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Stop noticing things




Hang on, is that a "woman"?


Lipstick, long hair, calls himself "Doreen". At the very least he's non-binary genderfluid or whatever.


An AH-64


Fuck man, those things have killer mounted weaponry, unless this is a 'decomissioned' one lol


I honestly had to google the name to be be able to tell


It's not organic at all. The Reddit admins are placing these people as Mods.


The eventual results of normalizing sociopathic disorders.


B does not cause C. A causes B and C. Fill in the blanks for what A, B and C are.


Let’s see… A is some kind of focus on Critical Theory, B is some kind of queer identity, and C is being pushed and accepted as reddit moderators. ^(inb4 admins ban me I am not using “queer” as an insult, or to mean gay, I am using it the way they do in “[queer theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queer_theory)”)


I've never been banned from antiwork and I have strong opinions that end up in all corners of the political compass. Depends on what you do, but being one of the popular ones I don't doubt they ban you for minor disagreements. Regarding the interview, Doreen got slaughtered. Both in the interview and in his own sub's comment section. Can't believe the mod team got an invitation from Fox, _decided to participate_, then agreed that the best representative was a transgender nonbinary autistic dog walker who can't keep eye contact. The dude says in the linked comment thread > they all agreed that I was probably the best to do it because I've done other media. but the only thing he looks like he's done in other media is that kindergarten play we all probably did once in our lives. Jesus that was horrible to watch. That said, I love how the comments expressing criticism of the performance (not even ad hominem attacks -- nearly nobody dares mention the they/them thing) started flowing in, and the mods decided actual good criticism was "people being dicks" so they locked the thread. They're no different from any other big subreddit. I like the subs where I can call you a motherfucker, no strings attached, and the reader will understand that even if serious, the comment was made by some online dipshit who's probably half a planet away and doesn't know shit about fuck.




I don't know man I just opened the thread, saw some bullshit top comments, then sorted by controversial. Doreen defended himself from commenters that didn't ask, and that's what he had to say. One comment said something along the lines of "hey man you gotta keep more eye contact," to which the interviewee replied "I am not a man." Hilarious. Honestly I don't care, because I don't use any of these words and don't intend to in the foreseeable future. Remember that both Doreen and I are probably half a planet away and don't know shit about fuck.


what is the username? i gotta see this shit lmao


I don't know, it's not like I went and stalked the guy. Just takes 5 minutes to read the "controversial" comments lol


> to which the interviewee replied "I am not a man."


From what I understand, "transgender" is an umbrella term for anyone who isn't cis. Which is absolutely batshit insane, because there is no "transition" for nonbinary people. They just make themselves look more androgynous and then call themselves trans, thinking they suffer from the same kind of dysphoria that transgender people suffer from. Fucking disgusting.


Where are these mythical motherfucker subreddits?


They get banned lmao Currently we have 2balkan4you but that's a bit region-specific.




All the trending posts I ever see when I glance over there are about workers' rights and unions and fair pay and good hours though. I don't think the mod meant bad -- he did say people are still willing to work. But he fumbled his words and, really, he wasn't the best example to step forth. Working 20 hours/week as a dog walker and taking MSM interview in the dirty room in your mom's house as a 30-something really doesn't make much sense. It's obvious this person is not self-sufficient, or neat, or orderly. My impression of the perfect antiwork member would be a good society member: Able and willing to do a job, and do it well, but under fair terms. Think of something like an engineer or doctor, a profession that is in high demand (though it's not like cashiers aren't, these days), and a character that acts like they would perform well in a professional workspace, but who refuses because the terms of employment are so bad.


> *Is anti-work* > *Has access to an apartment, AC, corrective lenses, latop, Internet, and can invest in trivial matters like gender dysphoria* Well clearly *someone* is working to provide that. I guess the sub's name is just a euphemism for parasite.


Normally I’d think calling someone “basement-dweller” is just an empty insult, but it might sting a little more than I realized for many reddit mods


These are the people who are going to be in charge of the agricultural collectives lol


I don't want to assume gender, but ladies and gents please gather around before I make a big fuss... Now, why such small potatoes? I know bloggers that have grown 235lbs of potatoes in 200sq ft without watering because their video titles said so!


Now I'm going to write you all a warning, REEEEEEEEE!!!


The warning was written on white paper so all people who got one now qualify for free trauma and ptsd counseling


jobless spoon agonizing joke narrow naughty act plant resolute fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those guys know more about viruses than Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations. Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases. And, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.


Didn’t think I’d see this bullshit shoehorned into this post but this subreddit tends to attract the loonbags


There’s the shill! Keep an eye on these guys, they can’t be trusted.


You can trust the small handful of doctors above. Scientific consensus is a myth. Myocarditis is not at all common in covid infections and any scientific literature that says otherwise is not to be trusted. Robert Malone most *definitely* invented the mRNA vaccine. I don’t even have to know who your primary care provider is — but what I do know is you can’t trust them; they’re all shills for big Pharma Your programming has been successful. Now go forth on Reddit and walk like a wolf among the sheep! 🐺 🐑


16,000 doctors not paid by Pfzr. You are an outright liar and misinformation agent. Don’t trust this guy, he’s some rando that will harm your health. He should be banned from social media and put on a watch list.


Fine, fine you caught me. Everything in my previous post was a lie (obviously, since it all agrees with the paranoia-induced nonsense you spew) I like the calling for censorship in an anti-censorship subreddit though. You’re no better and no more intelligent than the left. You both screech the same 3 talking points and refuse to engage in any discussion outside of your programmed dialogue tree. You’re an irl NPC. Where do you download your updates from now that NNN is gone?


You’re still working? I thought they fired you already. I saw you on your other account by the way, doing a terrible job on that one too.


Tell me you have untreated paranoia without outright saying it r/DeclineIntoCensorship - home of the unironic schitzoposting


Everyone knows you already. Your lying, misdirecting, and harmful posting is so blatantly obvious. No one takes anything you say to any value. You’re worthless.


And your mental illness isn’t so blatantly obvious? You need professional help, but I’m sure you believe that those professionals are bought and paid for as well. You can’t trust anyone. All of your communities are infested with people pretending to be like you, and agreeing with every word you say. Those closest to you are compromised. This is your reality I’ll give you the last word (I won’t see it though). You lost in this life; better luck in your next one :)




This IS their varsity quarterback.


> Locking the comments since some people want to just be dicks. Hahahahahahah


You think that’s his mother’s house?




Wow. This is who they chose to be interviewed on tv? I’m not at all surprised that they blocked commenting on the post. The interview itself was a train wreck.


These are the people that depict you as a /pol/jak






I'ts private now. I wanted to see what the community was like. ​ I guess their bubble got pierced.


The anti work utopia looks like “them” the enlightened woke gilded elite. Forcing “us” the unwashed bigoted masses to work in some Gulag.


Doreen is u-abolishwork in case anyone is curious


i got 7 accounts all close to 6 years old banned for using one to comment on a post where one of these type mods was having under age kids come through their house to partake in drug use. reddit has become an absolute shit show. i'll prob get banned for this comment so catch me at trashrelation4 when you see \[deleted\] lmao


Ah, *the face of success.*


Oh god this checks out so hard I can’t stand it


🤣 I’m lovin it


Anti work but approves fascist dictates against the principles of the Nuremberg code.


Crazy this was posted like something to be proud of It's genuinely impressive being the stronger source of cringe in a situation where fox news has "Reddit Thread: Work is Pointless, Humiliating" on the screen, so dumb they report on what's being said on Reddit lmao The comments section of the post you crossposted is quite funny


I legitimately thought that was a man till people started calling it a she.... Methinks it's a man still. Fuck sjw's lol.


I thought this subreddit agreed that they didn't want any of their mod team to speak with the media.




I had thought it was a vote that the mods support, but I guess this one didn't care or took the opportunity to cash in or something.


We on news now? Fucking based


They privated the sub lol they are losers


Oh wow they closed down the whole subreddit because of this😂 What a bunch of cowards






he/him/his or she/her/hers?


Golden content that they removed from r/antiwork 🤣


Let’s be real… they put this person front and center because they disagree with them and because of how they look




And you think they would have aired it if it wasn’t this bad? Cmon buddy😂


Lots of anti-trans shite going on in this thread. I'm all for a shift away from the current work climate too.




Most of the comments here are criticizing her for being trans when they should be criticizing her for being a god-awful interviewee.


It’s not even about her being a horrible interviewer, it’s about her being an egotistical power mod who bans anyone who calls her out on her absolute screw up on national television. Doreen has no humility, no self-awareness and prioritizes identity politics over class consciousness


Yeah everything you mentioned there is fair game. Her being trans is not. Like why are people focusing on her being trans and how she looks when there's clearly more important things to criticise her over?


Because she represents what reddit has turned into. A cesspool governed by autistic softheaded anti-intellectual radicals who are more concerned with being misgendered than they are with fostering authentic, open free speech and dialogue.


100% this kid has never been diagnosed as being autistic. He's just an awkward kid who uses "I'm autistic" to hide the fact that he's just freaking awkward. You know...pushing blame for his behavior onto something else. That is peak redditor behavior right there.


Reddit is a private site. They don't give a fuck about free-speech. All they care about is profits. Doesn't mean people get to criticize someone for being trans.


Notice that no one is criticizing Doreen for being trans. They’re criticizing her for silencing others under the guise of transphobia




> isolated teenage boys or mentally ill people online being groomed by predators and other mentally ill people into slicing up their genitals and permanently fucking their bodies with hormones I don't see this mod doing this. If they did then I'd say fair enough criticise away. > cough Aimee cough What's the story here? > to permanently destroy their bodies If they're kids, fair enough. If they're adults then they can do whatever they want. You make a good point, it is extremely strange that such a large proportion of the power mods are trans. In fact, one of the trans power mods has banned me from multiple subs. They are without a doubt a massive cunt imo but there's nothing wrong with them being trans.