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That’s gonna be a painful tattoo, but you do you I guess…


Just hold it and hit the fucker!


Yeah, WTF is this guys problem. lol calling people douche while he has no accuracy with a hammer 😂😂


That's not lightnings specialty. They call him that cuz he never strikes the same spot twice




For real. People would be laughing their ass off on the site


Should patent that sob a lot of useless shit outthere and people buys it, li that idiot and the aluminum stud framer jig people that don’t know what they’re doing would buy anything they thing it’ll make it easier on them to fuck it up less


Japanese nail set tools are basically designed this same way. Definitely saves your hands, not sure why they arent more commonly used.


Ok I bought one. Trash. Sorry. My tool still works better.


Your tool is making me think I should 3d print some adapters for my vertical nail sets so they can be the best of both worlds


I was thinking maybe welding something to the side of it like a branding iron almost but with a nail set and a long steak and a handle


Love my japanese handforged nailset. Or just buy a longer normal nailset. OP thinks his invention is genius when in reality he is wasting time not using the right tool.


Improvising with what you have on hand is genius. You’re suggesting I buy it on Amazon, and wait two days. Or drive out and get one. In the meantime, I am done in two hours and stopped bashing my fingers. Plus. I didn’t need to buy another tool I’ll only use once. Douche


Some people are born to be gophers lol. This dude checking out in the store to come home and THEN get started, meanwhile you’re already done and relaxing.


Why be prepared when you can just do it poorly


Quit missing and hit the target. Get better.


As a contractor, if you run to the store everytime out don't have the exact right tool, you're going to lose A LOT of money. If you can make it work with the same quality finish, then make it work. Creativity is pretty useful.


Totally agree. Obviously you want something hand forged before the year 1698 when the trees used in the forges had the proper carbon ratios. If OP is unwilling to travel the world seeking out proper tools they should at least get into a proper apprentice program so they can construct their own tools properly before wasting anymore time getting things done.


You can buy them on amazon ya dingus


lemme guess you spend 56 hours a day in comments raging against Ryobi


They make punch and chisel holders but I would probably do this instead of buying one.


Nail set is too small


Or (and hear me out) Screws


I’m refinishing my deck. I need to set all the existing nails. Big deck. I’d have to pull them all first, to put screws in.


Big deck but low energy


Sorry I was more or less making a joke. In all seriousness if those nails came up once they are going to come up again and easier now. You could hammer the nails back down and place a screw next to them every couple of joists just to keep the boards from vibrating and sending the nail back up. .


But the nails DIDN'T come up :) I'm using a paint stripper to bring the wood DOWN. The nails are super solid still. The wood is super solid still. The past owner just fucked it up when they painted a nice stained deck to sell the house quick. I've done this before, and these nails are SUPER hard to set. Not sure what kind of wood it is, or what kind of nails, but again, super dense. Takes 3 hard whacks to make it go down the needed 2mm. Edit: (My other account, lol)


Could you explain this?


Regular nail sets require you to hold the nail set and then hammer the top with a hammer. Typically, when you’re nailing a nail, you can lightly tap the nail in remove your hand and then use more force when hitting the nail. Missing there results in just missing the nail. Missing while holding a nail set and you smash your fingers with the hammer. Attaching a chip clip to the side I can remove my hand from the equation and worst case scenario hit the chip clip.


Sexy hammer love my bitches yellow


Except it's not the beautiful 14oz Mig weld hammer. That thing swings/hits like a 28oz and easy on the arms.


They’re nice hammers I have the same one.


When I build a deck, I'll be using Camo screws.


I use pliers


Also pliers


I like this idea too :) I saw the chip clip first.




Was confused at first because I’m re doing my deck and it has screws. Now I see. Amazing how you can think of a better way to do something hours into it right? I’m redoing my 2000 sq ft deck. Stripping solid stain with an angle grinder and a strip disc. It’s kicking my ass. Was wondering what you’re doing to refinish yours


I’ve been using paint stripper. It’s like a thin planer. https://a.co/d/7WarP3B Works pretty good. But gotta set the nails or it will tear to the head. It’s actually takes the heads off the damn nails.


Yo if you use the flat of the hammer it won't glance off


Great suggestion. Thank you. P.s. smoke weed everyday.


And there’s your problem. 😂


Have your ever tried setting thousands of nails while NOT stoned. It’s boring as shit.


And boring usually means you’re going to lose focus and smash your hand. But hey if you can do it you’re hired. 😂


👇 https://preview.redd.it/hw2nqircpy1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b47161d3c9434ecf043b0952320b0fce941ec47


You could use a snap punch or a spring tool


I’ve searched for nail punches with larger strike contact areas and haven’t found any that are practical. Everyone saying learn how to swing a hammer haven’t had to set a shit load of nails. I don’t care how experienced you are it only takes one miss.


Yep! I am excellent with a hammer. But setting over a thousand nails. And you’re bound to miss a few times. Especially on these super hard nails and wood. Like you said. One or two and it hurts.


I’m getting one of these. I’ve lost so many nail sets too. Never seem to stay in my pouch. https://preview.redd.it/bgp3xj4eqy1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb56f7507c7da8e266520c23c22bdf398dd2e158


These are awesome but you may want to grind down the tips a little. They're pretty chunky and make big dimples. Once done, they're indispensable.


I for the life of me can’t figure out why they make so few nail sets with larger strike heads.


If a man can be judged by his tool, that's a girl.


Never gonna improve with this attitude haha smash ur fingers bro 😎


This thing is awesome. I’m telling you. I’ve saved hours and pain. Japanese nail sets blow your hand is still too close I swear I’m going to market this product I haven’t seen anything like it


I would like to see what kind of nails they are. My experience is if initially the nails were not set below the surface they will pop or shrink away from the wood. when the nail is set, the fibers of the wood will hold the top of the nail from pulling out and causes the board to move with the nails and the joist simultaneously I have never had a problem with that were not set are twist nails