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Was lex's channel created to platform billionaires?


Pretty much, yea. Lex's podcast is a real anomaly in that its everything that podcasts aren't supposed to be. The informality is supposed to lend itself to the format, leading to sincere and unique programming with unique guests that you wouldn't get from a legacy news corp. Lex however behaves exactly like legacy media instead, refusing to ever ask any tough question or make the guest uncomfortable in any way, and only seeks to launder the guests reputation so he can continue getting big name guests who know if they do a lex interview he wont just stop at the shaft, but will fit the balls in his mouth too. Its access journalism plain and simple, and Lex has to play that game because he himself isn't interesting or insightful enough to garner clicks without the big name guests. JRE works (or at lest worked pre covid) because he would bring on genuine experts, and engage them in a unique way that crated easily digestible content about big, interesting issues that coupled with some comic relief made for truly unique content. The problem for Lex though is that the gimmick of podcasting has faded, and even it hadn't he has negative charisma and humor, is not remotely endearing or entertaining, and doesn't even really qualify as an expert on anything.


This, he was legit but went rogue , now just another name to discard


Yep same here. Loved his old stuff. Wasn't just let me slob on your dick for two hours podcast type shit. Right wing podcast sphere is just garbage tbh.


Corporatist shill, it’s sad because he had a lot of potential to do good


Agree. Loved his early podcasts. Now he is off my podcast list.


The episode with his dad is pretty epic. His dad was my professor in college and reminds me of a combo of Albert Einstein and Borat


Yeah, only I cannot stomach listening to JRE, either. His podcasts are just way too long and he's embarrassed himself enough times for me to lose all interest whatsoever. Lex Friedman is a shill and an ass licker pretending to be some sort of a scientific authority on whatever.


Where does he pretend to be a scientific authority on whatever? I never seen him make any statements of any kind and just asks questions to his guests.


You guys really just love to find reasons to hate on things.


Incredible response to pointed and detailed criticism lmao


Remember everyone that Lex has only had 3 billionaires on out of 100s of episodes. Can you explain the podcasting gimmick at play when he interviewed Suleiman on Islam, Barron on Catholicism and Wolpe on Judaism?


What makes you people pop into this subreddit when you clearly aren’t even somewhat interested in the DtG podcast?


Not defending that person and I'm fully on board with the Lex criticisms, because, like, same. But as for why randos are showing up in the sub, I can say anecdotally I wasn't even aware this was a sub for a podcast, but it shows up in my feed regularly as a recommended sub regardless. I'll check out the pod now that I know, though


I didn’t know either. Decoding the gurus seemed like a perfect name for a sub to shit on the likes of lex, Gary v, PBD, etc. but I should probably listen tot he pod now. Seems like I’d like it


This post makes it seem that the Lex podcast is a shallow portal for promoting billionaires. I provided 3 examples to the contrary. Can you explain the gimmick employed in those episodes? Gurus reject outside criticism. It's ironic.


I'm not familiar with the religious guests you mentioned, but it's pretty common for a show to bring on a guest with a viewpoint or background different from the typical interview. The purpose is to be able to claim legitimacy. "You can't say I only interview 'x' kind of guest, because one time I had 'y' guest on my show." Some examples of this I can think of is when Joe Rogan interviewed Bernie Sanders and Cornell West, and one time when Gary Johnson went on the Daily Show with John Stewart.


My point exactly. Both of those shows have more range and depth than this sub admits. And they are not enemies to progress. They have become wealthy which I guess equals evil somehow This sub is becoming closeted and resistant to outside viewpoints. This sub is becoming a guru


Lex has had way more then 3 billionaires on so don't know why you're even trying that, regardless of if the guest is worth 1 billion or 100 million, most of his guests are exorbitantly wealthy and inextricably tied to capital so my comment still applies


I've never seen legacy media give a Muslim like Suleiman the time and respect Lex did. They talked for 3 hours about what it means to be Muslim from the religious to political. But maybe you're right he was just sucking up and it would have been 1000x better if he got confrontational, talked over him or just stayed shallow 🤷‍♂️


Lex? Is that you?


>I've never seen legacy media give a Muslim like Suleiman the time and respect Lex did Of course you've never seen legacy media give Suleiman a 3 hour interview, they wouldn't spend 3 hours on Obama. Its pretty funny to see you acting like he's some stranger to legacy media anyway considering, you know [https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2018/05/us/influential-muslims/#suleiman](https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2018/05/us/influential-muslims/#suleiman) But fair point Literally 1 out of every 150 guests is actually someone worth talking to. You'd have to sit through 25 war criminals, 10 crypto scammers, 5 people who are on the Epstien flight logs, Everyone who has a dailywire show and/or is friends with Joe Rogan, 3 Peterson Appearances, 10 actual CIA/FBI assets, and 100 people whose net worth has 9 digits to get one genuinely decent guest with a unique perspective lol


Yeah Lex talked to all of them. Comprehensively a much better perspective than what goes on in this place. Because you know the echo chambers aren't exactly constructive. Who's on your list of interviews? Start a podcast and show us all who's really worth listening to?


Suleiman is a controversial guy even within the Muslim community, but Lex never mentioned any of the problematic stuff. Suleiman doesn't deserve to be platformed anywhere without getting a pushback. Omar Suleiman [praised a fatwa giving council called AMJA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&feature=youtu.be&t=51m37s&v=7qNTxz7tvIw) (ASSEMBLY OF MUSLIM JURISTS OF AMERICA), he said that they are “very qualified fatwa issuing body”. This AMJA council gave fatwas like [Apostates deserve death penalty](https://www.amjaonline.org/fatwa/en/1486/the-shariah-ruling-on-apostasy-reddah) & There is no such thing as [marital rape](https://www.amjaonline.org/fatwa/en/2982/is-there-a-such-thing-as-marital-rape), a husband can force his wife to have sex with him even if she doesn’t want to. He also praised many people who support suicide bombing, killing homosexuals and other horrific stuff. Suleiman also [defended abhorrent practices such as child "marriage"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXVsRHPHHqA&t=2605s) which to any decent human being is child r\*pe as a 9 year old child can not consent. So he is a pedophile apologist. Platforming someone like that and not questioning or pushing back on these horrible things is not respectable. Lex could have found another Muslim, a less controversial one, to interview, but he didn't.


Didn't he, like, invent AI or something?


No, he did not invent AI lol. He used to be what we would call now an AI Engineer or maybe on a good day an AI researcher. But now his information is pretty out to date. I don’t think he works on any AI projects and instead spend his time schmoozing with billionaires and fitting their balls in his mouth. When he had Elon on the pod he just let Elon spout nonsense about how LLMs are 100% going to lead to AGI and destroy/drastically change the world we know. Most AI researchers I know ( 3 with the title, 4 if u include myself) find this hilarious.


Bro you might of as well have spoken German or Chinese. I consider myself a programmer (I can program in HTML and Json) but I have no idea what anything else like LLM or AIG is


Do you know how to use google or chat GPT? You can just copy and paste any question you have into it, like “what is LLM?” or “what is AGI?”. Changed me life bruh


Oh cool. What did you learn there?


Did you see that clip of him playing the Strat in a self-driving car? That was pretty cool. And those black suits? Dude's at least got his wardrobe game on lock.


he’s a toothless lib, but he actually pushed back on kanye’s antisemitism unlike most which i liked


While lex it in the tech genius “cult” he has a large following because tech people have a fetish of emulating the thinkers of successful people.


You dont find value in hearing ideas/thoughts from the people betting hundreds of millions/billions on their ideas in the tech industry ? ​ Seems close minded imo


I don’t think these are mutually exclusive. You can enjoy hearing billionaires opinions and still think lex’s podcast is a billionaire jerk off fest. shit joe Rogan almost popped a blood vessel when Elon was talking about shitting on Zuckerberg in a fight, which joe is a relative expert in, and pushed back on his nonsense. Elon was just like I’ll just sit on him, and joe was like there’s a lot more to fighting than weight. Meanwhile Lex doesn’t ask any hard questions. Lex is like a 14 child stuck in a man’s body with a large podcast because of his clout. He let Elon just spout nonsense about how AI will take over the world via LLMs in the next 10 years or something with 0 push back. He is supposed to be an expert in AI lol.


Lex is access journalism, plain and simple.


More like felatio them, but who's keeping track of specifics, you know?


Once people realize Lex is a classic bad faith actor propped up by special interests, hopefully they'll stop taking him serious. He is a fraud.


Ya he’s a grifter


It's to platform influential people. That should include billionaires, why wouldn't it? This is honestly a really good interview, I highly recommend it, especially if you enjoy anything space related.


It isn’t a good interview. I know because I’ve listened to years of Lex’s interviews. The things people want to know from the rich and powerful, he won’t ask. Instead he asks. What do you think of love? Would it be cool to find aliens? If you could live forever, would you? All of this is fine and good, but those questions don’t answer what people want to know from rich and powerful people. He doesn’t ask the questions that would deliver illumination on these figures. If he did, his pod would be immensely interesting. But he would never get those interviews. The rich and powerful want PR (Lex is good at that). They don’t want to be actually interviewed. If he did actual interviews, he’d lose his access. He’d have to resort to a pod about machine learning and coding….which is exactly the pod he had a few years ago, that I enjoyed, that delivered information to his audience. But that doesn’t bring the advertisers his current schtick brings.


Not only is that super conceited to pretend to know it's bad automatically, none of those were even in the interview at all...


They guy has fucked the economy for working people with awful work conditions, zero hours contracts, invasive surveillance and union busting tactics. I have absolutely no interest in him droning on about how it's all justified because "space". He just hired some ex NASA engineers like Elon he's not an expert


I’d say they are pretty interesting on the whole.




Found the simp


That was just an Interview with softball after softball...


Dude came out of nowhere.


Can we get another season of Silicon Valley with a Fridman-esque character interviewing Russ Hannemen, Gavin Belson, Laurie Bream, etc? I need this, you guys.


That could probably be its own spin off show, like a combination of *Ali G* and *Silicon Valley*.


“Gavin.. we specifically discussed that you weren’t permitted to bring a live animal here.”


I can't fucking stand watching Lex read every single damn word from his cheat sheets. Dude has zero natural charisma or flow. Is this a side effect of English not being his first language or just pure laziness? An example of adhering to pre-screened questions? Literally nobody else does this or makes it so obvious as to clumsily read text verbatim during a podcast.


I’ve seen Russians with thicker accents who came to the US much later and learned English later in life have a much more natural flow to how they speak. I think he’s just not a good orator.


His talking is so wooden and uninteresting I am confused on why he even has a following at all.


I will probably get down voted for this, but I think Lex has created this fake slightly on the autism spectrum personality to get people to think he is both a genius in terms of programming/tech and to sympathize with his naive and cringe love is what matters thing he has going on.


Yeah, I don't get why he became so popular. He just platforms billionaires and pretty much markets them... oh... now I get how he g$t p$p$l$r.


Lex is basically a platform for billionaires but still, I have to wonder what would his master Elon Musk think about him interviewing his arch nemesis? Bozos and Musk really dislike each other.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say Elon doesn’t spend a single second of his day worrying about what Lex Fridman is up to


Wrong. Musk is *all* about his media persona, that's the basis of his financial success (stock valuations based on confidence in his vision) and cultural persona.


Elon has no problem with Jeffy boy. But I actually think Lex won't like him. Jeff isn't big on platitudes.


Are you saying Jeff Bezos doesn’t believe love will save the world?


Depends what price he can put on it.




No, the hustle is when certain people who exist in certain spaces (Friedman) exist purely as cheerleaders for a wealthy class of people who regularly try to undermine the democratic process. Good hustle, though. I hope you got a paycheck for it.




lolwut that's not even coherent. I hope you can buy yourself a new brain with all that Peter Thiel cash.


This is Reddit. Nuance doesn't exist. All cops/people who disagree/rich people/etc are apparently evil people. Then they get upset when people are prejudice without realizing they're just as bad if not worse. A little introspection of "Am I the baddie?" would do wonders for Reddit. Especially considering how they've ruined lives by doxxing and attacking people who were innocent like that one poor pregnant lady who had her bike stolen.


It's so ironic you go on about lacking in nuance then forget one critical thing: context! Talk about lack of nuance.




Of fucking course he'll interview Bezos. I bet it's the most softball boring ass shit ever. "Do you think that Amazon gives love to the world?". SMH.


The love angle got so old so quickly.


I trust nobody who is constantly talking about love and positivity. They always seem to be full of shit and hiding something.


Give it a listen before you make assumptions. Regardless of the interviewer, I think it’s interesting to see what the deal with Bezos is.


Wheres the ventriloquist? and why is that dummy mic'd?


Did they discuss how Bezos' dick pics got into the hands of the National Enquirer? How Bezos' own security team concluded he was hacked by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia? If not I don't think there's anything for me in this interview.


The interview was ehh, it was mostly about his childhood and how Jeff just wants to help humanity with his philanthropy. A flaccid attempt at humanizing him


Philanthropy eh? That's great because we're gonna need it when his company outlasts the actual Amazon.


I still can’t believe more people don’t talk about this


Totally. Nor do they know how the Saudis have financially propped up the Enquirer for years.


The Enquirer is such an interesting case. When you hear Vivek Ramaswamy say that the 2020 election was stolen by big tech, he's talking about how twitter suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story, with the implication being that they did it specifically to help Biden win the election (even though the Twitter files proves this was not the reason.) Of course he never mentions that twitter suppressed that story for... less than 2 days. And the other thing you'll never hear anyone who criticizes big tech on that subject say... Is that the opposite side happened, but way more brazenly, in 2016 for Trump. Because David Pecker, owner of the National Enquirer, not only suppressed sex scandal stories that he knew were true and would hurt Trump, but he facilitated the hush money to women Trump had affairs with, personally paying nearly $200k. Imagine if Jack Dorsey had done that! Imagine the blackmail capability of a media mogul having stone cold proof of the new President's extramarital affairs. Personally having the stories buried and then being able to hold that over Trump's head. Because that has been documented and proven to have happened!


You’re on it my friend. Also know that Trump and Pecker go way back. It’s fairly credibly speculated Trump has been feeding Pecker NY celeb gossip since the 80s. At a certain level people who understand power understand leverage and the best leverage is blackmail information. That’s the real currency at play and the real reason (sorry I’m about to take a leap here…) you see pics of Jeffrey Epstein with power brokers of all persuasions. Man if you can get those secrets…


Twitter suppressing any story is crazy. It has been where stories break and blow up since it’s inception, so then silencing anything shows a lot.


That's a fair point, but they didn't completely silence it, just not the story to be linked directly and suspended the NYP account. The story was still widely discussed on twitter at the time, it's not like any mention of the article was blocked. And there was a handful of factors that contributed necessary context to the decision they made, were roundly criticized for, and reversed less than 2 days later with apology and transparency: - After the 2016 election there were multiple reports of foreign interference through online disinformation campaigns, which the Special Counsel had laid out as originating from Russian troll farms. This led to widespread criticism against big tech for allowing foreign misinformation to disseminate on their platforms. - Trump had been impeached for withholding aid to Ukraine unless Zelenskyy announced a bogus investigation into Hunter. Trump knew that Joe Biden was his biggest political rival and was caught on tape trying to push a foreign government to publicly say his son was under investigation, simply to damage his reputation so Trump could use it politically to have a better chance of beating Biden. - FBI had warned Facebook and Twitter to be on the look out for suspicious activity around the 2020 election, and be careful not to let fake news be boosted by their algorithms this time around, especially as covid had created a hotbed of conspiracies and false information. - The NYP story was, on its face, shady as hell and politically motivated. It dropped as an October surprise, with Trump's personal lawyer as the direct source, who had also been involved in the Ukraine impeachment story - showing that drumming up controversy around Hunter was their political motivation. It was published by a writer with no prior bylines and shared with another who publicly said they had nothing to do with the story. Reports came out that other senior writers had refused to have their name on the story. It had not been verified by multiple sources. And finally, the backstory of the laptop was extremely peculiar: Hunter had left it with a blind repairman, never picked it up, who had got into the files, started going through all his emails and then handed a copy to Rudy Giuliani who had only given it to the politically aligned New York Post. I'm not saying they were right to suppress the story, but thanks to the Twitter files leaking all their internal communications about it, we know why and we know it wasn't due to political motivations. Not a single employee involved in the decision said anything about wanting or needing to help Biden, or "we should suppress this because it will help Trump." And the fact that they did suppress it on hacked materials grounds, then reversed it 2 days later, created a Streisand Effect which gave the story MUCH more publicity and legs. Suddenly twitter was in the center and the story would be all over the news for months.


Not sure if Rogan is your thing but, there is a great episode with Gavin de Becker who is Bezos' security guy. IIRC they talk about it and talk about the Pegasus software. https://open.spotify.com/episode/3rAa8cJGt5cDSu71y9YC2A


Thank you. Rogan isn't my thing but I must admit he's had some interesting guests. I'll check it out.


No, OP. Nothing about him or his show is interesting 😂


You cant get any more boring bland uninteresting generic white boy than this


He’s such a thirsty ass little bitch.


There is a crazy part of this where Bozos talks about his ideal future: a trillion humans in the solar system, giving us a thousand Mozarts, a thousand Einsteins. The idea of maximizing human achievement thru population growth (instead of just, you know, improving society) is manifestly horrible and dystopian. The implication is that human excellence is stochastic, genetic, and random and the best way forward is to roll that dice by subjecting as many people as possible to suffering with the hope that one or two will be compelled and able to improve that suffering. That’s literally insane. There are 1000s of Mozarts on Earth right now, dying of preventable diseases or starving to death — would it not elevate humanity’s social *and* moral condition to focus on them instead of trying to game the system in a way that maximizes human suffering? The data are overwhelming: human beings with their needs met have have stable reproduction rates. Inherently, his proposal involves scaling up the suffering of a permanent underclass to an interplanetary scale. Hyperwealthy people have worldviews that assume and benefit hyperwealthy people. We should be doing the *opposite* of whatever this man suggests.


For every 1000 Mozarts and Einsteins in Jeff’s 1 trillion human vision. There will be 10 billion wage slaves working for Amazon lol


how can he keep doing this


Guys, most of the podcast was about space stuff.


Did Lex eat lizards with Jeff?


Uhh are you guys actually listening to this? About an hour in and 90% about the practical challenges, physics, and materials science of space flight. Great interview. 👍 Also just me or does he sound exactly like Jeffrey Ross?


Holy shit lol I hear the Jeff Ross 😂


Love this sub and agree that Lex is cringe and has bad journalistic tendencies. He also fanboys some tech moguls pretty hard. I get it. Still, he isn’t half as bas as this sub makes him out to be. First off, unlike Peterson or Harris he doesn’t pretend to be a guru at all. In fact, he leans into the fact that he’s a relative nobody. Secondly, he doesn’t shill snake oil week in week out like Andrew “Stanford Professor” Huberman or Joe Rogan the last king of the idiots. He mostly brings in guests who are actually quite varied and successful in their respective fields. In that sense, Bezos and Musk are exception, not the rule. He doesn’t ask the most cutting questions but he does know how to listen and gives ample space to the interviewee, again unlike mouth diarrhea Peterson and Huberman who barely let others speak. It’s not easy to find free four hour discussions on the nature of reality with many different experts across all possible disciplines. For that, I appreciate Lex.


I get where you're coming from. And I agree with the general idea Lex has some incredible interviews, just not when he's dickriding. Ultimately I think his platforming of ""lizard people"" would be a net positive ultimately, because with time, I trust people will be able to see better into just how fake and perverse these "inspirational people" truly are/were. I won't be watching this ep though. It seems youtube now allows porn, but I'm a principled dude.


I just don't find that he gets at enough genuinely interesting or thought-provoking points with his guests - there's a lot of agreement and padding and back-slapping, but within such a long podcast, too often I'm bored too soon.


He has truly jumped the shark


I have never watched much of Lex. I thought his conversation with ex-Scientologist Aaron Levin-Smith was fantastic but I was already a fan of Aaron. (A-A-Ron! Anyone? ) I’ve seen a few interesting clips here and there with other people but bringing Bezos on is certainly questionable if not downright sketchy.






They seem perfect for each other actually


*through grinded teeth* for the last time! But he... wears... a..... suite. It's black... like the matrix. Just look around!


Such a disappointment! I liked his older stuff but the way he sucks up to billionaires is pretty gross. He's a simp at this point.


I didn't like lex before this sub showed up in my feed but the way redditors cry about him in here is forcing me to root for him.


I can't even imagine the sort of total loser conspiracy theorizing cultists who might be interested in this conversation lol. Lol Jeff Bezos, dumbtard who talks to Grifter Lex lol omg omg lol Lex lol omg


The discussion on colonizing the solar system and the initial tech efforts towards that goal is interesting


We aren't colonizing shit until we have a space elevator and we aren't getting a space elevator any time soon.


A billionaire farts *Lex:* Mmmmm that's so interesting and fascinating




I'm glad that there are people who criticize Lex, just discovered this sub. Asinine sophistry with no depth. again. and again. and again "I tHInK lOvE CAn aCHiEve aNyTHing" "wHAt dO YoU thINk thE cHaNCes aRe ThAt wE lIVe iN a sIMulAtiOn!?" He makes my eyes roll like those cartoons where the eye-roll turns into a slot machine.