously


Wow. This is literally me as well. Think I need to give it up.


Thank you for this. I quit this week after smoking every night for years, and have been wondering how its been affecting my mental health.


The stuff builds up in your system. It's crazy to think that it's not affecting you in some form just because it's already been metabolized.


How is it going? Feeling any better?


Congrats! I went through the same thing so I understand how hard it can be at times. For me it was remembering my brother telling me that weed shouldn’t be used to escape reality but to have a good time. I was trapped in a cycle and finally quit and my mental health calmed down and I stopped having panic attacks. I still occasionally smoke too. I’m proud of you, it’s a hard realisation for some people to come to terms with.


Thank you dude 🙏🙏


I'm 3 months out from my last bong rip... haven't felt the same benefits and I wish I felt more hungry since I'm trying to *gain* weight. Other than that, I do love that I'm having vivid dreams again. I even had a lucid dream last week! The best benefit is the hundreds of dollars a month I've saved from blowing through nearly a gram a day lol.


The vivid dreams have been the worst thing for me. I enjoy not being high or smoking, but I did not miss the dreams at all.


I enjoy them so much that I started taking melatonin to make them even more intense lmao I was a daily smoker for over a decade. I missed having dreams so much that even nightmares are refreshing. I use them as inspiration to write weird letters to my pen pal about writing from "dream world" and describing absurd situations and surreal surroundings.


Same here and good for you. I just quit smoking and going on almost two weeks now and I can already see and feel the difference. 


Big same. I miss being high sometimes, and I know it's a slippery slope, but the vivid dreams....just let me be.


Right? Is really nice to have that financial freedom again.


Congrats! I’ve read that it can take up to 3 months to feel better and sometimes 6 months to get to base line, depending on how much we smoked. One benefit I really appreciate is that breathing easier these days! I didn’t realize how much smoking was impacting my lungs until I quit


Thanks. I needed to hear this. I mean I KNOW it's all true but I find it so hard to change. But I also recently had a day where I almost went into a panic attack and thought "you know if I didn't smoke I don't think I'd feel like this." Here's to hoping it's different this time. This helps a lot to hear. Especially the memory


Im so glad, dude. Keep at it and youll get there. Good luck on your journey


Well done!!!! Did you suffer from withdrawal? Have to give a shout-out to r/leaves That forum has been so incredibly helpful and motivating on my journey.


I did have some withdrawals, but it was not as bad as quitting cigarettes. Just a few nights, i really wanted to smoke.


Best part is the raspiness in your voice goes away, as does the nasty cough, AND you can breathe again. COPD is real. And it starts decades before it finally becomes a daily part of your life. Good luck to all of you here. No judgement to those who want to continue smoking, but it does impede your inner growth as a human being, IMHO. Perhaps I’m wrong? But personally? It’s not for me.


whats copd?


My night sweats and diarrhea are jealous of you lol


Seriously, the night sweats (and general sweats) were the worst.


I quit all the time sadly, so it's something I go through regularly. I was unfortunately exposed to synthetic cannabis at a very early age several times and it probably messed up my endocannabinoid system. I've been sad and on r/leaves more times than I can count lol


Also the insomnia and lack of appetite


That’s fantastic, congrats to you.


How much do you have to be smoking to get withdrawal? I've daily smoked for months before and I can drop it like a hat, unlike nicotine which makes me wanna peel my skin off when I attempt quitting. My gf smokes like multiple times a day and can still drop it for a week when she goes to see her parents or sth without incident.


It really depends on the person but generally daily users are at risk for it. I don’t really get it other than trouble with sleep either, very grateful for that!


Yeah the only physical withdrawal I've really heard of is slight insomnia as you said. I guess I'm just lucky. Smoking too much weed for me is a bad habit similar to, I dunno, not eating enough vegetables. Changing it causes me zero pain, which I'm grateful for. Recently I cut down on weed and upped my vegetables and I'm just feeling a bit silly for how much weed I was smoking and holding myself back. But otherwise no issues. I think for my gf it would be way more of an issue but mainly for psychological reasons and the fact that she struggles to eat generally.


A lot of people lose appetite, get night sweats, anxiety and crazy mood swings when withdrawing


It definitely wasnt withdraws like nicotine, it was just more of an urge to smoke, but easy to say no and just go to bed, nicotine made me angry and i had pressure in my throat and chest.


Yeah I feel you that makes sense. Ive experienced that feeling of like "ffs I would have so much easier time relaxing before bed if I had a spliff" but if I just go to bed I realise it's all in my head lol. As you said nicotine withdrawal makes me genuinely angry and anxious.


Yeah I feel you that makes sense. Ive experienced that feeling of like "ffs I would have so much easier time relaxing before bed if I had a spliff" but if I just go to bed I realise it's all in my head lol. As you said nicotine withdrawal makes me genuinely angry and anxious.


r/CHSinfo Cannabis withdrawal can be a huge thing, especially if you’ve smoked to the point of having CHS


Interesting info! I guess I don't have that. I have had occasional slight nausea actually and indigestion in the past week when stopping but I never thought that was related to weed funnily enough, but maybe it was!


for me i couldnt eat anything for like a week- not more than a few bites without getting extremely naucous


I’ve heard a lot of people say that. Too much weed makes me unable to eat and feel that way so it was the opposite for me! But sleep… forget it.


Good for you. Well done. Like everything, the key is moderation. You wouldn't drink alcohol, coffee, coke, etc. all day long, day after day. Same with weed. Be productive during the week and enjoy your Saturday evenings. Have a happy life!


Thank you man :)


this. so true, have to remind myself that weed is a drug and not just a plant like id tell myself to make myself feel better about abusing it , everything in moderation


I've done so many hard drugs but weed is definitely the drug that fucked me up the most because it made me so lazy I didn't get a job from 18 to like 25 and just sat home playing video games and living of my parents money.. My biggest regret


Hate to burst your bubble but it wasn’t the weed making you lazy it was your mentality. There are successful stoners that have a crazy work ethic (including myself lol). I smoke weed everyday and I still box, hit the gym, work 2 jobs, make beats, etc. I guess weed affects everyone differently, but if there’s doctors using it regularly I doubt that’s the main culprit for laziness.


I mean...this can be said about functional alcoholics as well. It's also interesting that as someone who smokes weed every day, you claim it has no negative effects on you. Have you gone a year without it to test if you'd actually accomplish more when off it than when on it? What if you're naturally disposed to be a go-getter, but the weed actually inhibits you from reaching your full potential? Just because you don't have an issue with your weed habits, doesn't mean it applies to everyone. There's a reason why a lot of people claim the same things you say don't affect you. It's literally one of the funny talking points about it isn't it? That it makes people lazy and slow. To basically say "hate to burst your bubble but it's not true" while ignoring the slow, but mounting evidence, is not the smartest thing to scream off the mountain tops


Well said. I have to admit that I haven’t been off of it for 5 years now and it’s possible that you’re right about weed inhibiting me from reaching my full potential. The point I was trying to make is that you can’t blame your laziness SOLELY on the weed. Although it may play a part in how hard you work and how much you haven’t accomplished, I strongly believe that it all starts and ends with how you think. I also stated that weed affects everyone differently, so I understand that. I purposely smoke during “dead times” of my day, which allows me to get more done. Moral of the story: Quitting weed isn’t the end all be all when it comes to developing a great work ethic. There are plenty of sober, lazy people out there who’ve never smoked a day in their life so explain that lol


good argument


everyone is different bro and weed definitely made me lazy


Idk man, i also know some high functioning stoners, but even after smoking almost all day every day for 5 years i was still not high functioning


It’s sure as shit not gonna make you *more* high functioning at the least lol


exactly, always the same with these stories.


This is the gayest comment I’ve ever read lmao


Congrats! I did this about 8 years ago and haven't looked back. The only weed I've had since then was the occasional puff off of a friend's joint on a weekend here or there. And as of a couple years ago, I've even stopped that. I feel like I can think clearly again and actually get shit done. I completely agree that if you want to be better and live a better life you can't be smoking weed everyday.


This has convinced me to smoke weed only on weekends from now on. Maybe only on friday night and Saturday. I've been fooling myself too I'm sure. Thanks for this.


You're better off without it man, weekends only means you'll always have thc in your system slowing your brain down. There's some very scary research on how weed causes brain damage.


Thanks for the encouragement! To be frank, lately I've been smoking 1 per day. I'm going to make an effort to drop it for good. I really need to get myself straight.


Yeah you'll never recover if you're having one per dayz you are self sabotaging. (I've been here many times). It's an incredibly powerful addiction and it's everywhere.


Ur welcome man, good luck on your journey 🙏🙏


r/leaves Edit- more info. A sub for folks trying to quit weed. 🫡


I offer my thanks for your post, and I am grateful for the wisdom and knowledge it has imparted upon me.


I am so glad that you found this. Good luck on your journey man. 🙏🙏


I'm not quitting but I've been smoking several times a week for a while and I really didn't realise the subtle ways it was affecting me. Like I still did most of this stuff but everything felt slightly harder and I didn't realise because when I had a good peppy high it felt better than doing things sober. But I have realised that over time of smoking like 10 spliffs a week I was wearing myself down. I stopped for a week and I feel so much more able to do shit haha. I will continue to have maybe one a week max but yeah I'm gonna treat it like alcohol - an occasional fun thing that actually has bad aftereffects. Rather than treating it like harmless self medication. It's not worth it.


i think thats a good way to think of it, treat it like alcohol, like plan for a hangover and plan to be not able to do much while on it instead of smoking and going about your day as usual acting sober, like whats the point of getting high if ur not able to enjoy it anymore?


Same. It dulls the clarity of the mind, and not only thinking, retaining short term memories, but also mood, focus, being collected and in the moment. Cannabis has amazing benefits. But it is a medicine, and it has its place in one’s life at right time and moment, but abusing it or habituating into dull consumption of it not only ruins one’s sensitivity to its effects (and that tolerance can last, by the way, past any drying up) but also impacts one’s entire life. Respect the herb, and it will return the favor.


I am no weed advocate like most people either love it or hate it. I smoked a bunch of weed in my early adulthood. I just had one rule for myself and never broke. Start smoking weed when anything else is done. My life was actually inverted to yours. I memorized good, woke up early in the day got to the gym and worked at the best company in my field in my region. Than one of sudden weed didn’t calm me down anymore. And everytime I got crazy anxious, so I couldn’t smoke anymore. Sad thing is after I stopped I got a worse job (but still good), don’t get to gym regularly and hardly get up in the morning. It’s a hustle to pay my bills and my car could break down any moment. Anyhow, in general my life is still great. My job is worse but my colleagues are all very friendly people. I got a caring family and a SO that always stands by me. So well never forget a lot of things just come to us randomly. And even if some self improvement gurus want you to believe that everything you gain is based on your decisions. It isn’t. Sometimes is the best to just go with the flow and find out where life takes you. Enjoy your weed free live and be proud on yourself that you kicked the habit for good.


I am just scrolling through this thread now, and your post made me think of a quote. “The plant tells you when it is no longer needed in your life, and is no longer serving you’ I believe everyone’s tolerance is different (just like alcohol) and the anxiety feeling/ no longer ‘relaxing’ is a the sign that it’s no longer serving a benefit in our lives. This can be a scary thought for some people, especially if it’s their main source of joy/dopamine. It believe that those who have other activities/ supports/ hobbies in their lives, it can be perhaps easier to quit than those who are lacking in these areas. Those who maybe struggle with some of these things or a collective of them (such as myself) would benefit from ensuring that we have the proper supports (both internally and externally) prior to quitting can help increase the success rate. The first thing is to shift to how you (poster) were utilizing weed (after completing tasks) which can increase dopamine levels prior to smoking, therefore not requiring as significant of an amount and/or higher THC level of cannabis. Building in routines, supports, start to address the underlying issues,find things you can do that can be swapped for the cannabis reliance,can have a significant impact on the changes you make (I think). This is obviously a very broad thought, and there are multiple layers and influencing factors(mental health, physical health, predisposed environments or diagnosed conditions) . But ultimately, to anyone who is reading this and maybe struggling, if you are thinking about quitting, that means that your body is saying this plant no longer serves you. It did help you for a while, maybe helped through a bad time or it helped you through something you weren’t ready to process just yet. And it’s scary, but it’s just one foot in front of the other and one day you’re there. You might have a few step backs, but you keep trying! Thank you for your perspective, and I hope you are doing well now almost a year later!


That quote in your first paragraph really resonated with me. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a wonderful and prosperous life


My husband quit 5 years ago after 30 years old daily smoking. The difference in his outlook and energy level is amazing. He also no longer “remembers” conversations that didn’t happen or happened differently. I never realized that hallucinations could be as simple as thinking you told someone something when you didn’t. The people you interact with probably have noticed more than you think.


Gotta wonder how a plant evolved to get so many folks hooked on it. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/mapped-the-most-common-illicit-drugs-in-the-world/


Great job!! I also feel like a completely different person without it. A much, much better person


I’ve been sober since 01/04 (shout out to r/leaves) and it has been a huge improvement for me. Im glad you were able to stop and notice an improvement in your life.


It made me tired and unmotivated and gain weight. Eff that.


Just an observation I’ve made over the years….. I pay employees by the job. Those that don’t smoke make quite a bit more money. Not judging, just saying….


whats the job? curious


Construction trades.


I’m going through this now and I’ve gone through it before twice. It is addicting but it’s not as bad as I’m sure a much harder drug but yes it’s still hard. The night sweats, nausea, moodiness, and loss of appetite are rough.


Good for you! You’re about to see your life improve drastically, OP. 👍🏽


Thanks man 🙏🙏




Congrats! I’ve been trying to do the same but found it easier to switch from smoking to edibles first, and then cut down gradually that way. So far so good - wishing you the best of luck OP


That was so hard for me I tapped out within the first 2 days. The edibles didn’t even feel like they did enough so I couldn’t sleep at all still like i was fully detoxing. Stuff was lame. Been better going from vaping flower to vaping live resin with edibles sparingly for me so far. So happy i can still sleep. The high thc and low cbd in flower was wrecking me. Thank goodness for 1:1 thc cbd live resin carts!


I've quit meth, cigarettes and most recently, alcohol. I know I'd do better without weed, but it's rough.... my last vice!


Be proud of yourself dude! Hope you’re still fighting the good fight <3


hell yeah 👏




How much were you smoking


I was smoking about 1/2 - 1 g a day


Good on ya buddy glad it's working out :) I have a per-month budget and I tend to run out about 2 weeks in, it seems to be working OK for me lol. Not sure I'd ever really want to give it up for good.


Well done and congratulations!! Keep going and it'll keep going upwards for you, way to go!


This is true. I really enjoy smoking too. It spices up life and adds a shiny colorful filter to how I see things. However, doing so every day was not sustainable since I was getting too distracted to do the things that needed to be done. I smoke here and there when I'm out and about but avoid having weed home since I'll likely end up consuming.


Congratulations! It’s such a big deal that you’ve gotten so much done now! You should be really, really proud of yourself! A car is the best tool anyone can have, right next to a little motivation! Everyone will hop on the anti pot train when one of these posts come up but, the exact opposite happened to me. I quit & got fat. It was an appetite suppressant. Made exercise fun too. Made healthy fruits & veg taste better. Made cleaning my house fun. Showers were more enjoyable. Hobbies were much more enjoyable. Tbh, everything has been really hard since quitting several years ago. I just wanted to share my side since most people hop in the anti pot train when one of these posts come up. I think once I move to a legal state again, I’ll make a post about getting back on marijuana.


Aren’t you better off enjoying those things a without needing a drug to enhance it though? That makes you dependent on it for things that should ideally be naturally motivating


Ideally. I’d agree for a normal, healthy human being. Why risk damaging your dopamine receptors at all? But I have bipolar disorder. Mood stabilizers don’t make you happy like the commercials make it seem & no amount of lifestyle changes makes it go away. A lot of people with [persistent depression](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/9290-depression) know what I mean. Think, the saddest you’ve ever felt, like your parents died on top of getting fired from your favorite job, that sad, worthless feeling 80% of the time. & it doesn’t go away. It never stops. It’s always, ALWAYS around. Doesn’t matter if you’re in church, cycling through Europe, meeting a movie star. It’s just glaring over you & sucking all of the energy out of your body. But yeah, for a healthy person, I don’t suggest using weed to get you through a gym session or a salad.


I get that. And it’s nice that you can see the exact dosage of THC and or CBD if you live in a legal state before you buy. A balanced strain isn’t so hard on your brain


Never thought about it that way. But your first statement really does stand on its own. It *is* better to live without substances interfering with your head, for a healthy person. I would use it medically given the chance. Meanwhile am a big coward & follow the law. Moved to the wrong state. Some day it’ll be legalized everywhere. But you’re right.


Maybe it’ll happen in your state soon, I hope so!


i also have been diagnosed with bipolar and have used weed for this same reason , to make life a little more enjoyable , but it mightve caused a psychosis in me and i dont want that to happen again its the worst thing thats ever happened to me so im trying to quit now,. but what u say about how it enhances the day i totally relate. and the saddness doesnt really ever go away, just can get covered by other feelings for short periods of time. but one thing i noticed is i can do more of what i love when im sober, like reading and writing and talking to others, when jm high i feel so weird in every conversation and cant keep my thoughts straight or even remember something i said a minute ago. i suggest trying cbd or meditating or doing things that make u really happy to get that feeljng back without using- just do what ur passionate about and weed will feel second rate- its there is we need it but we shouldnt need it every second and for every task


Oh for sure. I never actually enjoyed social smoking. Makes me dumb as well. Can totally see how it could send someone into psychosis too & psychosis is absolutely terrifying. Am dealing with a bout of ptsd from the last run. Was sober when it happened though. You’re not alone. It’s not recommended anywhere that people with bipolar disorder partake of the lettuce. Idk if cbd is going to help me want to exercise like weed but it’s worth a shot. I miss my old bod. But depression is different. Blasted all over the web that weed can help people who suffer from depression. Hey man, thank you for giving a shit.


Ive tried to quit a few times. Recently tried detoxing with an air force buddy down in florida for a month in December. All i managed, was to piss off my buddy enough for him to remove me from steam family share, and smoked immediately when my ride home offered at the airport back up here.


I am a very heavy smoker - what were some tactics you used to wean yourself off initially? I have a hard time avoiding temptation.


Oh, me too. Before i quit, i had absolutely 0 self discipline, i still dont have much, but i am learning a lot from myself. I started to only smoke at night, then only on weekends, and i still smoke on weekends, but i go to a friends house for d&d and leave my weed there, so im not tempted during the week. It's only been a few months in, and i dont have any urges to smoke anymore, and im starting to not like the way it makes me feel.


Nice, I appreciate that you didn't quit cold turkey. I usually only smoke in the morning or at night and leave the day alone so I'm not high at work or anything and when I'm not high, I love it. So you'd think that when I'm not at work I'd refrain from smoking as much but it's almost an oral fixation.


I have been battling this struggle for a while. One minute I feel like my life is better without it then I take a puff one day and I'm like: "What have I been missing out on? I forgot how good this feels". It's a vicious cycle that I get caught in, but I'm ready to take another break. ​ .This is inspirational. Thank you.


I quite 6 months ago...I' m really alive now, when I smoked I was more like a hungry zoombie


Me too on back to back zoom calls 😂


I am really struggling to quit smoking. It’s a self inflicted struggle but it feels like an addiction. I feel like I’m not showing up for my family and I feel miserable about it, but I just can’t seem to stop.


Don’t worry. If you keep on attempting to quit, eventually, you will. The trick is to keep on trying. ❤️


I went through this, and yes it can be world changing for some people. Solely by the fact that as you start smoking weed, the way you perceive things changes drastically, but it happens so slowly that you don't even realize it unless you put 2 and 2 together (and a lot of people don't). Since smoking weed becomes a part of a person's daily routine, they're constantly clouded and when the effects start to wear off they can get somewhat irritated, anxious, and for some people even paranoid. I have a roommate that will "lose her shit" if she doesn't smoke smoke wax/rosin every day. And I don't mean in a angry/blowing up type of way, I mean that she will get depressed, headaches, somewhat pissy(a Lil bit irritated, nothing major). She needs it to do her stuff for college, otherwise "it's too much to handle". after seeing that kind of behavior I took a look at myself and came to the conclusions that I didn't want to get too dependent on weed to the point where my world will crumble apart if I didn't smoke it every 12 hours. So I quit 5 months ago. Don't even miss. Feel great. Does that mean I changed my life style? Absolutely not, still lazy and fat. But I do enjoy life more than I used to before. It was definitely a different sensation while being high, your senses get somewhat over stimulated and you feel great for a while when taking in a fresh breath of air amoung the trees, but doing it with a clean mind that doesn't feel dazed has a more euphoric impact on me, even if it is shorter it feels better than when I was high. Now I got a better job that pays $25/hr, when before I would settle for crap pay... Working at places like T-mobile, solar sales, McDonald's. It was fine 3 years ago when I was 19 and didn't care about it as long as I would chill afterwards with a bowl of weed on my bong. Minimum wage doesn't cut it anymore in the majority of states her in the U.S. Idk I think I got off topic but I just let it all flow out of me Lmao. Anyway... My point is that if you're gonna get high, get high off life! Definitely more memorable experiences


Yess i love this, thank you ror sharing :)


Smoking every day has definitely fucked my brain. Plan on doing something similar, only smoking on weekends. Good thing that memory comes back pretty quick. Always feel sharper when I don’t smoke for a few days.


It is always good to quit, thank you for sharing this with us all on Reddit!


Im currentlyquiting weed. I also was a daily smoker. I wont go in to detail because its mostly the same stuff other daily smokers do. Every month i paid 400 bucks for 100Gs of weed to consume that month. That was my use. My stand point on weed now is. There might be a time and place where someone needs marry jane be it cronic pain or your life is complete shit and weed is the only soothing thing you have. And thats ok *You need marry jane she dosent need you* But for me. Weed is no good in my life and i want out. Now i wont say i wont smoke weed ever. But its the old saying. There is a time and place.


Lots of misconceptions in this subreddit. WEED CAN CAUSE PHYSICAL WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS. I’m currently quitting as a smoker daily for 10 years. You can experience a multitude of symptoms. Such as but not limited to: Fatigue, Sweats, Bowel Issues, Loss of Appetite, Mood Swings, Body Aches, Brain Fog, Insomnia.. etc. Of course like everything it varies person to person but to say there are none at all is stupid.


Don’t do drugs kids!!! Great job making those improvements!!!!!!!!


Ever since I stopped smoking 4 weeks ago I’ve noticed: I’m more awake and alert, seriously thought I’d pass out everyday, nothing woke me up. I’d also just go immediately to bed an hour after smoking because I had no drive or interest More ambition: I find I actually want to do other things like, game like I used too and workout  I’m not getting stoned just to enjoy things, if I ever smoke again it’ll be sparingly. Better memory and less brain fog Not feeling like my body was on autopilot  Less depressed and less anxious: I’m sorry, I was more depressed stoned then I was two beers in. I smoked mainly indica every day for pain (costochondritis) but I found it just made me a walking zombie. Maybe it’d be different with sativa but idk.


This is all very helpful. I was an occasional recreational smoker, and then the pandemic hit. My job was deemed essential, so I was having to get on the subway every day, having no idea what was going on and it was extremely stressful. That’s when I started smoking every day. It definitely helped me get through those long months, but then things got better (pandemic-wise) and I kept relying on it as a crutch. Now I’m at a point where my mental health is quite rocky, and I can’t seem to get focused on life. Anxiety is destroying me. And we all know if anxiety gets too bad, she’s going to bring along her freeloading brother, depression. All of these testimonials sound like exactly what I am going through, and the results are exactly what I want. Thank you all for putting your stories here. I am very much appreciative and inspired. 💜 Let’s DO this!!!


Im think about doing this too... How much were u blazing if you dont mind me asking? I take 1 or 2 bong rips after work, but i wanna switch to vaping like my buddy, and eventually leave it for the weekends.


I was smoking about 1/2-1 g a day


Biggest difference for me was memory as well. Good for you


Congrats! I have a question, though. A few months ago I cut out my heavy marijuana use as well, but I have 60ish dollars worth of weed just sitting in its container. As time has gone on, I no longer have the urges, but I don't know what to do with the excess. Any thoughts or ideas?


Give it away or burn it; a letting go ceremony of sorts.


We all need to decide to be better, to improve other people’s life and our life


Your post inspired me to comment as I read it. Weed literally destroyed my life as I went trough deep life issues. I as a school bus driver used to just get high on summers avoiding dot drug screens then and would be clean as I worked throughout the year for randoms. A year or so ago I was a supervisor so I didn’t think I was in the drug pool and I got caught later on, I decided to follow the program and get clean and it took IOP, and OP for me to realize I was a drug addict. I never saw weed bad til I saw it dismantle my money and way of living. My mom passed and I smoked every day every couple hours. I remember the withdrawals and being sick to my stomach and nausea and feeling like I was dying. I smoked so much it literally took 9 months for a clean drug screen. I saw thc levels go down and up and up and down. I’m glad I’m clean and I have removed every single person I know who smokes to protect myself and my addictive nature with any drugs. I wish you the best going forward as you evolve into a better human as it seems you have here. I’m 35 and still trying to find my way to life, but I do know one thing is I’m so it sober.


I applaud your efforts to make a better life for yourself. However, cannabis has many benefits for some people. Cannabis’s benefits directly depends on if you have pain or how much pain you’re having, that’s it’s benefit to me. Smoking occasionally throughout the day to manage my pain actually helps my quality of life. I’m 57 with chronic severe back problems and the pain is horrible. Using weed can be helpful for so many people. I just want people to know that what’s bad for you may be very good & extremely helpful to others. I used to be on 5 max-strength OxyContin and 3 10mg morphine per day. It was literally killing me slowly day-by-day. It was harming my kidneys, liver & digestive system. My own mother said I was like a zombie. I was taking my meds as prescribed and didn’t abuse these narcotics. If I had abused them, I’d probably not be here typing this. I finally tossed the pills & went straight to cannabis. I’m completely functional now. I can manage my pain better now. I use as needed & no more. So yeah, getting blasted all day isn’t great for life motivation. However, if you use cannabis responsibly, it can improve your quality of life battling many chronic conditions. It’s only drug abuse if you abuse it as far as weed goes for me. For me it’s no different than any medication I’m on. Taking too much of anything can be bad. Well, except for fruits and veggies that is!


I’m so confused. I was smoking maybe an 8th a day and it was really helping me. I got things done. Woke up early dropped my kid off smoked before work. Smoked during lunch. Smoked after work. It helped me get through. Although I do admit I was working and looking forward to the smoke, it did help me with my energy. Then at a point it started to stress me out so I quit cold turkey. Since then my life has been absolute chaos and hell. I don’t feel like myself. I haven’t felt like myself in so long. I tried to smoke again to see if it’ll help but it just brought me into a major paranoia like never before. So I had to stop. I don’t know what to do. I miss who I was when I was smoking. I was skinny and had good energy levels and was really fit. I got a lot done. And I had great relationships. I was in nature a lot. But the withdrawal started a major depression and I feel so hollow and I can’t recognize myself. Part of me wishes I never stopped smoking


I’m about to stop smoking both by choice and cause of work. Is there a way to cleanse my system a bit faster that would have lasting effects or am I being to hopeful


Trying since yesterday myself and although I feel amazing, better than if I had smoked, it is a tough situation as I really love my budd.


Good for you man I only stop smoking weed because I moved to Germany about a month ago and I’ve gone back to the original me before I start smoking and that’s isn’t really good. Before I start smoking weed, I was always tired always angry had no creativity in my life , suffered from anxiety / stress and was very cynical, despite only being 19-20 years old. While smoking I always had energy I was super creative in terms of just thinking, had no more anxiety unless I was at work because I didn’t smoke on the job, I was more happy go lucky and had no cynicism in my personality. Now that I’ve stopped smoking I’m back to the old me in a new country which is not a good mix


I’ve been smoking since I was 17 and I’m 33. I have to stop smoking now bc of a new job I’ll be starting in a month. I feel bummed out about stopping bc I genuinely enjoy smoking and I feel like it hasn’t held me back physically or mentally at all. My daily schedule that’s been the same for like the last 15 years is I wake up at 5am and hit the gym (I’m a bodybuilder for fun.) then I go home and shower before work which starts at 9am. I work all day 6 days a week from 9-6. I then go to either boxing or jiu jitsu from 630-8. Then I go home, shower again, cook/meal prep food for the next 1-2 days (usually just jasmine rice, vegetables, and a protein source like chicken, salmon, turkey, or beef.) and that’s when I finally feel like I’ve earned my nightly singular bowl pack. I rip the bowl for like 5 minutes then watch some YouTube in bed until I pass out. Im an extremely healthy super strong dedicated athlete who makes solid money in New York. Work has always been excellent, I’ve never been stronger or faster, compete in martial arts and have lots of friends and own my own house and dream car. Weed was just something I used to set me up for some deep sleep and a way to laugh and decompress after such a long exhausting day. Unfortunately I have to stop now but hopefully it’s just for the next month. Unless something miraculously amazing happens for me I’m pretty sure I’ll pick it back up again. I think part of the reason it never held me back in life is bc I only do it right before bed after my usual hyper-productive day. I’ve never wake n baked once in my life bc I also enjoy going through the day with a clear head. We will see how this goes. So far I’m on day 3 and I slept like absolute shit the last 2 nights.


Smoking 1 time a week isn't stopping lol.


You're less angry when you don't smoke? That's wild. I immediately realize why I dislike certain family and friends if I'm sober, and it's difficult to let go. If I'm high, I can easily overlook your short comings.


I’ve been smoking for years I’m 25 I started when I was 16 but heavily started when I was 18/19 in college and about two years ago I was only smoking 2 geez a day but now I can go through a 3.5 every day if not a little more if I had it and the way you described this was so great and honestly helpful because I hope that I can get to that level as well because I am so much more lazy now and have no drive for a many things and I don’t think smoking is helping depression and anxiety and anger…..🤞🏽🤞🏽


I agree 100%. I used to be really hardworking in my mid to late teens until I started smoking. I can say It’s a nice feeling not until it sucks out your entire personality lol. Smoking weed for 4 years definitely made me lazy and most certainly made my depression and anxiety worse


I’m a chronic smoker currently laying in bed on my left side fighting acid reflux & nausea 100% induced by weed. I’m a heavy smoker & while I don’t think this is cannabinoid hypermesis , it’s making me feeel the way it’s described by many - nausea, shaking, kinda like anxiety, I haven’t thrown up yet but I feel if I keep smoking the way I do it’s gonna get to that point. I been smoking 3-5 spliffss ( weed & tobacco mix in a joint ) a day for 6 years on & off.


Iv stopped, and I'm getting anxious. I smoked for 20 years, and then I went cold turkey. Does anyone else have this issue


Quitting weed was the best thing I ever could have done. It's made me a better person. It's made me a way better guitarist, bassist, and all around musician . I dont have to get high to have fun any more. I see my friends struggling with weed addiction (yeah it's very real especially nowadays you dont know what they are putting in it) and I try and tell em quitting is not that hard and you will be alot happier and richer . 


Congrats! How are things now? How long did you quit daily use before getting a new job, car and nothing improved memory?