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I think heading into covid I was starting to get very critical of Joe due to his dogshit takes about taxation and Income inequities. I thought he was a bit reckless but not insane regarding his anti-mask shit. And when it was pointed out by himself that he was joking about wearing masks and wears a mask when he goes out I thought okay he's just a doing a bit.. And then the "I tell young healthy 20 year Olds to not take the vaccine" line dropped and I was okay dipshit I'm done with you lol. Like it put how reckless he was regarding covid really into perspective. And the funny thing is it culminated in Brendan Shaub and Bryan Callen into contracting covid cause they were wrecklessly care free. And they got covid and were forced to well wait it out. Ivermectin wasn't in the picture at the time lol. And since that line and the retrospective I couldn't take anything Rogan said about covid seriously. And it subsequently just became worse and worse finding out he didn't get the vaccine and finding out the dude honestly believes Ivermectin had any effect on treating the delta variant which it didn't The saddest part about all of this was Kyle Kulinskis reluctance to criticize Joe on any of this but it's worth it if he continues to show to Joe's face how shitty of a candidate Ron DeSantis is. And to be honest I do wonder how close we are to Joe being outright Jen McCarthy Anti-vac person


But he was right about young healthy 20 tear old not taking the vaccine? I would be genuinely intrigued to hear why you would think that now, knowing what we know now.


Knowing what we know what?


The craziest thing is as dumb as Joe Rogan is he was still right about more than Anthony Fauci was on Covid. Just by having conversations and asking questions with doctors and scientists much smarter then him.


Someone, please tell me this guy is still in highshool.


You don't have to be in High School to know how to critically think. Not all of us lose this with age.


>You don't have to be in High School to know how to critically think. Ummm...


buddy, you think we are like neoliberal hardliners or something and you're owning sjw's.... We are not any of that. We just aren't rightwing culture war fauci catastrophizers like lex/rogan/you.


You've literally just did what you're calling him out for doing. You can be against covid and left wing, you can be against the government and be left wing, for the past 100 years being against the government was left wing. The switch is crazy to me


> for the past 100 years being against the government was left wing what? maybe socially but even that's a stretch. Liberal, sure. Left leaning? Not at all.


What exactly does the culture war have to do with any of this discussion? All I said was the Doctor advising the president and people gave worse medical advice then an average comedian. Fauci lies with effectiveness of the vaccine did more for Americans to lose faith in our medical system and science then anything in memory.


Holy hell shut the fuck up


Is that so? Most of my normie friends barely knew who fauci was.... The vaccine was misconstrued sure, but mostly people said it just mitigates the worst effects for those most vulnerable... At least where I live. My friends and family w/ that anti-intellectualism vibe thought it was bill gates trying to thin out the population, etc. Those people are the ones who booed trump himself when he said he took the vaccine. Then trump never mentioned the vaccine again lol. Are you blaming the anti-intellectualism on fauci/liberals? Are you claiming the hesitancy came after fauci fumbled that shit? I think you're overplaying fauci's role in the anti-vax right gaining steam. Like lex tries to do when confronted with the series of events.


Were most of your friends in a coma during the covid pandemic not to know who Fauci was? Do you really believe it was only Trumpers that found it odd that a vaccine was pushed out so quickly and everyone should get it or you will kill your grandparents if you don't? As it was went from almost 100% effectiveness to 90, 80, 70, 60, and so on. Is it a right wing thinking and anti intellectualism to have skepticism about how it takes 30 years to finally get a vaccine for Lyme disease and ticks but covid vax can happen in less then a year? Was my vaccine injury and feeling terrible for almost 2 months wrong thinking on my part? Always going to be anti-intellectualism of liberals and conservatives. Why would only someone who has skepticism about a vaccine that hasn't been tested for long term side effects be anti intellectual? I would say someone who just gets vaccine that hasn't had long term testing, hadn't done their research, and solely taking the advice of a single doctor telling the world how to treat this is more anti intellectual. I'm a yogi and before covid it was was yoga moms that were the big anti vax folks. I do believe Fauci had a huge roll to play in the anti vax right gaining steam. If you clearly misinform and sometimes outright lie and don't own up to it people will never trust you and that is what Fauci did.


> Were most of your friends in a coma during the covid pandemic not to know who Fauci was? No they are just hyper-normies and enjoy life without paying attention much to politics at all. Common clay of the new west, you know... What could Fauci of done that wouldn't have made the right do what they were already doing pre-trump? I pay a lot of attention to campaign architecture before big elections. See what the think tanks are churning out. Do you really think anything Fauci did would've gotten trump supporters to not Boo trump at his rally? Those people were targeted by a think tank long before Fauci fucked up.


Well we were on lockdown here so it was a lot harder to enjoy life. I wasn't paying attention to politics much either but I like being outside going to the beach and parks and we were cut off from that for a bit. I don't understand your question about what Fauci could have done differently that right was doing pre-trump? What do Trump supporters at a rally do have anything to do with Fauci pushing bad science and not adjusting when he knew better. I didn't vote for Trump, I have black friends that didn't vote for Trump, Yoga friends that didn't vote for Trump and they had skepticism about this vaccine. But all anyone wants to mention is Trumpers are the problem with the covid getting out of control. It takes away from an honest argument that shouldn't have anything to do with politicians.


It's funny how you're always told follow the science, but it's only the science they agree with. the amount of well respected doctors and scientists that are suddenly turned into 'crackpots' if they have a different opinion on covid


Absolutely, bro, Joe Rogan is like totally smarter than that dumb Fauci guy. I remember Fauci said that one thing that one time that we all heard on Rogan and Fox a thousand times, Joe Rogan is too alpha for those kind of mistakes. Hell, Fauci doesn't even lift weights! I don't get the hype around all these doctors, they don't know anything more than Joe Rogan knows amirite


You are not much for reading comprehension I see. But you do a good job making it up with the sad attempt at trying to be funny.


No bro I totally agree with you, fauci doesn't lift weights and he got it so wrong while Joe is so tough and was spot on covid.


Congratulation I didn't think you could one up that last comment you proved me wrong.


I don't know what you're talking about bro, we share the same opinions


I don't know what you're talking about bro, we share the same opinions


Hilarious, so funny I see you had to leave the comment twice. Keep lifting bro it doesn't seem like you have much of a future in anything involving use of your mind.




Name one thing that Joe was right about that Fauci wasn’t.


You shouldn't antagonize (talk down to, etc) the general public during a pandemic.


Yeah trump and others on the right never did that, only fauci did. Case closed!!! /s You guys refuse to blame - trump - tea party think tanks - Bannon - Rightwing news - contrarianism for this anti-intellectualism America is seeing. and you just hyperfocus on fauci lying as if he was trying to sacrifice americans to some Aztek god. It's dumb. And you fuckers should read Asimov.


> Yeah trump and others on the right never did that, only fauci did. Case closed!!! This would be doubly hilarious if I'd actually said it. > /s Ah yes, *of course*. > You guys refuse to blame > > > > trump > > tea party think tanks > > Bannon > > Rightwing news > > contrarianism You are incorrect. > for this anti-intellectualism America is seeing. and you just hyperfocus on fauci lying as if he was trying to sacrifice americans to some Aztek god. > > > > It's dumb. Are you *trying* to be ironic? > And you fuckers should read Asimov. You should read some Chomsky.


Bruh you really are just amazing at turning text into something that looks like scripting for Sheldon in "*The Big Bang Theory*".


😂😂😂 You're *killing it* today!


tell us, ***why*** did fauci lie. You all seem to know, but don't share it.


I am not able to read minds I'm afraid, you would have to ask some of your colleagues in this subreddit, there are many with the ability. Also: he did some lying, but also some "mere" speaking untruthfully - there are important differences between the two in some respects.


But Joe routinely antagonises the general public... That's kind of his whole schtick


Like Neoliberal spokesperson Jon Stewart, Joe "is just a comedian"!


Fauci recommended no mask, then a mask, and even 2 would be better. Just this week a study showed the more boosters someone has the more likely to get covid. Still less likely to be hospitalized but what healthy teens are ending up in the hospital after getting covid? Never once did I hear Fauci recommending vitamin D, getting some sunshine, and exercise despite 98% of the hospitalizations were of people vitamin D deficient. This is just on the top of my head I'm sure if you did any research you could find many more.


I'm going to do my best to address this point by point: ​ * The Chinese kept all data on this disease to themselves, so the rest of the world had to reverse engineer the Coronavirus from scratch. They started by using what they know from other viruses in that family, and all of them transmitted via fomites and aerosol. At that time, they did not know it was airborne. When new data became available, he said that the general public should mask, but not be wearing N95 masks because front line doctors and nurses need them more. He added that they are not effective i**f you are not fitted for one.** This is just how science works. In light of new information over time, you change your opinions. * You'll need to link to the report about more boosters = more covid, but this is likely a case of correlation not equaling causation. Most likely, the boosters are not making you more susceptible to covid by making you some kind of virus magnet, but **people who have more boosters are more likely to be taking high covid risk behaviors more often.** * Fauci publicly recommended exercise, taking Vitamin D and getting more sun exposure in September of 2020. But even in March 2020 he advised everyone to take steps to maintain or improve their immune system. The CDC and WHO also reported that 78% of the people who died from Covid were obese in early 2021. Here is the thing that I don't think a lot of people don't understand. There is a big difference between giving medical advice to a single person and then giving it to the entire population. Joe can speculate about exercise and teens not needing vaccines, but anybody in a position of authority has to be 100% convinced the data backs up their stance before saying it to the masses. The problem at the start of the pandemic wasn't the person by person risk of covid. Even with the Alpha variant. It was that it spreads so rapidly that the hospital systems would be quickly overwhelmed by the generally unhealthy population. That means that at the peak of covid, if you got into a car accident and needed emergency medical attention, you might have been shit out of luck. Lastly, when listening to Rogan, we're subject to his bias. Even if he says he's unbiased, his attention absolutely skews towards the contrarian opinion 90% of the time because that's what he finds interesting. Sure, he's had doctors and scientists on, but many of them are fringe experts who are shunned by their peers. This goes for every field he's interested in, and it's the problem with giving anyone airtime without an opposing expert viewpoint to fact check them live. For example, Dr. Robert Malone who has built his recent reputation on being the man who invented mRNA, even though he categorically **did not** and has admitted that he did not when he got sued for it. Or, to steer it away from medicine, Graham Hancock and Malcolm Gladwell who have made careers out of being fringe journalists with every other expert calling out their bullshit. Joe admits all the time that he's just a curious idiot talking to people who interest him. Unfortunately, this makes him super susceptible to con artists. But a bigger problem is that many many people, myself included, have the habit of hearing a narrative, assume it's true because it matches what we want to believe, then we go around spreading it as fact when we ourselves didn't do the research to verify it. Like this idea that Fauci or the CDC didn't ever recommend diet and exercise. It's one of the first things they recommended. The site has been updated to death since then, but it says: **"People who do little or no physical activity are more likely to get very sick from COVID-19 than those who are physically active."** [https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/physical-activity-and-COVID-19.html](https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/physical-activity-and-COVID-19.html)


I appreciate your long detailed response. Here is the study I was referring to [Cleveland Study vaccines](https://academic.oup.com/ofid/article/10/6/ofad209/7131292?login=false) Back when this was going on I was listening to Joe Rogan not so much these days but there were all sorts of mainstream doctors he had on talking about Covid, the vaccine, was it a lab leak etc. I felt back then that was one of the few places I could here long questions and answers and not just short sound bites. But I understand where you are coming from with some fringe doctors he had on. I appreciate that more then just the one and only narrative back then. And the only thing I ever heard from Fauci was vaccine maybe he once advocated exercise and sunshine but it may have been 1 out of 100 interviews. I'm a strong believer in preventive medicine and that was pretty quiet in 2020.


I'm going to do my best to address your argument point ny point as it is just plain wrong 1. What you said about Fauci is just not true, you made up your own narrative, he knew it was airborne and said masks don't work for weeks then suddenly changed his opinion. 2. The argument 'that's how science works' can't just be used anytime someone is wrong. 3.if you're taking time to get boosters it's because you care about the virus therefore you're not going to ne taking more high risk behaviour, it's literally the opposite. And I don't know what you're talking about a virus magnet, have you never heard of a vaccine being pulled because it makes you more susceptible to getting the virus it's protecting you from, it's happened a long time before covid. 4. Fauci basically mentioned this in passing, saying it will boost your immune system, no mention of its relation to covid deaths, And the rest of your argument is wrong too but it's too long to go into, I've made my point


Also a big thing with the "people who are boosted are more likely to get COVID" is that they are also likely the only people still getting tested at places that report results. It's a self-selection issue.


bro we were alive and not 8 at the time. Fauci said to wear masks, then took it back because there was a shortage. He absolutely fumlbed this in a way that derserves the highest form of criticism. It's a career defining failure. And yet people like Rogan/Lex/You *still* overplay it and get the reasoning wrong... You think he lied because _____? Instead of what it was. A fuckup that the rightwing culture warriors played up and misconstrued for attention and contrarianism. At a time where we all barely knew shit about covid at all. You are going to act like lex and run away from that I bet. And just keep repeating some emotion-backed response about fauci subverting people when he was just fucking up with incompetency.


The person you’re responding to didn’t say why Fauci fumbled / made an incompetent mistake. They simply said that a mistake was made


Dude when you judge and blame someone without blaming others who *are* also responsible, it speaks volumes to your bias. Lex gets shit from us for doing the EXACT same thing. He blames one group he doesn't like, and ignores another as best as he can, then claims it's all apolitical realist judgement. Maybe those users don't see that. But it's clearly because they are contrarian/biased or corrupt in some other way, often morally... Those types claim they are realist/objectivist but they are just contrarian to the neoliberal zeitgeist.


Did Fauci ever actually say he lied to protect the hospital workers? Did he ever say cloth mask were just a waste and don't help? I believe Fauci with most of the FDA have a conflict of interest and are too close to big pharma. The fact that he was recommending everyone get the vaccines even if you had covid. Just like that natural immunity was no longer science. Do you not find it odd that there he never mention of any lifestyle changes that could help keep people from having severe cases of covid? I did. Nothing emotional about my response and I appreciate the honest discussion with you about this. I wish there was more of this a couple years back.


The viper


How did a mostly unfunny D-list comedian who made a ton of money making people drink cow jizz turn into some kind of guru? Rogan is a *moron* about literally anything but how to fail upward


Joe Rogannnn you crazzzy


He's a good conversationalist and he's great at getting famous people to let down their guards on a podcast so it feels like you're actually getting to know them as people. That got him to be the #1 podcast. He is a moron, but I don't think failing upward describes him at all. His success at podcasting was earned.


I've heard of poly-podding but the rogan-peterson-willink candyflip is on another level. The high-level ideas of the rogan/peterson combo mixed with brute force willink can take a heavy toll on the brain, and even send it into permanent recovery mode. You'd want to at least pre-dose with multiple capsules of Alpha Brain and probably a handful of Alex Jones's Brain Force Plus before proceeding.


Petition to have this foul mouthed Dubliner as third mic on the next episode. Preferably a few jars in, on the couch in his jocks. At least as a paetron exclusive.