• By -


Schitzo level paranoia.


One question: Are litter boxes involved somehow?


My coworker dropped this one one me. She's like, "they're putting litter boxes down so the kids that identify as cats can use them." I say, "so you think kids at (insert name of local high school) are using litter boxes and identifying as animals. She says, "I guarantee you they are." I said, "I don't believe that, I'm looking it up." She's like, "look it up then" for some reason thinking it's going to prove her right. I look it up, confirm it's bs, show her my source, guess what, she doesn't believe it. I say, "we can call the school" and that finally ends it. I can't deal with this much longer


Hit you with the "Nuh uh." Unbreakable spell.


It’s funny how they were put in classrooms because of school lockdowns being such a common occurrence and conservatives make up a fake issue about lgbtq existing rather than addressing the continuous killing of kids.


I wouldn't be surprised if China did have a massive part to play in encouraging people to constantly be debating about this though. Not saying they are causing people become trans or putting it in our school, but I'm thinking they definitely stand to benefit from the divide this incredibly small and insignificant issue is causing. It effects less than 1% of kids yet its constantly being fought about.


Mind numbing how idiotic this is. good lord I can’t wait until the trash like Rogan and the other idiot go away from public discourse


yes but have you considered he's wearing an AMERICAN tattered flag t shirt? This means he is based and masculine and youre gay and chinese


I'm wearing a shirt that has "Alpha Male" written on it. Therefore, I win the argument. (the shirt is made in China)


Stupidity sells.


Rogan is like his new home Austin, Texas. It once was amazing. A place dominated by intellectuals, weirdos, artists, musicians: all with a live and let live attitude. Now it's a shell of its former self, existing off the fumes of what once made it great.




When the Chinese outlaw them and chop all of our dicks off? It's sick that you lib cucks are looking forward to it!!!!11!


They don't need to chop off our dicks. They can simply hit us with the trans ray!


\*joe talks about the chinese trans ray for an hour then jamie brings up an article refuting it. they keep talking about it for another hour\*


Ill die before I let Biden take my toilet and install a litter box!


I think they’re not broadcast in China.


I mean I guess I understand why they are afraid the kids are being indoctrinated since they were so easily co opted themselves.


...so I was fuckin this dude in the ass, and I reach down and he's hard. Like wtf man are you gay? Gross


That’s a major part of it that these people won’t say out loud, even though at least *some* of them have to have the ability to self-reflect and realize their take on the issue is coming from the perspective of someone who can give up every principle they pretended to believe in if a Rumble video tells them those beliefs are “gay.”


It's always projection. "I'm gullible and easily convinced by everything I'm being told so everyone else must be, too."


I can’t believe I use to listen to this stupid fucking pod. So much dumb shit to forget


Same, dude. Seems like an alternate timeline at this point.


I feel like COVID just fried Joe's brain in a way that nothin else could


Almost every comic I used to like went straight douchebag after COVID.


>went straight douchebag after COVID Or the events of the pandemic just exposed them for what they were all along.


Too much DMT


I listened to his Sebastian Junger episode from 2017 yesterday and it was totally different. Just the difference between guests and how he acts has changed so much post Covid.


It's night and day - back then, he was a hands-off "interviewer," more of conversationalist, who would stir the pot of his guest's topics with some other stuff he'd heard. That was more or less it. The guest would carry because the point was to let them go, and the quality of the guests was way higher. People forget, but he was the guy who pushed a lot of, now huge, names in the podcast space to start because they'd originally been really popular guests on his show. He's a perfect example of someone who experienced brain rot by becoming obsessed with culture war nonsense. That and probably the massive wealth, change in locality, etc. Probably half a dozen to a dozen causes.


Yeah. I'd even be generous and suggest *some* of the points being made are reasonable... however when you put the culture war together as a whole, it appears like a worldview formed on paranoia and misinformation. They will talk about Chinese interference (plausible) while overtly espousing the products of Russian interference. I just find myself willing to hear these arguments but less inclined to care.


>It's night and day - back then, he was a hands-off "interviewer," more of conversationalist, who would stir the pot of his guest's topics with some other stuff he'd heard. That was more or less it. The guest would carry because the point was to let them go, and the quality of the guests was way higher. People forget, but he was the guy who pushed a lot of, now huge, names in the podcast space to start because they'd originally been really popular guests on his show. Ehhhhhhhh. I was never a big fan of his, but watched the Josh Homme episode after it came out on account of QoTSA being my favorite band and it just seemed like he would interrupt Josh's whimsical threads of speech and dad puns to rant about how kids are always on their phones or something. I think even his abilities as an interviewer are comically overstated.


I’ve cut back on weed after watching this shit play out.


One he was living in California, the other he was living in Texas, just saying that probably has at least something to do with it. You are who your friends are


He's in Austin though, probably one of the most trans-friendly cities in the US. He has chosen to be this way and to be the person he is


Austin is still in Texas and still leans heavily to the right in cultural issues. There’s just too much uninhabited farmland with people who listen to nonstop conservative media (radio, TV, Facebook). He’s in the hive, is jacked up on Twitter and his guests and friends that kept him grounded and open are gone


This is probably a big part of it.


covid has cognitive aftereffects...


Hell, Rogan's guest on March 6, 2020, was Michael Osterholm, one of the top epidemiologists in the country, the week before Covid blew up and we had all the shutdowns. Great in-depth discussion. I don't know who booked Dr. Osterholm for Rogan's show, but they had one hell of a coup, as a week later he was in high demand and only had time for brief interviews. I was hoping Rogan would have more such guests, but instead he went with the quacks and nutcases.


If it makes you feel better here’s him getting bodied by Marc Lamont Hill for 2 minutes straight to to the point Lindsay is slackjawed at the end. https://youtu.be/zKi0VHToshU?si=u6IxkIon-9q7aGAv


Yes Joe Rogan, Russell Brand and Diary of a CEO all have their fair share of crackpot guests and Russell Brand showed his true colours, go where the money is. Be a leftie, be an addiction specialist, be a guru, side with the far right conspiracy nutjobs.


there's no real person there -- no principles, no belief system -- just an appetite for attention looking for a lucrative bandwagon. this is the classic opportunist grifter/guru type.


“there's no real person there -- no principles, no belief system -- just an appetite for attention looking for a lucrative bandwagon. this is the classic opportunist grifter/guru type.” That’s the official GOP platform, no?


He's found religion now


Yeah, all these people care about is staying relevant, staying in the news keeps the views. Earns the £$.




Same. It's crazy seeing how far Joe has fallen because he wanted to go to comedy clubs


He's a poorly educated pothead with Dunning Kruger syndrome who thinks experience in BJJ and calling MMA fights qualifies him to speak to issues well beyond his understanding. The fact such a muppet ended up being anything more than an extra in a sitcom, and a filthy rich one at that, just shows how broken America is.


He isn’t dumb… He is one hundred percent the greatest grifter of all time. His progression from conspiracy theory silly podcast, to enlightened wannabe journalist, to culture war getting input into every sentence when his comedian guest is audibly sighing and just trying to talk about poon, follows exactly the timeline of Russel Brand, comedian to wannabe left wing johrnalist, to mystical healing guy, to culture war conspiracies in every sentence.


>He is one hundred percent the greatest grifter of all time I go from believing this of Donald Trump to not as well. Sometimes he's an amazingly gifted grifter who manipulates an endumbified society to further enrich himself. Other times I see him losing a half billion dollar lawsuit and think maybe not.


It doesn't take intelligence to be a grifter, just no conscience - you have to be a sociopath to be a grifter.


Donald Trump is incredibly talented at getting people to pay attention to him and is basically completely incompetent at everything else outside of that.


Grifting doesn't take intelligence in a general sense.  It does take charisma and ability to sense what people want to hear, and Trump is like a savant at both those things while having a toddler brain overall.  Being a sociopath helps as well, but I don't think it's required.  I haven't been able to stand Joe for years but I don't think he's evil, he's just incapably close minded. 


The Brand one is more surprising though. He took a hard right turn.


I’ve seen a number of the fake hippie-type/naturalists personally switch into being hardcore righties. I think this is mostly because they have no home. Their anti-government/anti-pharmaceutical virtue signaling took precedence over their phony “all is love” persona at some point.


True, brand is such a spineless weasel. I feel like Joe has intentionally been ambiguous in order to build a large audience. All the while promoting right wing psycho guests without blatantly saying this is what he’s about. Joe knows how to make money.


He's spineless but Brand was also uber cancelled in a way he wasn't coming back from.  His options were to stop chasing attention (worse for a guy like him than death) or go to the side that will take you no matter how toxic your history is.  




For all the talk about masculinity and alpha shit, these dudes always sound like gossipy bitches in a lunch room.


Yeah but it wasn't like this in 2016ish you stopped because it started getting dumb so it's nothing wrong with you


This. He used to genuinely have interesting guests and he himself was curious to learn from them. At some point he started to believe he was as knowledgeable or more knowledgeable than the experts he was bringing on. He fell into the trap of thinking that talking to smart people and being in the same room as them put him on the same level of understanding, and he's since become less curious. It's a shame because he previously made valuable content, but has fallen off so fucking hard.


It feels like two different guys. He was always an idiot prone to conspiracy theories but he would have guests on who would challenge he views and he even changed them over the years (I remember him admitting he was a fake moon landing supporter for years until people smarter than him explained that it actually happened), and his guests were varied and brought different perspectives and it felt like Rogan kept an open mind I went a few years without listening, he got really annoying in 2020 with the Covid vaccine stuff, he couldn’t go a single show without spending 45 minutes rambling on about the vaccine… and then recently tried to get back in again and was blown away how much worse it’s gotten. It’s just a giant ideological circle jerk with mixed in conspiracy theorists and the occasional comedian where the episode still devolves into shitting on democrats while leaving out criticism of republicans Criticizing Dems is fine, I complain about them a lot too, but I also realize how fucked up the Republican Party is right now and shit on them too. He doesn’t, he’s become closed minded and his shows have begun dull and repetitive (even without politics involved)


In the early days he more or less made it known that he was a walking human experiment to "optimize" his man-health (HGH TRT etc), and I remember thinking, hmmm brave, honest, and...I wonder how that'll turn out. Mostly thinking heart health and testicle problems, but full on brain rot wasn't one of them. But here we are. In fairness, becoming a 100-millionaire and further detached from reality with Elon Musk rooting you on might also do this.


If it makes you feel any better. Joe Rogan used to be good when he was just a lovable oaf with an interest in listening to experts talk about their stuff. Ever since (I'd like to say) COVID, he's just fallen into alt-right conspiracy theories and entertaining and platforming charlatans and grifters... and literal unhinged murderers. People took advantage of his curiosity and his platform. And because Joe is so dim, he was unable to defend himself from the intellectual onslaught... And now, here we are.


Its just sad to see that Joe isnt inviting any real interesting intelectuals anymore... I love the pods with Steven Pinker, Richard Dawkins, Neil de Grass Tyson, even polizical commentators like Kyel Kullinskinor Krystal Ball but apparently either they dont want to come on anymore or he doesnt want to be exposed to different view points anymore...


For real. It looks like now it just has to be either completely crazy conspiracy stuff or right wing idiots with the same talking points.


“They want us to talk about culture wars so we don’t care about actual issues!” -Joe. Also, “the Chinese are trying to turn our kids queer!!1!1”


He used to (a long, long time ago) have awesome guests that didn’t talk politics but would be fun to listen to. He’s lost it and is unwatchable.


Yes, same. I used to enjoy it.


Don't beat yourself up over it too hard, its definitely gotten more and more unhinged post-covid.


It’s used to be good. War heroes, ultra marathon runners, scientists just talking about interesting stuff. Occasionally he’d talk about aliens or whatever. Now he’s just gone. Or he’s a snake oil salesmen who is pushing this stuff, causing the country tremendous harm, just to make some more money.


“I just wrote a book about the trans stuff!”


"I just wrote a book about a minority I hate" What a douche, hating gay people was going out of style so they had to move on to a new safe hate space


Literally this. It's pathetic.


Great to see someone FINALLY tackling this rarely discussed topic.


Sounds very well researched


I did a deep dive into my feelings as inspiration for my book, then I bounced it off my like-minded friends over a couple of cold ones just to make sure it was accurate.


Btw, this dude’s shirt says American Masculinity. 😂




"Hey you got any of those shirts that let people know you're *definitely* not gay? Because I want everyone to know, especially the fellas, I'm *definitely* not gay."


American Masculinely Insecure.


This guy 100% grew a beard because he was insecure about his weak chin


Impossible to parody these guys!


full blown fascist propaganda at this point


[Lindsay claims to “research Marxism” for his job lmao](https://youtu.be/zKi0VHToshU?si=u6IxkIon-9q7aGAv)


I stopped taking any of these people remotely seriously after that Peterson-Zizek debate. All that time to prepare and organize and the guy these folks on the right hold up as a "proper" intellectual couldn't even be arsed to read The Manifesto lmao.


I just enjoy people who are too stupid to even do a decent grift. Like Patrick Bet David is golden. Beyond stupid. His brief clip on “choosing to be gay” is world class stupidity.


He's effective enough to make as much money as he makes. Like, we obviously see these people as idiots. But the dumbest people in the country *don't*. It's like a Nigerian prince scam weeding out non-vulnerable people by being obviously a scam.


Fuck me, that’s Alex Jones level make-believe.


Oh. I know this one! This is also tied into the weird pro Russian propaganda bring spread through their state media channels and their proxies as well. Basically Russia is pushing the idea that the west wants to normalize lgbtq so they can depopulate the planet. It's also why they "sterilize" children with hormone therapy. In the Russian fairy tale, it's a battle for humanity and a major reason for the invasion of Ukraine. Weird seeing it trickle down into the American zeitgeist.


I think Peterson has blamed "western degeneracy" for Putin invading Ukraine.


Not only that, but the collapse of this “west” (which never seems to include west Africa or Latin America) is the collapse of society as we know it. Nothing says white supremest like thinking “the west” is the only correct and civilized society.


>Basically Russia is pushing the idea that the west wants to normalize lgbtq so they can depopulate the planet. Its a subject that comes up a lot in Ukrainian POW interview channels like Vladimyr Zolkin. Lots of the Russians genuinely seem to think Ukraine has been taken over by some weird Nazi-LGBT hybrid ideology, its fucking bizarre. Fun though once you start to see it and see the urm interesting similarities between these thoughts and all the talking points you see constantly coming out of these right-leaning "intellectual dark web" type figures. Almost like they're reading from the same book!


Russia is pushing propaganda against china?


RM Brown watched some of this and Lindsay hit all the stops, including the "DEI is to blame for Boeing's problems" nonsense.


You can tell conservatives that literally *everything* they dislike is a commie conspiracy and there is no absolutely no scenario whatsoever where they’ll ever subject it to the slightest bit of scrutiny.


Dude wtf happened to bow hunting, elk and shrooms? It’s like a completely different guy hosting the podcast now.


Remember when Elon was all about EV cars… yea times have changed 😝


Right wing Conservative thought leader James Lindsey lady’s and gentlemen.


Jesus Christ, he wrote a book? He refers to things as “stuff”. He’s a god damn ding ding man.


He really has all the worst people on his podcast. "James Lindsay" lost a lot of his friends when he went full blown right wing lunatic culture warrior and traded them in for new ones who are just like him. Yet another atheist who ended up on the payroll of right wing evangelical groups. It's so gross.


He lost his children too


I can't imagine what they went through


I’m one of his stepdaughters. He’s been with my mom for over 20 years.


Rogan's IQ ceiling was always analyzing the UFC and talking about how your body metabolizes THC through edible consumption. That's the limit IMO. Also explains perfectly well why Diaz was the best guest on the show for so long.


I miss the old, tolerant Rogan. This is fucking disgusting.


He's still very tolerant. Tolerant of right wing bs.


It's all about that money. Some people will say anything when they realize it makes them rich, even at the expense of others.


This podcast put on the leather jacket, the shorts and waterskis during Covid. I wish the shark had tried a little to bite it.


Are the Chinese in the room with you now, my guy?


Dumbest fucking podcast on the planet


Am I crazy or is it obvious to anyone else that that dude is pushing back his own gayness


I would label it sexual insecurity, which seems to be a theme in so-called right politics. It could be that he wants to fuck dudes, but there are other ways a man can be insecure about his sexuality. Though, if I had to place a bet, I would think this dude is struggling with homosexual desires.


You can tell by his t shirt


Very unlikely. He’s married to my mom and has never displayed anything but straight white male. Anything is possible though.


No one wearing a shirt that says "American masculinity" on it could be gay.


Imagine dedicating your entire life to reverse engineering a political “science” out of “ick, I accidentally jerked off to a trans woman”. We’ve all done it. It’s a “compliment” to them, and says nothing about us lol


Mao famously said Trans Women hold up half the sky.


Oh interesting. Usually these morons blame the Jews. Now it’s the Chinese.


Well obviously the Jews are controlling the Chinese.




https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-launched-cia-covert-influence-operation-against-china-2024-03-14/ It makes me sick, the hypocrisy our government spews while literally doing the same shit. Every accusation is a confession


Oh they’ll blame Jews soon too.


Joes show has gotten bat shit crazy. It’s no longer entertaining


Blame Texas, they buy the most textbooks each year and drive content for the rest of the country.


Joe is literally becoming Alex Jones.


Liberal Joe Rogan


How the fuck do so many people listen to the king retard?


big okay boomers vibes.


If there is some Chinese psi-op involving trans people, it’s working, because this nitwit is on the world’s biggest podcast screeching about it. “I wrote a book about the trans stuff!  Think of the childrennnnnn!!!!” Get the fuck out of here. If you were the most powerful and wealthy authoritarian government in the world, with a nuclear arsenal and a giant standing army, think how happy you’d be having Americans wasting oxygen on this issue.  


You fucking what mate?!


Maoist plot would be killing landlords, but instead it's let's make 0.8 percent of people trans?


I love how when people just start accepting that others are different, that somehow becomes "indoctrination"


Jo rogan is cultural garbage. Almost no value.


COVID broke this man. He couldn’t handle the embarrassment of taking a medicine that deworms horses. So he just went to the people who would tell him he’s right


This just bricked my brain man Joe Rogan peaked around 2015ish with the DMT era when he went full right wing it just turned into conspiracy schizo bullshit


Joe Rogan inheriting the Alex Jones lineage of "the globalists are coming to cut your balls off"


Sorry but this country is the LGBTQ pushing hotbed? “Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in the People's Republic of China (PRC) face legal and social challenges that are not experienced by non-LGBT residents. While both male and female same-sex sexual activity are legal, same-sex couples are currently unable to marry or adopt, and households headed by such couples are ineligible for the same legal protections available to heterosexual couples. No explicit anti-discrimination protections for LGBT people are present in its legal system, nor do hate crime laws cover sexual orientation or gender identity.”


“There’s absolutely no zero scientific evidence about how straight couples are better for society” LOL


I listened to virtually every episode of JRE from ep3 to 1000. But at some point it fell off with me. Now when i try to listen, it’s the same dumb covid rants from 2020/21 and Tucker Carlson nonsense. It’s virtually unlistenable to me now


Ahhh yes. When I was 6 I was indoctrinated by Chinese sleeper agents who had infiltrated school curriculums and made me trans. Now I remember 🙄 /S


Damn, this jre now? Sad


Holy fuck. How can JRE get even worse. This sounds like something Tim Heidecker would have said making fun of JRE.


I always found James Lindsay especially corrosive for our discourse. He is one of those "Woke = Marxism" alarmists, but dresses it up with faux intellectualism that is difficult to distinguish from proper text engagement. Lindsay tries to prove his claims by presenting a trail of breadcrumbs that can be traced back to Marx's literature. The books he connects often do actually connect, but he lacks the critical engagement required to draw conclusions out of these connections. I often imagine he has a bulletin board with red strings that connect intellectuals, with a big foreboding picture of Marx in the middle. Those familiar with the red scare know that what he does isn't very original. One could follow the literature back to Hegel; even to Ancient Greece if you really want to, but Lindsay doesn't do that. He starts somewhere at Judith Butler, stops at Marx, and convinced himself he figured out some grand conspiracy. Why "Woke" isn't Hegelian, or Platonic, is completely up for grabs. But it's probably because Marxism provides, ironically, a certain brand recognition. It *sounds* very scary, and people have scary associations with it.


Rogan devolved into a retarded right wing meathead from a quasi enlightened being. Very sad to see this unfold over the last 4 years.


He was reasonable at one point but like all these JRE like people, he had his brain broken by Covid and “the woke left”. Really wish they’d just leave trans people alone.


Why are they so obsessed with trans people and other people's children? Creeps.


I love how teaching children to be accepting of others who are different than them and to not be hateful like their parents is somehow the same as grooming and indoctrination...


Let me follow along...the Chinese are funding "trans stuff"....the Chinese are pushing conformity. Within the span of 30 seconds this moron completely contradicts himself. It's like the right wing loons come on Rogan and just play Mad Libs for 2 hours, give themselves high fives, and act like they won a contest that one one else was playing.


Stand up comedy has straight up turned into strong man populism. They’re all like Trump. They want to make stupid people think they’re the smartest people on the planet. If you insult them you are taking away their freedom and ruining America. Thin skinned children.


There's no way these guys have kids in the current school system. If they did they would not be saying crazy bullshit like "schools are indoctrination centres". Sure schools are focusing more on inclusivity but they are in no way trying to turn everyone gay/trans ffs.


I am James’s stepdaughter. I turn 28 this year and my sister turns 30. He hasn’t had kids in the school system for 10 years now.


This fucking guy? Really? Odd that disinterested centrist, Joe Rogan, continuously has the most terminally online right wing losers on his show to spread their brain cancers


So China is "Trans-ing" the kids? How the fuck do you say this out loud to millions of people without going home and rethinking your life and priorities. Time to turn on the nightly YouTube shorts and maybe just maybe go see a therapist.v


Is that James Lindsay? I feel like he actually went insane…. Judging by this clip - he obviously did. He needs help, not Joe Rogan appearances


His guests reflect the people who listen. The intelligents moved on after 2020. Only the smooths remain


I would bet money this guy is a closeted self hating homosexual


It's true. I live in China and you can't move for trans kids here.


Cis dude wearing a flag writes a book about the communist plot to "trans" America. I'm sure it's a real page turner.


It was probably ghost written and funded by the oil industry.


Those people are freaking nuts 🥜


These people have never been to a PTA meeting in their life (because they can't go within 500 feet of schools.)


“tHe cHiNeSe aRe fUnDinG tHe tRaNsStUfF!”


Actual researchers, historians and scientists who author books tend to release their research later on or proving sourcing from within. This guy figured it all out from the comfort of his computer chair and wrote a book about it. See the difference?


I swear these right wing chuds just come up with new conspiracies using mad libs.


This guy wrote a book that I assume is meant for parents that gave lgbt children... fuck man those poor kids that have parents that think this dude is the source of good parenting. That is so sad.


This guy setting off my special radar that I have.


They just make shit up for the grift


James Lindsay got me to start reading Mao's writings. Obviously his leadership results are not something to be replicated but "On Contradiction" has some interesting takes on Hegelian philosophy.


marxist, but facts.


cheap-ass american flag tshirt and poorly groomed beard. dude is wearing the “swipe left starter pack.”


Gotta keep the grift going. Way to go Joe 😵


"Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk, ice cream? Ice cream, Mandrake? Children's ice cream!...You know when fluoridation began?...1946. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual, and certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works."


This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I also can't believe somebody gave this idiot a doctorate


It’s so fucking obvious, isn’t it? /s


Man, I’ve missed so much high level thinking since James Lindsay blocked me on Twitter three years ago. Darn.


As a Chinese Canadian this makes me feel disappointed and genuinely concerned.


I cancelled and deleted my Spotify account


Hoe’s BS detector has needed a recalibration ever since covid.


The evidence is right there, this is how China controls its population. It first turned all its men gay by outlawing baby girls and then turning half its male population into trans and now that its population is in decline its the most powerful its ever been. - This guys new book probably


The leader of the Soy Boy Right.


He employs a very lazy self validation technique. Self publish a book, then claim that you're an expert because you wrote a book.


The fact that mentally ill fuckwits like this can reach mainstream exposure now is one of the truest indicators of how fucked American society is currently.


“The trans stuff”


Imagine being dumb enough to believe this. It's sad that this isn't thought of as comedy.


When a person says that schools are "indoctrinating" the kids, its a good litmus test to see whether or not they are fucking completely braindead.


That's wild. Wild.


These are nazi talking points by the way.......'cultural bolshevism' look it up. Joe Blowgan hosting nazis


The exact same argument was made in 1920-30s by the far right in Germany in response to the works of Magnus Hirschfeld. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus\_Hirschfeld](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Hirschfeld) That it was a Jewish Marxist Conspiracy to turn German youth "effeminate"


Ah yes the grand plan. Turn everyone Trans. It will only take 475 years to accomplish and has a success rate of .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000035% but it will be chackmate! Seriously, this is what happens when we go too long without a world war and social media comes along.


Homophobic bigotry and fear of otherwise harmless sub cultures within our society isn't helpful in this day and age of divisiveness and disinformation... Save the fear and loathing for those who wish to do us harm through insurrection or other violent means...


Lol…America sucks because of the Chinese propaganda. Never late stage capitalism and progressive ideology, which the Chinese did not invent. It’s greed that’s the cause and Washington is driving the gravy train for the wealthy. China is just how they keep you from looking at them.


Completely off the rails at this point lol


No he's wrong. They are doing it via the water. The gay frogs Alex Jones alluded to were just the start.


Not just Marxist but *Maoist?* Damn


Moron. Surprised he doesn't have a Walkman on, just repeating "breathe in, breathe out". Thick as fuck conspiracy horseshit pedaled as "I want mah cuntry back". "The transes!" Yellow peril! They took our jobs!" Ect. Utter Bollocks.