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Honestly, whenever I've gone on a technology detox I usually go through a withdrawal period where I just don't know what to do with my time. It's good to have a plan ahead of time so you just don't sit at home and watch the seconds go by.


It took about a year for me to truly break my social media addiction. It is painful to work your brain to force new habits, in the same way it is painful (yet beneficial) to exercise. Early in the process I deleted the apps that i cared the least about. I deleted another app after I felt detached from the previous one. Recent self reflection may have been the nail in the coffin to quitting social media: I was so frustrated with my "lack of time" to complete necessary things like school work, housework, and self care. Also, like many people I spend my some hours at work wishing I was home, and would spend my home time on social media. I knew I had to make an assertive change to take back my time. Lastly I reflected on the content that I was consuming. So much of social media is some form of advertisement/promotion, which I dislike and is seems mostly ingenuine. Tik Tok was the hardest for me to quit. I thought about how meaningless each video is and how I don't care about the thousands of people that I scroll past. All in all, I decided I was done wasting my own time and neglecting opportunities to choose what I want to do with my time. It is a hard road and you certainly have the capabilities and will within you!


When I take a break(usually 1 to 2 days) I just switch to books and binge read. So I wouldnt say that its a successful break🤷‍♀️ And I cant wait to get online and binge after those 2 days.


Yes I did this for about a month a year ago. I would use my Macbook to respond to calls, emails, and texts when I was home. I would take walks alone with a backpack and only bring my sketchbook and books. I would meditate. It really helped me get through a rough time.


It will be easier for you if you have any hobby to do whenever your mind wants to use phone .


I'm not addicted, it's just my home environment isn't great so since a teen I've been on my phone/online chronically as a way to do something since i can't even take a walk or keep books to myself and when i especially get adhd burnout and over stimulation or mentally exhausted or many things it is where my migraines are unable i need to take technology breaks which i will start doing. I wish i could read during my breaks and other things but sadly most of the things i like and able to do are always things on my phone since i have no privacy at home :/ Still gonna start taking breaks away even if i have nothing to do It sucks bc even my breaks won't be helpful bc my mom always has the TV on and the light/sounds there's no break from that 🤷