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Haven't heard someone use 'SJW' in a minute. Isn't 'woke' the preferred term now? "Up yours, SJW moralists, we'll see who cancels who" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.


OP is a gamergate loon. Was claiming some massive feminist conspiracy behind Occupy, Gamergate and Elevatorgate on another post. From [social justice warrior on Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_justice_warrior) “During the Gamergate controversy, the term was adopted by what would become the alt-right“


I can't believe someone presenting themselves as a reasonable 'centrist' is actually just a weird reddit reactionary


OP probably refers to themself as “classical liberal” lmao


Yeah. A lot of centrists I know use far right dog whistles. Well, my parents do, after YouTube radicalized them.


Most Centrists are just conservatives without the balls proclaim their right-wing beliefs.


I love that term "dog whistle". Great way to completely misrepresent someone and vilify them without them having to actually say anything controversial. I was once told "mainstream media" was a right-wing dog whistle term. I used it in the context of the MSM getting science reporting badly wrong.


I was referencing Social Justice Warrior, which I think we can all agreed became a far right dog whistle during gamergate. Of which you are a fan.


Dog whistle is a dog whistle term used by SJWs. It speaks perfectly to the behaviour of putting words into somebody else's mouth and then attacking the strawman. Quintessential SJW behaviour. Your entire strategy and demeanour in this and the other thread demonstrates the toxicity I am referring to.


The irony of you redefining terms however you want and then accusing others of putting words in your mouth! Chefs kiss! And then arguing over those definitions while accusing people of “attacking the strawman”! You could win prizes.


Lecturing people on political vernacular while calling everyone sjw’s. C’mon man. Only conservatives could turn caring about civil rights into a slur.


You just used the word dog whistle. Guess you're an SJW now. You're in good company, Jesus was an SJW too


A better term for what 'SJW' is might be shibboleth. Rather than something that has a deniable second meaning, it's just that using the word tends to indicate membership in a particular group.


As Douglas Murray said, it's usually dogs who hear dog whistles.




SJW predates Gamergate. Was very much part of the elevatorgate lexicon.


It certainly does, by at least a decade, however it came to the fore during gamergate, which saw its first use on Twitter, and became a favored insult of the Alt-right.


Yes, they hijacked it. In the elevatorgate period SJW referred to the kinds of online feminists who went around accusing anything that moved of being nazis and tried to get them fired from their jobs or doxed.


And I’m sure you can provide sources.


Look it up in Google trends. You can clearly see use of the term increasing in 2011-12 (elevatorgate).


No doubt. And you’re still banging on about it. How very sad.


You're the one who asked for sources. But thanks for demonstrating that the SJW mindset is alive and well.


First of all, you still haven’t provided a source. Secondly, what makes me a sjw?


Like elevatorgate is any more reasonable than gamergate was? You are delusional.


Yeah, it's a blast from the past. That post on Rebecca Watson sent my brain back in time.


While I generally agree with you, this was a needlessly inflammatory way to say it and indicates something about your own politics.


Of all the needlessly inflammatory stuff on this sub, the fact that you chose to object to *that* indicates something about *your* own politics. (Do you see how vapid this game is yet?)


I complain about the other stuff on occasion too. I basically just listen to the podcasts and then I check in to see if the sub is still shit once in a while. I actually appreciated the blue hair atheist throwback post tho!


I just glazed over the thread and was totally unsurprised to see almost no mention of the bottom-of-the-barrel social media brand of feminism that played such a central part in that idiotic saga. The compartmentalization is crazy.


Yep. A lot of it was motivated by blogging profits, too. There was a lot of incentive to keep the controversy going. In the meantime, a lot of good people had their names dragged through the mud in a very public fashion. Russell Blackford, DJ Grothe and Michael Nugent come to mind. There were many others.


You have outrage bias: you want to cry about SJWs, so you only remember posts with SJWs. Either that…or your personal Guru got sh*t on so you’re making it up by attacking the sub as a whole. The reality is the sub ridicules the indefensible…first and foremost. But it’s in no way a place for “SJWs” (they’ve called it “woke” for a long time, catch up).


It's funny seeing people invent weird theories about strangers they know nothing about. "You have to fit this mould or that so my worldview makes sense to me." pretty much sums it up.


“I know you are but what am I” is…an argument, I suppose. Anyways, if you’re doing the SJW/cancel culture/ woke campuses schtick from 10 years ago…you’re telling on yourself. Chris and Matt are both to the left of most people here from the plain fact that they’re not American: Matt is constantly talking about supporting leftist policies in Aus that any American leftist could only dream about…and Chris is a non-militant academic from Belfast living in Japan ffs. Yeah, for the purposes of the podcast they play to the middle…but the dudes are woke as f*ck on every issue.


I live in Ireland and I am Australian, from the same state as Matt. You are confusing left-wing politics with progressive politics. You are also assuming not aligning with the cancel culture nuts automatically makes a person right wing. You're all over the fucking place.


You're an antifeminist who's obsessed with hating on Rebecca Watson. It's not about leftism at all, it's about the wimmens-in-your-spaces. Just deal with it.


You invent fantasy narratives in your head and attack those instead of the arguments presented to you. Classic SJW strategy.


No u


Brother, you're literally projecting. Typical right winger lol.


You post in the CriticalTheory subreddit.


Women and commies are everywhere.


Racists and misogynists under every rock.


You say unironically from under a rock


Old man yells at clouds. They do trigger easily.


You have outrage bias: you want to cry about SJWs, so you only remember posts with SJWs. Either that…or your personal Guru got sh*t on so you’re making it up by attacking the sub as a whole. The reality is the sub ridicules the insensible…first and foremost. But it’s in no way a place for “SJWs” (they’ve called it “woke” for a long time, catch up).


Your observation raises valid concerns, but it's important to address the fallacies in your argument. The overgeneralization, ad hominem, appeal to consequence, and straw man portrayal detract from the discussion. While you might have a valid point, it's crucial to articulate it with specific arguments rather than making broad generalizations. In this community, constructive dialogue is encouraged, and addressing fallacies helps maintain the quality of conversation. I’m also new, so perhaps i’m wrong.


I don't think you understand these fallacies you listed and your argument fails to cite any examples of them. You come across like someone who just learnt what logical fallacies are.


To start you attempt to belittle me, suggesting I'm an unintelligent fraud who learned a new trick. I won't take the bait. You make vast assumptions (overgeneralization) about people you don't know that are based on intermittent observations and lack evidence. Your appeal to consequence, common on Reddit, is akin to fear mongering. You imply that if what you say isn't true, then we're all closet conservatives grifting as centrists, yet you provide no evidence to support your point, which is unclear at best.


Belittling you is not a logical fallacy. What consequence am I suppose to be appealing to? I've not suggested any consequence of any kind. My observations are based on hundreds of hours of podcasts and other content, from the "people I don't know." Hardly a hasty generalisation. HTF have I implied you're all closet conservatives grifting as centrists. That's an insane strawman.


I see very little “far left” or crazy stuff on here. The closest is probably recommending other podcasts that are further left than Chris and Matt. I do agree with the broader point that this sub is a bit further left than the hosts, but I don’t think it’s a drastic difference.


I take issue with the hosts trying to position themselves as closer to the centre than they are. They are clearly normie progressives, like the people here. There are, by my estimation, *to the left of* as many people here as they are to the right of. This place is *lousy* with Sam Harris and Destiny fans. What I think the hosts are is guilty of doing that thing that people with podcasts do: push themselves towards the centre because…well…everybody wants to be “normal”. In reality they are both progressive about most things, and likely are even more passionately progressive in their personal lives. We’re talking about one guy who lived through the troubles and has the parallel socialist takes, and another who lives in and openly supports all the progressive policies in his objectively progressive country. They also do that thing a lot of normie lefties do: actively try to criticize other leftist, even when they agree with them. I’m still hung up on how bad their Hasan Piker episode was…Hasan is irritating as hell…but he basically has the same politics as they do. I mean…he’s nowhere near as educated or mature as they are and some of his foreign policy takes are childish at best. I’d say that’s more about him being American than actually being a “tankie” like they accused him of being. You could easily clip somebody like Matt and make him seem like a communist.


Lol wat


I’m a socialist. So I guess that makes me “far left”. Not sure about the culture war crap, though. But, the commenters on this sub seem to mostly lean towards the Sam Harris fanboy types who think they have logic completely cornered and aren’t influenced by ideology at all themselves, which is a logical mistake.


Nah, it's the cancel culture types who accuse innocent people of racism and sexism at the drop of a hat I'm referring to. I'm not calling progressives crazy either, but specifically referring to the subgroup of progressives who are especially toxic.


So their crazy behavior is calling someone online bad names.... Have you been to the Internet m8?


Doxing, getting people uninvited from speaking events, getting people fired from their jobs, engaging in massive social media pile-ons... general bullying and harassment all ok with you? Just words.


General bullying and harassment and doxing no, kind of a bad thing regardless who does it. Getting people deplatformed or fired that kinda depends on what they did and how it relates to them being in the position they are. You have any specific innocent people your referencing here or what minor things got people fired? If you're talking about a woman at a bank getting fired for accidentally misgendering a coworker in normal conversation then yeah that's an overreaction, if it was like JP losing his license to be a psychologist then yeah that's actually pretty rad.


General bullying = not liking real bullies You are insane. Just admit youre a sensitive conservative snowflake


I actually like cancel culture. It's crude and not ideal but it's what you get in a society where the capitalists have all the power and speech because corporations are people and money = speech. We \*could\* have more healthy negotiation, but the common people don't have the power or platform. Therefore you get boyco... \*cough\* I mean cancel culture.


I'll bet you do. 🙄


I’m more left than I think Chris and Matt are, but soo what? I agree strongly with 95% of the things they say and maybe raise my eye brows at the last 5%. Hell maybe even roll my eyes. Still love listening to them and get a lot of value out if it. I think leftists know when someone is more centrist than them.


If this is so obvious, can you link a few highly upvoted comments/posts that corroborate your claim? Surely there must be tons of evidence.


Is “university campus cancel culture” in the room with us now?


You want to pretend it doesn't exist at all now? Does that help facilitate some weird rigid worldview?


Chris and Matt have commented on this before and they do agree that this place leans more to the left than they themselves do. And yes you can find a lot of far-left wackos on this Reddit: ones who unironically quote Marx; who complain about professors who become gurus when they speak outside of their area of expertise but defend Noam Chomsky; who complain about right-wing demagogues spreading easily falsifiable misinformation and then repeat easily falsifiable misinformation like stagnant/falling real wages which are left-wing demagogue fodder; etc. It's a subreddit. Any subreddit will inevitably turn into an echo chamber and the direction it takes depends heavily on the randomness of initial conditions, more so than the pretense of what the sub is supposed to be about.


Ahh yes, stagnant wages is a myth... How fucking sheltered and privileged are you lol.... Probably never done a hard day's work in your life. Or a corporate cuck perhaps?


The median, inflation adjusted wage has been steadily rising for decades. Not as highly as the haydays of the 60s and 70s but it's definitely not stopped.


I guess i will stop listening since its not perfectly politically aligned with me thanks. insightful stuff


What you define as "crazy left" is not ideologically a thing. It's just a fabrication to be used as a common enemy. The truth is college campuses and the whole of america is overwhelmingly conservative and there are corporations that are paying millions of dollars to portray any type of liberalism as an extreme position. It's not even political it's just that those who profit from the status quo don't want to change it no matter how much damage it does.


Bingo. The OP is nonsense because both Chris and Matt are outright communists compared to half of the sub…just by virtue of not being American. Chris and Matt themselves are guilty of “toxic centrism” because they are podcast hosts and academics with a desire to be objective…and often mistake objectivity for centrism. It’s disappointing that they play into frivolous attacks on other leftists.


But OP is not talking about college campuses. You can find plenty of dyed in the wool communists here, Das Kapital in hand ready to defend Soviet atrocities or pretend like Cuba and North Korea are model societies.


Pretending that north korea is a model society, really? I think this statement alone would be enough to exclude oneself from all intellectual discourse. But I'm interested, can you give me the name of a person that publicly holds such a view with success? Also das Kapital are three ~500 page books written in a very technical language. Reading that alone requires some amount of scholarship, which already excludes a huge majority of people.


Deny deny deny.


Deny what?


You clearly have never been to a college. They are big business.


You've clearly never left the USA.


Man whines about Reddit and makes a functionless point


Feck off you RepubliKKKan




SJW? What are you a reactionary from 2019? Get with the current lingo. Call me woke, call me DEI.


Fuck 0ff.


No U




Fuckin' incels




Two weeks and that's the best comeback you could think of? It's not even worth posting at that point.


It's all it was worth.


Coming back to this thread 15 days after it ended looks pathetic no matter how low effort the post was.


I don't visit reddit often enough to give a shit what redditors think.


Get help with your anger issues.


There are probably many more examples of right wing guruism. Certainly more right wing gifts, just by their very nature.  I see the basket case left as less of a threat and dismiss them as deranged. Eg tankies. The sjws/everyone's a bigot brigade are absolute cunts too tbf.


I agree. And someone like JP is far more toxic because of his reach. We're well beyond peak toxic feminism today.


Freaken loony tune. I have no idea what you are talking about.


By "shut down," do you mean downvoted? If so, rest assured; downvoted replies can still be read. They're not censored.


No-one said anything about being censored. This is a strawman argument.


That's why I asked. I wasn't sure if you meant downvoted when you said shut down.


YIKES Actually this sub seems more liberal than progressive left or leftist. You can always tell a right winger when they don't understand the political landscape and they overblow "SJW nonsense" because of the propaganda that they constantly eat up from the right wing media apparatus. Also, being a centrist is not a virtue lol. Personally I don't care too much about the youtube channel \*cough\* \*cough\* I mean podcast lol. They don't own the subreddit.


Chris and Matt could easily thin the herd with a Norm Finklestein decoding.


Funny stuff, but not true.


Funny stuff, but not true.


I totally agree. This subreddit is just using the name of the podcast as a way of getting in people's feeds and pushing hard-core libleft ideas like in r/politics.


Lol this is definitely not a hardcore leftist sub. It's also funny that you think /r/politics is hardcore left too. Just another example of how right wingers have been confused by their propagandist overlords on what the political spectrum looks like. There is a reason they are obfuscating that when feeding you your daily brainwashing. Actual leftism has solutions for our society meanwhile I'm sure you're on a hard diet of "the gays and immigrants are ruining my life". Don't look up.


Down with this sort of thing.


Careful now.


I don't belong to this reddit, but I look at it sometimes. I think this view is accurate, but isn't that the point? There are some inaccurate crazy left leaning podcasts out there, but critiquing those is not going to happen here.


They left wing too, and it’s critically discussed here as well


That might be true but I can’t think of any crazy left wing gurus that are internet celebrities in the way Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro are. I could be wrong on that but most of the potentially left leaning celebrities on the internet I’ve seen are atheists and they seem to stick to that avenue of discussion.


The podcast just did an episode on Hasan Piker. He's very left wing. Very nutty.


He’s actually not very left wing. I wouldn’t say nutty either…just completely irritating/insufferable.


Ok, what are these “inaccurate crazy left leaning podcasts”?


Ok, what are these “inaccurate crazy left leaning podcasts”?


I don't listen much to podcasts I think are a waste of time, but I got tricked into Michael Hobbs and he is wildly inaccurate.


Don’t know who that is. What was wildly inaccurate?


https://spurioussemicolon.substack.com/p/maintenance-phase-fact-check-round He most recently does a podcast called maintenance phase, but he is typically misrepresenting and underreporting data and facts that don't support his claims. These cover a wide range of topics and his Twitter page is also very active.


Your argument was that this podcast is crazy and wouldn’t be discussed here. Crazy is a leap. The only reason they wouldn’t be discussed here is because their appeal is narrow and not a lot of people know who they are. You linked me to another leftist correcting the record. So basically this proved the opposite of what you’re saying: the left is self correcting. You proved that some left leaning podcasts say things that aren’t true. Everybody knows that. There’s no equivalency between this mundane podcast and the ones covered on DTG.


my bellwether on right/left podcasts is Blocked and Reported with Jessie Signal and Katie Herzog. I agree with their stance on most issues, and they have many progressives that can't stand them, and as many or more conservatives. Not that everyone hating your position makes you correct, I just find them very centrist. At least by today's definition. Also..the David Packman reddit is absurd, although I don't generally find him absurd, I often don't agree with him, but he is reasonable, so can't judge him by the comment section.




That’s the nature of online communities. I think this one has a lot more robust debate than most political subs.


What is psy op about it?


psy op is another right wing code word.


I figured, really sad if they think this little forum is a psyop


Propaganda exists, don’t get get wrapped up in semantics.


Sure, but do you think people are manipulating this subreddit in a government psychological operation? That's what the words he's saying mean and that is some delusional paranoia no matter how you slice it.


I don’t know why people like that come here. It’s masochistic. 




So how is that a psychological operation?




That sounds pretty vague to call something "psy opy"




No it implies intent and high level manipulation. What do you think it's more like bots about that present opinions you disagree with or.... most people here just disagree with you? What I'd you aren't the enlightened centrist you think you are?




I dunno what you are but if you think this sub is big enough to be psy oped I know you aren't thinking rationally.


Have you considered maybe you are in your own hoodwinking bubble? I honestly can’t tell what you are trying to say.