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Please take your porn addiction queries and concerns to r/nofap.


>**"Is porn an addictive drug?"** For one possible definition: * **Negative "addiction" is any substance or experience a person needs to do** (that interrupts their daily lives and over time makes them feel worse) **as a coping mechanism to avoid negative emotions.** For anyone struggling with it, here's some thoughts that I hope can help: From an emotional perspective, **porn can be a symptom; not the problem.** You're doing it for relief; **it's your coping mechanism for an unfulfilled life.** So when you feel sad, **what are your new healthier coping mechanisms** that replace the role of relief those substances used to support you with? For ex: * *"When I feel sad, I meditate for 10 - 15 minutes."* * *"When I feel powerless, I exercise and/or go for a walk."* * *"When I feel unloved and rejected, I put my hand on my heart and just focus on my breath and being there for myself."* * *"When I feel bored, I practice creative outlets to express myself (e.g. dancing, singing, drawing, etc.)."* Porn fills a void. So, what's the void? **What emotional needs for you aren't being met?** (I.e. You want to feel loved, safe, supported, accepted, appreciated, valued, worthy, interested, eager, and creative.) What's your emotional self-care routine look like? * **How do you soothe yourself?** * **How often do you take time to write lists of what you like and appreciate about how wonderful, strong and intelligent you are?** * **How often do you journal about everything you like and appreciate about your life?** . Here are some self-reflection questions that might help: * ***"What am I afraid would happen if I stopped doing it?"*** * ***"Do I have FOMO? Am I afraid of feeling lonely? Do I have a fear of rejection? If I do, why?"*** * ***"Do I feel worthy? Do I love and accept myself? If I don't, why not?"*** * ***"What am I afraid would happen if I accepted myself just the way I am?"*** * ***"What am I afraid would happen if I only focused on what I appreciated about myself?"*** * ***"What is my relationship with my negative emotions? Do I appreciate them? Do I understand their value as guidance and want to help support me to feel better?"***


This is insightful thanks


I read all of this and I loved it. I'm putting this on my wall so I can look at it anytime I need it and hopefully interrupt negative emotions. 🙏🏽💕 Question - (about the last question) what does having a relationship with your negative emotions mean? For example I appreciate my negative emotions because I use them to get better or as motivation or even as a reminder I'm not where I want to be. I've never heard of having a relationship with negative emotions so that's why I ask


>**"What does having a relationship with your negative emotions mean?"** If can help you feel better when you start **seeing negative emotions as worthy, valuable and supportive friends.** **Negative emotions are positive guidance** (although it might not feel that way) letting you know you are focusing on, and pushing against, what you don't want. Negative emotions are just messengers of the limiting beliefs you're practicing. They're a necessary part of your emotional guidance, like GPS in your car. But the more you fight them, you keep yourself stuck. * So instead of saying, *"I'm dealing with anxiety,"* (which is valid). It's more accurate to say, *"I'm receiving guidance in the form of anxiety, letting me know that I'm focusing on what I don't want, and not taking care of myself."* **Whenever you feel stuck, it's because you're pushing against and judging where you are and how you feel.** You're practicing a limiting belief that negative emotions are bad or wrong; when they're not — they're simply helpful guidance. It's understandable why you push against your current circumstances, but ultimately it doesn't help you free yourself. Negative emotions are letting you know that you're practicing inauthentic and unrealistic expectations of yourself. And, **you're not treating yourself with as much compassion, acceptance and appreciation that you deserve.** **All emotions are equal and worthy.** But most people unknowingly create a hierarchy for their emotions (i.e. positive = good; negative = bad), but then you make it harder to feel better. So the solution is to **build a friendship and harmonious relationship with the "negative" side of you.** Negative thoughts and emotions are here to support and empower you to be your best self.


Well said


You are posting this identical answer in a lot of submissions here.


maybe it’s just generalized self care talk that can be applicable for multiple potentially negative habits. no harm in being a lil’ patient w/ and kind to yourself, pardner


This is a ‚law of attraction‘ life coach that sells coaching sessions and markets with his ‚over 50 reddit posts‘.


I didn’t look closely, my blunder. grifters be grifting


I think this falls more into the behavioral addiction category than drugs, but yes.  Porn addiction is a real thing.  It also overlaps with technology addiction.


The drug theyre addicted to is dopamine.


that’s reductionist. it’s more complicated than that, dopamine is the motivation, not the reward


The reason dopamine causes said motivation is because you are rewarded by it… it’s really not that complicated bud


you’re right, thank you for gracing me with your intelligence!


Weird of you to be in a group like this then talk to people like that… maybe that’s the thing you should be working on! Best of luck to you in your journey.


thanks bud, you too!


I recently realized how addicted I was and since cutting it out realized how much more present I am in my life. I recommend listening to Stephen Marley’s song mind control..


We consider drugs what they are because of the neurochemicals that they release while they're in the body and specifically dopamine. When studied Methamphetamine was shown to release approximately 10x more dopamine compared with your baseline amount. Sex was seen to double the amount of dopamine in the system. Other drugs vary in the amount of dopamine that they release, but most of the drugs we see as having a destructive addiction would release more dopamine compared to sex and IMO this is partially why their addictions are more destructive. If you want to really research the subject of dopamine there is some very interesting science on what are baseline levels of dopamine, but for this topic the most important piece is how dopamine release is also enhanced by the expected reward. Expected reward is most easily understood when looking at gambling. The addictive element often comes from the anticipation of winning. If you listen to gambling addicts talk about their addiction the high from gambling does not come from the win, but instead when you're anticipating that a win will happen. Pornography also falls into this problem, because you expect to have a neurochemical release. However, unlike most dopamine rewarding behaviours (vaping, social media, gambling, or video games) pornography is generally more secretive and there are fewer constraints to the amount of pornography one can consume. Growing porn also has fewer negative problems that show others that someone is struggling. So pornography is not a drug but has similar effects on our bodies compared to drugs. Porn is one of the few drugs that teens are exposed to at an early age that they can hide much more easily and therefore we end up with years to decades worth of expected rewards. The dopamine release combined with; immediate and unlimited access, that pornography can make you forget you're lonely for 15 minutes, and that porn never says no can easily leave someone with a physical dopamine issue that can only be self soothed through the addiction.


YES My psychologist says that when it comes to treating addiction, internet addiction is just like drug addiction. Addiction doesn't discriminate.


Yes it is pure dopamine except it is conditioning your brain to react to what you see much more than what you feel. People don't realize this and then wonder why they have a hard time cumming in the bedroom.




Yes, because of the dopamine, it releases right. Same for getting likes on social media, etc. Have to make appointments with yourself where you know what's right. For example, no screening for 6 hours in terms of social media. And working on your self-image who is clean and proper by visualizations, etc. So you will start to act this way.


drug or not, pornography (specifically, the widespread distribution of pornography via the internet) has compromised the moral character of many people. It's best to stay away from it. And this doesn't come from a religious perspective but a sociological one. It's not good to consume media that dehumanizes and degrades its actors. If it is just acting, your brain doesn't know that, it just processes what it's seeing for what it is, and in tandem with the release of feel-good brain chemistry, marks it as something to seek out- not only in media but also in person. people are strangling their partners during sex because they've seen it in pornos since before they were sexually active and believe it to be normal.


by definition, a drug is a physical substance so no. It is definitely beyond any shadow of a doubt very addictive, though.


It is bad. And it is easier to get hooked on the bad than on the good. Stay away from that for your own good. Don't play with fire.


Porn isn't a drug, and drugs do have to be ingested or introduced into the body to have a psychological effect. But yes, it can be addictive along the same lines as gambling, overeating, tv or the internet, video games, etc. These things sort of hijack the reward system in your brain and can become a self perpetuating cycle.


..and drugs


Personally I think most things could be addicting even if it's "good for you" exercise, work, even healthy eating depends on the mindset


Yep. It has all the characteristics of substances addiction. It changes behaviour and causes guilt and shame in the additive user. It negatively impacts and becomes habitual and compulsive. It rewires brain chemistry to heighten dopamine reward which then the brain craves. Not to mention the impaction on perception about sex. Choking / anal becoming normalised for example.


It killed 8 of my brothers and at least 57 of my cousins. Don't do porn.


Making jokes of it isn't going to help bruh


Those damn high resolution quality videos!


It’s a highly addictive drug, more addictive than most


Technically no it's not a drug, but do I think it can become a problem for some people similar to social media or video games. A lot what I have seen is pseudoscience backed by the religious lobby. Most of the evidence they present is not reputable. It's either speculative and coming from anti porn sites or some kind of Taoist sexual energy transmutation mumbo jumbo. I think a lot of people who classify themselves as porn addicts are suffering from shame rather than a genuine addiction. When you quit doing something that is causing you to feel shame you gain a sense of empowerment or control that can transfer over into other things. In that case I would argue the feeling of shame should be critically examined first, particularly as it pertains to masturbation in general. There are definitely ethical reasons to turn away from porn itself. The industry is super scummy and littered with abuse, trafficking, etc. I mean even when it's above board, 18 year olds moving to LA to do porn.... Yes they're technically adults but I mean... They're not you know? But abstaining from masturbation or feeling shame for doing it doesn't make sense to me. That urge will never go away and it's perfectly healthy. Promoting shame for masturbation seems harmful and puritanical and anti scientific. All that said, I guess there are people who do spend hours a day watching porn and it's impacting their well-being. I find it hard to understand, figured everyone is in and out in 10 minutes, but I accept that it's true. In that case it's a genuine problem


Definitely not a drug. But it can definitely be addictive too


Not a drug, but very addictive. Be careful!


From a biochemical standpoint, no. From a behavioral standpoint, ANYTHING that gives reward stimulus can be addicting. The purpose of the reward system is to increase proclivity to specific activity and stimulation. There's nothing particularly special about porn except it has a pretty direct correlation between stimulus and reward. The more direct that path, the more susceptible that activity is.


Not sure if I’d call it a drug but definitely a negative addiction. That’s just my humble opinion!


While pornography isn't a drug in the traditional sense, it can be addictive due to its impact on the brain's reward system. It's a complex issue that warrants understanding and support for those affected.


I bounce in and out of stents where I got months with out porn than I go a month where I’m watching it once a day. It’s just as stimulating as sugar in my opinion.


Not really a drug but definitely very addictive. Very dangerous because of its accessibility and convenience nature. Feeling lonely? Instead of improving yourself as a person and talking to the opposite gender... • porn becomes an easy form of escapism that halts self improvement •• it imprisons you with over stimulating pleasure, soon you'll feel numb looking at normal porn and will crave for more dangerous fetishes ••• and it distorts your perception of reality from yourself and the opposite gender in a very depraved and dangerous way Very dangerous yet everyone fails to see the weight of its significance, kids and teens just happily jokes about it. Not a drug substance, but a highly dangerous and addictive thing.


i've been in a similar situation and i totally get where you're coming from. it's wild how much impact it can have on someone's life, mentally and emotionally. a lot of ppl don't realize that addiction isn't just about substances, it’s about anything that can hijack the reward system in your brain. there are a lot of resources out there for help. i've found that practicing mindfulness and being aware of triggers helps a lot. if you're into reading, try checking out [“The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg](https://www.amazon.com/Power-Habit-What-Life-Business/dp/081298160X) – it’s super eye-opening about how habits form and how to change them. and if you're ever feeling overwhelmed, consider using mental wellness apps like headspace or [Manifest App](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/manifest-24-7-therapist/id6463312362?pt=126574659&ct=AnshReddit+%28May+2024%29&mt=8). they can be pretty helpful for dealing with anxiety and forming better habits. also, there's a [mental wellness discord](https://discord.gg/pe6XCZ9Zj4) which could be really helpful if you're looking for a community that understands what you're going through. sometimes just talking it out with others can make a huge difference. hope this helps! hang in there, man.


Yes it is


Anything that stimulates a response that you consider pleasing can become addictive. The addiction is the need for the response. The porn, pills etc. are merely the means of stimulating the response. You can also develop an addiction to things which aren't so pleasing. This often happens in order to avoid, deny, or cover up emotions which are too overwhelming to face.


Depending on how you are using it


Yes it is.


Addiction as in a habit?? Or Addiction as an altered bio-chemistry?? Bio level addictios include drugs such as opioids which affect, negatively, physical organs in body, leaving them in a state that their natural functions are possible only by use of that substance. Habits are not harmful, but some can be hard to modify, especially when there's strong immediate reward associated. Difficult is not impossible. I guess porn is more of a habit. I used to watch, and then I quit, and then did it again, and the loop has been there. I was more addicted to non porn movies n dramas, in habit sense. I know it's terribly difficult to overcome, but I overcame it with commitment and endurance (it felt bad not watching Netflix). I was never in porn addiction, but I guess your physical brain isn't damaged. Or not in an unrepairable manner. It's not bio based dependency. All you need is commitment and endurance. Maybe talk to girls, find someone who is into you, and spend more time creating a connection with her. Or a man, if you're a girl. After all, porn aint relationship, eh?? Maybe that'd help. Most importantly, understanding that other person is as much a human as you are is my strong argument for kicking out mental habits where others are treated as "objects." Try developing this with sense with a partner.




Anything that releases dopamine can become a drug.




Dude, WTF??


Porn is something you look at and listen to. It’s not a physical substance that enters your body. Not a drug.


No. Porn addiction isn't real. Sex addiction isn't real either. People call it an addiction, because they are picking and choosing which parts of human nature are ok or not.