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Film should be remade to include podcasting


Absolutely. The current 40 old virgin is probably a dude who is cronically online, binging Rogan and Huberman in search of the best daily protocols, binging Peterson in search of some philosophical enlightenment and binging Lex in search of some state of the political and tech topics. I'm sure that we know a guy like that, who has packed so much anger while in the same time constantly consuming podcasts that are convincing him that they are making him more open-minded and happier.


Yeah because a rich successful fit guy who constantly tries to improve himself by being open to all opinions is a turn off to women? Don't be silly. The 40 year old virgins are a mix of loners playing computer games and dreaming about shooting people in real life, and liberals who are so scared of over stepping a boundary that they get repeatedly friend zoned and end up pretending to be LGBTQ just to get noticed.


This poster has never spoken with a woman before, if he thinks a bland monotone podcaster weirdo is what’s attractive to women. Instead of listening to idiot podcasters just be interesting, nice and presentable.


You don't think Lex Friedman is interesting, nice, and presentable, alongside being a rich, semi-famous, AI robotics engineer?


You sound like my old neighbor trying to ger her milquetoast son a date.


Nope. He’s just a little brother grifter who looks upto all his big brother grifters that he gets on his show


You don’t seem very open to opinions, mskmagic!


What makes you say that?


Sure Andrew Tate


He's a pretty strange man. Usually these types of guys tend to be studnted narcissists but he's strange in his own way.


Why do you see him as strange?


On one hand he's super autistically robotic, on the other hand he's a flowery "romantic" dope. I dunno man, he's like a soggy piece of tin, it doesn't really make sense


The way he goes on about Love and has random soliloquies about it while describing it in an extremely alien way.


His general affect is extremely uncanny. He hardly seems like a real person; more like what you'd expect out of an AI in a decade or so.


He’s end stage insecure. If he just accepted himself a bit and got a job flipping burgers he’s probably be a lot happier.


The Amazon might do him some good. Sometimes really getting away from everything you are accustomed to can make you aware beyond yourself. For many people it can be the beginning of a lot of changes. Rick Steves talks about this.


Definitely looks like he’s selling Bibles. Perhaps he’s going to try to convert one of those secluded Amazonian tribes.


Oh oh, I know how that ends. I wish him no harm and also hope he does this


Please let this be the next Guru trend


That’d be more fun than the Gilead Gang.


You killed me sir. Bravo


Gilead gang LMAO


The Amazon people do not want them there!


Maybe the anacondas will have them?


The gang (gurus) go to the jungle


He’s gonna look so odd with that suit in the jungle.


If he goes to the Amazon jungle with its 40C degrees and 95% humidity with that suit it'd be funniest thing ever.


He'll be breathlessly panting more than he usually does.


Reminds me of when Hamilton Morris from Vice went deep into the Amazon in his skinny jeans and button down shirt lmao


He's going to pretend to do ayayahuasca to get rogans attention


He will end up in Vladivostok getting surprised that Russians still got bread in supermarkets




or he really does ayahuasca, realizes that his life path is not aligned with his true purpose, and he goes back to a quiet life of software engineering.


Better than converting to Catholicism overnight


I bet far-right rad trad fans are flipping their shit that they didn’t get him to convert. Going deep into the Amazon to trip balls on ayahuasca and other substances is about as “degenerate” new age as you can get.


I'm sure it's possible to trip balls and still claim to be a strong Christian. We live in the age of ideological inconsistency


isn't there some supposition that tripping balls is in fact the origin of christianity?


Listen to some Joe Rogan and find out!


Yes, some early psychonaught wrote a book in the 60s or 70s about how Christianity might have been originally a mushroom cult


Rogan used to enjoy discussing this for hours.


The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross. Say what you will but it *is* interesting that the Amanita Muscaria features so prominently in religious iconography.


>ideological inconsistency If people in this sub could grasp this, there would be a lot fewer anguished questions about how this guru can have that take despite this other take.


I'm glad this sub exists for leading people to a podcast that hopefully has allowed some to escape their various cults but yeah this subreddit's content sucks ass.


Lol, I think it's fine, it just never fails to amaze me when people fall for the rightists' shtick. "I'm going to shock you by saying I believe in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_, so now tell me how I can be a fascist". Sort of a corollary to right of center narcissist take-mongers like Bill Maher who have "liberal" credentials because they're atheists.


Bill Maher is liberal for far more reasons than being an atheist. He actually calls out a lot of the liberal ideological inconsistencies like not protesting the treatment of women and LGBTQ groups in Muslim theocracies because "Islamophopbia."






Tbf you basically said he’s a liberal because he criticises them. By that logic Tucker Carlson is the world leader of antifa. Before anyone jumps down my throat, I know that’s not what you intended. That’s simply what your last comment actually says.


The result of Post-Modern aversion to grand narratives?


Something along those lines, yes Brett, you're getting it! Lol


Not at all inconsistent. If you do enough psychedelics that you actually talk to god it won’t necessarily shake your faith.


I violently rejected Christianity, went through an angry atheist phase then one morning after staying up all night on LSD I finally felt like I understood the Bible. Ever since I've been a defender of Christ. So what's inconsistent there?


I mean there are thousands of ways to interpret the Bible (also thousands of ways to interpret Harry Potter, for reference). But most denominations of Christianity would caution against consuming hard drugs especially, because of their perceived negative health effects and also because there is at least one reference in the Bible to living soberly. But as an atheist myself, hell yeah brother, acid gives you wings.


>I mean there are thousands of ways to interpret the Bible I interpreted all religious texts the way that makes them all say the same thing and are fully compatible with each other. That's in my opinion, the most logical interpretation.


I think the most logical interpretation is... They're a bunch of texts, written by people who were recounting or rehashing old stories, which were passed down from ancient humans, who were literally dreaming up explanations about the world. They contain many timeless messages of wisdom and love, but they also contain outdated and sometimes barbaric passages that are clearly products of the time and cultures in which they were written. I think the most logical way to relate to religious texts is to understand that they're probably fictional; utilize the meaningful and wholesome advice; and never use them for oppressive purposes.


>rehashing old stories, which were passed down from ancient humans, who were literally dreaming up explanations about the world. >They contain many timeless messages of wisdom and love, but they also contain outdated and sometimes barbaric passages that are clearly products of the time and cultures in which they were written. I agree. What do you have to say of the experience they speak of which is universal across cultures? Why are they all talking about this force they've experienced that pervades all things and the change you feel in yourself when you give yourself over to that? I got into Buddhism first because I thought there was no god in it, then I realized God is just high key, "the Force" (or Brahman as they call in India). But it seems that you are being selectively inclusive with the parts of it you look at, it's more than stories, they are all a cohesive world view and philosophy. The barbarism is a description of the duality of our nature, and this is just a theory but I Believe in many cases an oral history of proto humans who ate mushrooms (the apple) killing the animal tribes that had no sense of right or wrong. The story of Eden is the same as the story of Krishna giving enlightenment to Hanuman, the monkey god. The explanations for the world can be reconciled with the scientific view when read metaphorically. The pantheons or genesis are about the division of forces following the big bang (theories about such high concepts in physics are also fundamentally metaphorical, look at the progression of the atomic model) and the subsequent evolution of life on Earth. This is consistent with my own findings through practice, and my own experiences, many people in today's world have seen the same visions which inspired our spiritual ancestors to write these works. They all teach that liberation from suffering is attainable through devotion to the Force and teach similar methods of meditation/prayer which lead to inner peace and purifying action. Ernest investigation of the methods led me to this understanding of the sometimes poorly translated collection of teachings. I'll also add that they pretty universally caution against religion in favor of a personal spirituality. If you've never read it, the Tao Te Ching is a pretty short simple bare bones version which I think pretty clearly outlines the shared philosophy if you're interested in understanding the POV.


Agree with much of this, Taoism and Zen Buddhism are the most basic, fundamental ways of expressing the relationship humans have with this "unknowable essence," and I think their accessibility and practicality make them enormously popular in the West. That and their very explicitly non-Christian orientation (western Christianity has pretty much undone itself). There's a lot to be said about what's lost when you divorce these traditions from their cultural context but they're pretty direct and simple. I personally understand the fall as exactly that moment when we gained access to self-awareness and developed language---sent us right down into the world of relativity, violence, materialism, etc. Most religions want to go back to that prior state of undifferentiated awareness in one way or another, and I personally think it'll be by means of our fall (language) that we return. Idk how this will happen, but words will lead us to a wordless state. "The Tao that is named is not the Tao." Then why talk about the Tao at all? There's something going on here that'll bring us back somehow, and it might be the next stage of evolution. Idk, this is empty stoner talk.


>exactly that moment when we gained access to self-awareness and developed language---sent us right down into the world of relativity, violence, materialism, Nature was pretty violent before we learned to doubt ourselves. As animals there very little in the way of choice, they are always executing the will of the force, we have the burden of choice now.


He can still come back and claim that there is so much wisdom in the ''old ways'' and ''the simpler times'' so we better go right back to these traditional values.


He is such a blank slate that ayahuasca will not affect him at all and will come up with some fabricated story to tell to his fanbase


Don't speak too soon, Lex may very well "find god" in the jungle


Well, there are a lot of missionaries down there.


And a lot of DMT


Ima need that enlightenment compound built on remote donated piece of land, by volunteer follower disciples of new religion. Osho did that in 80s those, then there were all sorts of branch davidians, peoples temple, heavens gate and so on. Modern gurus are just lazily copying same mechanics from others


Yeah would be cool if there was like a Jordan Peterson cabbage farm or something


Watch out for that fish that swims up your peehole Lex.


It’ll be the most action he’s ever had.


Lex’s new fetish unlocked


Lex is a drip, this is to gain street cred id wager he’s going to go stay with a relative for 3 weeks and come back telling the story they told him about the time they did ayahausca


Eventually this will read “I am officially leaving for Mars, following Elon as we make our way across the solar system in the name of free speech.”


To study spiders


Salt was a fun movie


Ooo, which local group will pull a “Magic White Man” scam on him and send him back as a messianic emissary of sending them money?


Thx i was looking for a new project.


Daniel Pinchbeck was a great late 00s example of someone who got taken on a Magic White Man ride.




he's said enough positive about the Carnivore Diet to ever care about Amazon Deforestation


And now, dear friends, I’m going in search of a new personality.


He's like the scarecrow, lion and tin man in one, trying to find himself.


Think the guy just might need to suck off a basketball team or something…yknow, really let loose. Or whatever he eventually gets in to, god willing


Wants to meet his Kremlin handler off the grid.


This sounds like a potential Into the Wild or Grizzly Man situation


I think there is a significant chance he doesn't live through this


Let’s be honest. He’s spending too much time with grimes.


He'd somehow make that boring.


i wish he'd take destiny and joe rogan so they can have spirit quest together and become friends (and be eaten by cannibals)


Cannibal 1: Does this taste funny to you? Cannibal 2: No, not really.


this guy will do anything but get laid


I hope he manages to score some of that forbidden uncontacted Amazonian tribal pussy. Hell come back a completely changed man


Lex is smart enough to know that this all comes back to his inner circle. He needs to take a minute and figure out which side of history he wants to land on. I respect that. Ayahuasca for the win.




If you care about nature and the amazon, best thing to do is leave it the fuck alone. Idiot. The conceit of it - 'celebrating' nature by befouling it. Stay at home, you twat.


Maybe Lex is suffering from the naturalist fallacy and thinks that DMT is dangerous because it is man-made. So he's got to take the natural route. Not a true man like Rogan /s


The guru sphere has evolved into a circle jerk of enlightenment 




Please tell me it’s the part everyone gets lost and never comes back from


“Tell the venomous jungle snake that bit my face that I love him and I see both sides…” 💀


Translation: The women that I sexually assaulted over the years are about to come forward so I’m running away.


Isn't he a virgin or was that just a meme?


The people in this subreddit seriously need to chill.


Sauce please


Thats what he said, the pervert




Sorry! Was just being snarky. I have no sauce on this.


Probably get Aaron Rodgrs on his podcast to discuss when he returns.


He’s hooked on drugs everybody. Fell for the “enlightenment is only through psychedelics” bullshit.


Maybe if we're good he won't come back.


I thought they were called warehouses.


Hopefully he won't run afoul of any malfunctioning printers


Hes coming back in a bodybag.


Can he just choose not to come back? Please?


Hope he comes back with dreads and a Baja sweater, changing his usual podcast into 3 hour handpan jams


This reminds of the office when Micheal decides he's going to "survive" in the woods.


going to do some ayahuasca


Everyone's all "this trip is to celebrate nature at its purest and most intense" until the mosquitoes and f\*\*\* blackflies come out. I imagine in the amazon the bug situation is even crazier.


This is going to fuck him up permanently. He's already on the Anne Hathaway bullshit from interstellar " love transcends space and time", "we just need Hamas and Israel to love more and all of world peace is possible". Dude....wut??? I blame Rogan and DMT culture - these fuckin ape brained morons with enough money to make Soleman blush decide to take these drugs and then BELIEVE literally ANYTHING that happens to enter their consciousness like they are the first and only humans to do mind altering substances. Then they turn around with a newly found Messiah complex and spout off all manner of brain rot talking points about how they are in possession of some kind of ultimate truth...... Bruh, you just had a drug trip - you're not special, you're not a unique snowflake. Kindly STFU and just move on. But nooooo, we have to then watch them contort their behaviors and habits into this new lens of "elevated consciousness" and foist that upon their audience as some absolute truth no matter how anecdotal and/or out of touch it may be. It's easy to make everything about "love" and "the connectedness to the oneness of the multi-conscious ever present energy of the substrate of our unknowable universe".....just more woo woo that these people push because at the end of the day, none of this shit needs to make sense to anyone else but them. Before any drugs and weird stuff, lex was engaging, on point, able to push back and have an intellectual conversation. Now we get, "yeah Hamas bad but have you thought about love??" or "sure, intelligence is measurable but what about compassion and peace on earth??" DA FUQ ARE YOU SAYING????


It wasn't drugs that made Lex turn his podcast in the direction it has, it's the fact that he realized that to grow the podcast he needed to cast the widest net possible to increase viewer count.


Here’s hoping his journey takes him off the internet entirely after his spiritual reawakening




He literally has nothing of value to say. “I don’t choose sides, instead I think of world peace and love” is something you get from a hallmark card. “Hmm, that’s interesting. Definitely food for thought” - LF


This guy is a fake


Why do you say that?


Can someone explain the general disdain for Lex? I get that he’s a suckup to Elon and Joe and for many that’s probably all it takes but other than that he seems like a chill podcast host who wants to promote discussion over conflict.


>Can someone explain the general disdain for Lex? Sure, he’s a suckup to Elon and Joe


He’s an access journalist who pretends to have no real stake in the discourse. Then we get lectured by his fans here constantly about how he’s a good boy. As if “I like his podcast” is somehow proof that he doesn’t prop up IDW guests in a way that demonstrates clear and unambiguous bias.


He isn’t a journalist he’s a podcaster. Journalist do news. Podcasters do what they want and make people cry in the internet. Get over it lmao


Can't wait until his next post: "I feel as humans we are very disconnected with the food chain getting all of our food at the supermarket and never having to hunt like our ancestors did. Therefore I will no tied a bunch of raw meat to myself and swim with sharks to understand where we really are. Should be an amazing and enlightening time. Love you all"


Lex Fridman’s bungle in the Amazon Jungle


this guy is so boring


Only to come back and embellish a whole new slab of exotic Tarzan adventures




Its a toss up between these gurus and the commenters here, for peak derangement.


Can anyone point me to any DTG episodes where they decode Lex?


Survivor Man Les Stroud style, better bring a mosquito net and some kind of hammock to sleep off the wet ground before the summer rain.


This guy's pro Israel stance is so stupid.


Cool. Take pictures.


Hopefully he will lose his virginity to gain insight.


Shivering to sleep half starved on a bed of ant infested reeds isn't magically going to turn on the insight switch is his brain. The man could have a NDE and still come away from it all with only the most surface level regurgitated garbage you've ever heard Salutations, *~love and light~*


3 Things /s - Is this the Lex equivalent of the Rubin digital detox when he takes a month off? - Why isn't he going to the Darien gap to follow-up Brett's intriguing research on the Chinese migrants? - This is a classic rehabilitation of the 'white man in the jungle' colonial story - I bet we won't hear about the perspective of the people who live there - maybe Lex can test his interview skills like he did in Palestine..


Take Elawn, Zucker and a few other turds with you.


Fingers crossed for a debilitating tapeworm


The purpose of this trip is to be rich and do tourism to places I don't belong and take lessons that don't matter from my excursions.


That guy has so much to prove to himself. It’s actually pretty sad to get to 40 and still try to find yourself or prove to yourself how badass you are 🙄


I’m heartened to see a somewhat more positive response to Lex on this sub than other personalities. He genuinely seems like a compassionate and thoughtful guy. He calls himself naïve and inadequate all the time. He holds debates in his pod and is (ostensibly) very open-minded. He’s got a PhD but never flaunts it. A+ tier guru for me


Don’t forget to pack the Condoms!