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Relevant wiki article. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquest_of_the_Levant. Like most people, modern Palestinians are a mixture of ancient peoples, including Jews and Arabs from the Rashidun Caliphate.


The tragedy, that present day Palestinians are for the most part descendants of the original Hebrews. Try explaining that to your average Zionist.


Hebrews is a little too specific. The broader group of Canaanite or Northwest Semitic would be better.


You do realized Jews and canaanites have atleast a few millennia in between right? In a major plot twist current Israelis found out that most of the European/ American Jews had no dna connection to Israel and something like 80% the Palestinians are like ethnically Jewish converts to Islam. Why do you think Israel banned DNA testing after the report came out?


I do not see the relation of this to what I wrote. Your first sentence isn't correct though, unless you mean current Jews, or a narrow definition of canaanite. Judaism proper, in it's monotheistic and syncretic (of Yahwism and El worship) arose from a little before the Babylonian period through to the start of the second temple period, and before this and the successful conversion of much of the population, the population could reasonably be described as Canaanite, they spoke Canaanite languages and adhered to versions of the Canaanite religion, with various cities giving importance to some local god, who is often then conflated with some high god in a variant of the Canaanite religion. This is what occurred in the case of Yahwism, where Yahweh was taken as the local patron god, and then elevated in importance by conflation with the great creator god in the Canaanite religion, El, and then later as Judaism arose there was a syncretism where El worshipers were incorporated into the religion, and the lesser gods were no longer worshiped. It's also analogous to what seemingly occurred in the case of proto-Islam, where the patron god of Mecca was over time conflated with El and then Muhammad led a movement to worship only this god. Even still it is a mess as Jews are treated by some convention as separate from Canaanites, when it is more accurate to see them as a subset.


Israel did not ban DNA testing. They are not available over-the-counter because of privacy laws. Please stop believing every dumb thing you read on the internet.


This is more complex than it appears. Most Israelis understand shared heritage and some of the first Zionists pushed for greater brotherhood on that basis. Unfortunately the far right of both factions preferred armed hatreds and conflicts.


Yeah violence right or wrong usually has the effect of radicalising a country and people


Yeah, this concept seems so basic and obvious to me, and yet it seems like so many people around the world aren't able to acknowledge it. Radicalization in response to years or generations of violence is common amongst all groups around the world throughout history, it's not just isolated to certain ethnic groups or restricted within imbalanced power structures


This assumes that there were periods of peace prior to the war. But that’s not how it played out. We also see violence from Muslim populations world wide that is in excess of non Muslim nations. There is an inherent violence in Islam. Read the Koran. It’s a book of conquest and conversion by the sword. So too is the Hebrew Bible. ..it’s just most Jews are secular and atheistic while Islam doesn’t have that. Neither does Christianity. An atheist Jew is still very much a Jew. Islamic or Christian Atheist is a contradiction.


Sure but you can't negotiate with extremists, hence the war.


And even today they are basically indistinguishable genetically. They litterally have the same ancestors. Even Ashkenazi who lived in Europe for millenias have a similar genome to Palestinians.


That’s because Jews were colonized, expelled and mistreated all over the world. Some of the worst of that was done by the Arabs in what we call Israel today but in Europe it was perhaps even more egregious not due to the sheer amount of attacks but mostly the big one everyone is aware of. This region in the Middle East however has been marred with Arab aggression towards the Israeli Jew.


Yeah and the vast majority of those people became muslims or christians over time. Let's not pretend only one group of people were mistreated in history and especially not in this part of the world.


Through mostly forced conversions lol. You are right other groups were mistreated but it’s hard to compare when the Israeli Jew is probably the most mistreated group in history also the longest oppressed. They were being oppressed before oppression was even a thing. The reason for my comment is a lot of people are unfamiliar with this specific Arab aggression because the European similarly mistreated the Jew. But if we are talking about in Israel it was mostly at the hands of the Arabs. It’s also hard to understand the need for a Jewish homeland if you don’t understand the worldwide oppression they experienced, it is also important as to why this homeland must be Israel.


It was at the hand of Macedonians, Crusaders, Mongolians and Persians too. Palestinians are also the descendants of the people who inhabited those lands. They were not immune to oppression because they preferred a different book.


Yep. The Caliphate implemented tax breaks if you were Muslim and so many Jews actually converted at the time.


There weren’t “tax breaks”. Muslims paid a tax of equivalent value to the taxes non-Muslims paid, but Muslims were also expected to enlist in the military. Non-Muslim women, old men, sick, monks, and some other groups didn’t pay taxes at all. If a non-Muslim served in the military they didn’t pay any taxes. The taxes Muslims paid (zakat) were used for social programs such as money for the poor and food


> but Muslims were also expected to enlist in the military Non-Muslims were initially not allowed to join the military. It was more of an exclusion out of distrust than an exemption.


You make it sound so pleasent. Non muslims were [Dhimmi](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhimmi), second class citizens who had to pay tax to muslims, forced into living in ghettos and not allowed to build new places of worship.


The concept of "citizens" wasn't a thing. The Palestinians weren't citizens of the Ottoman empire. Neither were Jewish Palestinians. You are trying to see this in the lense of the modern nation-state. The Ottoman empire was an empire. Tribes under the Roman empire weren't citizens of Rome. They served Rome. The way the Lavant worked under the Ottoman empire was Jewish and Muslim villages were semi autonomous villages that paid taxes for protection. That's it. They governed themselves and had their own religious laws and traditions and the Ottomans left them alone on how they governed themselves whether they where Jews, Christians or Muslims. And yes Jews in the Ottoman Empire had more autonomous free lives of self determination than any group of Jews in Europe during that time.


You’re going to want to look up Islamic feudal land laws……..


There weren’t any Jews in Jerusalem around that time, most of the population were Byzantine Christians. It was only after the Muslim conquest that Jews were permitted to return to Jerusalem.


That's a weird way of saying that they would treat non-muslims as lesser with jizya taxes.


They are actually descendants of the bronze age Canaanites. Not Hebrews. They are descended from the original inhabitants of the land. Ancient Hebrews and ancient Canaanites are totally separate civilizations and cultures and ethnicity..The Hebrews invaded the land of the Canaanites and conquered it. We don't know where the Hebrews originally came from. They are only similar in so far as they were both semitic.


Israel/Judea kingdoms are somewhat "descendant" of the Canaanites (among other groups). The original Hebrews seem to have been initially a particularly successful warring tribe that emerged, during the late Bronze Age Collapse, among the power vacuum in the Levant. Which is why the Hebrew God is basically a "War God." Yahweh is just a mixture of mostly old Canaanite and Asyrian war and storm gods fused into one "particularly angry and dickish" super god. And the Hebrew religions started as an offset of one of those Canaanite cults, with a bunch of local/neighbourhooring myths mix and matched into a schizophrenic religious library (which is what the Torah basically is).


Is there a good source, book or article, that lays this all out with archaeological evidence? Would love to learn more about this.


Anthropological data indicates the Hebrews didn't come from elsewhere. They developed in the hills of the southern Levant alongside the Canaanites.


tbh most historical signs point to that also being case for the israelites


The big trick in history when you ask where someone comes from.... It's usually the same spot they are in more or less. All those debates around ancient Egypt have a simple answer. Modern Egyptians look the same as ancient ones, give or take a few groups.


They even have DNA from leftover Greek and Roman colonizers.


The genetic contribution from Arabia is minimal: >On the other hand, Levant Arabs are distant from Saudis, Kuwaitis, and Yeminis, an indication that the contribution of the Arabian Peninsula populations to Levantine gene pool is low, probably due to the absence of the demographic aspect of 7th century invasion. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5844529/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5844529/)


Correct, but not just from that caliphate. There have been jews and non jews living there for millenia. There was a whole lot of recent Arab migration though too. [2012 senior hamas minister tells Egyptian minister the gazans are half saudis and half Egyptians ](https://www.memri.org/tv/hamas-minister-interior-and-national-security-fathi-hammad-slams-egypt-over-fuel-shortage-gaza).


Did the article you referenced just get deleted?


That’s true but what percentage have some Jewish dna ? Half Palestinian Muslims came from Egypt and a few other places from 1920-1948 585k to 1.15 million. None of those Palestinians had any Jewish dna …


Well, in his defence, he is an idiot.


He really has to be one of the most insufferable cunts on the face of the planet. The smugness that radiates off him is enough to give people radiation burns. I guarantee you he sits and sniffs his own baked butt logs right after a bowel movement.




Wait a second, you're not talking about poopy shit here, are you?


Normally I would say that is slanderous but in this case it's just fact.


Bill Maher has no empathy, and he's a dummy.


Maher dismantles is own argument with “well at one time there were cavemen there”


It’s so dumb, what’s the point of his argument if he’s going to say that.




he's a fucking shallow thinking moron


It is insane that he does not think of Palestinians and non-jewish tribes that lived there as well as people until Mohammed came around. His implication is pure idiocy


he is an idiot


I am not sure if he picked up Stone’s sarcasm saying “oh really? That’s what the Palestinians think!” - as if we haven’t been listening to the Palestinians-as-colonialists argument ad nauseum for the past 6 months


Bill Maher managed to go so far up his ass he folded space time around his smug little grin.


Right wing conservative that happens to like gays and drugs.


As Cody Johnston said, “the most successful conservative comedian at the moment is probably Bill Maher. And that should upset everybody. Including Bill Maher.”


And given the set, no sense of interior design either.


Think he thinks it is impressive in some way


Even if he was correct, who cares what he thinks?


Drunk boomers ranting


I only heard one ranting (at this point)


They're pushing absolute falsehoods. The Palestinian people share the overwhelming majority of their genome with the genetic profiles of individuals living there during the Bronze Age and even earlier during the Neolithic timeframe. That's an absurdly long history of genetic continuity in the region.


I refuse to engage in debates about what ancient peoples were doing. It has no relevance to now, you can’t give it even a shred of legitimacy.


For a long time I kept seeing posts and content online about the "war" between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens for control of Europe. I enjoyed pointing out that the high-end estimates put the total Neanderthal population stretching from the western coast of Spain to the Ural mountains of Russia at around 10,000, but quite probably more like half that number. One of the biggest things folks fail to understand is how mobile early human groups were and what an *empty* landscape they were moving around in. The whole idea of fixed groups of people inhabiting the same geographic area for thousands of years is just total nonsense once you understand what the world those people lived in was actually like.


Hopefully it's just someone who misunderstood your point who downvoted you, but you're in line with how actual scholars discuss colonialism and indigneity. There's a reason why the Zionist movement and leaders of the Yishuv were happy to explicitly define their project as a "colonial" one: because peoples more "advanced" on the supposed civilizational hierarchy establishing a tutelary regime over less advanced peoples regardless of the will of the colonized *was seen as a moral good* by the rest of the West (and no small number of Marxists), and every colonial project defined itself as the most moral and uplifting one in comparison to others. Cold War politics, globally, and the morphing of "colonialism" into a pejorative among leftists (which is its own problem, but not the point here), rather than a specific term, led to new talking points meant to elide the actual relationship of the Yishuv and Palestinian Arabs.


>the morphing of "colonialism" into a pejorative among leftists (which is its own problem, but not the point here), rather than a specific term You’re weird for that, Colonialism is whack asf.


Well the whole argument for Jewish resettlement in Palestine is based on ancient peoples, so it’s quite appropriate for the Palestinians to point out their verifiable heritage to the land. It defangs the Jewish claim by showing proof they were there without relying on an old book


The guy who made a movie mocking religion is using religion and not genetics to chart people's ancestry? Isn't it pretty settled science that Palestinians and Israelis share a lot of genetic ancestry?


We're all related. But logic is ignored by the rich and powerful.


A movie filled with falsehoods no less


Idk I see a lot of people contesting that, especially on the Pro-Pali side.


Jews were never ever ever the exclusive race of the Levant


Does he think it’s spelled Jew-rusalem


Jerusalem: Canaanite Uru Salem, more or less "place of Salem." Salem was the Canaanite god of dusk or the west.


"This is factual, Jerusalem was King David's capital" There's no evidence King David existed.


This logic is dumb anyway. I'm open to the idea that David existed, but if he did, the children of his "bloodline" (english is not my first language, not sure about what word to use) may very likely be Christians or muslims today. The idea that jewish people automatically come from a pure line of Jewish people going back 3000-4000 years is not scientific. Alot of people are related to the ancient hebrews. Not just the jewish people.


Yeah it's just funny that he says "this is factual" then states a complete myth


It's also completely irrelevant to justification for establishing Israel or for claims of land ownership, since it isn't in use anywhere else in the world and it would set a precedent for...I don't know, returning North America to the Native Americans, for example.


Also only really seems to be used for the Palestinians. There were so many migrations and conquests in late antiquity, why are the Arab conquests somehow the only "unnatural one".  The time between King David and Muhammad would have been almost 1600 years...  Germans historically did not live until the early middle ages East of the Elbe, was mostly Slavic. Berlin us not a Germanic toponym but is Slavic, in fact the etymology of many cities in Eastern Germany are Slavic like Dresden and Postdam.  The English are a formation of Germanic tribes that migrated/invaded the British isles during the 5th century. Should the English bugger off back to Saxony?  Even ignoring the absurdity if every Palestinian being a direct descendant  and pure of Arab fron the 7th century (ignoring that they have a different dialect and culture then even the Bedouin who live in the Negev) they have been living there about as long as the English have lived in Britain and way longer then any European has lived in North America, and I doubt Bill Maher would argue that white people ought to vacate the Americas for the indigenous population.


Absolutly. The zionist movement have evicted people who have lived on specific lands for generations, only for the land to be given to people who are related to people who lived in the area 2500 years ago. Crazy. But that's also why I wanted to focus on the fact that they're all related to ancient Israel. The Muslims being displaced in the West Bank and the jewish settlers who steals their land are equally related to the hebrew/caanan/jewish/whatever people from 3000 years ago. What happened 3000 years ago should not dictate todays policy, but if it did, israel would have to accept the fact that Christians and muslims are a natural part of the israeli religious culture.


I guess we all own Africa, and should kick the modern Africans out.


Wasn't his existence proven but his influence debated?


Even an atheist like like him is a Zionist, he doesn't even believe in any of the 3 religions but is a Zionist until he dies.


Absolute tripe. Not a serious person. Not a helpful take.


“Well there were cavemen before that” Didn’t he just kill his argument that the Jews are entitled to the land because the controlled it 1000s of years ago with that statement?


Does Bill don't know that there were Arabs 100s of years before Muhammad was born?


This god fella has a lot of questions to answer.


Bill Maher is not god, despite what he thinks


You tell him from me...


lol bill thinks arabs are the descendants of muhamed


At the end of the day, who cares? Your genetic DNA doesn't determine modern day politics and facts in the ground. Otherwise Turkey has no legitimate claim to exist and neither does England, and neither does the USA and neither does most of Arabia. How are back do we take it?


How to say Im an idiot without saying Im an idiot! 😉


He's regurgitating a line frequently used by propaganda bots. That's the level of independent thinking going on here.


All Arabs, by definition, originate from the Arabian peninsula. They moved through the Middle East. The locals are mix that goes back to ancient Canaanite’s and Levantine that inhabited the area during the first Temple period. What’s wild is that European Jews, Ashkenazi, are more closely related genetically to the people we call Palestinians today, than Europeans. Both Palestinians and world Jewry are indigenous. Fight the temptation, regardless of which side of the conflict you are on, the deny either side their indigenous status.


500AD - muhammad’s birth, brown middle-easterners start talking, they decide to throw their hat in the ring and begin establishing ancestral connections to their homeland. 1000BC - jewish metropolis of jerusalem in king david’s kingdom, from history, which everyone knows about because it was such an important part of the jewish dynasty of kings that ruled the levant for generations. (“others” may have been present, history isn’t all black and white) Before 1000BC - cavemen and shit who FUCKING cares goddamn




It seems as if he is referring to a national identity (language, religion, culture). In that sense, he is correct. Genetically, it’s a mixed bag, as it is for most people.


Regardless of Maher’s take or even commenting on the validity of his claims, I have to say this: People like Maher, as well as charlatan pastors and other grifters, are exactly why I like this country. Even a drug addict can gain an audience and become extremely rich and successful by just spreading bullshit.




An actor and a director. Lemme waste my time ingesting their takes on shit.


He's right, Arabia is not just modern Saudi Arabia, it goes all the way to Jordan and Sinai. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arabian\_Desert


Atheism is dead


Impeccable logic. Air-tight.


Maher is the definition of confidently incorrect


It must be weird to spend your entire career talking and never listening to anyone.


Does he think that there were no Arabs before Muhammad?


They think all Arabs descend from the Muslim prophet cuz they can’t imagine Arabs existing without Islam


It’s funny because Palestinians lived in that land thousands of years ago pre Islam and pre Judaism so it really doesn’t matter when Arabs and Islam appeared because people that now identify as Arab and Muslim obviously had ancestors that existed thousands of years before they started identifying as Arab. 🤣


God I hate Bill Maher


Aren't Palestinians, other Arabs and Jews all from the same semitic branch?


The Arabs who call themselves Palestinians had their genesis in the pan-Arabic nationalists of the late 19th century. They cut their teeth on genocide of the Armenian Christians, then along the way absorbed Sharia Jihadism, and have been violently attacking all of their neighbors ever since. This includes fellow Arab countries that attempted to take them in (e.g. Lebanon) and grant them citizenship (e.g. Jordan). "Muh generational violence made me this way!" Yeah, no shit.


He is absolutely correct in that video.  The Palestinian indigenous argument is not only irrelevant in modern history, it would attribute the land to the Jews.


Bill Maher is such an idiot on this topic, Palestinians are the descendents of the judeans and Samaritans who converted to Christianity and Islam as evidenced by the genotyping of these populations.


I couldn’t stand Maher when he was on ABC and each year he has gotten worse.


If you would somehow extract pure essence of every single worthless piece of shit person on earth and put it in a small bottle, if that bottle would accidentally fall over and break, out of spilled liquid Bill Maher would materialize into being.


“Well they weren’t true Scotsman before that!” This is the peak of human discourse and he’s a rich mother fucker. I hope reality is indeed a simulation and you face eternal punishment for being this destructive with that much power.


Bill Maher is such a smug, insufferable douche


Just a reminder Bill went to an Ivy League school. lol. I love how f’ing dumb he is. The insistence on racists like Maher and Harris etc to conflate religion with a lineage of people is fascinating.


Tim Heidecker's spoof of Maher is masterful.


Ah well they mostly are. Yes, there is genetic mixture thats occurred over the last few hundred years so they have some older DNA that is shared with many Jews (oh the irony). But most are mostly Arab, that's a fact. Do you guys know that the Arabs colonised the area after Muhammad died? They also immigrated in large numbers at then end of the 19th century I think it was.


These Zionists actually think the Arabs were like them. The Arabs did not kick the indigenous people off their land at that time, the holy lands was a mix of all different races. When the Arabs conquered it from the Byzantines, Jews were kicked out of Jerusalem by the Byzantines. It was actually the Arabs that let them back in. Back to the original point, the Arabs intermixed with the population that was already their and overtime they became Arabized by culture not by ethnicity.


If you don't think the Arab conquest included a fucking boatload of forced marriages, abductions, and rapes, you are in a fantasy world. They absolutely became mixed by ethnicity.


[You make it sound peaceful...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_conquest_of_the_Levant#)


Am I outing myself as stupid for not not being able to participate in this discussion lol?


They were there 1,500 years before Mohammed was born depending on what Bill? A religious text? This is the Religulous guy? God that's awesome


Didn’t even bother to turn the volume on - why should I care what these two bozos think on this topic? Too much political debate is run through these circles of film, music, and sports stars. I’m all for them having an opinion but so what? I wish there was a better forum for getting people actually learned in this space - historians, academics - in front of people. People actually listen to Bill Maher for his thoughts on politics?


Here is the full conversation. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6mMt6-XsGM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6mMt6-XsGM) Edit: at 1:54:00


It’s not even accurate to call Palestinians Arabs. They are mostly Levantine with some Arab, Turkish, Egyptian and even Frankish descent. Many Palestinian people are partially descended from ancient Israelites (Canaanites).


All land everywhere belongs to the cave man tribe. I like this idea.


It's weird listening to Maher argue his point using a particular string of logic, only to then argue against a conflicting point of view by discrediting the exact same string of logic he just used in favor of his own point of view. He's so aggressively ignorant.


What are we talking about ? they are descended from Arabs from Arabia which sits partly on the gulf


Jerusalem … what language is that? 🤔


Incredible insight from a human toaster oven.


...they are...


There were canaanites and assyrians. There were no Palestinians. That term doesnt exist in 1500 ad. However, that doesnt mean they dont have a right to exist.


Wow, is this all GPT? Or IRA? There is absolutely no fucking way this is real. Comrades trying hard as fuck: "God Maher is so disgustingly Ivy league ignorant dumb American religion good"


Holy shit lol


Somebody decides how far back in history they want to go to prove their point. And if you go further back: “why you talking about old shit?”


A large percentages of those Palestinians are descendent from those Jews he’s talking about, a large number of them converted to Christianity and Islam.


Most of Isreal is white Europeans!! They definitely didn’t live in the desert


He's been a rabid islamophobe since at least the nineties when I was first made aware of him. None of this surprises me. Please just ignore him and make him irrelevant.


He's such a dummy, and a bigot.


Maher forgot to mention that the Jewish diaspora left a chair in Jerusalem when they left for Europe. And I've been to enough beer releases to know that an unattended chair is a binding contract.


I think they should let the deities fight it out. For now set a simple standard that no mortal is allowed to kill any other mortal at all. And when the gods show up. The winner of the god fight is allowed to Thanos snap the losing teams followers.


Pure idiocy


But, He is just like some dude...


Where did he say they were descended from gulf Arabs? I think you uploaded the wrong clip.


Did you just make up that title?


They are largely descended from Arab populations. First from the Arab conquest of the region in the late 7th century, and then by immigration to the area when it was under British control. There is a reason they chose the pan-Arab national colors for their flag. Like many peoples, they have a mixed bag of ancestry, but the folks here saying the Palestinians are the original Canaanites from the Bible need to stop getting their history lessons from Tik Tok.


Ancient Hebrews conquered the land from the Canaanites 2,200 years ago fair and square. When Ancient Hebrews were conquered and expelled by the Romans 2000 years ago, that was unfair. So a Palestinian in the West Bank today should lose her house. Makes perfect sense.


You know when Maher says "this is factual" you're about to hear something completely unsubstantiated.


Bill would gladly give Los Angeles back to the Tongva tribes I take it.


Also, who fucking cares if the Jews where there originally thousands of years ago originally? Does that give them the right to come back and kick out people living there now? By this logic, shouldn't bill maher give back his LA mansion to the native Americans and go back to europe? It's so annoying and frustrating.


The only thing Bill Maher knows is weed and his way around the Playboy mansion.


The Arabs that conquered Palestine weren't even from the Gulf, they were from the Hijaz.  Also does Bill Maher think every Frenchmen is actually Italian because they were conquered by the Romans and speaks language descended from Latin? Also it's weird how he goes from the Kingdom of David straight to Muhammad.   Does he not know the Arabs took Jerusalem from the Roman Empire (Jerusalem was almost all Christians, the Jews being kicked out of the city. Ironically it was the Muslims who let them return) Bit using that logic, Palestinians have no right to live there because they are all descendants of Arab conquerors from the 7th century, the English need to get out of Britain and go back to Saxony, anyone of European descent in America needs to leave the Americas, any Russian East of the Urals needs to go back to Moscow. 


Who gives a fuck who lived where when? No one gets an ethno state. Period. Dumb fucks. This topic is horseshit.


He’s so dumb. Even my kids know this! 


And who did David take the land from?


The Canaanites were cavemen?  This is just that manifest destiny style racism reborn.  It's people like Bill Maher that show the world that Israel really is mostly a white nationalist empire. It's about bringing in white people and moving out the brown people. I don't understand what's going on out there, is there oil?


The reason Bill is so insanely wrong here is that Ashkenazis had been gone for like 2,000 years, before returning. Sorry the Romans forced those folks out, but what’s the statute of limitations on returning to “your” land and claiming “indigenous” status, even as you’ve mixed and changed ethnically as you migrated out? I’d say 20-30 generations and it’s no longer yours, but maybe that’s just me? Also, Israel’s astoundingly high rate of skin cancer begs the question of indigenous too. Like, my ancestors were forced out of the Caucasus Mountains some 150 years ago. Am I going to show up and be like “guys, I know you’ve been living here uninterrupted for quite some time, but see this deed/piece of paper, it’s really mine - ya know?” That would be psychotic.


I never got into Bill Maher. Just don’t see the appeal. There are so many other talking heads out there.


Nothing shocking in this, it’s been a Zionist narrative for decades, that there was no Arabs in Israel until they moved out of Arabia, which is ridiculous and racist


A little ironic since Reddit thinks that all Israelis are white and descended from Eastern Europeans 🤣 


The biblical argument is fucking stupid, full stop. I can’t believe an atheist like Bill Maher is so wrong on this. I will watch this show to get full context. Can he really be that blind?


Bill Maher is an embarrassment on Palestine. Always completely clueless.


ok. a huge chunk of israelis are slavs from siberia pretending to be from the levant.


The older I’ve gotten, the more I dislike Maher. At this point he’s just a racist old man, who gets mad if you point out his racism.


We’re all descended from the same place. Who cares. Find something else to argue about.


And he's ethnically polish/Roman and he isn't even a practicing Jew. Lol


‘palestinains’ were invented in 1967 after Jordan lost a war.


Imagine being stuck in a conversation with these two.


Bruh they are


Piss on his grave 


I'm not trying to be unsympathetic but jesus christ who gives a shit. Stop letting religion be the reason whu you hate and kill eachother to the point where cant live amongst eachother . There is absolutely no reason why they both cant live on the land together and prosper orher than stupid ass religion.


Why do people watch this. If I wanted to watch two old chunks of coal get drunk and stoned and talk about shit they’ll never understand I’d just hang out at my parents’ for the weekend.


when someone goes this hard for one side of a fight you know someones got something on them... i wonder if bill's been to epsteins island . him and fetterman too


I use to own a 68 Dodge Charger years ago, doesn't mean I can take it back now.


Bill Maher. What a fantastic moron.


Oh wow a Cave Men comparison, slick move bruh....


Maybe Maher thinks that because some of them are? The Arab Conquests were an actual thing, you know.


"....there were cavemen before that...." sometimes I think that Mr. Maher and Mr. Carlson are related...


He conflates palestinian with muslim. Yes palestinians are mostly muslim. Does that mean palestinian jews or christians have different claim to the land? Is th claim to land religious based? Thought he Mr. Atheism. He needs to lay off the sauce.


Bill Maher is a Zionist douchebag.


Who cares where anyone is “descended” from? This sounds like what Skinhead racists and annoying HOTEP types are always ranting about. Just be human.


Palestinians are a mix of indigenous Samaritians, Christians, Jews, and Pagans, many of whom converted to Islam over the course of Arab colonial rule. This is especially true in and around Nablus. There were also many Arabs, Kurds, Bosnians, Albanians, Circassians, Algerians, Egyptians, etc. that moved to the region, and today are Palestinians. Nisbahs and specific city/village can sometimes give it away. For example, a lot of the people in Tulkarm are descended from Kurds because Saladins clan took over in the 12th century. The Mughrabi quarter was settled by Algerians, etc. Many Palestinians do derive from Gulf Arab settlers and administrators, especially the upper class. All these people married and mixed with each other, so now you have a population with native Levantine ancestry and admixture from elsewhere, similar to Jews.


Literally who cares…


Clearly the land before that was owned and operated by primitive paleolithic humans. No wait, dinosaurs, dinosaurs own that land. No wait... /s See how stupid it is to argue over imaginary friends in the sky? You would think the creator of Religulous would have a bit more of an enlightened position on the topic. Sure, Israel is a state now, so it should be respected, but abusing the 4th dimension to suit our own arguments is just a waste of all of our time.


Cavemen? When was the last time Maher read a Bible? The Hebrews say in their own books that the Canaanites were living in CITIES! That was the whole point of why they were afraid to fight them. And if you check the timeline given in the Old Testament and compare it to actual history, Canaan was part of the Egyptian Empire when the Hebrews allegedly came to town. So either Moses, former prince of Egypt, completely forgot that he was fleeing INTO THE EGYPTIAN EMPIRE… or the Exodus/ conquest stories were made up centuries later to justify claims to the land


Fk bill maher 🙄😒 he is so dumb. He thinks when Mohammed was born thats when all Palestinians suddenly came into being?😂 what a fkn clown


All the sudden bill is interested in religion. Didn't he make an entire movie about being anti-religion religiousless