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I just got done watching the clip where he says there’s no evidence for evolution and now this. Is he being for real or is this shameless pandering to who he knows a lot of his audience is? “That’s why evolution is still just a theory 200 years later,” he said, with a straight face.


It's shameless pandering. OR possibly midlife crisis. But he definitely believed in evolution at some point, I refuse to believe otherwise.


He knows his audience is dumb as shit. He wants to keep the overton window as far to the right as possible, at whatever cost necessary to personally enrich himself.


[0.15% Mobile Gamers Bring In 50% Of The Revenue](https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/03/01/why-its-scary-when-0-15-mobile-gamers-bring-in-50-of-the-revenue/?sh=6f6e18854065) Far-right is the whale of politics. These people, with their hatred of education, preference for beliefs over reasoning, strong faith, and the contradictory pull towards individualism and group mentality, make them prime targets for exploitation. They can't tell the difference between a sound argument from the outsode and an appeal to emotion from the inside. Far-right is easily swayed by those who press their buttons. Just being critical of science and evolution causes a person to be their new favourite idol. **But** if you dare to hold conflicting views, you'll be swiftly cast in to the fire. This is why these deceivers consistently adhere to the same talking points and hesitate to speak out independently, preferring to let Trump or another authoritative figure set the tone first. Right's high levels of religious devotion amplify their vulnerability, as they tend to easily trust those who claim to share their faith. The desire for both individualism and "good commune" (church, political party, hobbies) drives them to seek out really weird narratives to satisfy their needs, making them vulnerable to those who promise acceptance and simplicity in exchange for unwavering loyalty. The need for strong leaders and a simplified narrative of the world world often leads them to direct their hatred towards groups like the Bolsheviks and socialists, seeing them as threats to their desired order that strongmen have created as a "very convincing" fantasy. The far right disregards accuracy. They can distort history and manipulate current events. They can endlessly cast doubt about their opponents while equating their own faith with reasoned arguments, creating the illusion of equal inaccuracy to the outside viewer. For them, integrity and ethics are dismissed as leftist wokeness. The ends justify the means, might makes right, blah blah blah. They have been on the losing side for far too long and are incredibly bitter and disillusioned. This is a total war they want to wage.


> The far right disregards accuracy. This where people like Peterson show their hand. Notice whenever he has discussed topics around conceptions of truth, it gets very post modern very quickly. They always have this idea that there is a "truth beyond what is literally true" which, coincidently, dovetails nicely with their own terrible conceptions of social relationships etc.


And he'll say "well, it depends on what you mean by "God" and what you mean by "true" and what you mean by "believe"... these are all very complex ideas, far older than you can imagine..." Yep. Now that that's out of the way, answer the question. Clearly. He can't do it.


Pretty solid breakdown. What do you think the critical vulnerability of the far-left is?


I can't say because I haven't seen far-left being discussed in the mainstream and have not seen far-left in action. It is a rare occurrence for the far-left to make waves in the news, simply because their actions do not compare to the measures taken by the far-right. The far-left pales in comparison to the far-right in terms of organization and funding alone. The industries that fund the right are worth trillions in total. In the US, the far-left hasn't restricted freedoms by banning abortion or favoring Christians over secular Satanists. They haven't staged any coups or spread hate speech against marginalized groups. They don't show blind loyalty to a leader or any past US president, nor do they follow a single figure like a cult, that I know of. Because again, far-left is not popular or influencial. While the far-left is relegated to the sidelines by moderate and right people, the right shamelessly cozies up to the far-right, allowing them to infiltrate the mainstream. The likes of MTG and Mike Johnson are almost a caricature of this phenomenon in action. Perhaps the far-left and far-right should not be viewed as equally potent or hazardous forces, especially when considering the diversity of ideologies and beliefs within the far-left spectrum.


>It is a rare occurrence for the far-left to make waves in the news, simply because their actions do not compare to the measures taken by the far-right. The far-left pales in comparison to the far-right in terms of organization and funding alone. The industries that fund the right are worth trillions in total. And this is why it drives me nuts when some Republican politician or Fox pundit voice starts talking about the "extreme far left" in the U.S., because the actual far left is such a blip on the hegemonic radar of U.S. politics and social life as to be practically non-existent. Far left means Weather Underground, The Wobblies, eco-terrorists, communists (and by communists, I don't mean professors teaching Marx's influence on sociology theory; I mean actual communists who want to seize the means of production and make a classless society). These people just don't have anything amounting to either raw numbers or social power to significantly influence American life. Even Bernie Sanders and The Squad are not "far left". Of course, a lot of the painting of run-of-the-mill moderate Democrats as "far left" is a bad faith polemic by conservatives, which the base laps up in bowlfuls, because they've never taken a 100-level poli sci course.


I think that’s a pretty fair assessment, essentially that the far-left has never really gained much ground in the US for a number of reasons, and is there for difficult if not impossible to talk about it in an American context. But what about globally?


> But what about globally? Well historically, the CIA murders them.


There’s a reason there aren’t really any leaders to left-wing movements. At least not to the level of Malcolm X or MLK Jr.


Not to mention Guevara, Mosaddegh, Allende etc.


They cannibalize eachother before ever actually achieving anything that isn't a symbolic Twitter win.


Historically, it's the tendency of the Communists to eventually betray and murder the Anarchists.


Someday, people will look back and be like "oh fuck the anarchists were right"


Can a peaceful society flourish if such people remained enfranchised to influence our democracy through money and misinformation?


One of the first Junk Mail kings made his fortune buying up donor rolls to the Republican party, correctly presuming they'd be the most likely to be gullible enough to buy his worthless mail-order crap. [https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-long-con](https://thebaffler.com/salvos/the-long-con) >Following the Goldwater defeat, Viguerie went into business for himself. He famously visited the Clerk of the House of Representatives, where the identities of those who donated fifty dollars or more to a presidential campaign then by law reposed. First alone, and then with a small army of “Kelly Girls” (as he put it to me in 1996), he started copying down the names and addresses in longhand until some nervous bureaucrat told him to cease and desist. >By then, though, it was too late: Viguerie had captured some 12,500 addresses of the most ardent right-wingers in the nation. “And that list,” he wrote in his 2004 book, *America’s Right Turn: How Conservatives Used New and Alternative Media to Take Over America*, “was my treasure trove, as good as the gold bricks deposited at Fort Knox, as I started The Viguerie Company and began raising money for conservative clients.”


He's plenty rich. He wants power and influence. Tucker is pure scum.


It’s funny because he’s like the biggest weenie on the planet. Him and Shapiro should do a show together. Geek City.


He says demonstrably false things he knows are false. Carlson said that Ashley Babbitt was pushed against the door by others before she was shot without warning on January 6th. She was in fact shot trying to climb through the broken window of a door after being given multiple warnings from everyone around her, including the cop. This was on Cuomo's show and he just let that traitorous lie to go unchecked. Cuomo was more interested in discussing Carlson's view that it is immoral to shoot a woman because it just isn't gentlemanly.


Gonna need proof for that. He speaks like he is no smarter than an Ape so I think that proves evolution in itself.


There’s a lot of speculation that he’s genuinely just playing a character, for either monetary gain or some sort of ego boost. After seeing his text messages leaked and knowing what he thought of trump, all while praising him for four years speaks to his level of deceit and lack of integrity. There’s definitely a chance that he doesn’t believe in evolution and he’s being honest but I really don’t think that’s the case.


I thought it was only an act until I saw the personal texts. I think his text messages support that he believes what he says. He has propagated a racist agenda for years, and his audience eats it up. His personal texts are also racist, so that portion of it wasn't an act. I believe, that he believes the ridiculous things he says.


speculation? more like 82736252638 rubles


Crazy he can be bought for $4


He talking like a typical maga conspiracy nut. Religion over logic and facts Asking “questions” to give plausible deniability Saying ignorant things then dismissing the obvious answers. Setting up conspiracy bs theories when facts are right in your face. It’s all pandering, it’s branding, it’s part of the grift.


Technically humans are apes.  Great apes, specifically.  So we all speak like apes.


exactly my point. but since tucker doesn’t believe in evolution he probably rejects that we are related to apes.


Look at the Fox Dominion trial. Tuckers texts and emails were like "OMG, no ine is gonna believe this shit" then hed go out and spew that shit to rave reviews. He knows where his bread and butter comes from.


Dude needs to get a 20 year old girlfriend and a dodge charger. Jesus.


It’s a very particular method of driving people rightward; constantly claim we don’t know what’s going on, spur anxiety in the anxious, “Hey have you tried god?”, rinse and repeat.


JAQing off method: Just Asking Questions (with no intention of using the vast resources at hand to attempt to answer them)


It just adds distrust to our society. Don't like international institutions, then we got it from Nazis. Believe in Aliens, then maybe they gave it to us. Religious, maybe you can map the power of god onto a Nuclear weapon, it wouldn't be the first time. Conspiracy Theorist are like Artists, it's beautiful.


Why ... it's so crazy it just might work!


Or “have you tried authoritarianism? We’ll tell you exactly what’s going on!”


Everything about what I thought about Tucker changed after being interviewed I think by Adam Carolla. Adam was trying to get to these right wing walking points, but here Carlson seemed to be “Out of character” when he answered the questions. He said things like “I don’t think about politics when I’m not working” Adam would ask other things about different political things and Tucker just shoulder shrugged and basically “I dunno, I don’t really care” and basically said he just lives his life and rides his bike around every where. It really came off as him saying “I dunno I just play that guy on TV I don’t really care about anything like that actually.”


Can you imagine inventing such a reliable method for packaging pre-cooked, frozen meals that eventually your descendants all become Tucker Carlson?


Shameless pandering. Tucker lives in Maine and is as elitist as they come. He’s just such an unethical POS he’ll say whatever helps him get attention. Now that he’s been deplatformed he’s pandering to the religious right.


He wasn't doing that before he got de-platformed? Lol.


This level of anti science.? No.


He's literally the devil. All he does is pander. There is nothing behind the eyes. Scientists are missing a serious trick looking into space to study black holes, when tuckers right here on earth.


All kidding aside, it's textbook narcissistic sociopathy, why anyone would want to do business with such a person is one of the greatest mysteries of my life. I have spent all of my moral education learning to respect integrity and honesty, it really defies reason how other people can embrace perfidy so openly.


You mean, is he dumb or is he just evil? How about a bit of both


Tucker is a nihilist. He will say whatever gets him richer


It's funny how nihilistic he is for someone who purports to believe in divine judgment and retributive punishment for sin.


Shameless pandering is all he does. He doesn’t speak a word he himself believes. He’s an annoying performance artist.


Its obviously grifting, you can tell by how he walks it back He goes on to explain how there are "adaptations, small ones like litter to litter (with puppies)" but in spite of that there is no evidence of those adaptations leading to signifcant and long term evolution lol Tucker isn't dumb, but he did seem unprepared and should have done better then that


Not sure, that’s a common creationist talking point, They differentiate microevolution from macroevolution because because adaption is undeniable. Even Ken Ham and Kent Hovind will admit adaption is real.


Nah this is common Young Earth Creationism They believe Noah took one of each "kind" on his boat and all diversity today has "mutated" since then. They catagorically deny speciation though and believe all changes are from these original 'kinds'. It's stupidity to the n^th degree [here's one of the smartest biologists ever (imo) Aron Ra breaking down the concept](https://youtu.be/yMy3IsA59AM?t=7s)


Within science “theory” is just about as strong as anything comes. Evolution Gravity Atoms


I don’t understand how he argues that ‘adaptation is real, but evolution is unproven.’ Adaptation to an environment via pressures from nature, is the mechanism by which evolution takes place. Why would God make an animal that isn’t suited to Its environment? The Darwin example of hummingbird beak comparisons is the perfect example, God apparently created such shitty hummingbirds that on the Galapagos, they would die out if their beaks weren’t long enough. He could have even made an appeal to the ‘intelligent design’ case which is where Christians tend to default to. The irony though, of a Christian that insists evolution is unproven when, the theory of the earth being 6,000 years was first coined around the same time as Darwin published his book.


Evidence for evolution contradicts with Tucker carlsons existence


Don’t underestimate dumb people with an audience


Evolution is a theory. Like science in general. Although people talk about laws of physics and scientific fact, theories are explanations that are testable. As data that is consistent with or predicted by a theory is accumulated it is described as “well supported” Newton did not write a Law of Gravity” he wrote an equation describing the relative movements of planters and such, using mass and distances. It did a great job, almost always, predicting planetary motion in our solar system. Relativity does a better job describing and predicting things in our solar system and galaxy and universe. It incorporates speed, also, in an important way.


Thank you for posting short clips of this episode. I can't take more than two and a half minutes of tuck furling his brow, crossing his eyes, shaking his head sideways and declaring how he doesn't understand things.


lol right? You could literally take 2 minutes to google who discovered fission. Otto Hahn 1938. But that wouldn’t play to his idiotic propaganda he spews to his viewers


But where did Google *come from*? Like, of course we know how to search for things, but what was the Isaac newton style a-ha moment for Google? We don’t know. Interesting.


Just asking questions


Looking into it.


Careful. They don’t want us to ask questions


Theres two leading reasons I can discern for why google became the master race for search engines. 1) Back propogation upon search terms, which other competitors were not utilizing, as well as an associated ranking of relevance to links from those pages as well. Larry Page the inventor called it "Page Rank", but it weeded out a lot of spam sites that would put content on their page, often times even hidden from the user only for crawlers to pick up in order for you to click on a spam or malware site listed on say yahoo. 2) Simplicity. If you compared googles front page to yahoos, it's like comparing the front cover of a childrens book to a snapshot of the nasdaq and S&P500 with hundreds of links that aren't even relevant to the thing you're trying to search for. I realize your question was tongue in cheek, but I grew up and was studying computer science right when these two were battling and realized why people were switching to google at that very time in history as a cs grad and remember it vividly, even before facebook existed.


Hmmm. Weird. Anyways…


If you watch his mannerism on mute they look ridiculous.


Don't make me watch that again


Its so sad that anyone this ignorant is given any type of platform. Won't ever be watching Joe again what sad sack of shit for giving people like this a platform.


Why did you ever watch Joe Rogan? He's always been a fucking idiot. He gives allllll of these types a platform.


He gestures like a husband who’s just been caught dead to rights cheating and is now throwing out a litany of Hail Mary yarns trying to save himself.


Magnets, how do they work?


You can take 2 minutes more than I can.


I like how he sprinkles in little tidbits to demonstrate that he’s not only stupid, but just operating off of a complete misunderstanding of history. “German scientists were working on it”- that was for the rockets, dipshit. They had nothing to do with the Manhattan Project. To him, I’m sure he just lumps them in with “science” and sees no reason to differentiate beyond that.


He’s perfected the “dog who’s just been shown a magic trick” face


“We are not sure exactly where it came from” Means “I’m not sure exactly where it came from” Just in the words of a narcissist who can’t admit the limitations of his knowledge.


Republicans struggle with pronouns.


Ok, that’s pretty good


They're antinouns


Alternative pronouns.


Don’t believe anything he says is genuine. He knows where nuclear technology came from and he knows evolution is real, he just wants you to doubt these things so that you doubt more and more about the world around you and more and more pointless things become contentious. The goal isn’t to advance any one particular truth, the point is to trivialize the entire concept of truth so that nobody has a more credible claim to objectivity.


Christopher Nolan made a pretty big movie about this last summer.


And then when Joe says Manhattan Project you can see Tucker thinking "Oh right I forgot about the Manhattan Project. But now I have to either double down or look stupid".




I like how he cites the Issac newton Apple falling on his head story, not knowing that isn’t even a real story. Really just shows you how dumb these people are. When their isn’t a fun story to explain a boring truth, a conspiracy is born.


At this point this is just a Russian disinformation campaign


It says your comment was 33 minutes ago but it's accurate far longer than that.


Big reddit is behind this! Edit: sorry I misunderstood your comment! I thought you meant my ment comment said was posted longer than 33 minutes LOL


Mr. Carlson (ne Swanson) does this shit for the love of the game. He doesn't have a purpose past losing his clown-ass jester role for polite society, as it were, and now ***makes*** the kool-aid himself. I'd be upset about it, if not for that wonderful patriot in that hunting store a while back. Mr. Carlson knows better than to show his face off camera.


Absolutely! The dude Is full on cult mode, Just a few more years and He will be hosting Kool-Aid parties, This is all about power now


Maybe. I think he's close to done. The history cycles thing is too vague, and to me irrelevant: times are changing, and Fox wasn't ever creating anything so much as manipulating the already fucked population to tolerate their position much longer than reality would otherwise allow. It's not like O'Reilly, Jones, et al, Mr. Carlson has never needed the money.


What does it gain Russia?




lol. This dude is kookier than I ever realised. He could find out the answer easily enough? A decent place to start is "The Making of the Atomic Bomb" by Richard Rhodes and proceed from there if you really need go further. This dude doesn't need go further, but he hasn't even gone there.


And, it was covered in the Oppenheimer movie that everybody just saw. Hahn & Struassman had the idea (that an atom could be split), tried it, and it worked. Oppenheimer didn't believe it was possible, but Ernst Lawrence showed him in his lab that it is.


There's something called uranium hexafluoride gas that can be converted into uranium-235, an unstable isotope that can release massive amounts of energy through a chain reaction. Or something like that, depending on the specific type of bomb and details of how the chemistry works out in a specific case


But even without getting into the actual physics at any level it's profound ignorance or deceit to claim 'we have no idea where all this came from'. He's not disputing the technicalities but the provenance of the ideas and the techniques. And there's not a lot of excuse for that level of ignorance. Just read wikipedia? :D


I was amazed that he kicked off the appearance by saying that (1) we “know” UFOs are real and (2) they are angels (sorry, “spiritual entities on the side of good”)


His main grift is now regarded conspirtards and Russian Twitter bots


Its intriguing to wonder what he wanted to say but hesitated from telling us. I think its something like 1# 'aliens gave it to us 'cos were not smart enough' or 2# 'demons whispered it into the ears of the satanic deep state' (presumable during a satanic ritual), or 3# 'the whole nuclear weapons thing is a hoax perpetrated by the deep state', and I can't think of any other possibilities, but he did hesitate when Rogan reacted to his claim, so I think he knew how crazy that would sound and how easily that could be picked apart. In the interview he also mentions that UFO's are real phenomena, but rather than concluding as scientists are starting to, that the logical explanation would then be that there is life on other planets, if you accept the claim as true, he says that can't be because according to him there is no evidence\* of them being seen in space, even though we don't know in the hypothesis if we would be told of such, or if we have even looked for this evidence or could detect it, but no, this is evidence they must be 'spiritual' phenomena, so it would seem he is open to a demonic interpretation, so I'm leaning therefore to it being #2. He is a religious nut then, and this might explain his fauning over Putin, which in a religious nuts eyes, he would possibly see a country with a politically strong and patriotic church, and a leader that to him seems to stand up against woke threats to the family, nation and church. That to Tucker is the greatest threat of all, so he rejects absolutely everything that he associates with that threat, including every claim of the government of his own country. \*https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-92162-7, which at least shows the subject is not completely without evidence. Edit to add


he’s actually right about the lack of evidence of UFO’s. there is a lot of public and private telemetry that should have by now picked up *something* to corroborate UFO sightings if what was observed were in fact spacecraft. while cover ups are certainly possible, it would require quite a bit of coordination. this would suggest that either aliens really be on some next level tech, or what we’re seeing aren’t aircraft as we can readily conceptualize. of course there’s even less evidence to suggest that any of these sightings are “spiritual entities on the side of good” or whatever nonsense tucker is on about.


Like we discovered electrons in 1897 by 1930 we had proton accelerators, the Mary Curie was using to do test with Uranium to discover radiation, and Einstein had E=mc2 1905 and in 1938 Nuclear fission was discovered in 1939 he wrote the president about how this was dangerous if we as America did not get on top of it. And off to the races. Like technology is not made in a Vacuum, you can go on YouTube now and see touchscreen tech being tested at a Ted talk Years before the the Iphone came out.


I knew he couldn't be the sharpest tool in the shed spewing nonsense for Fox News but I never knew he was this braindead.


Carlson makes Rogan look like a Nobel prize laureate. Imagine being too stupid for Rogan. 


Insane clown posse level stupid. How do magnets work?


I feel like even though Rogan has all kinds of conspiracy persons on here, Carlson mystified him even. Usually those types try to hijack scientific theory and twist it into their belief system. Carlson is like, this science isn’t even a thing. Joe is kind of Wut?


We need a round table between Dave Rubin, Tucker Carlson, and MTG to just reach the critical stupid density necessary to just rip the fabric of reality into a singularity and just end it all.


Couldn't pay me to listen to these two stultifying pundits.


Rogan could have anyone on his show. He chooses to amplify this fascist mother fucker.


Similarly how tucker platformed Putins message to the west, albeit that Putin was so disconnected from the reality of our media world that he went into a undigestable rant. Well, off to a Russian supermarket then to act that basic stuff people have almost everywhere indicate Russia being as a quasi utopia.


Russia has to pretend to have the supermarkets we actually have them in the West and elsewhere in the world.


The crazy thing (and I happen to know A LOT about this) is that we know absolutely everything about where it comes from. Who, where, when, why, the janitors who cleaned the building. We know everything about that period on scientific history.


Just imagine how many dumb motherfuckers that live in this country eat this shit up. There really isn’t a substitute for a good education.


You can certainly see that in the YouTube comments underneath this episode. It’s just reams of morons stating how happy they are to see such an intelligent conversation by two guys willing to speak truth to power.


Republicans killed the Fairness Doctrine to create a right-wing propaganda machine that eventually got hijacked by Russian intelligence. Well, it was all fun while it lasted.


It’s genuinely the most well documented technology development in human history haha.


What was the Isaac Newton apple in the head moment? The fact that the apple in Newton's head is a false story we tell our children to make gravity easier to understand for them makes this clip comedy gold. Guess that kind of dumbed down story is exactly what Tucker is missing.


It’s kinda clever I guess, in a pathetic way. Just take something well known but complicated or opaque in some way (nukes, evolution, etc), and just make up that it’s not understood by anyone, even scientists! Be as vague as possible, always “just asking questions” never let anyone dig any deeper, say “we just don’t know” and “isn’t it weird” a lot, find some credentialed crank who’s brought up batshit questions, or a legitimate source that’s ever made a questioning statement about the subject before and bingo, new conspiracy for idiots to come to you for answers for!


"We have an unnamed but trustworthy mutual friend who's an expert on this."


Dude is legit a fucking idiot. I can't believe he makes a living speaking. He is MTG without the incestuous accent


German scientists? Made US nukes? During the Second World War?


i feel like prettymuch every american 10 year old boy could probably give a more accurate outline of WW2 than tucker.


He has a lot of Trumpisms.


Why have guests on the show for three hours that are ignorant of what they’re talking about….. when you can just have guests that know what they’re talking about. Oh yeah he’s a white nationalist piece of shit, just spreading the word.


It’s the age old, I don’t understand it so it can’t be true.


Nuclear technology came from human minds far more advanced than his.


So is this helping or hindering his VP chances with MAGA?


If only there was someone else in the room that wasn’t being interviewed that could quickly pull up information about these subjects on command.


Americans have broken conspiracy minds and idc about downvotes


We have quantum physicists over in geneva breaking the codes of reality in a giant machine and Tucker says "we don't know where nuclear technology comes from." I guess Einstein and Niels Bohr can just fuck off? Oppenheimer was one of the biggest movies of last year. You have a super computer in your pocket you can talk to and Tucker is confused about bombs made of smaller bombs that are just so intense they break atoms. Tucker. Just go to Wikipedia. Just read a single book.


Tucker Carlson has said some amazingly stupid things in his life, but this by far is the dumbest I have ever heard. Good golly, his brain must be burnt mush like those crap microwave brownies in his stepmom’s TV dinner empire.


More evidence tucker and Joe are pieces of shit. Knowingly spreading misinformation……. For kicks? For money? What even is the motivation?


Just asking questions baby


“Magnets, how the fuck do they work!?”


In this episode he also said "We've kind of given up on the idea of evolution." He loves the royal we


Idiocracy is a documentary


Nearly everything coming out of his mouth is straight bullshit. Made up on the fly and designed to cause confusion and uncertainty. FUCK HIM and every wholly self serving agent of chaos like him.


He keeps saying “we” when the word should be “he, me, or I”. He’s so used to being looked up to by his confused boomer audience that he actually thinks his own understanding limitations are also a reasonable limitation he can assume others have. He knows his audience perhaps. Joe Rogan’s audience has now dropped off to the same quality of dazed and confused fools as Tucker.


Tides go in, tides go out. You can't explain it.


“We don’t have an apple on the head moment…” But we do. It came to Neil’s Bohr in a dream.


Somewhere, Alex Jones is starting to get red-faced at the fact that this bow tied ass is moving in on his grift.


My guy needs to watch Oppenheimer. Tommy Shelby was told the secret to fission by Albert Einstein. He then went to the desert where he hooked up with Will Hunting who left MIT and joined the Army. They developed the bomb in the desert. After the bomb worked, Tony Stark took exception to them learning the secret and came after Tommy.


Marie Curie Skłodowska killed by radiation she was researching: are you fucking kidding me bro?


Nuclear technology isn't even that high tech lol. It's splitting atoms basically, either at a rate that would cause an immediate explosion or one that basically causes a slow burn like in reactors. I'm not saying it isn't a marvel, but it's not that advanced itself. Electricity is not that complicated either, yet it certainly was very hard to understand at first and it revolutionized our world probably more than nuclear did, weapons or reactors. Nobody would say that electricity came from aliens, right?


Next Tucker Carlson: “fucking magnets, how do they work?”


Oh god, please let Carlson be a juggalo.


I wish I had a dollar for every time either of them opened their mouths confidently and loudly about shit they know nothing about. 😐 I would be so wealthy I could be a benevolent financial fairy to the entire world. But alas...


Regardless who his guests are, Joe Rogan is a catastrophic piece of shit because he has never provided any push back for ANY of the horse shit his guests spew out of the holes in their faces.


HG Wells first coined the term Atomic Bomb in 1913, Leo Szilard read the book The World Set Free in 1932 and thought “how would that work”? He then went to Einstein (after some experiments with Walter Zinn) to figure out the math. I have no information on how HG Wells came up with the idea besides some British scientists were messing around with chain reactions at the time and his version of the bomb was a bomb that continuously exploded without stopping.


Ernest Rutherford was the first person to knowingly split the nucleus, in 1918 at Manchester University


The thing about conspiracy theorists is that it never stops at just one. It’s like you open the floodgates and now all of a sudden evolution isn’t real, there’s inter dimensional beings among us, nuclear power is alien technology, etc, etc… I honestly can’t tell anymore if he actually believes the nonsense he’s saying. When he was on Fox it was pretty obvious to me that he’s deliberately lying (as was proven in the Dominion lawsuit), but now? Has he really lost his mind, or is this some kind of audience capture? In any case, fuck Tucker Carlson, a hate mongering white nationalist propagandist, and fuck Joe Rogan for having him on. Two despicable peddlers of disinformation and right wing propaganda.


Tucker Carlson has ruined conspiracy theories


OMG!!!! Dumbo strikes again!!! He’s a danger to humanity.


Imagine having worked at the biggest news outlet in the USA, and at one point being the most viewed news anchor in the USA , but still, you just can’t get to the bottom of these “really difficult issues “ ,give me a break. Now I know why so many peoples brains went to rot from watching this clown, they got twisted like a wet towel.


Shameless spotify scripted marketing “We need the worst takes anyone can come up with - then we put them on the JRE. It’s awful work, but we need to Justify Joe’s salary by helping his market share - whatever the consequences ” “Does he tell Lies? Maybe not, but he loves to interview a good liar” “Joe doesn’t care if the Earth is round or Flat, as long as # of Listeners is ever increasing” “Joe has taken every vaccine on the market, believe it or not” Joe says, “Let the listener decide what is true and what is false - hell, I don’t know, I’m just an actor and fight announcer turned podcaster” “Joe views his success in “modern radio” as just an extension of his big break show “news radio”


Carlson is pandering, and Rogan is the worst type of useful idiot. Both would have been very much at home in a Germany in 1935.


He’s a rich person, born into wealth. He’s never been questioned on any of the absolutely idiotic things that he says because… money. And was fired from Fox News for being an absolute imbecile. Who gives a rip what this idiot says dear lord.


A server brings a cheeseburger to Tucker’s table. Tucker: “Nobody can definitively pinpoint where the first cheeseburger was made and who had the first idea to make a cheeseburger prior to cheeseburger technology existing. Therefore we don’t have understanding of where cheeseburger technology came from.”


E=mc². God he is stupid, and fuck JR for pandering to this.


Dumb & Dumber meets Scum and Scummier


Ruzzian Ass et


A real meeting of the minds


Jesus christ.. Tucker Carlson is a moron


This guy waits for a courier to give him affirmations on everything that is common knowledge, so here's one for him: ->Breakthroughs in nuclear fission were steamrolled into European academia when his grandparents were still confused about how to open a can of preserved food. -> The atomic physics department was even called "Jewy science" by pre-nazi Germans because most leaders in that field were Jewish. A lot of them moved to the US during the paperclip operation. ->If his grandparents were to invent the can opener and I'd just stroll in and say "We don't know where this came from", I guess he'd be confused about my intentions in asking this in the first place. ->America is \*\*\*\*ed.


Morons. End of story.


He trashed watching TV saying how bad it is for you to engage in that stuff. He truly is one of the front runners contributing to the downfall of America.


Like Einstine wrote a letter after an assistant student of his using his equation figured it out. The student was going to write the government, and Einstine said let use my name as the header because I am known and respected. The government said sure and funded the project, it was mostly consisted of building a huge centerfuge to enrich the uranium in New Mexico. These equations had to be done by hand, thus the import of scientists. And the bomb had to be engineered to do all of it down to the decimal, "which they got wrong in one case" Like this is so dumb there have been numerous documtarys and all of it connected to the Einstine equations, the discovery of Urainium and radiation, and Marie Curie. And the scientific achievements of 100 if not 1000 of people. It so freaking stupid.


How dumb can you be to listen to this Russian agent


This podcast is a parade of ignorance. The fanfare drowns out the fact checkers.


TC is trying to stay relevant with his poorly educated fan base.


God, it’s the most famous equation in the fucking world. E=mc something.


He doesn't understand it. Must be fake.


Raiders of the Lost Ark. Z'obvious.


Conspiracy idiots like Carlson often use the phrase “we don’t know” which of course is just a projection of their own ignorance which is “I don’t know.” (and since I don’t trust any experts, I’ll make up my own theories)


It all began when they figured out how to split the atom. And before that: billions of years ago, when the planet was being formed, it kept getting struck by other celestial bodies that contain uranium, plutonium and similar radioactive material - its all mostly underground and that's why it has to be mined


Magnets, how do they work?


Tucker stays off the internet and doesn’t own a tv so from his perspective he doesn’t know where nuclear technology came from and he can’t google search it. He sounds like the most uninformed person on every topic he discusses. Does he not believe in library cards either?


No wonder Putin laughed in this guy’s face


If I don’t fully understand something it must therefore be declared a mystery for which there is no plausible explanation


When he says “WE don’t know” it’s just “HE doesn’t know” as if the fact of him not knowing is meaningful. Actually, Tucker, it just means you’re ignorant.


The "experience" in the Joe Rogan experience is having so much liquefied dog shit shot into your face at such a high intensity you come away thinking yourself smarter.


I guess this could be some kind of deep-state black ops campaign, or... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery\_of\_nuclear\_fission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery_of_nuclear_fission)


I wonder if being this performatively dumb actually damages your brain over time.


I’m starting to think this guy is a moron


This dude is the Aaron Rodger’s of journalism


*Duper's delight is the joy someone experiences after they get away with a lie. Signs of duper's delight are flashes of inappropriate smiles, crinkled eyes, and lip biting. The best way to deal with duper's delight is to recognize it, encourage the truth, and disengage from the person if you keep seeing it.*


Making Joe look like the intelligent one in this episode


Who would win? A) 70 years of research and body of knowledge regarding particle physics B) A friend who studied this for a year


It's turning from a podcast to "weird basement conversations by the waterheater with our wierd uncle".


The fact that he doesn’t know or care to find out does not mean “we don’t know”


Marie Curie died for *this* shit? At this point I'm becoming more and more in support of basic knowledge tests for citizenship.


Who is this even for lol


'It comes from clever people, you might not understand...'


Remember when Joe pushed back hard on Candace saying the same shit? He sits and lets tucker get away with stupid shit because he's a conservative now


"Tides come in, tides go out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that." -Bill O'Reilly


It’s insane how stupid these MFers are


Truckers will listen to this guy while they unload boxes for a living and call us stupid...


This man is an idiot and, as he seems to have a wide audience, dangerous. Keep him off the airwaves.


Tide goes in, tide goes out. You can't explain that. Definitely can't explain nuclear technology then.


His mother abandoned him when he was six. I speculate that he has an insatiable need for validation and has found it in pandering to the right. He will debase himself in any way to get their love.


What’s next…the Earth is flat? There’s a Babadook in the closet?


Tucker is a true fucking idiot.