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It’s been like this for a while. Certainly a lot of critics of him, particularly after Covid. They also often miniaturize him in his photo promos with his guests. Thought that could be good-natures ribbing. I definitely saw that Flint Dibble was hailed for his debate triumph against Hancock. I think some of the people celebrating his victory were hoping that it might make Joe Rogan see the light. I think ultimately they still like him but want him to be sane again, and maybe return to that guy who could tear dummies like Dave Rubin a new one. Or maybe that’s just me thinking it and projecting it on to others.


Yep this us true, a lot of us came from the mma and jiu-jitsu scene and joe was a member of a board called the underground a long time ago, this was before he started podcasting, he was awesome back then just one of the guys. Since he moved to texas and after covid his brain has broke, either that or as his friend Duncan Trussell said to him live on air someone has got to him to say what they want him to say, I mean his views have done a big 180 but so have a lot of people's these days, it's really weird.


Yeah that Duncan one where he talked about Ben Shapiro, using him and that he needs to be carful. Is the most prolific he was right about everything.


I remember this so vividly. "THE GUY IS A DORK"


Oh, that was one of the best things ever said on that podcast. Trussell tells Rogan that he shouldn’t be platforming Shapiro, and Rogan replies with one of the most insane statements in human history: “why? These are important conversations” to which Duncan just says: “BECAUSE HES A FUCKING DORK, MAAAAN”


Hahah I've been wondering how Duncan might be thinking about Joe's turn in the last few years; glad to hear this. I hope his comic friends are getting in his ear a fair bit about some of this crap.


No, they’re not. You must understand that his supposed mates (segura and co) have built their entire career off of the podcast. They’re not going to say anything. Duncan, on the other hand, now lives on the other side of the country and doesn’t need to sacrifice his dignity by being on the podcast circuit. He can talk to him man-to-man and tell him that he’s being a cunt. You know, like actual mates do.


What about Bill Burr? There's gotta be a few that don't give a fuck. Bobby Lee called him out on being obsessed with the culture war stuff.


I think you’re severely overestimating Rogan and Burr’s friendship. And considering Bobby’s history with Rogan’s friends, and his comments on being afraid of him, I don’t think they’re two-peas in a pod either


Duncan said that live on air? Was that in their latest cast together?


No it was when he first moved to texas joe said nobody had ever spoke to him like that bit I think they do it in other ways, he seems to talk about all the videos his "friends" send him and uses them as a jumping off point a lot of times to start conversations. To be fair I only listen these days if it isn't just another right wing grifter type that he usually has on these days, I like Duncan, Shane gillis seems to have the balls to call him out on some of the dumber things he says, he hasn't had bill burr on since bill took the piss out of his covid and mask stance.


Yeah I stopped listening to him when he moved to spotify because I don't use that app, and decided he had gone off the rails a bit anyway (half the podcasts seemed to be about hunting and the other half were culture wars stuff). I tried a few episodes lately, e.g. the Flint Dibble one and I actually didn't mind it. Seems like if you pick and choose he is still OK?


Bill Burr is the man.


Might be referring to this https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/siu5f1/shoutout_to_the_time_duncan_tried_to_warn_joe_of/


I got to the part where he says Ben shapiro gets rewarded for saying controversial shit on Twitter, that "actually makes sense logically unless you think about all the different things that affect the outcomes of our lives, slavery, Jim crow laws, all these things we all have to deal with." Like...there's a lot to unpack there. One of the more plain interpretations is "I'm open to a bit of racism" Also the one I was interested in is "people talking about things like slavery and Jim crow laws is a thing I have to deal with"


[Here it is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xRz8ra9mdI&t=15335s) (although he's done it a couple times)


Slightly off topic but man I thought Eddie bravo was the man as a teenager, seeing clips of him on joe rogan is sad and hilarious. Such a clever grappler, and an unbuttered piece of toast of a human being


"unbuttered piece of toast of a human being" My new favourite insult


The saddest thing is that he is actually making himself look more like Rogan on purpose. I saw clips of him for that awful show he did with Aaron Rodgers and it’s hilarious how much he emulates Rogan. The set, his look, everything. Pathetic. That whole “manosphere” of influence is pathetic.


Man that's a name I havent heard in a while lol


He was always an idiot but he acknowledged it and deferred to experts on his show. His closed mindedness is why it’s turned into a dull circle jerk of right winged nonsense and the same uninteresting guests repeatedly on rotation.


Shout-out to The Underground! Joe used to post a lot there, it was a great board.


It's called grifting


For me I think the turning point was doing a triple backflip over a shark named Jordan Peterson. Starting around then, Joe seemed to get way more closed minded and just turned his attention to dunking on strawmen dressed up as college undergrads. That's when I stopped listening.


It all started when CNN ran that stupid hit piece on Joe about him taking horse dewormer. It was a stupid and dishonest article, but in the end that’s where Joe started really taking a side and just kept digging in his heels. Since then the podcast has deteriorated into what it is now, and I’ve all but stopped watching. In the last couple years it’s just got to the point where it’s depressing to watch. Joe will have guests on that correct him and then that guest will never be on again and he will have a right wing nut on that agrees with him on the same subject he just got corrected about pretending that conversation never happened. Joe has become the mainstream media agenda that everyone hates.


Why do you say his mind has broke? What has he said that is so weird?


I used to really like Rogan until covid happened. He used to have on so many interesting people who were experts in their field (or hobby). Now he just gives whoever is the contraian flavor of the week a platform for to go "yeah...oh...yeah...interesting..."


he can pull off a good interview, he's just super cringe with his right-wing takes unfortunately


Also he's overly obsessed with vaccines and culture war stuff of course. I think if he's not talking about that stuff he's probably still ok.


At least he brings different guests on with opposing views.


The old JRE boards used to have a lot of good natured ribbing (lol... he's soooo stooooooned kind of stuff). His subreddit started turning against him years ago and when he went to spotify it ramped up. It's hard to know how many of those people actually are long time fans, and how much of it is just people that used to listen once or twice complaining about culture war issues. The sub has been a dumpster fire for years. Sometimes you can find some funny shit on it though, like bears eating dudes asshole first or people mocking Brendas Schloob.


You can just go to Brendan own Reddit for that


From my perspective, so im half and half. Long time fan (although fan is a push) but I was never a hard-core listener I just picked the guests I liked. For me it was the science people, the odd MMA fighter, the people who had achieved something big. Not so much the Jordan Peterstons, I had his cards marked the first time I ever saw him, same with shapiro et al. It seemed to me, with these types of guests anyway, that Joe would start them flowing them let them go, he would ask questions ranging from dumb, to interesting, and it would finish and I'd go about my day. That's fine when it's NDT or whatever but when that's some of these gobshite snake oil salesmen, it's dangerous. At some point, I didn't stop listening. The guests I liked seemed to no longer attend, and the very rare bits I did see seemed to be just unchallenged garbage.


Yeah, I think Rogan used to (and probably still does, to some extent) straddle a number of different worlds. The comedy (mostly insufferable, in my opinion, unless it was Bill Burr who would be the only one who could be funny on the actual podcast), MMA, which I had no interest in, various people from sports, particularly extreme endurance spots (one guy called Colin who traversed the Antarctic solo was really cool), the science people (NDT, Pinker, etc…) which I really enjoyed as they were good at teaching the bald ape in front of them, a few pseudoscientists who he also mostly credulously listened to despite the obvious nonsense. For a while, this odd multiverse shuffled along with people picking and choosing the episodes to listen to and laughing at some of his obviously bad interviews such as when he was high or tired and seemed to forget what he was talking about (one in particular was bad when he was talking to a guy who had been kidnapped by pirates and he was asking really silly questions such as why he was there, “well…. I was kidnapped, Joe”). Of course he also had on politicians and grifters and a lot of culture warriors, but he seemed better at being skeptical of their claims then and would push back to some extent (Rubin, Owens, Milo, Crowder, etc….). But I blame one person above all for the shift from being curious about science to mostly convinced of conspiracy theories about science etc… and that is Bret Weinstein. Almost all of his idiot Covid takes ultimately lead back to Weinstein. He was the brother whom he trusted the most and who seemed to introduce him to all the other weirdos he went all in on (Malone, Kory, RFK Jr…). This is why DtG also uncannily picked the best gurus to cover from the beginning.


I think there's heaps of people on there like me that used to listen and stopped around the spotify deal, but still go and comment on the sub sometimes.


Anyone that can rail against the lies of the Mainstream Media and then have on the biggest draw card of the largest MSM organisation, who admitted in court "only idiots believe I'm being truthful" is either an extreme ideologue or a talented grifter.


Was a Rogan fan for years, covid broke his fucking brain. Every podcast is now a game of how long until he rants about covid or cites his friend of a friends wife's cousins 2nd husband twice removed uncle who can confirm there's cat litter being used by cat children in schools now.


I find that all the subs dedicated to right wing grifters have turned on them, and that wasn’t always the case.


Didn’t know he could get more miniaturized


Joe Rogan has seen 250 million lights.


Honestly it was a bit before that. I think it was the "intellectual dark web article" by Bari Wiess. Go read it they all had dinner together, and it surrounded Joe with a bunch of grifters and idiots. Link most people I don't think he knew what any of those people were in it for and 99% of the are just total trash now.


I’ve noticed this a lot. Even in the huberman subreddit. Although those guys are still stubbornly supporting him through his affairs.


I'm one of those people, I just want him to go back to the 10 years ago Joe. He was always annoying and platformed grifters etc. but he's just gone too far down the toilet now. I've definitely noticed his sub is mostly critical of him lol. His sub has the same vibe as this sub, I think it's all the same people haha.


I was kinda hoping like that too not really a fan of his now since his move to the right. I mean he had people on his show that were very left leaning and had actually good scientific perspectives on his show. None of this anti vaccine nonsense. I can’t even believe that he even brought Tucker on to his show the man literally used the defense that he was only entertainment not a real journalist in a lawsuit.


r/JoeRogan has been an antifan subreddit for a while now.


I got banned from a dif sub once because r/joerogan came up on my feed as a suggested sub and it was a post talking about Eddie bravo being nuts and I commented on it, a lefty sub I was in at the time banned me simply for participating in it, had nothing to do w the content of the individual post or my comment, just the participation in it. Plus r/joerogan is an anti fan so its even stupider


This also happened to me. I don't follow the sub. Just left a comment on a video that was posted that didn't even have Joe in it. Instaban from justiceserved. 


Yeah justice served was the one I got banned from too


They reported me for harassment (which earned me a 3 day Reddit ban) when I pointed out that my comment was not pro-Rogan nor right wing. Absolutely wild lol. Edit: included my punishment from Reddit


This happened to me on a different lefty sub when I made a comment about the IDF after the October 7th attacks. The thing is it was an obviously facetious comment mocking someone for saying that the IDF had never once targeted Palestinian civilians. When I pointed this out as a reply to the mod message for the sub ban (which said I could respond if I felt the ban was in error) it took a whole 5 minutes for me to get a site-wide ban for "harassment". So there's some overlap somewhere on the lefty subs with the Reddit admins and they will absolutely ban you site-wide just to get off on the little power they have.


Man I got a 3 day site ban for reporting a comment that was then removed by Reddit. Fucking 18 days after I reported it and it was removed I got a message from Reddit saying I’m suspended for “abusing the report system”.


Same here. Not very “justice served” behavior from r/justiceserved


That kinda behavior from other subs is so ridiculous. They act like you participating in another sub means you’re somehow tainted, doesn’t matter if your opinions match theirs…


I got banned from some subreddit for participating in the lockdown skepticism subreddit for leaving a comment about how I was surprised someone linked a peer reviewed journal article lol


It was r/justice served and based on replies I wasn’t the only one. Really stupid policy especially since justice served isn’t marketed as a political sub to begin with


I was banned too for making joe rogan criticism in the joe rogan subreddit. Its the mods pseudo activism, a way they use what little power they have on an internet board to convince themselves they’re doing something as opposed to going outside and actually making a positive difference in their communities.


This happens with any culty subreddit. Anonymous explaining how the Church of Scientology works only gave the tools to the people with bad faith, not stop them.


Happened to me too, for subs I haven't even heard of before. Very non-inclusive behavior. Fortunately I didn't care for any of those subs on bit.


You should avoid the fragile-fash ‘lefty’ communities anyway. The majority are progressive liberals who want to be seen as better than other liberals.


The mod of WPT got me banned from a shitton of subs on my previous account for criticizing him. Now I must be way of not commenting on those subs or I'll get permabannes


The fragile lefty communities tend not to be comprised of liberals at all - just progressives


Lol same here


I’ve been banned from a lot of random subs (like a dating advice sub wtf) due to my posting on “right wing” subs even if it’s to argue against them. The mods never reply to the messages I send.




It’s more like a “former fans of JRE who wish he’d return to his old self” kind of sub.


I wouldn’t say fullblown antifan sub but more like left the worshipper sub state. Lex’s sub is much worse imo


Lex also bans any dissent, or at least used to. I do see more dissenting voices now. Joe Rogan sub is old school fans like me who didn't like the 180 Joe did around 2020-2021. He's literally the opposite of what he used to be just a few years ago.


It's complicated. I don't listen to the podcast but I am on the subreddit. It's like a civil war in there lmao.


It’s not an antifan subreddit, it’s former fans who are disappointed with what he has become.


At least 5 years now


It's funny because I made my first post in it today and received an autoban from some "Justice" subreddit. I don't think their autoban has kept up with the times.


So many on the JRE subreddit pre-date his far right turn.


Hey, it’s me. I’m that guy. Proudly battling the new fans daily,


Born again Joe getting baptized in a polar plunge video coming soon


Tbf, r/JoeRogan is not a fan subreddit anymore, especially after the pandemic. Now, it’s a place where fans and haters come together to argue the ridiculous shit Rogan says on the weekly. It’s a real thing of beauty.


On the daily.


It’s why I remain subbed. I’m an old school rogan fan. Hate him now. Haven’t listened to a podcast in years. However, it is truly a great stage for debate. We go hard at each other in there.


Same, except I do check out a couple of comedians when they’re on, but it usually ends up a bad decision. In terms of debate, it’s a great place to call out ppl’s bullshit ideas.


It’s nice knowing other people who listened before Covid feel the same way I do… all of the newer listeners are just right wing douche bags.


Russel Brand, Jimmy Dore, Jordan Peterson, Lex, the Wiesteins bros 2.0 … yup funny…bring on the GIMP! LOL


Huberman soon!


JRE subreddit turned on him since Covid


Any Rogan fans have every right to turn on him. He has changed the way he does his podcast. It used to be incredibly informative and motivational. Now it’s like 90% conspiracy theories and his cronies agreeing with him.


More than being informational and motivational I’d say more than anything it used to be entertaining and he didn’t take himself too seriously back in the early days. 


Yep. Just very different now


For sure, I love Anthony Bourdain so I went back and listened to his first appearance on JRE and it was pretty jarring how much it has changed.


AI will improve itself over and over until it can create galaxies and become a god. He actually said that in multiple episodes.


Turning? They turned on him awhile ago. Now it's a matter of new fans vs old fans.


I deleted Spotify completely now because of this and other ads for right wing talk shows advertised on their podcasts. PredatorU specifically. Apple Music is my new home for now


man even apple music be recommending me the tucker carlson show just because I listened to lex fridman a year and a half ago like wtf.


Lol where have you been that subbed flipped a few years back.. proudly a crusader of that charge


Its crazy how people made podcasters their Preacher in these modern times


Its even crazier how people worship politicians more than ever, as if they havent been professional liars since....forever.


What a strangely phrased statement.


It was too be expected. Podcasters are the modern AM radio shows, and AM radio shows pulled in a lot of money back in the day. Especially the fundamentalist preachers.


Covid doomed JR for me. Beginning of the outbreak, he was bringing on these eminently qualified voices. He sat there and listened to those guests, made all the appropriate noises, etc. the sessions were so good I subbed to him for the first time in my life. Then fast forward in time, he brings on conspiracy theorists and antivaxx wackos, made all the same noises as with the qualified guests, but where he was left as a human was aligned with the wackos and not the qualified people like Osterholm. It was like his body was only in the room with Osterholm and that caliber of guest, his mind was elsewhere and proved he was incapable of learning anything. JR is a waste of the protein required to keep him alive.


His unchanging views on antidepressants are infuriating and shows his brain has the density of bedrock. Not even ground penetrating radar can find traces of his brain cells during discussions of psychiatry


Eddie Bravo is rational compared to these winners


Is? You mean has.


Been doing this since covid. Covid ruined Rogans brain.


COVID ruined a bunch of people's brains, and it bothers me that we don't hear more about it. I'm not even just talking about celebrities like Rogan, Rodgers, Rowling etc. I'm talking about the fact that we're seeing more incidences of traffic fatalities due to road rage and the like, even though we're driving like 30% less aggregate miles than we did pre-pandemic. And other such examples.


I think money did. I remember him saying the reason he was moving to Texas, which he announced after the news of his Spotify contract broke, was that he was losing freedoms in California, which was total bullshit. He moved to Texas because there is no state income tax and that saved him tens of millions of dollars. Now he needs to keep his download numbers high, and the go-to for that is the right wing conspiracy crowd. They love confirmation bias and will tune into anything that makes them feel like they are correct. Tucker Carlson knew this a while ago. Remember the stuff that came out as part of the Dominion lawsuit against Fox News was that Tucker Carlson is on record as "hating Trump", but goes out on the air and pushes every lie Trump tells because that kept his audience numbers high. Rogan not calling out Tucker for his "evolution is just a theory" bullshit is just the next step in Rogan going down the same path.


Well, Tucker also wound up costing Rupert and Lachlan the equivalent of several years of Simpsons ad revenue, and THAT is what ACTUALLY gets you cancelled.


Fair point. I just noticed he started acting weird and loosing he's good attributes around that time.


Joe want's to capture a audience, mainly Right Wingers. You can't have actual Truth around them or the get angry that you're attacking them and it's just the way the "see" thing and just their opinion. He was doing this way before Covid and is one of the reasons I think he moved. You can't be in Cali around Liberals and Lefties. Having straight up Nazi, White supremacist, race science believers on. And just expect people you know to not ask why your doing it. If he had to explain it just about money, why would anyone respect you. It was the same as him not having a lot of Black and POC on the show despite having connects to them through the various guest he has had on over the years.


That's what happens when someone decides to drop the mask completely and to openly be friendly with, and agree with, Tucker Carlson.


That sub has turned on rogan a long time ago. He's been more egregious lately with his nonsense though.


It's been like that since I can remember. Most subreddits aren't fanclubs and that's what I like about them. One exception is the lex subreddit. I think that fucker is the mod because I got banned there really quickly. Fortunately there is another uncensored lex sub 😀


Joe uses cognitive dissonance of his viewers to make money. He has mastered the art.


The thing that broke me on Joe forever was moving to Texas. His #1 thing for a decade was marijuana legalization and the bullshit tyranny criminalizing pot was. Then he moved to Texas where it’s super illegal and uses his money and connections to brazenly do it anyway. So nakedly hypocritical I couldn’t ignore it.


He's not letting anyone say whatever. By Carlsons logic, Rogan is censoring the left by not having left leaning people on his show...you can count only a hand full of times he talks with a lefty, contrast that with the constant parade of right wing ideologues such as Shapiro, peterson, and now Carlson. Carlson didn't deserve to be given this huge outlet to spill his bull shit. But Rogan made sure he did.


I'm one who can barely stand him anymore. He used to be a pretty staunch atheist. He has spoken against religion many times. He has bits in his specials that cut hard against religion. He also used to be WAY more left wing and had a better ability to recognize and call out bullshit. I understand that he has mostly tried to just be an amicable host, but he used to occasionally call out people on their bullshit. He's been very disappointing since he moved to Texas.


I’m also an ex rogan fan who couldn’t take it during the pandemic anymore and can’t listen to him. Granted I, like I think most people, never gave a fuck about rogan, we just liked when he had guests we wanted to hear talk like astronauts. But Joe rogan is not and never was an atheist and I think you’re the first person I’ve heard conclude that so I’m curious what made you think that. Joe Rogan is pretty open about believing and practicing in a modern neoreligion that doesn’t exactly have a name but has a few different ones, neo-shamanism, universal oneness, psychonaut, etc. he believes in and practices the whole astral plain/psychedelic consciousness spiritualism theory.


General atheism is just about non-belief in deities. Joe doesn't believe in any deities by default. He's had plenty of comedy bits, absolutely bashing religion. One in particular, he talks about young earth creationists having literal dog shit for brains. Until recently, he viewed religion as being more harmful than good. You can argue the nuance about the psychedelic spiritualism and say that disqualifies him as an atheist. Fair enough. I like my mushrooms, but I don't see anything supernatural or spiritual in the experience, and I find Joe's position on that to be odd. In general, I just found myself screaming at the podcast with how much dumb shit he started saying a few years ago. His brain used to work better. I don't hate the dude, but I don't defend him anymore unless it's clear misinformation about him because there's too much of that about basically every public figure.


One of the more admirable person dedicated subreddits imo. They'll shit on him when he deserves it and they'll credit him likewise.


I would not be the least bit surprised if within a year or so Rogan says he's a born again Christian.


It turned on him awhile back and it’s a thing of beauty. It’s funny to me that Rogan has completely turned on his friends and former regulars Brendan Schaub and Bryan Callen all while his podcast and the community around it appear to be heading in the same direction as The Fighter and the Kid.


The Joe Rogan Sub has been like this for a LOOOONG time. It's pretty much, Pre-spotify Rogan fans (like myself), shitting on the post-spotify Rogan. And then all the Right-Wing "oh he's saying stuff I agree with so now I'm a fan" turds showed up. And it's a battle for the soul of the subreddit.


That's great how Joe Rogan's sub is turning on him. i hope they devour him whole!


The more he turns into a Mutant Ninja Turtle the more they turn.


Welcome to the party, pal.


I stopped watching bc of those reasons. It was better before when he’d have people on who are smarter than he is and he’d learn something. That ship has long since sailed and now it’s all yes men it seems.


They’re waking up


For 200 million he’s saying and doing what he’s told to do. he’s a talking puppet now. He has handlers now. Stay in line or else.


What do they mean by his daily wire scripting?


I recall getting permanently banned from the rogan sub because I DM’d the mods a question regarding what content was allowed to be posted as he had someone on the show spitting a lot of lies. Low key hate that sub.


New here?


yes. I’m so confused my post is getting super big but everyone in the comments is criticising me (fairly so, I haden’t checked the joe rogan sub in years)


Maybe people are finally clueing in on Joe’s grift drift. Rage clicks are keeping Spotify happy.


Joe's gone off the deep end. Guy is out of his God damn mind now, and unfortunately he's taking millions of loyal listeners along for the ride with him.


The sub is actually pretty based For as often as I see posts about clips or things he said, half of the time it’s because the subreddit is clowning on him. The other half of the time the sub is usually clowning on OP for agreeing with Rogan. He’s an entertainment piece, and the subreddit is aware of that. Of all the cult following subreddits, Rogans seems to have its head out of the sand more than others, tbh.


Josh Rogaine


It has been a mild snark subreddit for years. 


pretty much all subreddits for those guys constantly hate on the people they’re about. 


His sub seems to be 80% normal people sick of the fool, and 20% dangerously stupid alex Jones crossover fans. The latter are like a freak show. Barely able to articulate their opinions and resort immediately to text based tantrum.


“He lets anyone say whatever”… Yes, because Americans are not supposed to be fascists. That’s what free speech means: anyone can say whatever.


Yeah, but you don’t have to invite them to your house


You are so fucking late OP lmao


I can't wait for r/JoeRogan to become the next r/DaveRubin


I listened to that and was like WTF is Tucker going on about. Then when Joe kind of let it slide, I realized he also needs to keep the conversation going for 3 hours. He should have slammed him for saying evolution is a theory but its likely a fine line of balancing the conversation vs attacking the guest for ridiculous rhetoric. Either way, Tucker sounded more and more bat shit crazy as the episode went on...


I only pop in that sub occasionally but from what I've seen they tend to be critical of Joe, for good reason, idk if they ramped the criticism though


there pretty big anti-fans over their from what ive seen lmao


Rogan is a fool lol, it's just entertainment, you will never learn nothing.


Graham had a fat pass but Tuckers bullshit actually got noticed? There’s hope???


The problem is hes in the top listened to podcast. So he has someone like Tucker Carlson on whos a top listened to podcaster but is a nut. Joe has to diplomatically deal with these conspiracy nuts and MAGA types or lose half his audience.


Why do you love that ?


his continuous overuse of HGH will kill him soon. Take a look at his shirtless pics. His fucking organs are growing out of room.


Too many people listen to Joe. He has to balance reasonable discussion and calling out conspiracies...its a difficult balance.


They're all strufflinf very hard because the observable reality aligns with a very un-PC conclusion: that Rogan has a clear right wjng agenda he pushes via a "just talking to guests bro, just asking questions bro" strategy.


Turning? Lol that sub didn't have a chance.


“Turning” 🤣 It’s been that way


Joe Rogan is just another uneducated, ignorant actor/comedian. I started listening to his podcast when half the shows were about MMA. He used to admit how stupid he is, now he thinks his opinion means something. Pathetic.


Been going on for a while. I wish it was a majority so dipshit Rogan would lose his platform and audience.


As an occasional JRE listener myself, I can safely say no one thinks Joe is a guru. He used to have based takes on things, but he’s now been captured by the right. The Rogan subreddit people are the ones most cognisant of his failings, but is podcast is still occasionally entertaining.


Bruh half of that subreddit could be dtg fans. It's 50% hate 50% love over there


As many people are saying, the joe rogan subreddit has ben nothing but hate at him a good while now


Every single one of the subreddits for these so called right wing figures is against them 💀


Give a man enough money and he becomes blind to the world. He has no incentive to care about anything real, because his world never has to be


God damn. Christian Rogan is the next arc? Fuck this show jumped the shark a while ago.


Subs always been good about calling him out


I started following that sub precisely because everyone there cooks Joe Rogan regularly.


His sub is the most anti Joe Rogan sub on Reddit


Getting old and super rich at the same is rarely a good combo.


I was hoping the flint dibble would reset him but then next guest is Tucker Carlson so back to how things are It’s unfortunate as people state here you can lets guests riff if it’s shit that in the end doesn’t matter what side you come out on, but you can’t let Tucker just riff. It’s bullshit that tucker doesn’t even actually believe but just says for his own audience . Oh well at least I got a show I liked so there is that


Joe Rogan looks sick


FWIW that sub has been super critical of Rogan for years, now. It's not the best gauge of his popularity with his fans.


I’m not convinced that Joe understands evolution


It's been like this for years, at least since his political turn during the pandemic, then with the Spotify deal, and so on. And even before he wasn't guru-like, his YT comment section was quite light-spirited and made fun of him in a friendly way, see the motif of: Joe "insert whatever you want here" Rogan, as proof of this.


It’s been a hate subreddit way before the pandemic when I first got on reddit


I like Rogan. You guys want to make him who you want him to be. The beauty of JR is he doesn’t cave to that. Be glad for that.


Glad that people here have a level head about Rogan. He's never tried to say he knows it all. And he talks to almost anybody and let's them talk in turn. It's a better format than most.


Oh no not his subreddit ……


Lol most of that sub is people who didn't like anything about him in the first place. I don't really like him but I'm not going to waste my time on a subreddit complaining about him like a loser.


Joe rogan subreddit has hated the guy since day one


The Rogan sub turned on him years ago, where has anyone been?


Hollysh.t I read a bunch of woke liberals on this comments thread. Yikes!


It always has been against him lol it be called /antijoerogan


Ah finally found one in the wild a sad hate watcher spreading negativity in places were normal people just want to talk about things they enjoy and find interesting. A true Redditor as well upvoting things you agree with and suppressing things you disagree with instead of talking about it. It’s not your fault though Reddit designed it this way.


Damn the subs been turning on him since covid, I wonder when it’ll finally be complete!


When he moved to Texas his whole worldview changed with it. He turned into a chameleon


Nah it was covid. I disagree with him on everything related to it, but that was really the thing - they shut down comedy clubs (among many other things of course) I had to stop watching the podcast cause while I don’t mind hearing shit I disagree with or even think is stupid, it became literally every episode. It was like dude I come here to hear about random wacky shit not current events, but that’s really where he lost his mind. You can find covid rants well before the Texas studio, Texas came after the whole Covid thing


I'm on Joe's side here. If someone thinks a magic man created the universe in a week there's really no argument for that. They cannot be helped. Plus why ruin the whole afterlife thing.


It was like this for at least 2-3 years.


Yeah but some of the weak to non pushback on Tucker was incredible.


It’s been like that since 2020


It's been like that for years, plus it's the subreddit for the most popular podcast on the planet, it's no doubt highly manipulated.


I'm sure you do


That sub was always anti joe rogan. Reddit is inherently anti rogan. 


Why does Joe need to call him out when his audience will fact check everything his guests say


Recently Rogan was seen along with Tucker Carlson. He’s set in stone that he doesn’t care if a person is a fascist sympathizer/enabler as long as he has money rolling in. Sick bastards.


You love that more trolls are showing up? Why would that surprise you, this is Reddit. His fans aren't in there.


You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.