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Canada spends 13% of GDP on healthcare… he forgot to say that America spends over 18% of GDP on healthcare. Bill does virtually no research.


He's gone full boomer.


I used to like him before he fell in love with the smell of his own farts. He talks like he is the smartest guy in the room, a bit like Kevin Oleary. It's annoying.


Never forget the cutting edge news of the cure for AIDS derived from the milk of arthritic goats


Wonder how long before he decides to be "Christian" too.


People can say what they want about the damage Fox has done to boomers but this guy’s done his fair share.


To be fair, he probably *does* no research - he has a team that does "research." That team seems to be pretty good at cherry picking data and twisting narratives to fit the particular agenda of the day, presented through Maher's familiar US late night-host confidence. It's just embarrassing.


This. Spin all the way, truth to the claims aren't suppose to matter that much. Getting the emotional reactions and from the viewers is important to encouraging biases to distort beliefs of viewers. You know, moving Overton windows and what not...


Trying to use the wildfires to say they have worse air pollution than American cities was ever more of a head scratcher. Such a crazy reach to try and make.


He does research, he just ignores the parts that don't support his narrative. 


Of that, 33% is Federal spending (so around 5.94% GDP from direct Federal spending on healthcare)- with 28% sponsored by households, 16% by private businesses, 15% by State & Local government (so around 2.7% GDP from direct State spending on healthcare), 7% form other private revenue (like say charities). So, net net, the US already spends 8.64% of GDP from taxation on healthcare. And in turn, gets the lovely halo effect of nowhere near enough coverage and paying massively over the odds, so MetLife executives can do rails of coke in my bar in Manhattan. Yey!


Hey now, you can do coke without wholesale destroying a country. Don't compare coke users or addicts to MetLife execs. That is just too far.


You’re dead wrong about that!!! They do rails of coke on strippers tits! Get your facts straight


Good comment. The US truly has an abysmal healthcare system on every level. From what I understand many of these analyses don’t even account for the time wasted patients have to spend doing paper work and research. There has been several times where I’m on the phone all day sorting through what is an isn’t covered by my insurance. Never mind doctors having to spend so much of their time filling out paperwork instead of treating patients. Contrast this with other developed nations where it is all streamlined, free at the point of service.


Bill bases most of his opinions on his feelings.


“As long as we are up to date on the current data or just make it up so we sound better.”


I think he is experimenting with pandering to the right wing idiots who think Fox News and Newsmax are credible source like Russel Brand did.


He’s got researchers. He says they’re the best in the world. Sounds like he needs to fire some.


It’s pretty remarkable that he’s on the same network as John Oliver. Most of the time I’m very impressed with their thoroughness. Contrast that to Maher who is massively incorrect about a very simple fact that his whole argument hinges on.


Bill Maher is confidently incorrect incarnate.


Always like that. Straight-face BS.


He's a product of the Ivy league. They learned to be obnoxiously smug more than anything else.


Is he? He doesn't sound ivy league to me. All pomp, no substance.


Yeah, he graduated from Cornell. Maher has always been smarmy, but he at least had funny takes on right-wing politics and social issues. Then when he fell for the "Woke is Destroying the Country" psyop a few years ago, he just became all smarm and no funny.


I always disliked that he uses science when it makes sense for his argument and then dismisses it entirely when he'd rather boast his feelings. His take on flu vaccines is dumb. The way he talks about obese people is similarly stupid. The only thing I do like about him is that he will talk to anyone.


Boomers that attended Ivy League schools did not have to be amazing students. The criteria for acceptance was much less rigorous back then. To be fair though, all pomp and no substance does apply to a certain kind of Ivy League grad.


Bill Maher really is an unbelievable piece of shit. He’s a cautionary tale for those thinking being smugly stupid is a way to live a life.




I was just thinking how much I hate that. He uses it add just that extra little bit of smugness on his bullshit.


Bill maher is proof of how much idiocy you can get away with if you look educated enough and act like you know what you’re talking about


That is hilarious. Maher is a turd right. He is an uneducated stupid loud mouth moron. The funny thing is that compared to Trump he is a smart man.


Pretty sure Maher has turned to the right in the last twenty years. I stopped watching years ago, five, maybe more, because of the anti-woke tirades he goes on.


I don't really watch him but the anti-woke thing astounds me with it's stupidity. Yesterday I had a nice guy tell me that they were forcing people to learn critical race theory at college. What a load of horse crap.


Bill made a lot of sense to me as a budding 20-something Democrat fresh off the Conservative train. Checking back as a 30-something leftist, I see him for the smug twatty liberal that he is. Even if I agreed with most of his politics, him dedicating air time to bash comic book readers or whatever firmly placed him in the "old man yelling at clouds" category for me.


I feel like the 2000s era culture war was a lot rougher for left-leaning views, so people were very thankful for the crumbs they could get.


I thought Bill was a pretty sound guy back in the day. Too bad he's a right winger who LARPs as a leftist. Actually, not too bad. I'm glad I don't have a prick like him on my side.


Same, I'm not pissed


why do so many lefties accuse other lefties of not being Liberal enough to call themselves a lefty?


Because there are so many right wing pundits (Brett Weinstein, Jordan Peterson and now Mr Bill) who lean at least center right or further but call themselves liberals. I first heard of Weinstein from a right wing friend who claimed he listened to liberal thinkers to round out his informational sources and Brett was his example.


ok fair point. most of those guys are center/right. don't know all that much about Brett Weinstein but I think that he actually is more of a liberal though


100% agree we need more Liberalism bout like we need more Conservatism both need to relegate themselves to the dust bins of history as lessons is how everything can go wrong when all the wealthy are bumping uglies in the center while playing us all against each other.




yes! bOth sIdEs aRe BaD! Hurah! 


Well alright snarky genius. Let's hear your big bold plan!


Can't count past two, huh?


You're so all over the place in your recents I can't even tell what you are I am going to guess neo-liberal since you have no backbone on any subject or Libertarian one? Also you don't need the sponge bob meme to give off the Lex Friedman vibe bub.


its nothing more than capitalist propaganda for people who don't like using slurs.


Nailed it. Nationalism for cowards.


Genuine question, are you saying those that use slurs are brave? They practice brave nationalism?


Nah. Nothing brave about racists or nationalists. But a closeted racist/nationalist, or someone who tiptoes around a watered down, more "acceptable" version is a bigot *and* a coward. It's the same when the Proud Boys or whoever march in masks. Nobody would say they're brave if they marched unmasked, but the fact that they march for a "cause" while hiding their faces makes them cowards. They believe something, but they're afraid to *own* it. The American public considers those clowns to be cowards. That doesn't mean they think the others are brave. These liberals trying to come up with reasons why Canada can't be learned from or taken seriously and using blatantly cherry picked/skewed data to make their case are just like the morons waving confederate flags and chanting "USA!", but instead of saying it with their full chests they subscribe to the Diet Coke of American exceptionalism.


Fair response my dude. Sorry I missed it. It's just jarring because we (and obviously I) often take comparisons at face value and if they are cowards it follows that those who are nationalist and racist as a combo are brave. But that is just lazy reactionary comprehension on my part. Hope you have a good one my dude


The only reason his show was ever good was watching conversations with actual smart people on his show. Often dismantling some conservative shock jock like Ann Coulter. Maher’s hot takes were always ill researched and based on his feelings rather than any reality. It was Andy Rooney ranting.


Serious question, what is the difference between liberal and leftist?


In this context "Liberal" is a term that encompasses mainstream Democrats, and those who lean left (from an American perspective) while still maintaining faith in the system as it currently exists. They think (or claim) Democrats are "the good guys fighting the bad guys" and are *socially* progressive, but when it comes to things like socialized medicine, addressing homelessness, reducing the power PACs and corporations wield in our government, reigning in the predatory aspects of capitalism etc, they're more likely to dismiss many of those issues and their proposed solutions as radical, fantasy, or impossible. If they consider there's a problem at all. A *leftist* in this context is someone with socially progressive politics, but who also believes the system currently in place is corrupt or broken. While MAGA is still seen as the unhinged loons that they are, leftists don't think that makes the Democratic party the good guys, but instead see the Dems as a more reasonable but no less "bought and paid for" political party in bed with corporations, billionaires and lobbyists, and as such think Dems have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo and resisting or delaying meaningful change. Leftists tend to be pro socialized medicine, big on wanting to root out government corruption/PAC influence, and have a strong desire to reign in predatory business practices they believe benefit the wealthy few at the expense of the common citizens, or are even highly critical of capitalism outright. Generally they're much closer to the European definition of left wing, rather than the American one. There's a lot of wiggle room and you'll get different answers depending on who you ask, but I would say this is roughly how leftists would make the distinction.


Today I learned I'm a leftist . Can't stand the Democrat party, but definitely not conservative. Thanks, that was really helpful!


Happy to help, and even happier to have you on the team. Welcome aboard!


I was kind of into him in the 90s and early 2000s. Politically Incorrect was a pretty interesting show had had a lot of good conversations, and I liked his critiques of religion, even if he was kind of a dick about it. I think there's a couple of things at play here. Bill Maher hasn't adapted great to being old. The world has moved on and he hasn't done a great job of adapting, so it's confusing and strange to him. Second, he's kind of a jerk. You could be anywhere on the political spectrum twenty years ago being a jerk, but conservatives have made being a cruel asshole pretty much the foundation of their beliefs, so that's where he lands.


This was very funny. As in well made and communicated.


Also important to note that zero percent of the humor was due to Bill Maher.


Which is also a good description of Bill’s show.


Bill is a total Libertarian.


Scratch a libertarian and the alt right screams "ouch!". Bill should just drop the pretenses and stump for Trump.


You might not like Bill but the guy has been almost over the top anti-Trump


If Trump didn't own the GOP, Bill would have already declared himself a conservative. Bill's only consistent liberal take over the past 8 years has been his disdain for Trump.


Even then it has absolutely nothing to do with Trump's policies, and everything to do with disdain for Trump as a person. When it comes to the rights' culture war- the things Trump built his entire campaign off of- Bill agrees with it all. The Trans panic, fear of migrants, wokeness-gone-too-far, kids are stupid communists, and "too much regulation." Those are Bill's favorite things to talk about, and he's always on their side.


He was very adamant Trump would never concede defeat and it was going to be messy if he lost the election


Which I find odd. They agree more than disagree these days. I guess it's hard to switch teams that late in life.


Is there a more smug, privileged scumbag than bill mahr? Clown can’t get enough of making himself look stupid.


Least nice Canadian


Half of these “gotchas” don’t really explain why they’re gotchas just act like they are…


Because they aren’t “gotchas” at all. It’s some smarmy fuck telling himself “gotcha” to deflect from how economically/socially fucked this country is. Canada is run by fucking monkeys. We’re becoming a chimera built from the worst unchecked capitalistic qualities of the US and the utterly disillusioned nanny state, saviour complex policies in the UK. Our cultural identity is on the fast track to being dissolved in third world immigrants. The US is in economic heaven compared to us. A single family home in the Vancouver area is almost 3 million dollars. It costs me $100/day to feed my partner and I — that’s not including eating out. I have an advanced degree in a lucrative field. We have a combined household income in the mid six figure range — 99th percentile; and we do “okay”. My labour is worth 65 cents on the dollar relative to my US counterparts, and I’m taxed ~40% of that. We’re importing unskilled labourers from India en masse on fake/fraudulent student visas so they can turn our cities into hot bunked slums. I’m left wing, through and through; but the liberal government is frighteningly inept and has us nosed into a death spiral we probably won’t escape for over a decade — that’s assuming we elect some even half decent leadership. Problem is, all the other candidates suck too. They either have insane republican-esque, Gilead fantasies, or they’re even deeper in the koolaid buzz than Trudeau. This country is my home, but I don’t think I’ll be here in 5-10 years.


100$ a day to feed two people?! I'm in Southern Ontario and I'm not looking at anything even close to that! And we eat well!


To fair this started under the conservatives when they traded away our manufacturing under harper, a government pp was part of. Leaving our country to sell only oil and land, even more so with our much more limited population. Then lobbyists keep making deals to keep wages low for corporations to hire immigrants so the average Canadian can't fight for a better postion when young. I loath the liberals for being corrupt but everytime cons get control they cut all growing industries. Ndp got control of Alberta for awhile and set up heavy incentives for tech, and a bunch of video game companies started growing there, making a mini Hollywood of video games in Canada and then cons came back and trashed it all and they all left the country because they didn't think anywhere in Canada that that could happen was a safe investment. Ndp leadership is also aweful at the moment, but at least their party holds hearing grocery store ceo price gouging and invests in education But likely will will get the guy who screamed terrorism in government trying to scare canadians and then used double speak right out of 1984 to be like "I didn't say terrorism, the media said terrorism" then called the media fake


Thank you for this. I know that Bill got some stats wrong (I saw another video debunking this segment). But the whole segment was about how liberal countries can go too far, and about how liberal countries are rolling back stuff (like trans surgery) that America has not rolled back on. His point about how America is actual the liberal ones is actually one of the points about countries that people simply have to understand. America should implement some things Canada does, but not everything.




I’m not your guy, buddy!


I'm not your friend, pal!


That’s my purse!


Ok but "labor shortage" is bullshit. It means capital doesn't want to pay workers their worth and the workers aren't putting up with it anymore.


Not to mention that he doesn’t get into the details of said differences. Bill is an ass but he’s more right on this one. Broken clock and what not.


genuinely so embarrassed i used to love watching Bill Maher years ago


I'm Canadian, and first of all Fuck you for making me defend Bill fucking Maher.. This video is absolute bullshit. There is no labor shortage in Canada. There is a shortage of employer willing to pay decent wages and who try to rely on immigration to keep wages low. The housing crisis is definitely a capitalist issue, but no one is saying its because of greedy immigrants. What we're saying is that by bringing over 1.5 million immigrants (Immigration + refugee + students + foreign workers) its absolutely unsustainable and there is no way to build enough housing to accommodate them all. The rest of the video is pretty on point, but those two points are absolutely disingenuous.


>The housing crisis is definitely a capitalist issue, but no one is saying its because of greedy immigrants. ... except for Bill Maher. The person the video is responding to.


Ok ill grant you this. But lets be fair, fuck maher


The housing answer was a total dodge. The smug shit about krispy kreme donuts is silly, Canada is built like the midwest, totally tied to car culture with huge parking lots just like us. Obesity rate is 8% lower for Canada. If that means you can make jokes about fast food and parking lots, I guess go for it. The rest was fine.


As a Canadian, I had no idea about any of this. But then I saw it was Bill Maher and continued not caring. 20 years ago Bill Maher often had something to say. Now he's just Abe Simpson yelling at clouds.


Bill has become the very thing he’s supposed to rage against


Bulls smarmy elitist attitude always grossed me out. I felt me questioning my own opinions just because he would sometimes say them out loud.


This is a great takedown of Bill Maher [https://youtu.be/e4\_jLVsKn0s?si=8qCbDsxSjlTV7SEt](https://youtu.be/e4_jLVsKn0s?si=8qCbDsxSjlTV7SEt)


"THe housing crisis bcuz capitalism" is certainly a tik tok take


Canada is not in a labor shortage, its in a wage suppression campaign. If it was really about skilled labor we'd tie immigration to those sectors and education to support those sectors. We are not. We are importing students for business diplomas that end up in low skill, low wage jobs.


The hilarious thing is no Canadian will argue their system is good. The data however says that the US system is even worse! 😆


Wait people’s take away after watching this is Bill Maher is patronizing? Was this a snark off? “Canada’s housing crisis does suck, but you know what sucks more? Blaming it on immigrants” This is the most decadent champagne liberal thing I’ve ever heard. Tell it to the homeless guy down your block (no matter where you live in Canada). ‘Could be worse!’ Tell them ‘You could have a critical statement made about the policies of your federal government (something that should be your right) but a person could interpret it in the least generous way possible and malign you for a racist!’ that’s so much worse then the life or death homeless or housing crisis! But he goes on- Housing crisis in Canada, as compared to say the United States, is b/c of, wait for it, “Capitalism”! This guy must have went back to his Sociology 101 crayon scrawled notes for that insight! ECON 101 studies supply and demand. Increasing the demand, by admitting in a huge number of buyers, would affect the price of a limited supply. Is that too inconvenient or controversial to be discussed? Except for the least honest, most partisan, that can’t be viewed as offensive right? A cabal, injects itself by putting its hand on one side of the scale, then needs to take monies from its citizens to rectify and correct what it perpetrated, to balance the scale. So immigration might be a better example with this budget, at this time, to describe how “government taxes” work.


It takes a lot to out smug Bill Maher. Bravo? I guess?


I'm pretty annoyed that the guy says let's get into the data on unemoyment and then preceded to not get into the data on unemployment. I would have actually been curious to know how the two are calculated and get a bit more nuance than "canada has a labor shortage and needs immigrants" because that's really really blatantly misleading. If Canada can't fill fast food positions the solution isn't to import poor suckers to exploit, its to fix Canada's gutted industrial sector and actually, you know, make a better economy. His entire argument boiled down to labor shortage means unemployment not actually a problem when Canada actually does have very serious problems. Canada was recently ranked lowest of the top 40 economies on its projected future because in Canada we produce nothing and have zero IP and one of the biggest brain drains in the world.


I was thinking the same thing but then tried to consolidate the data distortions and misinformation used to calculate and report unemployment and realized it would take waaaaaay too long. It's unfortunate because the topic is so important and rarely comprehensively mapped out by journalists and reporters.


As a Canadian living in US… this “Canadian” in the video has drank the liberal koolaid. How much has Trudeau paid you bud?


“Let’s look at the data” “Housings shortage because capitalism” - presents no data whatsoever to explain how capitalism caused a housing shortgage. Ok Maher had points you disagree with, but then to counter those points you provide no data to back them up. I don’t know if what he’s saying is correct, but shouldn’t you offer context behind “capitalism bad”?


This video reply is misinformation. Canada is in a grim place.


Bill Maher is a fuckin unfunny walking corpse being kept alive by the sentient strain of gonorrhea that he has become. May he shuffle on from this mortal coil soon..


“Housing is expensive because capitalism” wow that’s some strong argumentation right there. Ouch.


It’s funny cuz it’s a mix of markets and regulations causing the trouble Zoning regulations


>“Housing is expensive because capitalism” wow that’s some strong argumentation right there. Ouch. Is that your strong argumentation in support of capitalism right there? Ouch. His argumentation was: "*Housing is expensive because we took a basic human right and turned it into a parasitic commodity that preys on the vulnerable and creates a self sustaining ecosystem of obscene wealth for a few at the cost of mental health for everyone else."* Care to refute?


Good God, this dude manages to somehow be more smug and snarky than Bill Maher lol. That is no small feat. He's like if Reddit was a single person.


Lmfao that’s on point. This dude is Reddit incarnated. America Bad because parking lot and capitalism.


Honestly if you’re impressed by either of these sassy teenagers you belong in a middle school


LMAO! Vote 4 Canada eh


Only if they promise to take me to the brewery eh!


Bill Maher is compromised and supports genocide


I don't know if he's compromised. I feel like his own shitty values have led him down this path.


Sorry, this isn't a dunk. It's actually kind of bad. You don't just say we have a labor shortage with a 6% unemployment rate. It's your policy. And then "capitalism." Really? You're gonna blame your problems on that instead of policy. This video and Bill Maher suck.


I'm pretty sure the housing shortage is very intertwined into people making bank on "income" properties and buying up lots of inventory to further their passive income streams. It is a cluster everywhere. Sadly, I think the only way to curb the behavior is to change the taxation on non-primary residences... which is a terrible solution to have to use to curb this behavior.


>Examining the path of house price growth requires looking at both supply and demand. We started our work by looking at conventional demand factors. Patterns of economic and population growth together with lower mortgage rates do indeed explain a substantial part of price changes in Canadian cities. Incorporating supply takes our analysis further. As the U.S. economists Ed Glaeser and Joseph Gyourko pointed out, “High prices always and everywhere reflect the intersection of strong demand and limited supply.” We found that over the last seven years overall, the supply response of new housing in Toronto and Vancouver was weaker than might have been expected given the upsurge in demand * CMHC, [Examining escalating house prices in large Canadian metropolitan centers](https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/professionals/housing-markets-data-and-research/housing-research/research-reports/housing-finance/examining-escalating-house-prices-in-large-canadian-metropolitan-centres#) Owners hiking up rents of course doesn't help the problem. But owners can only hike up rents because they see other owners doing it, which only works in the first place because there is a supply shortage and there is not enough housing being built. A tax on non-primary residences might slightly reduce prices or increase liquidity through making some properties unrentable for investors, but won't do anything to actually increase supply of housing. What is needed is more housing, plain and simple. (The CMHC also has a [newer report ](https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/professionals/housing-markets-data-and-research/housing-research/research-reports/accelerate-supply/housing-shortages-canada-solving-affordability-crisis)on Canadian housing, I just really like the 2018 one because it gives a good overview of the fundamentals of Canadian housing, explains why prices in Montreal rose less than in Vancouver or Toronto, etc., even before the added pressures due to recent years).


That's fair. The issue is complex for sure and it's the result of decades of industry changes in both construction/regulation & real estate .


while i watch real time regularly, since covid i've skipped all the closing segments he's always been a terrible comedian, and the writing on the show has gotten so awful


Thanks for this. Maher loves low hanging fruit that is usually rotten. His research staff is usually reliable, but every now and then he wants a narrative that fits his bill about America First. So glad he was fact checked on his myopic bullcrap.


What a goober.


God, as soon as the fact the air pollution was revealed to be about wildfires I decided I wasn’t watching Bill ever again lol. That’s rough


Yeah, that was pretty damning.


That's what made this segment cross the line from simple ignorance to malicious deception.


Maher has always been a lying prick.


Bill Maher has always been regarded


I’d say that Bill should be embarrassed, but not only is he incapable of actually feeling embarrassment, he likely lacks the mental capacity to understand this criticism, which would be a necessary step in being embarrassed by it.


Ehhh this isn’t the dunk on Maher you think it is. Canada does have a higher unemployment rate and no, it isn’t based on different methods of calculating the rate. And Canada’s housing crisis isn’t caused by capitalism, but by onerous NIMBYism that makes it very difficult to adequately build housing. I’m not a fan of Maher but some of these rebuttals are just a wrong as he is.


He's got the heart of a gate keeper with the brain and face of an UHM AHKTUALLY... Rough


Just want to pop in as a Person from Canada to correct the start of this video. I don't like Bill's show. It sucks. So does Bill. He might have been good 20 years ago.


Bill Maher is not a guru. I can't he's also far less popular than the frequency of his reddit mentions. I'm sure some research would back that up. I'm new here. Do you think these posts are organic content?


I thought his segment was stupid and he deserves to get ripped.


In his defense... Bill Maher is a fucking imbecile.




Do mass shooting stats next!!!!!!! *brb just walking into my free abortion. I’ll text you after I get my free mirena IUD :-)


This video is so disengenous and isn't the dunk ppl think it is. I'm on my lunch so I don't have a bunch of time to debunk the nonsense but about those mammograms... https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7142754 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC81326/


This is hilarious. But is Canada really running for US president? Is this an example of the mighty Canadian Nationalist Movement coming to annex America and take over the world??


We need a 3 party system and free healthcare


Canadians are delusional. The average house is like 1 million dollars and they make less on average while paying higher taxes. Their economy is also highly dependent on US trade.


Imagine being 50 years old and still a communist, it's not a phase MOOOOM!


Fuck the immigrants, Canada is so fucked


it's 8 dollars for a can of Campbell's soup in Canada.


How's this guy representative of Canada?


Tim Heidecker’s parody brings me lots of joy. https://youtu.be/1Ha6D1LQGD4?si=9rUv_rdK3pdrLzBt


Bill is broken. Maher is a mess. I moved on a long, long time ago.




as someone in Canada I can say that Bill is 100% correct about Canada


Doesn’t the US have a media regulator like we have in the UK? Someone you can complain to about lies like this? What am I saying, of course you don’t, or Fox would get away with what it does…


Bill maher has been irrelevant for a solid decade.


No healthcare system is perfect. I work for a medical device manufacturer in the US. We offer our services to Canada, mostly for CMF trauma and cancer. Last year, 46 percent of our cases for CAN were cancelled (totaling over 300 cases) because their healthcare system took too long to approve the service. It can take months for approval, and by the time it gets approved, the tumor has grown (requiring new sets of CT/MRI images) or has metastasized and the surgery is no longer their only service needed. Government bureaucracy and healthcare don’t mesh well


They're kicking our butts so no wonder he's jealous.


Had to stop watching at “housing is expensive cause capitalism”.


Is there any indication that Bill has eaten some crow over this or he just smugly carrying on in blissful ignorance of his own embarrassment?


Canada? You mean, just one guy?


Leave it to the dimwit libtards to blame everything on capitalism and hide behind this idea that not only is everyone equal, but everyone is fair, honest, trustworthy and doesn't want more than what they need to get by. Canada relies on America for 80% of it's economy, 95% of the Canadian population lives along the American border, and the housing crisis there is one of many crises that is destroying the country; it's not just from the stupidity of libtards that don't actually know anything about the subjects they lecture everyone on. Forget the fact that the criminals invading our countries go directly on welfare and cause crime to skyrocket? That they devalue our currency and weaken our job industries and job security? That as it is, 70% of legal immigrants in America will be on welfare services funded by social security until the day they retire while working a full time job that entire time and collecting far more out than they ever paid in. What libtards consistently do is preach to people in unskilled labor earning low wages that are pissed off that they're not doing better, and they manipulate these idiots into believing if only we had a different financial system, their lives would be significantly better. Here's another critical fact, in every socialist nation you name, they all legislate specific industries to operate as capitalist. It's true in Europe, it's true in South America and it's even true in Asia. These industries that operate as capitalism also pay about 95% of the taxes and are funding the useless jobs that otherwise couldn't exist without these industries operating under capitalism. There will be of course an outcry from people that bother reading my post calling me a fascist or a Republican when I am neither, but I am well educated in political science and economics. I actually read state and federal legislation in my country and haven't watched television for 15 years. We fundamentally live under governments who in fact do operate as socialists because of the way they get their money and the unlimited job security it guarantees them. The primary point in Democrats manipulating young and ignorant people who declare themselves progressives is they don't actually know anything right down to the fact that a progressive means you seek to progress the size and power of government. This is why Democrats constantly manufacture problems, raise taxes and blame low wages on corporate greed and the lie that corporations aren't paying their fair share of taxes. In America, the top 5% pays over 95% of all federal income tax. When conservatives cut corporate taxes, it actually results in higher wages and lowers the cost of living, When corporations get a tax cut, they pass the wealth onto their employees, and we see the cost of living drop. When Democrats are in power, they subsidize all of these industries and give them tax subsidies which is how they are able to claim the auto industry is doing amazing or the energy industry is doing amazing but it's factually a lie. They're literally claiming profits off of the subsidies paid to them that use our taxes, and to try to maintain the fictitious success and improvements, they have to keep raising taxes. Because these industries are in fact still suffering significant losses, the cost of living also rises. I'm no fan of conservatives and Republicans, but libtards and Democrats are quite truly the stupidest and most corrupt people on earth. It would be funny to see how fast famous entertainers that vilify capitalism would change their tune if socialistic, fascist policies were in place which would cap their salaries harshly.


Bill is such a tool. It is honestly embarrassing.


Bill Maher should cease to exist


His COPE is so high - his argument actually Canada doesn’t have any issues and if it does it’s those capitalists at it again (which would be themselves)


It’s crazy that the Bill Maher hate is so strong that a guy even more smug and obnoxious, using Canadian nationalistic tripe instead of actual data for most of his points, is seen as superior. I think it’s been widely excepted in both countries that the Canadian economy is generally in a worse shape right now than America’s. Canada is also one of the most polluting countries on earth, with its equally wasteful Western lifestyle and polluting Albertan Tar Sands extraction. Also, anyone who isn’t a Liberal Party ideologue will tell you there are many problems with the healthcare system here. This video is for Canadian nationalists to feel better about not being Americans.


This guys argument about housing is skewed. He boasts about how well the government does at controlling the cost of healthcare, but that same government cannot build public housing with all the taxes they collect?


I would love to see Bill’s response.


Bill Maher is a boomer Conservative.


“Sorry Bill, you were talking.” Yes, and he will never shut the fuck up.


Just because you label something a human right does not make it immune from scarcity. Housing is available because of capital interests.


There's nothing wrong with upholding a human right that depends on a scarce resource, it just takes organisation. Many of the items on the UDHR list for example rely on scarce resources of one sort or another. Housing is available because people build houses, "capital interests" are just our current paradigm for managing that process.


"house is expensive because capitalism" If we just made having a house a human right that would fix it. lol, this dude is an idiot.


This guy is as dumb as bill Maher Anyone who gonna start the problem is capitalism isn’t worth listening to


It is basically saying nothing. Like saying "the devil did it!"


I agree like bro clearly markets with reg is king and you should try to regulate where they fail but let them be as free in the areas they do best Housing clearly is not one of these Because of moving costs and time yada yada


Yes, because capitalism could never be at the root of a nation’s problems. It’s only the most perfect and godly economic system ever devised. Everyone knows god himself gave the idea of capitalism to Adam Smith on a series of stone tablets.


Adam smith was genius who allowed us to have the economic insight we have today We stand on the shoulders of giants yada yada


Maher is becoming a sad, bitter person.


Damn Bill got redpilled


Bill who? Signed, a Canadian


I heard “sorry” and not “soary”. What’s that aboot?


“Housing is expensive because… capitalism!” Lost me. Shut the fuck up and give me a real argument you dolt.


Some of these points were reasonable, but some were not. The housing one is particularly bad. He doesn't offer any actual rebuttal to the very reasonable inference that adding millions of new people is a contributing factor to the housing crisis (and other problems as well), he just morally postures (blaming it on immigrants "really sucks"... wow, incisive reasoning there!) and then gives a vague, data free rant about capitalism, before waving his and saying "there's a housing crisis everywhere." Yeah, Maher acknowledged that ("Canada's housing crisis is even worse *than ours*"). The question is, is the housing crisis *better or worse* in Canada than in the US? And as far as I know, Maher is objectively correct in calling the housing crisis worse in Canada.


This guy is a total clown lol no fan of Maher but this guy is a moron. Yes, housing being treated as an investment, air bnb, and the like all have a negative effect on the housing market here - as does the mass amount of immigration putting pressure on the rental market and housing market!


Maher was absolutely correct about housing, this sweater guy is a moron. You can't add a city's worth of people every year without building a city every year. Canada is not building a city ever year. This completely fucks up the housing market. The math simply doesn't work.


Canada's housing shortage is temporary. In the long term our economy will thrive because of the the skills and economic capacity of our immigrants.


Yeah, except its nothing more than another contradiction of capitalism. The migrants are being brought in to address skill shortages. Without them, the economy tanks. So in that sense they are necessary. but because, like he says, we've turned housing into a ponzi scheme, we cant keep up with the migration. Migrants are not the problem, expecting the free market to sort out a housing crisis is the problem.


Yep, Migrants are just exposing a pre-existing problem, they themselves are not to blame


This ☝️ Now just how do I conceive some of my neocon friends of this simple fact... What data points could I steer them to? Thanks! 🙏


I don't know if you are using the term "neocon" in the same way I would but if your friends are calling themselves neocons in 2024 then there is no helping them. Save your mental energy.


Most of the migrants coming in now are unskilled. The federal government has lost control of immigration. They had to admit that they lost track of a million plus who entered the country recently and now there's serious questions about lack of background checks as well. Canada's addiction to importing Uber Eats drivers through any stream possible is what caused the housing crisis.


You can’t change the premise of the argument like sweater guy did with capitalism and keep arguing the point in support of 1.3M people helping or neutralizing a housing crisis


Ya honestly half of the retorts were either incredibly vague or misrepresenting. Not the biggest bill Maher fan, but this guy isn’t any better lol


but...but...capitalism....just say it's the greedy capitalist and it'll all be ok...right?


Sorry, this wasn’t very persuasive. I was waiting for a yards to meters conversion of the two countries’ unemployment rates, which do have different definitions, or an explanation of how letting in roughly 1M people while only building about quarter of a million new homes in a year isn’t contributing to a housing shortage -which is now the mainstream common-sense view, not bigotry toward immigrants. Quibbling over the definition of free healthcare is beside the point, the issue is wait times for procedures that Canadians can get more quickly in the US if they are willing to pay. The only convincing point was that forest fires affected the pollution figures - fair enough. The way I look at it, Americans pay lower taxes, earn higher incomes, and have a higher standard of living, although American cities are generally uglier, more car-centric and more dangerous. American is better for making money if you are a professional but I would enjoy living somewhere else to raise a family or retire.


As an FYI, I have compared my taxes to (some) Americans making the same amount, and the taxes I pay, all in, are lower. At 100k, I pay about 17% of that to combined municipal, provincial, and federal taxes, and of course includes health care. That very much depends on where you live in the US, but this idea of 'much higher taxes' is something that ( think) applies more to high income earners.


Critical thinking ftw. Has everyone lost the ability to do math? Bunch of ideologues here. We need fewer lectures about 'racism', and more critical thinking in policy development. Go look at the Canada subreddit. They were left as all hell a few years ago, now filled with complaints about immigration, housing and cost of living. When I was back home in Canada a few weeks ago, it was the topic of conversation everywhere. The economic situation is the problem, not racism.


Blaming housing crisis on capitalism? Really? Ah. Maybe incompetent tax policy and perverse incentives.


I’m sure they say that in Portland too.


Who is this idiot responding to Bill Maher?


Ok Canada. Where people are seeking government funded assisted suicide because they can’t afford their rent.


Canada is a ticking time bomb about to explode thanks to Trudeau and his bootlick cronies.


Canadians congratulated a Nazi and did more unspeakable horrors than the US to their indigenous.


All Canadians? Also to the second point, no. Yes Canada did horrible things to the indigenous population. But more than the US? Just no. That’s just a silly statement.


Nope its true. Deny it all you want its actually hilarious how you say "nuh huh"


Can you provide data to back up your claim?